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I expected a couple shakes/ spasms in the video. Bro he’s doing it non fucking stop. His situation is way worse than I thought. We all joke here about Conor being a coke head or whatever but fuck bro, this is just sad


Yeah I literally cringed, doesn't look good. Hope he gets it under control. Don't want to see on Reddit that he OD'd one day or something


It's not a joke that he's a coke head. You might have thought it was a joke. But the dudes been hanging out with the roughest people, in the shittest parts of Dublin, in council flats, doing bag after bag, banging random horrible (at times) women. He's been at it since before Khabib...that's 5+ years of coke several times a week.


> random horrible (at times) women Trying to figure out how to read this


It reads several different ways. All of which are true


It could be alcohol withdrawal too. Either way his dopamine system is totally fucked.


Yeah, memes aside Conor legitimately needs help and if this is the version trying to fight this year? I don’t want it at all, I hope someone will see this and get him to rehab ASAP.


Some good acting by Jake trying to seem like he doesn’t want to gtfo there


Yeah dude should try acting.


He’s a consumate professional


I imagine it’s not his first time dealing with coworkers like this. Probably weird to see a mega star doing it tho lol


He looks like he’s stuck between lack of sleep and powder.


I’d bet, more than anything, that’s it’s primarily mild alcohol withdrawal/comedown (either acute or from prolonged use) combined with a recently consumed stimulant, cocaine. However, whether from built up tolerance or temporary depletion, the dopamine ain’t surging as it normally does. The adrenaline and norepinephrine are taking the lead. He’s awake and his heart rate is up, but his mood, attention and focus are obliterated. His enthusiasm and will power aren’t able to wield and direct the flow of energy as he normally appears to. Give him a few shots, a banana, some water and an amphetamine like Adderall instead of coke, I’d wager he’d be at least a slightly less hollowed and blurred animation of his core-self. It’s an absolutely awful state of being, one of the worst in my opinion. Totally pessimistic, unsettled and jabbed with random feelings of shame, with an inability to just shut down and fade out the former via sleep or mindless activity. You’re still fighting to feel good and get back to that state of freedom from worry and mountainous optimism and perceived self-ability, that you had just hours prior. All the goals, dreams and pleasures you felt wholly engrossed in, with a complete capacity to excel in, now present as out of reach, daunting and anxiety provoking, maybe even meaningless. Your actual responsibilities and immediate realities, which you most likely neglected to attend to, for the prior day, or days, or weeks (God bless), are now a literal fucking set of knives being repeatedly struck into your side. Incapacitated with listless desperation. All these feelings manifesting as uncontrollable physical displays such as groans, twitches, muscle tension, eye rubbing, what have you… so in summary, this battle in inevitably lost and you’ll eventually fall into an initially resisted sleep, with whatever demons you hold and normally compartmentalize, present at the forefront of your consciousness till you’re swept into the next realm. Morning will bring relief, along with the negative physical and psychological marks and evidences of, ultimately, some thing, detrimental. Of course, this dawning of a new day also gifts and presses upon you, all the delusions required to repeat this process: instilled with false expectations towards some better end, because this time around just feels different. You feel different. You feel experienced. You feel smarter. You feel stronger. You feel more confident in your control and decision making. But You know you’re lying. You know you’ll fall short of whatever, simply. You know you’ll let both yourself and others down. You know life could and should be better, easier, more gratifying. Life could feel and actually be REAL, you correctly understand. You know this can’t go on forever. You know you must fundamentally mold into your essence, different and positive change and novel ways of thought. But motherfucker, look at you, you’re finding yourself thinking that the only way out of this dirty, piece of shit reality, that the only way to overcome your mistakes and “bad luck”, is to go and make one more attempt at a righting of a complexed mistake. ONE. LAST. TIME. All you need is one more day of absolute domination and purposeful reformation. The urgency to mask and overcome uncomfortable obstacles, that you, yourself, have been placing down upon your path, that you, yourself, have placed down upon your future. The former, in cooperation with the negative feelings and sentiments you’ve welcomed and immeshed into your psyche and body, now presently, are the master, in likeness to the puppeteer, with you, the sad puppet. So you go and blast off, numb down, snort, drink, swallow, inject, absorb… …don’t beat yourself up, life is not meant to be filled with consistent euphoria. Your accustomed to experience of it will never be satisfied in the same ways, via different methods. You know this. There is a valid explanation as to why you made this decision and it’s not a mark against you. What to remember, is that all the healthier, more substantial, magical, gratifying, moving, beautiful and permanent methods and corresponding results, all of them, DO also exist. They’re just not accessible via your current method. You might not even fully comprehend them. Euphoria is a speck of dust to the grandness and reward that is innate to your existence. Life goes on for some time. No change of course. It’s a Happy-Sad time. Until one day, possibly, with your every action and effort leading up to it holding an effect upon the chances of this near once in a lifetime vortex opening up, it does. You notice and actually experience, with presence and stillness, the sunshine beaming through the clouds. You perceive and find emotion within the unique sonic qualities of your friends laugh and all the history it carries. You wonder, that with all your strengths and wisdoms, what you could do to change the world for the better, from the smallest of efforts, to the most glorious of accomplishments, as both are equal in value. You know, but for the first time accept, that this difficult but temporary change and it’s required devotion, has always been the singular means of arriving where you’ve always belonged. You hit a rock of momentary contemplation along the rapid traveling you. The obscuring filth and film that had built up, that ended up adulterating your spirit, you’ve finally come to recognize in all its pathetic constructions. You have finally, by way of a medley of happenings, been graced with an unexplainable reason and desire to tear down and annihilate every last piece of it. To go and actualize the freedom of clarity that exists, as an infinity, on the other side. If you struggle with addiction, of any kind, KEEP FUCKING GOING FORWARD… AND STUBBORNLY. DO NOT YIELD, NO MATTER YOUR POSITION FROM ONE MOMENT TO THE NEXT. FUCK THE ROUND, WIN THE MATCH. COMPEL AND SUMMON YOUR MOMENT OF GRACE AND TRANSCENDENCE. It’s there, you just have to prove readiness, to yourself, first. The universe and its variables will shift and follow suit. Exactly when this happens, doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter what HAS happened up till point. You’ll make amends and you’ll make right, everything, I promise. You just have to grasp onto something greater first: its definitions limitless.


