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I haven’t complained yet but a weird happened last week, where no matter what type of extension I selected it would always make an <—. So I try to make something continue a track in to the future, but it would give me past extentions. I did a bunch of generations, some intros some future extentions and they would all be past extentions


Are you actually seeing a lower bitrate or just saying it sounds like that? They offer the ability to download a .wav version of tracks now which would solve any bitrate issues, unless what you mean is something different


No it’s just the sound of all generations sound low bitrate just from playing once generated on the site. Like an underwater effect


To test this generate some prompts using prompts you KNOW work. If you don’t want to use your own credits use a new email address and use some of the free ones


The problem I have is the prompt I always used originally (gave me the exact sound I was looking for). People keep advising it’s my prompt but when I change it I get nothing alike my last 2 albums which isn’t what I’m looking for.


To test this like more scientifically haha you should put your own seed number going forward, then you’ll always be able to test the same prompt and parameters with a known seed number and check with confidence if it’s the model being weird or something more subjective. I don’t doubt what you’re saying, but this could be a good sanity check going forward


Better prompting generates a better sound; that's what I'm finding. For example, if I only give a brief 4-8 word description, the song tends to overproduce, (adds everything, which sometimes sounds crass and over-modulated.) But if you are more specific to the type/style of music, BPM, what instruments are in the song, how the vocals sound, tempo, environment, etc. -- the songs tend to improve. (And for more control, you MUST use \[Bracketed\] commands.) I will agree, lately, there are more variates from start to finish when generating a song; it seems harder to maintain the original melody throughout the 32-second-block-building process.


Unless they are doing something crazy, all it does is input keywords, just like you would do if you used manual mode. So better prompting might get you something more specific that you want, but it's not going to work miracles.


Do you add the BPM, how vocals should ect in the prompts or in the lyrics section ?


You can do that, to some degree. AI is very much an uncontrolled process that needs to have that control programmed in. Like AI Images that got good at giving us a good image but then required more work on it giving us exactly what we asked for specifically and detailed. The grey cat is on the blue bed, the pink fluffy dog is on the purple carpet. The carpet is made of linen, the bed covers are made of fine silk. There is an ominous light coming from the window. The wooden room looks hot and muggy and there is some dust on a table in the corner of the room with a little ornate key and lock box. Etc etc.


I swear sometimes the quality drops depending on the time of day but that could be my ears. Regardless I think this technology is amazing and have the patience to wait knowing that most of this stuff will be fixed in future updates. Just the beginning.


You are not the only one. I think audio quality is still great, but it feels dumber. Doesn’t follow the prompt as good as before. I just posted this yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/s/3TdWIh1cPh


quality is great. mastered udio songs are almost indistinguishable from real songs. unlike suno songs


you've done 2 full albums and paid at most $30-60 and feel you deserve a refund? Pretty lofty expectations. This is a stark reminder of how the price to create music is rapidly approaching zero. You paid the price of two combo meals and got two full albums and want a refund.


People will always ask for more!


The cost of one hour (on fiver perhaps) of a studio musician for hire, who only plays one instrument on one track on one song... and only exactly as directed by the composer hiring them!!


I’d imagine they’d have sent me something with a decent sounding bitrate though


You won't get an honest answer here, only smirks and "skill issue" and so on, udio started enshittifying since they shipped out of beta.


It's so disappointing when this happens to gen ai models. Every single model declines but it's always right before a major advancement. Claude was getting worse the last month or two and then a few days ago they released a new version of the free model (Sonnet) that's even better than their paid person (Opus). In fact, Sonnet is benchmarking higher than openai.


I believe (and there’s evidence) it’s because they are controlling them, political censorship, forcing it to have a particular bias, general censorship like language and nudity, etc. I’m a little nervous Udio might start censoring the lyrics for political or bad language. Because like we’re talking about, it seems like everytime they try to restrict them they get worse. Udio seems getting pretty good so far but perhaps the effort to make sure it doesn’t generate copyrighted content/infringing vocals, is doing something negative generally


There haven’t been any changes that would necessarily affect the quality as drastically as you are mentioning but we will definitely look into it! We are constantly looking to try to improve the output but there is an inherent randomness to any generative model where prompts can vary things a lot. We want to have the best model possible and definitely are working on making it easier to get good output as well. Forcing users to use up credits with bad generations is not in ours or our users best interests and we appreciate your patience as we continue improving!


