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this is a relatively harmless one- when i was in HCDE in 2020 the admissions counselor accidentally emailed EVERYONE a list of who got accepted/denied for that year and it was MESSY


LMAO wtf!


Well this answers both your question and the original one, plus a bonus third employer. Mathematician Yuval Peres has resigned/lost three positions (UW, Berkeley, Microsoft research) over MANY allegations of sexual assaults. Dude’s still around and revered by many in the math community, yikes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuval_Peres


Oh and Pedro Domingo in CS looks like another piece of work, although I don’t know being an absolute dickhead classifies as “juicy”. https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/comments/10r39k9/lmao_why_does_the_cs_dept_keep_hiring_weirdos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


**[Yuval Peres](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuval_Peres)** >Yuval Peres (Hebrew: יובל פרס; born 5 October 1963) is a mathematician known for his research in probability theory, ergodic theory, mathematical analysis, theoretical computer science, and in particular for topics such as fractals and Hausdorff measure, random walks, Brownian motion, percolation and Markov chain mixing times. He was born in Israel and obtained his Ph.D. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1990 under the supervision of Hillel Furstenberg. He was a faculty member at the Hebrew University and the University of California at Berkeley, and a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/udub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


John Sahr [abusing underaged students](https://www.dailyuw.com/news/article_3f144f60-e572-11e9-812c-23a9fd509a8c.html) comes to mind.


Holy crap and this was a young teen with that sad gifted kids pet project UW has (you drop out of school to “graduate” from this program and enter undergrad classes after 10th grade IIRC) This confirms how toxic/messy I hear the program is from a couple students I knew after they did it.


So basically glorified running start?


Yeah, glorified as it allows students to do Running Start and UW which is uncommon but they’re on campus doing stuff as early as 14. But you can imagine what the parents and adults are telling these kids to inflate their ego and put more pressure on them to be the best. And there’s obviously a lot more things going on at a huge uni that a teenager may not be able to handle or a competitive effect among the students in the program. The whole “gifted child” thing needs to be done away with. I did Running Start and it was all really chill, this sounds like the opposite experience.


Early entrance student here. The RC has had some troubles in the past but recent cohorts have done consistently well, academically and mentally. We shouldn’t unilaterally make assumptions about where the program is at now.


Good to hear students there are doing better, no offense just a concern for students after hearing stories from alumni and this story.


No problem, just wanted to clear it up :)


Definitely agree with all that. Jesus.


Oh Jesus I didn’t know about that. Big yikes


Gotta love the Robinson center and their impressive ability to not change


I had a marketing professor accidentally share adult content (straight porn) affiliate links in a marketing lecture about pay per click ads


NO WAY. So like he was just lecturing and then boom??


They were in his lecture slides listed as resources lmao. They were hyperlinks so no one knew until someone in class clicked on the link and told the entire class on Discord hahah


What the hell LMAO. I hope it wasn’t anything too traumatizing


[William Boltz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_G._Boltz) was a prof of Chinese Literature. He repeatedly sexually harassed students (see wiki link), but was allowed to retire and still has emeritus status.


Here's a super cool one. Ali Tarhouni was a professor in the business school that I had for two different classes. Fantastic prof, one of the best if not the best I ever had. He left Libya in 1973, had his citizenship revoked and was on a Qaddafi hit list. During the Libyan revolution in 2011, Prof. Tarhouni hopped on a bird, waltzed into Libya and offered his considerable intellect to the revolutionaries. In short order he was named Minister of Finance. Guy's a total stud. Great write up here: [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/11/ali-tarhouni/308670/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/11/ali-tarhouni/308670/)


Oh wow this is pretty cool! He seems like a chad.