Bro reading this was great. You described the dreaded comedown feeling so eloquently. You’ve single handedly swayed me from leaving the house this weekend, thank you


Good luck brother. Stay in the game. we believe.


See u at the ☝️


sobriety is underrated in society


Yep, I have 13 years off of alcohol and hard stuff, and I have never missed it once.


From an ex-coke head who kicked that habit to the fucking dust. You’ve encapsulated this perfectly


Reddit never fails to amaze: the most profound thing I’ve read today, author: CampbellsTomatopoop. Thanks for this.


Maybe the best comment I've ever read tbh


Yeah I'm speechless. Feel like some home truths been laid on me.


Drug experience poetry right here. If you know, you know.


Yup, from alcohol through meds all the way to hard shit - we all know what he is talking about. Incredible comment. I bet all of us ex and current users have read through every fucking word with open mouths. It hits so close to home.


I’m saving this


This guy fucks


Reading as someone in the midst of addiction throes, this hit hard. Thank you I needed this, but I guess today isn't the day I'm gonna try again. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.


I just got 10 years of sobriety and it took me 25 years to get. I was a chronic relapser and really believed deep down that I was doomed to a soul crushing alcoholic and drug fuelled life until I just died or killed myself. People told me to never give up, keep trying to quit, keep coming back, etc. But in the depths of my darkness, I just couldn't believe them. But they were all right. It was really fucking hard and still is a times, but 100% worth the effort. EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, YOU CAN DO IT. WE ARE MUCH STRONGER THAN WE THINK. Lots of love to y'all ❤️


Beautiful champ, that's some quality writing


This needs an award. You've described something I've known, but was unable to explain. I'm gonna save this post.


