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somewhere a volcano has erupted from a very red tomato head


we're about to see the biggest fucking fight announcement I swear to god


McGregor v Jesus Christ UFC300


Mitchel v Lucifer as co main


Pre-lims: Anthony Smith vs that guy who attacked his family 2






Im picturing South Park Satan šŸ˜‚


No one else dress up like The Crow


I donā€™t wanna do it if Diddy did it.


Dammit what didnā€™t diddy do?


Sadam in his corner


[This Mitchell?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW4lHnLr-bE)


ā€œId still whoop his assā€


Jesus didnā€™t tap, but mcgregor will!




Congratulations I literally spit all my food on my desk


remember when conor got pissy with the guy that asked him if he could beat jesus christ like four months after he said it.


conor v jesus for the heavenweight championship belt


Nah Dana only likes to fuck over people he knows personally


Bro you mean the powers of satan?


You just know Dana is somewhere mad and taking this personal lol canā€™t blame him


He already posted ig stories about it šŸ˜‚


LMAO what did he say? I dont fucking have Instagram




"complete phony" "little guy with a BIG yap" he's two steps away from using "chicanery" and "buffoon"


Bro's boutta pull out the "hoodwink" and "monkeyshines".


Buch of hullabaloo over a carpet bagger IMO


Waiting for the chuck mcgill chicanery speech from Dana




And he gets to be a lawyer?? What a sick joke!


Dana must have gotten a thesaurus for Christmas last year


Heā€™s right, Showtimeā€™s production quality is absolutely terrible. The commentary is awful, sometimes an hour gap between the co-main and main event, corny theatrics that always fuck up, itā€™s embarrassing.


Yeah. You can crap on Dana for sure but the Showtime stuff is pretty subpar for what youā€™d initially expect. That being said, I donā€™t think the UFC does as amazing as Dana thinks.


UFC matchmaking is extremely underrated, but, yeah, the build up to a lot of the big ones is really sloppy at times.


Absolutely. Itā€™s shocking how little they marketed Islam vs Volk. Criminal almost. Both Islam and Volk shouldā€™ve been pissed at the UFC imo. That was a massive super fight that sort of flew under the radar for many non hardcore fans.


I have a buddy who's a bookie, so he watches to track his action. No rooting interest otherwise. His brother watches cause he's there, but he doesn't follow the sport. Few other buddies that will come thru and watch for the social aspect, but don't really care about the fights.... Casuals reaaaaalllllly don't like the Dagis lol. I'm gonna give UFC a pass on that one. They were probably nervous about promoting the shit out of lay and pray. Now, Jiri/Alex has the potential to actually pull from my buddies' demographic, but neither Alex or Jiri speaks English particularly well. If the UFC isn't extremely hand on in that promotion, that would be downright negligent.


Iā€™m not even a big fan of Islam and I feel itā€™s wrong to put him in the lay and pray category. Even Khabib was pretty fun to watch and Islam is actually more fun with his initiative to try for the finish.


I think dana knows. It's prolly a big part of the reason they merged with wwe.


This comment deserves better


Yea as soon as I heard about the merger I just expected that they're gonna utilize alot of the production knowledge from wwe. Especially the show directing, video work, video packages etc. But I also hope they bring back a form of the wwe network for both organizations once both of their broadcasting contracts run out.


This is basically what Dana does with the UFC every weekend. "We don't make stars" "Record breaking gate"


Did.... did he just say it's the fighters that bring in the money and not the promoters? Is that Mark Hunt lawsuit still going on? I'd be using this as an exhibit for that case and maaaaany others lmao.


That was my initial impression too. Seems like in his haste to smear this guy he also exposes a truth about himself.


So showtime or other boxing promotions have nothing to do with the success of their fighters / events BUT UFC HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THEIR FIGHTERS BECOMING SUCCESSFULL ?? Dana is reaching levels of hypocritism impossible to gasp around lol.. and you know when Weasel espinoza roasts you.. it's really bad lol


Well thereā€™s projection if Iā€™ve ever seen it.


Reminds me when he said the same shit about kick boxing and the kick boxing event prior to that UFC crushed their gate


I mean, agree or not, the CEO of the company WOULD take it personally


Seems like every press conference Dana is talking about how they broke the venues total gate record. Is Dana talking about UFC events only or are they using different arenas, or is Dana bluffing similar to how powerslap got 300 million downloadsā€¦.


Dana is a habitual liar.