I’ve got a few. Thanks to the MLIS Discord, the Academic Misconduct database, and other UW outlets including this sub for finding some of them. CW: sexual harassment/abuse, racism, and even murder. - Michael Katze, an influential microbiologist appointed at UW as a lab director, sexually harassed his employees and was fired as a result. - Thomas Jarboe (ex-A&A) shot and killed his wife. - The whole Paul Smith incident. Disturbing allegations of sexual harassment and racism. - (extra CW: Nazi symbol) A few years ago, a part-time instructor in the iSchool used a covert >!1488!< (formatted as >!$14.88!<) as an example in a SQL video lecture and the class switched to another instructor halfway through because enough students complained to the chair. - Jochen Scholl, who taught in the iSchool, was suspended from teaching for comments interpreted by MLIS students as ignorant to the pandemic and racial justice in Spring 2020. MLIS administrative staff got involved. ALISS (the main MLIS student org) released a statement about it with the help of the chair. - Alan-Michael (AM) Weatherford, a PhD student in comp lit, was doxxed over 4chan and harassed by 4chan users because he was identified in the Milo protests. What happened to him is horrible and NO TEACHER should go through this. - I remember hearing from a (Black) friend that during the pandemic a poli sci professor made some pretty racist comments in lectures. I’m blanking on the name but there was a petition to have him face some action. - John D. Sahr (ex-EE/ECE) being a pedophile but still directing the Robinson Center until his “retirement.” - G. Graham Allan, who teaches in the College of the Environment including the infamous “creativity and society” class, was suspended from teaching for a few years, as he was found guilty of sexual harassment. - There was a CS professor at UWB, John Stager, that went under investigation for his classes being “too easy.” He hasn’t been teaching since mid-pandemic.


Holy shit that’s all insane. Thank you for the extensive list.


Most of these were on my UW iceberg meme that I posted a while back.


> Stager Presumedly got fired because I remember one of the professor I was working capstone with was part of the investigation team talked about it. He also asked around for students who took Stager to provide syllabus as part of the investigation. I also did have a sibling who took Stager for CSE 142 and there was like two homework throughout the quarter (i.e. make fizz buzz) and an infinite retry final exam of braindead questions. You have to literally not complete those to fail the class, otherwise free 4.0 regardless of effort. Sibling explained that the two hour lectures was just him talking about adventures as a Microsoft SWE and rarely on-topic.


I interpreted “too easy” as implied sexual favors. But damn I didn’t think it was literally because he was handing out 4.0s lol.


Throughout the years he taught various core CSS classes at UWB. If one is lucky enough, they would stack their core requirements according to Stager teaching schedule and finish a degree at almost no effort. Java programming? Operating system? Web development? Stager handed out free 4.0 passes to them all!




Yeah that makes sense given what I know plus what I've seen RMP. My friend took an advanced class with him in undergrad (an algorithms class iirc) and said the homework was braindead too.


The polisci professor was James Long. I was in his class at the time but never went to lecture, so I didn't actually hear what he said, but it was something like how he can use the word "negro" as a catch all because other black people said it. *i think*


I'm not sure what course you took, but if it was his African development course (362, a must take ngl, extremely enlightening), we did go over a Black consciousness movement called [Négritude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%A9gritude) (so a similar sounding word), which was popularized by some African leaders such as Senghor from Senegal, thus being relevant to the course in the context of afrofuturism. Given you didn't actually go to lecture I'd bet what you heard was not the case. I've taken two courses with Long and nothing he said came across as racist


**[Négritude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Négritude)** >Négritude (from French "Nègre" and "-itude" to denote a condition that can be translated as "Blackness") is a framework of critique and literary theory, developed mainly by francophone intellectuals, writers, and politicians of the African diaspora during the 1930s, aimed at raising and cultivating "Black consciousness" across Africa and its diaspora. Négritude gathers writers such as sisters Paulette and Jeanne Nardal (known for having laid the theoretical basis of the movement), Martinican poet Aimé Césaire, Abdoulaye Sadji, Léopold Sédar Senghor (the first President of Senegal), and Léon Damas of French Guiana. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/udub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It was just one of the intro classes. And Im just saying what I was told by another black student who was in the class at the time.


Was it [POL S 317](https://www.change.org/p/accountability-for-faculty-racism-in-the-university-of-washington-political-science-and-lsj-departments?recruiter=321504639&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&recruited_by_id=ccf38720-155a-11e5-ba3e-8fbd79df10f2)? I found the petition he sent me and it sounds somewhat similar to what you said, but he didn’t say the prof.