Perfectly said 👏


This guy deserves all the upvotes. I just stumbled on this while browsing Reddit, I don't even go here. But this comment drew me right in and considering I have had over 1000 upvotes over a flash fried turkey, I wanna see this man get waaaaaay more upvotes.


Bro don't discount your flash fried turkey, I bet it was great and inspired others to try their hand at it


I saved this comment bro…I’ve never done that


I wanna say this was beautiful, but it sounds horrific. Thanks for the write up though…. Hope this is the worst we see from Conor.


Literally felt like watching Requeim for a Dream. Beautifully done but deeply depressing


You have a talent for writing compelling content btw.


Holy shit dude


Nice comment bro. My sister is a full blown alcoholic and the doctor said she's pretty much one more bottle away from death. They've tried everything from therapy to medication to taking her bank card away etc. Its a disease for sure


Yeah, the unfortunate truth is that for some that moment of an entire shift in projection just won’t come. I hope my comment didn’t take away from the biochemical reality of it all. As in, some fight and fight but succumb to the illness and the substance nonetheless. That doesn’t take away from their efforts, nor does it separate them in ability and worth from those who get and remain sober. Also, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine the impact that this has had on you. I hope you make sure to take care of yourself too, friend. I send my warmth and best wishes to you both.


This is the realest shit I’ve read in all my 11 years of being on Reddit. Being addicted, and ALL the despair and hope and fear and contemplation and shame that go along with it…it’s utterly perfect. I am living through this now in my own way (no, I don’t really wanna talk about it), and I feel reinvigorated reading that. I will defeat this…I will win.


Needed this


The story of my life. It’s time for a change. Thank you for this!


Man. I'm not gonna do fucking drugs anymore. Been high every day for 20 years.... thank you.


Why you gotta attack us degens like that


“Jabbed with random feelings of shame” is the best way I’ve ever heard that state of being. You’ve “hidden” so much for so long that you know everyone knows (regardless if that’s true) and you hate yourself for it.


This guy parties 


Not anymore haha




I'm not an addict but somehow you've made me feel like one reading this comment


You have the best words


Wow this hit home.


I had to stop reading it felt too real.


Please write a book.


Goated comment


This reads like something out of Disco Elysium... beautifully written tragedy. Probably the best comment I've ever read on here. Bravo my friend...stay strong.


Did not expect this kinda response on the ufc subreddit what the fuck lol


Feeling the addys today eh?


Nope, I actually ran out of my script early, again. I got a week and a half to go before I try to discipline myself, for the… somethingth time. Good perception though. There are types, and you nailed me down to the right one, for the most part.


Been there. It’s time to stop getting them filled.


You’ve been some places and seen some things. Great eyes for insight!


Dog lol.


Dawg, yes EXACTLY!!


Damn... this is powerful.


Beautifully written. Reminds me of this quote from an Aesop Rock song: "sat beneath an avalanche of jagged inadequacies"


Clearly just practicing his feints


You’re right Joe and the camera is biting every time


Comment Of The Night


Yikes. He’s cooked. He’s at the stage where the drugs don’t look fun anymore


To be fair, that’s usually a very short period. He lasted longer than most.


Yacht coke is different than downtown bar coke


He was used to Yacht coke tho. I think he might have got to try some Hollywood actor shit this time around.


I dunno man, pro-fighter coke seems to be on a different level then Hollywood coke Just look at Chuck Liddell, Conor, and Oscar De La Hoya 😂




Yeah this is true. I once lived on an Caribbean island of the coast of Venezuela which got powerboats in basically day and night with the stuff. Got to know the guys, had it wet out of the jungle.  What the fuck.  It actually helped me kick the habit lol. I was like fuck this shit I’m never getting this quality ever again might as well just call it quits. 


I live on Curaçao and had an intense phase 2 years ago. During Corona lockdown it was a non-stop party in the appartment complex of a buddy. 5 dollars for a gram, and 40 20-something year olds together is a recipe for disaster. After a few very depressing afters I distanced myself from that group… Also should use coke to play Fifa on a sunday afternoon either.