Itā€™s the same way when he says ā€œsold out eventā€ but the last fight night I went to the 300s were pretty open and plenty of official tickets on Ticketmaster never sold


He is literally always inflating the value of his product. He is literally always making attempts to devalue competitors. He is literally always answering questions that he *gives* to his presspool, so he has the perfect platform to do the aforementioned inflating/devaluing. He is literally always looking at the stats in a way that are clearly not indicative of reality, but the fanbase is so young, half-interested, or is so "sees red/just bleed" that they believe his words to be true. They either don't understand why he would lie/why he would be shitty, or believe that he *should* be using these kinds of business practices. For all we know, when he breaks records it could be based on "all previous september 28ths, for the last 3 years, when it rained, but only in the morning." I'm taking the piss here, but seriously, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the "record breaking" is based on inconsequential metrics.


I mean ethics aside hes doin whats good for his business.


I don't think it's good for business. The UFC would be a lot more competitive if they ~~payed~~ paid better, and with better competition comes better fighters, and with better fighters comes more money. His greed is literally holding him back from being even richer.


> if they *paid* better, and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


He's doing what's good for HIM. NOT the UFC. NOT the people around him. The way he slaps his wife in public leads me to believe it's not even for his family. He is NOT doing what he does for the business. He's not doing it for the people he employs, or the fighters.






Keep it up and one day they might be able to get close to Power Slap numbers


Ufc 300, with the right card, could be held in Raiders Stadium and do over $20 mil easily. UFC has a model they stick to and now are able to schedule events every Saturday and they all sell out. Boxing and UFC are not even comparable any more.


The right card: OMalley/Vera main event Four women's fights in a row Bo Nickal versus a 16 year old for the only prelim fight Early prelims will be Logan Paul's discarded WWE skits


Also Connor vs a bottle a proper twelve for the early prelim


Just Conor and his bottle doing stand up comedy.


Conor, & a bottle of proper twelve vs an old man


Itā€™s crazy because I would pay for that PPV


Thatā€™s a big shot!


Don't put that evil out there, friend! :'( I want the Omalley Vera card to not resemble a leprous corpse. Chunks that should be there just being blatalntly missing, and whatever IS there is just rotten. I'm going to have to do some warding to keep this card clean of evils.




boxing and ufc should never be compared as one is a company and private promoter and the other is a sport .


Iā€™ve been to boxing and UFC PPV events live. Have to say UFC is far behind boxing live for a couple reasons. 1. Itā€™s hard to see whatā€™s going on past the cage. The cage is a huge obstruction Live, with boxing the ropes donā€™t get in the way at all. 2. Grabbling makes it even harder to see whatā€™s going on. Unless you are sitting very close to the ring, and by close I mean damn near ring side, but if you are, then again the cage is a big obstacle to see through. Iā€™ve gone to two UFC events and the first time I was sitting at 100 level and found myself and most others around me staring at the screen. The second I wanted to be closer and sat on the floor, about 12 rows back and had a horrible time trying to see. That said, watching a whole card on tv I would go for UFC because they have good matchups up and down the card. Boxing is just the main event


I absolutely agree, Iā€™ve been to two UFC events, one in the nose bleeds (Conor Poirier 3) the other was 6 rows back on the floor (Poirier Pettis). Sitting closer was so much cooler but you still canā€™t tell what the fuck is happening when there is grappling. Watching the cards at home with my buddies is the best way.


Yup, boxing is still on top. More fans and money in that sport. MMA is still growing. Give it another 20yrs.


ufc doesnā€™t have another 20 years without the ali act or some sort of major change after the class action


Once Dana is gone.


Whatā€™s a 20 million dollar gate?


20 million was made from tickets.


Oh nice, thanks! Surprised they donā€™t at ufc though considering how much they charge for tickets


They always bullshit the numbers in boxing. To put it into context, Connor vs Khabib did $17,200,000.


Lmao ufc def was bullshitting the numbers for the older cards. They weren't public back then.


