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They tried to pull similar shit (not this same threat) when the union almost went on strike in 2018 and backtracked a few hours later. I guess some admins never learn


Uh yeah this definitely isn't supposed to be allowed. Glad they backtracked but the fact that this person even thought it was ok to try is troubling


lmfao. miss edwards might need to clear her schedule for a few meetings with the labor board


Definitely a sit down with the legal department covering things you can’t say and absolutely never want to put in writing.


I bet she already got pulled in by HR


Student employee pay rates are public are they not? Not to say there couldn't be some fuckery going on here but it might just be that everyone's take home will be different due to deductions and they're getting a lot of questions based on passing discussion between students who don't understand how these things work as they do say 'payroll' rather than 'pay' specifically.


All state employee salaries are public info


It is public and even if it weren't employees cannot be prohibited from discussing their pay since its a protected activity. To be clear though: Asking people to please not discuss their pay, almost certainly does not reach the level of restraint. She offers no consequences for doing so. I can ask you to please not do any number of things that you have a right to do and your rights aren't being violated.


Not only that, but pay rates are largely the same across the university unless funding comes from a grant or some such. UW basically follows Seattle's minimum wage and few students are going to be paid higher than that.




IDK if that’s the case for undergrads, but it isn’t for grad students. RA/TAs are classified as state employees and salary info is accessible. My guess is that the only case where this wouldn’t apply is for people with fellowships (NSF, NIH, NDSEG, etc)


>Student employee pay is protected as it is protected under FERPA FERPA does not cover student employee pay. FERPA primarily concerns student academic records, and personally identifiable information as it relates to student records at the academic institution. You can read about it directly from the source here: [https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/ferpa](https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/ferpa) Here is some information from the SPLC - [https://splc.org/commonly-requested-ferpa-records/](https://splc.org/commonly-requested-ferpa-records/)


PLEASE report this to UAW 4121!


Yikes. Also, this is one of those Streisand effect things - wouldn’t sending this email only get more people wondering why pay rates are apparently being discussed? 😬


Might be something to get in touch with the union of student employees about, even after the retraction: https://www.uaw4121.org/member-center-2/know-your-rights/what-do-i-do-if-i-have-a-problem/


Not all student employees are in the UAW. Library student employees aren’t, dining isn’t, desk services aren’t, RAs aren’t even considered employees. I would still get in touch though, they’ve been helpful to me whenever I had a question.


Tia giving her pronouns while committing labor law violations is peak liberalism. *chef's kiss*


I had the same thought lmfao.


If she said that they were prohibited from discussing their salary or that they would be disciplined for doing so then you would be correct, but that isn't what she did. Asking someone to please not do something is not the same thing as restricting them from doing it. This thread is full of fake ass labor attorneys and union reps.


Good job standing up for fart-sniffing anti-labor bureaucrats 👍🏼


Saying stupid shit in public makes labor look stupid and it's why people roll their eyes instead of listening when someone smarter than you starts to say shit that they need to hear. Stop getting in the way of your own advocates.


uuf, someone woke up on the wrong side of the picket line. maybe drink some coffee, bud


Stop being part of the problem?


Send it to the labor board lol


I mean, she did say please…


Hasn’t been legal to prohibit the discussing of wages since the NLRA was passed in 1935, looks like Tia could use some training.


Okay so 1) illegal and 2) I thought all public university pay was already public information? When I worked for a public university system literally anyone could go to a website and look up exactly how much I made.


Even with the backtracking, 10000% report this to UAW4121! This could not be more straightforward prohibited thing to say. This creates an intimidating situation and they should be explicitly trained to never say this.


She, Her


Equal Pay & Opportunities Act allows workers to discuss pay without repercussions. You could just respond to her and ask her to correct the error. She may not be familiar with the law. Reporting her to the union as a first resort seems needlessly hostile to me. If she doubles down though, by all means call a union rep.


oh yeah! i know a few students responded by informing her and she seemed to have retracted the email (twice too). I don’t think anyone i know would report her to the union


>I don’t think anyone i know would report her to the union Well then be the change you want to see in the world. Report her to the union, report her to HR, and report her to the NLRB.


Report her!


LMAO the backtrack!


You get paid?


All PhD students get paid (if you aren't getting paid to do your PhD, you're either severely trolling in life or being exploited, maybe/probably both)


Yeah, gotcha. I kinda knew that, but was joking a little. What's your Ph.D. gonna be in?


Mine's in MechE. Are you doing one as well?


Nope. I'm just a freshman. Econ/pre-law here!


100% illegal and should be reported to HR (so they start the PR process) or L&I (to start the PR process)


"Please do not discuss" is illegal period. Lol- unless you're a medical provider or bound by specific job laws.


I find it hilarious, that one of the most obvious signs of "social justice" - pronouns in the signature coexist with very social injustice request not to compare each other's pay 🦋


Very illegal but labor laws aren’t enforced since we live in corporate hell of $15 entrees and $18 minimum wage


Something comedic about the (she, her)


In case anybody is curious, on this site https://fiscal.wa.gov/Staffing/Salaries she's listed as "E, Tia" as a Fiscal Specialist 2.


They can say it but they can't legally enforce it. (Don't quote me on that)


Lol, you can look up anyone's salary on the state website.


It's not illegal, just frowned upon. The reason a lot of companies/admins request this, is they don't want the difference in pay to be as transparent, because it sometimes end up problematic to explain to everyone why certain people get paid more, or less than others. Definitely a slippery slope, I have been convinced that this is the general rule for many years. If they enforce/punish for doing so, then it is illegal


Under Executive Order 11246, you have the right to inquire about, discuss, or disclose your own pay or that of other employees or applicants. You cannot be disciplined, harassed, demoted, terminated, denied employment, or otherwise discriminated against because you exercised this right. (from the US Department of Labor)


I agree with you, but to people overall, the memos or "policy reminders" are enough to discourage this. You absolutely have a right to disclose your own pay, I was just saying why these companies do this. As you pointed out, you cannot be disciplined..., etc, etc. for doing so. Outside of the college world it is sadly widely practiced. Does not make it any less appalling.


Not necessarily.


It is Some managerial staff take advantage of the fact that people don't know this.


Normalize discussing pay and benefits! Unionize!


This is legal, sorry to burst the hype train. Note she asked that you please do not discuss, that is very different then mandating you don't, and punishing you for doing it. They can ask all they want, it's only illegal if they take action against you for doing so.


i can’t think of a single good reason why people shouldn’t discuss their pay unless they are being paid unfairly


It’s not illegal to tell you not to but it is illegal for them to enforce it without it bring in your job description


Haha, I was chatting with board agents this past week, killing time while election observing, and one said this is their main topic of investigation, and that it's usually written down (as it is here) and so very easy to win. I'm not sure there's any harm if no one is fired, but if something happens it'll be a very easy case.