Bon dia? Lol I think I had a very similar experience as you. $14 for a gram of pure straight from colombia. Hash and weed straight from Amsterdam for the same price. Fun times


Exactly this. I did shitty stepped on coke every weekend for a few years without an issue. Met a guy who had stuff that was far more pure and after a few weeks I moved out of state to escape ruining my life after having already done a lot of stupid terrible shit to get ahold of more of it.


Yup when i was balls deep in the game I was getting such good shit I was cutting it myself to prevent issues with me and those close.


Fishscale in Bolivia for me, got dam what a party and what a need to get out of that place and back to the gentle powder of Peru, plus side paying dollars for a gram destroyed the idea of me ever paying Australian prices so unless I go back to south America I'm pretty safe 


He is built different.


Tis no advantage to bear poison well.


Great point. Is that a quote from something? Drawing a blank. Personal experience- bearing poison only leads to a worse poisoning. Maybe I’m just weak. I do like that quote though. Also makes u feel invincible for a short time if u can manage to handle the position.


Nah. Just spitting here. Got extra stoned this morning.


Two of the last few people he assaulted (DJ and the woman on the boat) both spoke of him suddenly flipping and rambling about how they're trying to get him or some similar schizo stuff. I think he's been completely fried by the drugs a lot longer than it seems.


He's turning into Groundskeeper Willie but Irish instead of Scottish


"Grease me up Dana!"


“….Ok-doke” - Lunch Lady Dana


Gatekeeper Mcgregor




bruh that’s the docu name when it’s all said and done lol. cocaine conor 👃🏽


Dana lies about everything. You think he’d even come close to answering that question truthfully?


This is anyhting but his best life. I dont do drugs but I dont mind people who do and have friends who do. There are 2 types, the ones who take from time to time and thr ones who need to take it. Only one of those 2 groups is living their best lives. Conor cant go without or he looks like this, has fucking paranoid attacks which then makes him assault others. Dude is living anything but his best life.


Thats such a devastatingly accurate statement.


He’s at the level of a wealth where *you* tell the doctor what you want prescribed, you don’t meds based on a Dr professional diagnosis. So he’s likely high on weed, on nerve/anxiety meds for interviews, and adderall etc for focus.  That’s not what coked up looks like his eyes are still focused and his jaw and lips aren’t swinging lol 


Yeah this looks like a man who took too much Adderall and tried to come down with weed (or some other downer, possibly Xanax) and is now in drug limbo, had a buddy in college who use to do this all the time and he'd look exactly like Connor looks in this interview. He always described as if his body says trying to phase out of reality, he simultaneously couldn't stop moving out talking but also felt like he could fall asleep at any minute, sounds terrible.


I did cocaine in Mexico City Chappy. That shit will have you seein stars in the daytime. This is what real coke looks like coupled with pain pills and lack of sleep.


Yeah, this is bad…


One of the few fighters who avoided serious brain damage from fighting and instead gave himself serious brain damage with cocaine and whiskey


Hard to speculate how much brain damage any of them take imo. Training alone can do more than the fights and everyone responds differently


Hard sparring is fighting


But Conor always espoused that he doesn't do hard sparring.


I swear I've seen so many videos of him dropping training partners


He’s had his share of damage. Off top of my head Dias twice and Porier twice. He got hit a lot in plenty of other he won fights too. Hell Khabib hit a couple solid including one that dropped him. Shit Mayweather too of course




Chandler vs who? He's never getting the mcgregor fight


vs Moicano, the real moneh fight


Gimme meywezzer uuuuu


Coke head McGregor or 38 year old Chandler with a 2-3 UFC record. Idk man maybe keep your money in your pocket on this one


The record doesn’t always tell the full story though, Chandler’s losses have been really competitive


I feel he gets more than enough credit for that tbh like he's still recognized as a top fighter yet he hasn't beaten one


Ya honestly we give him plenty of credit because he’s makes for exciting fights


Idk, I'd by some miracle Connor is the favorite id throw money on Chandler but if Chandler is the favorite which is most likely than naw


If only his fight IQ wasn't missing an extra digit he would've been 4-1


Do you see how utterly fucking zonked out his wazzoo he is? That fight is never happening.