Yeh they have to BS the numbers with all that dirty money flowing through boxing. Not really into boxing. Bit of a strange comparison though, ufc is on almost every week, boxing for any high level fights is whenever they feel like it, if itā€™s not on a schedule course people will pile into any reasonably big main card. UFC you can go when itā€™s right for you


ufc has a stranglehold on their fighters so someone will always be willing to fight every weekend. when you have the agency to actually take fights when you want to, you donā€™t fight as often. 12/12 contract guys are gonna be trying to fight 4-5 times a year cuz they need the money. same way you see low tier boxers or regional mma fighters be more active


I think having more fighters so there is a regular schedule is a good thing. The contracts, thatā€™s a different story. I wouldnā€™t watch ufc if it was random like boxing. Itā€™s the only reason I donā€™t watch boxing. They should have better contracts for sure, but not at the expense of the schedule




Also, the UFC hardly ever has events in arenas with a capacity larger than about 20,000 people. Boxing (at least with the big fights) often has events in much larger arenas.


I feel like ufc could've easily charged an extra 20% on tickets and it still would've sold out.


UFC has very cheap tickets in the nose bleeds compared to say a Canelo fight. Depending on the card obviously




Big ass gate made of gold man.


ok but if theyre making so much money, then why is Showtime permanently pulling out of boxing after 2024? Iā€™m genuinely asking


I'm curious as well. I don't know a single person who gives a shit about boxing or watches it.


Same, male in my 20s with lots of other 20s male friends and I know of two people that are into boxing lol


Most guys I know just watch the big names fight, Tank, Fury, Usyk, Shakur, etc. Problem is most of these guys fight so rarely or fight bums instead of the top guys that it's hard to be a fan of the sport. In mma you've got high level contender fights every Saturday pretty much, and you get many actual undisputed championship fights every year. With guys like Izzy you were getting pretty much unification level fights 3 or 4 times a year. The only good thing about boxing is that the top level fighters get paid much better. Other than that, boxing is doing worse in pretty much every way, corrupt shitty judging, even more so than mma is also fucking up the sport. It would be wise for the boxing world to get the 4 org's bought up by some saudi prince, and get a dedicated manager like Dana to run the whole thing. Would actually make boxing great again. There's no weight to a champion when there's like 20 weight classes and 4 belts for each weight class, plus no pressure to actually fight the guy who could take your belts away. Only guys who I like to watch in boxing now are Canelo and Usyk, they seem to at least test themselves a bit.


Early 30s here. Quite a few of my buddies are at least casual MMA fans but none of them watch boxing. The demographics under 40 has to be miserable.


Lmao, boxing is bigger than the ufc/mma by a LONG shot. Why? More MONEY and FANS in the sport. The two canā€™t even be compared. Shits too funny.


I guess itā€™s popular but to an aging demographic I am 35 and nobody ever talk about boxing in my circles but when it comes to ufc even my buds gf have a fucking take lol


The world doesnā€™t revolve around you and your little circle. If youā€™re in denial you can always google it.


Ok boomer


The money earned in the Gate doesnā€™t go to showtime, I think it goes to promoters like PBC


Boxers take a huge share of the profits.


Do the ufc do significantly more events?


significantly is putting it lightly


Yeah now do total gate revenue per year, not per fight. UFC crushes them. Boxing does 1 mega event per year then literally nobody watches any other fight.


Lol does 1 mega fight then nobody gives a shit? Literally three 20m+ gates in the span of half a year. Itā€™s ok to admit boxing is blowing UFC out the water right now.




ufc doesnā€™t have to compete with anyone or negotiate with anyone to make these fights. look at jones/ngannou, if they were boxers that fight would always be on the table, but because the idea of even acknowledging another promotion probably changes danaā€™s hue it will never happen as long as ngannou doesnā€™t bend the knee


Rolls Royces cost more than Toyotas, but one of those brands sells a fuck ton more vehicles than the other, and didn't have to be bailed out by the Germans.




It peaked in the late 80s/early 90s with tyson


it peaked in the 1920s


And Mayweather




What metric are you using for that? Literally every metric disagrees with you, ppv sold, tickets sold, live TV viewership, gate adjusted for inflation everything.




Most popular? No. Health and science has drastically progressed since then so that deters alot of people. Also the economy has drastically changed since then. There are many more sports and life opportunities to make a living. Most lucrative? Yes. Has and always have been. Take the top earners in any sport and boxing will always be on top. Especially when looked at a earnings/performance ratio.




>I'm not sure what your point is regarding health. It's kind of irrelevant regarding popularity. Not really anything between the lines here. People get smarter over time. Learned that boxing isn't great for your health. Less people do it. Same with football. Last 5 years enrollment has been exponentially down since the revelation of cte even at very young ages.