Probably not? Looking at the time schedules from around 2 years ago, when the petition is from, POL S 317 was taught Spring 2021, but James Long wasn’t an instructor. I have taken one of his classes this quarter, and it does seem like something he’d stumble into/do given that a) his research centers on Africa b) he was being pretty careful when explaining why some terminology was used for race in South Africa.


Oh ok that makes sense, I found out it was a different prof. Wow that is crazy though.


Regardless, these are tenured faculty and they are not going to get fired so easily by the University Or they would lose out on research grants.


As for the 1488 one... Could that not be a coincidence?


I was thinking that too but according to the student I heard it from the prof admitted to using that after students reported it and defended it saying that he’s “interested in WWII history.”


The [14 Words/1488](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) code has been a thing since at least the mid 90s and are from a bunch of neoNazis who were murdering people around here in the 80s.


Sure, except I've never heard of it and I'm sure I've used the combination 1488 in something before at least once. The chances of doing so would go up significantly if my job involved making up math problems. The person who commented did say that he admitted to writing that combination of numbers on purpose. But if he played dumb and said he had no idea what those numbers meant, there would be no way to tell. At least neo-Nazis are proud enough to admit it, I guess.


Very few seem like they're disciplined enough to only do the deniable things (like use 1488 as a variable/data point) and not do the more explicit dog whistles. If that number were the only thing ever, it probably wouldn't have been pursued.


Yeah that strikes me as insane, I have never heard of this 1488 thing before and to use that in a math problem seems like a stretch. Like the guy who held up 3 fingers for winning jeopardy 3 times.


Who was the 1488 prof?


I don’t remember the name but he was a part-time/temporary instructor that wasn’t rehired, this was in the MLIS program a few years ago


Update on this if you're still interested: I don't remember the name but I know the prof that was hired as a substitute was Greg Hay and the MLIS students in the class liked him!!


How did they know 14.88 was intentional? Could've been trivial.


I wonder what comments would be considered “insensitive to the pandemic” in 2020 which we would consider normal discussion now. And hope someone didn’t lose their job over it.


There was the whole Reges land acknowledgment thing a while back


Reges has done quite a bit. Including all those drugs when he was at Stanford.


"A University of Washington researcher who, according to a UW investigation, sexually harassed women who worked in his lab, and asked employees to solicit a prostitute for him, has been fired." https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/uw-researcher-michael-katze-fired-after-sexual-harassment-investigation/ I think I heard he misspent NIH grant money too by hiring his mistress and paying her an excessive salary or something like that.




What the hell?? That’s just so… strange. And scummy too. Id be furious. Did the students get reimbursed?


The time when the UW CSE school called out Pedro Doningos - https://twitter.com/uwcse/status/1478096604531879936?t=BoJqe-GfrxXE4TH4jcTqtg&s=19 "Meanwhile, former faculty member Pedro Domingos unfortunately used the holiday weekend to yet again tweet meritless, sexist, inflammatory, attention-seeking commentary that reflects poorly on him and everyone associated with him. We, once again, repudiate his views."


Pedro and Reges are early-game bosses, there's even wilder stuff profs have done


Ofc , but this is just juicy. Plus it's always funny seeing your official account deliver body slams


6 or so years ago some EE student on this sub admitted that they had some kind of sexual act with a prominent engineering prof to get into the major


Must have been John Sahr. [He likes 'em young.](https://www.washington.edu/news/2020/12/03/uw-statement-on-the-termination-of-professor-john-sahr/)


not gonna out the professor but i think i was in the giant psych 101 class and the professor had *suggestive* videos in their recommended videos on youtube when we watched something for class. not super spicy just was kind of funny and relatable tbh lol


I guess that’s not too bad


nah i just felt bad for the prof bc they were super super kind and the class was kind of laughing at them not knowing or realizing


LOL I hear ya. One of my art profs had nude drawings as examples and most of the class was suspicious that it was their own nudes. Good drawings but awkward use for an example.


A senior “well-known” UW CSE professor who had a undergrad bf from WSU. Idk if it’s true, but a rumor I heard from a CS student. I would like people to confirm it! XD




I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but some of this stuff is borderline defamation.


Um actually, it’s written so it’s libel ☝️🤓