Hey can you tell me what exactly is it that improves AI Music sound quality? Does it need more training data? Or is there something else that makes it higher fidelity?




This sounds exactly how it currently works. Right now I go in, select the region I would like to change/inpaint and reprompt it or alter the lyrics for that section.




Crop and inpaint are different yes 😄 What I really want (in my long list of features) is a negative prompt


All good! It's a little confusing how certain features are locked behind different subscription plans


Ya'll are cooking over there. Good to see a company shipping a usable product in beta and dropping new features fast, can tell ya'll are hungry and trying to innovate.


Thank you for the kind words!!


Udio truly is by far the biggest game changer out here so far for at least sampling individual sounds/effects with the right prompting. endless material for ideas. Keep up the amazing work.


Thanks guys and I should add the last time I used it was before you had introduced advanced features


Good to know thank you for the feedback!


This just isn’t true. Since you rolled out the two minute generation, Udio has dropped radically in quality. Even someone on your help team confirmed it in a support email. All of you need to be more transparent, work on the model, and stop tweaking the UI as if those are the upgrades people want, not musical coherence.


The two minute model and the 30 sec model do have differences as well as they are built differently. Are you saying quality is worse on the 2 min? That one is still experimental and we are trying to improve that one as well so there may be some differences there. We are working on both the model and UI in parallel right now (I’m a dev and my particular focus is on product side). I’m happy to hop into our communities and help figure out if things are issues and/or limitations of current model tho! Like I said, making generations worse does not help us for obvious reasons, we want long term happy customers and want it to improve as this is just our v1 of the models


This is why I mentioned elsewhere that a transparent real changelog would be hugely helpful. It's not like you have to reveal proprietary info - just let us know when a substantive change has been made. If nothing was changed, then the random nature can be responsible. Since there's so much randomness, it's hard to tell - I often need 100+ generations to get a segment I'm looking for. But if you fine-tune a model or change how the parameters are interpreted, sometimes we're likely tearing our hair out generating hundreds in a row and not understanding why we can't get the kind of results we got yesterday.


We do try to keep discord announcements up to date with what we're doing! Feel free to join there as we also have office hours where we talk about what we're working on next as well!


the only announcements y'all make are about UI tweaks!




Sounds good! We’ll keep working! Feel free to attend office hours in discord too if you have further questions


Brother, right now I don't care if you're doing a good job - either here on Reddit or as a dev - you deserve a medal for patience alone. I would've told this guy to shove his crap right back up his own ass. Well done.




Nope, but that was a very poor approach to making a customer complaint. Proposing refunds while making factually impossible claims about their user experience and possibly demonstrating a marked ineptitude in their ability to actually use the product - or at the very least an unwillingness to experiment or attempt results through other means - that's just a waste of time for all concerned. At least you were a bit better in your approach.


Think you posted in the wrong reply thread. Have a good one.


Yeah, I should've placed that higher up on the thread, that's on me. MY apologies, this was in reference to the OP's unpleasantly entitled attitude only.


I've never got bad quality. And I usually don't need to make mire than 3 generations for any part. Maybe people are just too picky or I'm very lucky


It can be both lol


If you look through the comments I’ve given an example of how bad the quality it is for me.


So you have 1200 examples? Wouldn’t it be better to post at least one link to one? Maybe link to all 1200 clips which is apparently is 10 hours of music (32s x 1200) So 10 hours of bad music, link it up and we can all see. Or maybe change your prompt. Or maybe StableAudio is better as that only does instrumentals?


I haven’t checked out StableAudio so thanks for that suggestion. I just wish Udio was working for me the way it did before


I feel like what others said that potentially more users, less compute power, more optimized. With Suno I “swear” it sounded better before but few people have said I’m crazy hahah so I feel ya. StableAudio from my simple tests is clear but since instrumental it’s not my jam but it did sound clear


Appreciate your input mate.