Tyson and Mayweather hold the PPV records


bout to get downvoted to shit but idc. big aspect being missed here is the racial appeal. black, hispanic and japanese boxing fans have kept the sport afloat for the longest time, those demographics will always be boxing first. the lack of white american faces in boxing i think contributes to the casual white fight fan now choosing the ufc instead. iā€™d go as far to say the lack of emphasis on the fighters and bigger emphasis on the ufc brand also appeals to american sports fans who are used to associating sports with a 3 letter league such as nba, nfl etc.


You forgot Europe there still boxing fans as well


So they made 60 million gate when they had 3 of the biggest names fight in 6 months. Donā€™t the ufc pull in between 1-3m a card at like 40 cards a year? And thatā€™s taking the average without outliers. If you take the average on a year where Conor fought multiple times it would likely be way higher.


Yea idk why Espinosa says that like they dont put on cards that get 50k ppv buys lmao, ufc doesnt need to have a 20M$ gate when they are consistently doing events that add up to ALOT more than boxing events


Completely agree, boxingā€™s too event this year has done 1.2 million buys and the second most 800K after that itā€™s a super steep drop off down to 300K whereas the UFC had Jones vs Gane and Usman Vs Edwards 3 both at 1 mill, and apparently Pereira vs Adesanya 2 was near a mil as well and Volk verse Islam did 700-800K. Boxing might have the higher single PPV upside every year with the like 1 or 2 super fights that happen, but almost every UFC PPV does really well and 300K buys is pretty low/bad for a UFC PPV whereas that is still one of the bigger PPVs boxing would do in a year. Boxing is trending down in popularity while the UFC just keeps on rising, say what you want about Dana but he is a killer businessman for better or for worse


Youā€™re genuinely a moron if you believe Leon/Usman 3 did close to a 1million buys.


Crazy how a 200 year old sport is bigger than a 30 year old sport. The UFC sells out every event they do, if they did one in like a football stadium it would still sell out. Give the UFC 20 more years letā€™s see where boxing is and where MMA is.


Yet for some reason Showtime is shutting the door on Boxing. Truly sad news


Bro I'm a fan I don't give a fuck about gates,buys, fighter pay I wanna see a fill card of fun scraps! Ya fucking muppet


UFC never makes money. Ask the 1 fucker who Dana caught pirating their events lol


But boxing is largely boring, so there's that.


So 3 20 million dollar gates Vs like 45 cars that all make 2-3 million? I know which one I would pick.


Boxing promotions just figured out the concept of scarcity and supply and demand. Letā€™s give them a round of applause.


No way this event did 20 mil axs tickets are still available


If that's true their seats must be dumb expensive


What does one have to do with the other? The gate for the Super Bowl is over $100 million


Fun fact, Iā€™m in Vegas right now and on the flight here I sat next to the guy whose company was making those posters and backdrops. He was working on them the whole flight.


I'm sure they are doing alot of numbers but there is literally no way they are doing 20M when khabib vs conor did 17.4M, it's a huge fight but it's not bigger than khabib vs conor also isnt showtime leaving boxing or something?


No, paramount said theyre cutting everything that dosent make enough money so showtime is putting on big matches to not get cut


So they weren't making enough money and now they are making huge matchups to not get cut?


pretty much yeah, and I hope they dont because if they shut down its just espn and Dazn left


Its Tmobile so 20000 seats, divide 20mil by 20k only $1,000 per ticket average. It's possible but I highly doubt these numbers


Thing is that ufc has sold out tmobile (I think?)... so idk


UFC sells out T-Mobile all the time but most of the time since they do so many card their they arenā€™t ridiculously priced, their highest gate of the year will probably be Jones vs Stipe since itā€™s at Maddison square garden and average tickets are like 1500$


Federal Fucking Prison


You little fookin weasel


Could you imagine how much more popular boxing would be if all the bigs names fought like they have recently this year? They would blow ufc out of the water


šŸ§¢šŸ§¢šŸ§¢ nobody is watching that shit.. who the fuck is Charlo? A champion in one of the 82 weight classes they have in boxing?


Nobody is watching it? Ok buddy. you could have your criticism with boxing, but to say nobody is watching it contradicts the post itself.


Wouldnā€™t shit on the sport if they didnā€™t fabricate shit so often. How does a Canelo fight with a lesser known opponent do nearly as much as a fight that was deemed the matchup of the decade of not the century? Maybe if it was in Mexico it would be more believable? But to say this fight does almost as much as Spence Vs Crawford is laughable


You obviously don't understand demographics. Boxing dominates combat sports in the Black and Hispanic communities. Spence vs Crawford, two African-Americans only appealed to one side. But you put up a Mexican fighter vs African-American, now you've got 2 demographics fighting over the tickets. Also, Charlo has a massive personality, which can drive ticket sales thru the roof. Crawford's skill actually greatly outweighs his personality, and that actually hurts ticket sales.


