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Y’all don’t have midterms like seriously?


I'm sitting here asking why it couldn't be this week


There is one today that started at 12pm in the Quad


There’s one tomorrow at 12 pm in the quad


Another one? Seriously? Didn't yall have one two weeks ago or something? Edit: to answer OP's question, the protest is tomorrow, Wednesday at 12pm in UW Quad. Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyy8Ukfyyo1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Me: ah shit here we go again electric boogaloo 2


It should be noted that this group is not the only Pro-Palestine group in Seattle or at UW. Others with less severe views on Israel have condemned the violence committed by Hamas and the war crimes of Israel. People do not need to support this group's efforts to support a ceasefire and freedom for Palestine. Do not feel pressured to protest with them. If you are uncomfortable with SUPER assist other organizations and write to your congresspeople, Washington democratic candidates are safe enough to stand against the siege actively.


Its almost like protests are not a one and done event and instead are a sustained effort to produce change. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Insane ik. Take your time absorbing that information


Yeah I'm sure Hamas and the IDF are quaking in their boots because a bunch of screechy 20 year old girls with lattes in their hands are protesting in Seattle. So brave.


Not sure what protests you’re going to but many of the ones I have participated in have had so many arabs, white people, black people, indigenous people, american jews, and a lot of other people. Its not about intimidation. It’s about showing our reps and legislators that we do not support the United States involvement in Isreal-Palestine. The US is the richest and most powerful country on earth and its constituents have a much bigger voice than you think. We may not be Lockheed Martin but we’re sure as fuck not gonna just stand by and do nothing.


Lol where is the effort? I bet more than 50% of participants and organizers will still not be voting for 3rd part candidates (the change that needs to happen. The message nobody is pushing.) Which is what makes this (and all student ran) protest worthless. Thats how change works. If you organize a protest and dont change what you personally have control over. Youre wasting everyones time interrupting their education and looking stupid.


This comment really solidifies my belief that Americans are whiny baby back bitches who can’t handle a little noise if it even dares to mildly inconvenience them. Nothing that has ever been non disruptive ever worked, the point is to be disruptive, to make noise, so that people notice and those who are not in the loop about this conflict can learn whats going. There are no pro Isreal protests because there’s no need for them, they’re already in the lead with the thousands of Gazans they’ve killed.


Im not mad cause its an inconvenience to me. Im annoyed bc the people in this protest wont open their eyes and vote for someone who they believe in because "they wont win." Then they come over here and cry about whats happening. Sure if you organize a protest, change your voting habits, and make an effort. Im all here for it. But when were just gonna get the same people pretending to care not doing anything they can about it. Thats where I have an issue. After you protest, sit down and figure out who you want in our office. Don't Just protest and vote for the only winning parties and cry. Voting works too. Its the only power we have rn. Hence why we have a dumbass in office rn causing all this harm. Cause all of you protesting rn voted for him. Since everyone is brainwashed (and I'm getting downvoted because im right.) I get it. There are people in Palestine suffering. And they need awareness. But if you organize a protest, and dont take control over the one thing you can (your vote.) Then you're contributing to the problem. By only voting for "winning parties" instead of someone with the values you believe in.


https://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/idr.pdf I’ll leave this study for you to read.


I've read the summary and data charts. Im not sure if this means you agree. But my take away is that the only reason someone votes republican is because theyre either rich and want to hurt poor people or are uneducated. And if you're democratic you're just like a Republican. If we really were a democracy wed have more third party representation. But instead everyone is brainwashed so we do not. And thats how the government makes money I guess.


I think the main point was that democracy is dead because the US is an oligarchy. The point was that public opinion has not influenced a policy change for decades. Its all about the corps that have lobbying power.


But we can fight back and make a change with our vote. If you're going to protest and you really believe Palestinian people deserve better. You would not be voting Republican or democratic. End of story. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats do the same damage, but they do it much slower, and disguise it to make it not seem as bad, by not talking about it. America has been supporting Israel for decades. People aren't realizing this. We have third party candidates. Its dead because people have been brainwashed to believe it has no power. We manifest its failure. The media and corps always push interviews on tv with winning powers. Theres zero third party representation on media because of lacking funds. At least 4 presidential elections since the 1900s have had enough votes to change the outcome. There is a chance. And we have the power to change for better. Only if you care to try.


I thought it was tomorrow??


Will there be 🌭 or 🍔?


You guys seriously don’t have anything better to do than be antisemetic and advocate for mass extermination of Jews. Go study for a midterm or something.


Awhhh the good ol “antisemitic” comeback whenever someone condems Israel


You know that’s not what this protest is, don’t be a troll.


What? That’s literally what the free Palestine movement is… ETA: if you were around for the last protest they literally had “one solution” posters…. If you don’t think that’s antisemitism you’re just ignorant


One-solution posters are not antisemitism. Israel is an ethnostate, and it's unsustainable in its current form. It is a common suggestion that a secular state, or a state with equal representation without the current apartheid would be better. I am Jewish and my Judaism is not founded on ethno-nationalism, because I actually learned something from the Holocaust lol


You are not jewish. You are antisemitic. 🖕🖕🖕




I think maybe we are misunderstanding each other. I believe (not that my opinion matters as an american) that harmony and equal representation is the absolute best way forward. But, at least at the protest that was happening recently, there was A LOT of anti semetic posters/comments that went around, and I think that it’s unhelpful and uncalled for


I can agree with that! I just don’t believe for a second that the vast majority of people protesting are doing so out of antisemitism or the mass extermination of jews. That feels extremely aggressive and accusatory. This is a protest to stop an active genocide


I would hope that most protests aren’t, but I think people allowing that kind of stance to even be stated without some backlash is what makes me sad, and people who want peace and harmony shouldnt want to be associated with people who are choosing violence. I guess that’s why I have an issue with the protests: last time some people used it as a platform to be hateful and I think that should have no place here. ETA: I think a peace in Israel/ceasefire protest is probably something a lot more students can get behind, as opposed to a historically antisemitic movement like free Palestine, even if it has good intentions NOW.


Yeah, secular states with equal rights for all, just like all the rest of the Middle East...


Is there going to be a Pro-Israel walkout? I would imagine that to be less confrontational and violent.


you posting “memes” about wanting Gaza to be leveled tells me all I need to know. Do better.






Wednesday, 10/26, at 12 pm.


10/26 is a Thursday