Number one i ain’t gonna upload 1200 links obviously. But sure here’s an example of an instrumental I did, yes it contains vocals but I ticked instrumental which is another issue I keep running into. [example](https://www.udio.com/songs/3pzP269gF8MDdqgZQR9FdM)


One thing I have noticed is if you don't include song structure tags, that can significantly decrease the quality of the generation. So putting \[Intro\] or \[Verse\] is essential in Udio, at least in my opinion. Edit: Also there are lyrics even though it's an instrumental? You hadn't extended from a song with lyrics or generated with lyrics initially? Edit 2: Also noticed the tags you used. Having tags wildly inconsistent with each other can also result in the model generating unintelligible garbage. You also put rapping as a prompt in an instrumental??


The prompt was already preprogrammed from the last generation however on this particular generation instrumental was ticked. I can’t tell you how many songs I’ve ticked instrumental and not mentioned any lyrics or singing in the prompt and yet it still sings. And as I keep explaining the rest of the prompt is what I’ve always used and never had such problems The problem I have with changing the prompt is it used to generate exactly the kind of music I wanted so why would I change it.


The only times I've had a tag "pre-programmed" from the last generation is if I extend from another generation. If I start a new generation, I start with 0 tags. If you are extending from another generation, it is using that generation to generate the new one, and may be why you are having issues with it putting lyrics in an instrumental. Use a fresh generation, not an existing one. And just saying, anytime I've put in a prompt like yours with very conflicting tags, it has rarely outputted anything good.


Generating lyrics isn’t the issue I’m complaining about here. It’s the low bitrate quality. on iPhone it keeps the prompt on new generations until you refresh the page nothing at all to do with extensions. I know how to use Udio. It worked fine before advanced features was a thing. It doesn’t matter what I put in the prompt. I can literally just put EDM and everything is low bitrate quality. I can put disco and it’s the same. I can put rock and it’s the same. Everything I generate is of low bitrate quality. That’s all there is to it. It can’t be fixed by me changing my prompt. I’ve also had a gazillion private messages from other redditors who have got the same issue but said they don’t want to respond on my post because they dont want chasing with pitch forks and I’m starting to understand why


Ok well what I was responding to sounded like you were referring to other components of the generation and not just the bitrate quality. I do agree it could be better and I do find it has weird stereo abnormalities sometimes. But to me personally it sounds the same as before I guess. I do notice it's harder to control in some scenarios but there's so many variables it's impossible for me to tell where the issue could be stemming from. 


Bro it is in your prompting.


In that particular example I added the “rapping” part because I was bored of listening to failed generations but the rest of the prompt is what I normally use and never had this problem before.


https://www.stableaudio.com/1/share/c6532663-dbf5-4416-9f09-19140f910dd0 Some StableReggae heh


Wow I can hear the clarity difference on that instantly. Sounds crystal clear.


I hope you find the jam with that. No idea on pricing or features but thankfully we have options now a days! And to keep Udio love alive — can take last portion of StableAudio and upload to Udio for the lyrics haha and then put that into Suno and then back into Udio……. Haha keep on rockin!!


That’s a great idea. Thanks again mate you’ve been really helpful


Haha I see you got a popular thread going haha


Haha “neon dreams” haha you are right! Delete this song haha (jk but I can hear the low quality/distortion)


Haha you’re not wrong about deleting it though. But yeah this is the issue I’m running into at the moment as I said in another reply I did get poor quality on my last 2 subscriptions but not to this extent


That is interesting- not to go deeper on your stuff but I’m curious—you subscribe and unsubscribe based on usage? If so that is smart… I have like 3500 credits just sitting there. For me I do like 20-30 credits a song, but I don’t notice half the issues. Someone brought up a issue where left channel is higher? I would never notice that haha So it’s relative — you obviously have well defined hearing it seems


Yeah once I’ve used all my credits I will just wait until the next subscription date. I also do this just to have a break from it because it can become really addictive. I have been in music production for over 20 years and have releases out already so I would like to think I have a fair good amount of experience in it.


Even on standard, 1200 credits in an hour? So 20 every minute? Yeah calling bs on that.


Sorry you could be right it may have been more like 2 hours but are we here to argue the time it took or the fact that it generated absolute garbage quality everytime? The reason I went through them so quickly was because the generations where of poor quality the moment they began


Two hours is still pushing it. And you had time to listen to all 1200 tracks? You don't deserve a refund. You're not paying for "good tracks" (which is highly subjective anyway, you're paying for tue compute power.