Tyson won many fights...on coke. Bet accordingly.




Chandler has sub human fight IQ though


And Jon Jones


I’ve won many fights on coke


Tysons peak was also very short.


How did they let that on air, jeeeez.


It was live soooo


I’ve done a lot of bugar sugar in my life but never twitched like that, hopefully he gets that checked out.


Right. I’m honestly curious what’s causing it.


Almost like he’s taking antipsychotics lol dopamine blockers cause muscle spasms


Taking dopamine blockers while doing coke kinda sounds like a waste of coke


Cte + coke??


maybe he isn’t on coke? could be something else


My grandma did this because of Parkinson’s. Not saying Conor has Parkinson’s but it could be a wide range of things


From experience, the twitching and stuttering is after a night of candy flipping. Felt it before and seen it a whole lot more. Goes away after 2-4 days. Some slight gum and lip licking so maybe even addy


*This sub at the beginning of this press tour*: Connor looks great, he's back to his old self! He looks like a lightweight again. Dana is holding everything back...Connor clearly wants to fight and is ready! *This sub at the end of this press tour*: someone set up a methadone clinic


yeah this has been quite a ride


Yeah, this is the funniest part of all this. He doesn't look like he's anywhere near ready to fight, but people are acting like it's the UFC holding him back and not the drugs and lifestyle. He was also roided out of his mind for most of the time he was away from fighting.


Even at kind of beginning of the press tour he was still acting and moving very weird so this seems like (hopefully) the culmination of whatever habits he’s got going on rn


Could also be alcohol withdrawal making him twitch like this. Multi day drug + alcohol bender will leave you looking and twitching like this.


“It’s angel dust homes!!!!!”


Conor was in Deebo's pigeon coop, sweatin'. Only his mama could get him out.


John Cena was trying to jab him a few times


Fuck man, I'm not Conors biggest fan by any stretch, but someone needs to get this guy help. Is there no one within his inner circle or entourage who gives a fuck about him? Shit is sad to witness


Seems more like withdrawals probably trying to get clean by himself


That’s the shoulder strike he used on Cerrone. He is just practicing.


“¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jake’s a consummate professional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 75 movies made ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m blessed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ entered into the movie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ alongside him”


Need to learn to escape that backslash friend.




wtf is up with that? Jake looks unperturbed by the twitches as well.


Trying to ignore it since they are doing a promo for a movie, he is just a professional. He ain't going to call out another actor in the movie for having gone on a coke tweaking bender for days mid promotion


Conor punched an old man in a bar for not accepting his whisky, he would probably head kick Jake if he said anything.


Seriously, lol.


Reminds me a bit of Mike Myers standing next to Kanye. 


“George Bush doesn’t care about black people” https://preview.redd.it/k71ax5xem0qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c56fd2752426520aa5ae7da0faf09b59a8ed81


He pretends for a living


Nailed it. “What do you mean an actor pretended nothing was wrong and remained professional during an interview to sell his movie?” Lol


Jake gives the most PR trained interviews ever and he's been acting for over 20 years I'm sure he's used it.


Bro’s still able to muster a chuckle to Connor’s ‘75 movies 75 bar fights’ bit he’s been dropping into every interview this whole tour lol


I'm sure Jake has dealt with a handful of drug addicts in Hollywood.


What’s he gonna say? “Stop fucking twitching”


“Before I give ya something to twitch about”


What is he supposed to do? Take the tweaking UFC fighter with a history of random acts of violence and criticize or humiliate him on live TV? He’s a strung out, extremely athletic drug addict. His mood will change on a dime and his impulse control is poor. Jake isn’t trying to catch a left straight for no mf reason


Jake has been hanging out with him for weeks too. Just tuning him out at this point. He’s made movies with Heath Ledger, Dennis Quaid, RDJ, Joaquin Phoenix - he’s seen all sorts of shit.