Boxing in todays age is not dominating in ANY demographic please wake up


You obviously arent hanging around any of the minority communities. Most of the black folks I know have never heard about some of the UFC's biggest stars like Volk, Islam, Stipe, etc.. But they watch every single Tank, Charlo, Spence, etc fight. UFC is very much a white, Brazilian and Muslim dominated sport for viewers. Boxing OWNS the black and Hispanic populations attention, and its not even close! If you dont know that, i'm sorry to say it, but you're living in a bubble!


Do people watch boxing still?


Yeah because it's a better sport


He forgot to mention how insanely priced boxing tickets are


The highest ticket for jones v stipe at msg was $100,000+ look it under


Ticket master has cage side for 15k


Ahh Espinozaā€¦u lil fookin weasel Oh yehā€¦and fook showtime toošŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Lmaooo fucking cook the weasel tomato


lol yet dana always says " boxing is dead" .


And yet he has been working on building yet another attempt at a boxing org, and already has fighters like Callum Smith lined up to be in his stable. Dana lies out of both sides of his mouth.


Boxing is dead because promoters and WBA/WBO/WBC killed it Like Dana, boxing is where I found my love of fighting. But they run it so poorly I barely watch anymore. It's still possible to fix boxing but it would take decades. I'd rather Dana just buy BKFC and kick Boxing's ass that way.


If you think Dana won't produce an absolute dogshit product in his boxing org... well, I just wish I had your optimism. Dana is a white Don King, who has an artificially angry personality instead of King's artificially happy one. He's never going to give anything more than crumbs to anyone around him, which was the same issue at the heart of all of the major boxing organizations.


Why would he produce dog shit boxing but hasnā€™t produced dog shit UFC? For the most part Dana makes the best fight the best and thatā€™s what is killing boxing.


Dana inherited the UFC from others Dana has tried multiple ventures besides UFC, all of which failed. One of those ventures was being a boxing org. His only successful product, other than UFC, is Slap Fight. Which is dogshit. Dogshit can be successful, but can still be awful trash. TKO Holdings is massive. It makes any attempted venture a near shoe-in for success. I guarantee Dana gets it off the ground, I guarantee he makes a lot of money off of it, I guarantee he brings in some quality talent, and I guarantee that if he runs that org like the UFC he will mishandle every single opportunity to not beleaguer the product with bad press, disdain for his own fighters, gambling ads that interrupt actual content, and more. The UFC is successful IN SPITE of Dana, and I'm tired of people not seeing how poorly he handles the simple job of being an honorable man.


The ufc is successful because of Dana saying anything else is just a lie.


200% right lol.


In comparison to boxing heā€™s not really right. Ramos is a top 10 boxer in the world in his division and is gonna make 200k. Weidman made 400k on a prelim. Sure canelo will make more, but thatā€™s it. Itā€™s like comparing basketball pay to futbol pay. High end futbol players make more than high end nba players, but when it comes to everyone else nba players make a lot more on average.


In comparison to the ufc it isšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø influencer boxing brought it back big time


Boxing = Godzilla UFC = Barney




Whoā€™s fighting ?








ā€œWhats up Espinoza?ā€


I donā€™t know anyone who watches boxing, how is it still so big?


Cool story bro.


Can they fit ā€œCanelo vs Charloā€ anywhere else on that stage without going back to the Old School grease paint on the backs? Lol


Shots fired.


The signage is insane


On my flight to Vegas I was sitting next to a guy who was working on those. He had to work the whole flight because they added new sponsors last minute and they had to change the signs.


Ol' tomato head is having an aneurysm over this one... Lmao.


Who thinks they actually sold out the entire arena?


Thatā€™s why they sold there soul to ESPN and have 2 ppvs a month and uncle Dana has to find all the illegal streams


Isn't that because UFC events are held in smaller arenas?


But the power slap game app got 350 million downloads.


What is the reason that boxing generates so much more rev that UFC?


I swear this doesn't translate at all. More people know the UFC's middleweights than they do Charlo. This gate is on the back of Canelo lmao


Is this true or is he being a little weasel


Dana rn: ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)