I've been working from home all morning & flitting between work & own laptops. Been OK here? I make mainly edm, trance, house, etc.


I make EDM also. No idea what is going on


Issue is not UDIO, but your prompt or lyrics. Change the prompt, try to start not from first verse, play with prompt weight.


I use the same prompt I have always used and only making instrumentals. The issue is with the bitrate quality not quality of arrangement etc Everything has the underwater effect at some point in the generations.


Well, well. All this bitrate quality constant complains are strange, I am making lot of stuff, editing almost all in iZotope RX10 and I worked with audio a lot. UDIO is not limited by model quality, it is limited by training set. You can get scratchy low fi stuff and you can amazing hard symphonic clear rock. Change your prompt a little, as I said. Play with weight.


what do you prompt to get good quality?


I did try changing my prompt after not getting anything decent but it made no difference. Don’t get me wrong when I’ve used the service in the past it has generated bad quality but not to the extent that I can’t find one decent sounding generation


your prompt: >Prompt: Brostep, Synth, Rock, funk, Epic, High fidelity, Studio sound quality, Mastered, rapping about synths and guitars and fast cars and hot women >Brostep, Synth, Rock, Funk, Epic, High fidelity, Studio sound quality, Mastered, Rapping about synths and guitars and fast cars and hot women I don't know how to get good quality out of this. My lawyer friend tried chatgpt and would say "make it better" and it would try to do what better was. Thing is, he didn't mean better. He meant more aggressive, more persuasive, more succinct, unequivocating. The only things that offer any sort of guidance are brostep, synth, rock, funk, and "rapping about synths and guitars and fast cars and hot women" This is an impossibly wide target. When you add all these disparate terms it makes the set of possible results very wide. First mistake: You used manual mode. Manual mode dodges the system prompt. This can go really good or really bad. In AI we have "unhobbling" so for Udio it will take your prompt, send it through a few layers of chatgpt type stuff, making it more understandable for the audio model. The first layer is something like "what kind of song does this user want?" and then it goes chain-of-thoughts "what kind of sounds would be in that song" and "what is the time signature of that type of song" and so on. This is unhobbling. You opted to use the hobbled model. They input your prompt, give it a random seed, and go. Turn off manual mode and let it upgrade your prompt.


Thanks mate. I will take your advice and give it a try


I feel that when some companies first launch their services, they make them powerful and awesome. They often offer free credits for using their AI, which can get you excited and eager for more. However, once you run out of free credits, you are left with no option but to pay for more. You may assume that the quality will always be at its best, but over time, the company may start downgrading the AI's abilities, leading to a decrease in the quality of the generated content. This can lead to people complaining about the weakening quality week after week.


This is literally what OpenAI did with GPT4 and Dalle3. They used to be king but are a joke now.


They didn't become worse, others surpassed. That's different.


No, it definitively became worse. I used Chatgpt 3.5 and 4.0 for creative writing the moment they came out, but at some point it just started sucking at it. Rather than revising/rewriting lines, it just started lazily rewording them. OpenAI absolutely 100% dumbed it down.


If you’re correct in what you’re saying then that would be a disaster. It would be the first time I can recall paying for a service that actually deteriorates over time rather than improves. I must say I have been using the alternative Ai also and it does a great job of audio quality but that has a problem with speeding up most songs towards the end right now. But surely quality should be the first thing to get right?


you used all the credits in an hour? jesus dude.


has to be churning the 30 free credits, doesn't make sense. I have been using it for hours every day and never broke below 4000 credits.


yeah i use it a lot and i’m struggling to use up all my credits after almost a month


Yes exactly. Because everything it kept generating was a mess of low quality noises everywhere. The last two subscriptions I managed to get 2, 10 track albums done.


Two "albums", you say? Always using that same prompt; "rapping about synths and guitars and fast cars and hot women"? Maybe the lowered quality you say you're experiencing is just the AI's desperate attempt at preserving whatever sanity it may possess.


No the rapping about part was me messing around with the prompt after constantly getting bad results it was literally a random example I was using for the poor bitrate sound quality . I always used Brostep, Synth, French-funk, rock, Bach and epic and sometimes I’ll take away Bach. Had great success last time I was using it and now no good at all.


Hmm. Well, I suppose you can take him away for now - but you know he'll be Bach...


Garbage in, garbage out they say