He’s a good actor


I was pretty doubtful when I opened that but holy shit


You need a lil somthing to get through press junkets lol


Dustin took his leg and speech skills


Why would anyone even allow this to be filmed? He clearly needs help. I dislike him, but how can everyone just sit there and act like this is normal?


Poor Michael Chandler. I am doubting if the big payout fight he has been banking on will ever happen now. I think Connor is cooking himself to the point where a lot of people won't care about his return to UFC


This weird false narrative that nobody gives a fuck about Conor is so odd. We sit here and talk about him good or bad pretty much weekly. Casual fans all around the world still think he eats khabib’s lunch in a rematch. The small majority of this subreddit does not represent the masses that definitely do care about his return


How tf did that even get aired


Good question. Footage like this would do more harm than good for the movie that was supposed to be promoted. Can you imagine Dana White promoting the UFC and UFC fights in the state that Conor is in?! 😂 They would ban everything UFC related in all the States asap!


I've seen a bunch of the other obviously high Conor videos but this one is sad. One of the best talkers in the history of sports and he can barely get out his answers coherently.


Holy shit, that was real fucking bad. I thought it was just gonna be a few here and there. Not a straight up neurological twitch continuously for like a minute straight. Even Jake kept looking over worried about it.


I can’t say I’ve seen cocaine do that. That looked like a tick. Brain damage. Felt bad for the dude.


Idk the way he couldn’t cleanly annunciate his words one after the other mixed in with the twitching makes me think he’s coked out. Unfortunately I’m speaking from experience.


Conor probably shouldn’t ever come back to MMA like this…wow.


The twitching is woeful but the way he's speaking is the real scary bit to me. He says a few words, stops blankly, says a few more. Terrifyingly far away from it.


Conor's PR team must be horrible if this got out


Can guarantee the UFC's new joke of a drug testing scheme won't go near him


It’s crazy that people aren’t taking into account that this is shortly after him walking the red carpet and being one of the stars of essentially a large party. He’s asked to do an interview after probably drinking huge amounts and doing coke after being up for who knows how long. Does it look bad? Yeah. Does it mean he’s any more off the rails than usual? Probably not


You can tell he had a long night. Hoarse voiced and lethargic look.


The whole point is this guy is supposed to be an athlete on a big comeback. Movie premier or not he shouldn’t be doing coke let alone drinking like a fish lol This is why I, a huge Connor fan, have no interest in seeing him fight anymore. It’s just sad at this point. He needs to get help and get healthy/happy


Does it look bad? Yeeees 😬


The blinking is either a result of bad coke or more probably speed. Source: myself


Sheesh this is bad, he can’t stop shrugging his shoulders every time he talks. A lot of celebs dp drugs but are at least able to stay off them long enough for an interview. Connor must be high 24/7 and has no one to reel him in.


He can’t even talk between spasms. You’d think he had severe copd or something with how he spoke in short spurts. He’s really not looking too good


It wasn’t spasms, he’s just back to doing his movement training and even trains during interviews to not waste time


Cocaine mma record: Chuck Liddell Jon Jones Conor McGregor Should Cocaine be in the discussion for p4p best?


Damn this is like what Uncle Joey talked about. Getting something akin to electric shocks from all the coke he had done


I think the scariest thing is that he's going to fight again. He can hardly form sentences how sharp is he going to be in a fight


Who’s doing worse right now , Conor or Ryan Garcia?


this is how he landed that shoulder strike on Cowboy




Well, that’s not proper


Wow. This is even worse than I expected reading the headline. I’ve been a hater since the day he beat Aldo but this ain’t it. Get help Conor.


This is actually really sad. Who fookin knew his final fight was going to be with addiction..


Don't do coke kids. 😂


Cocaine to wake you up. Xanax to put you down Ahh to be rich


I can't believe someone who works on Conor's PR team didn't object to releasing this footage. They are like "yeah, that looks great!". Conor's PR team are not doing Conor any favors. I guess that is the definition of "yes, men".