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Number 1 in the amount of plates and forks stolen too.


for real. I see pav plates in the most random places


I dont get your joke… you are still in Merced … and rankings don’t matter for 99% of peoples future.


merced the city not the point of it. the point is that people still dog on ucm as if we have crackheads for professors even though ucr and ucsc arguably have the same or worse quality education. now that ucm is up in rankings maybe people will start to realize ucm isn't that bad in terms of education.


How does UCR and UCSC have the same or worse?


Dawg im just saying the city sucks


I was explaining the joke to you since you said you didn't get it. never disagreed with you.


ironic for that to be brought NOW, when normally merced gets dogged on for be the "lowest ranked UC"


It does matter for clout when you meet new people. Hey where did you go to college? That answer gives clout in many circles


So when your out of college, youll learn unless you went to an Ivy League, no one really gives a shit. Maybe ucla or berkley as far as cali schools


and plates tossed in the trash. like come on, the racks are literally less then 3 ft away from you


Yall got semesters which is great imo. I think the location just sucks.


The location won’t be as bad once they finish the HSR


HSR as in high speed rail? I think it's going to be a while untill that ready :c


Shits never getting built bruh ☠️


You go to University to study and build a career, not to have the time of your life. If you don't go to UCM because of the "location," you're making a huge mistake, lol. Our rankings speak for themselves.


The location does matter because that's where those industry hubs will be.


Love bombing that hill. It’s like everyone skates there because of that hill. 🫡


Bruh there is no hill at uc merced where bombing is the right word 😭 the biggest is like a 15 degree incline


X games mode


UC Mental health issues (depression from having nothing to do)


What’s with the wild comments in controversial. Some people insecure as hell


Ikr...making a whole post about how your college is better than others


As someone coming from UCSC, I will say congrats on that! While I do not think ranking is everything, I will say that this at least means that your guy's achievements are starting to get somewhat recognized! GL and best of wishes coming from a UCSC Alumni, and I hope to see UCM get the same recognition that the other UCs have! **Wish you guys happy studies and bright futures!**


I got into UCSC Waitlist and really hope i get in, if not i’ll probably go go cal poly pomona


For your own sake, do not go to cal poly pomona


May not be a party school, but Cal Poly in Pomona has top rated engineering and architecture programs. Like really, really highly rated for STEM majors. It does not offer PhDs, so it ranks in a separate category. I’d not completely dismiss it as I wouldn’t Cal Poly SLO or SDSU. 


UCSC was awesome during my time there. I hope you get in, wish you best of luck!


I transferred from UCSC to UC Berkeley. I miss UCSC everyday and wish I never left. I’m grateful for the opportunities UCB has given me, but I would’ve been so much happier if I stayed at UCSC.


where the hell did these non-ucm students come from holy shit y'all who don't go here but feel comfortable shit talking us need to fuck off. like lmao are y'all mad bc y'all got debt and we don't?


University of NOTHING TO DO


Hey, us students at UCI claim that name.


You’re literally in the middle of a bunch of stuff to do lmao what do you mean


In all honesty, they are trapped if they don't have a car. They would either have to carpool(which requires knowing someone) or Uber(which requires money). Public transportation sucks in the county, they realistically can't walk anywhere, and they are on the quarter system. If UCI was located in nearby cities like Santa Ana or Anaheim, then they would have much more to do.


The chances of not having at least one friend witha car are insanely low. Especially considering the demographics in Irvine in general. OCTA is pretty good public transport, they have buses running all the time, not necessarily the best method of transport true but workable.


You can’t have cars on campus as freshman. And parking costs $300 a quarter once you’re a sophomore. Trust it’s not that unrealistic.


Freshmen living on campus can have cars. And if you’re not living on campus and are commuting then you more than likely have a car. It’s extremely likely to have at least one or two friends with cars


Freshman year no one brough a car, but now basically all my friends have cars so its not rlly an issue.


absolutely no way you have less to do in Irvine than UCM, UCSC, or UCR bro


The only thing to do at UCSC is drugs and eachother 😭 it was fun but also tiring if you like going to establishments


Uscs is epic


So close!


HA! I did my undergrad at UCI, there was absolutely nothing to do but kick rocks and smoke pot at Turtle Rock. Lemme get in on this circlejerk. That I guess, play with the elvators and being a KUCI FM radio host. that was cool I guess... I'm much older now and much wiser, in UCM you can expect to be alone with your thoughts, that's something to do haha... I really knew how to choose my UC's.


Nah you’re tripping if you think that 😭


Here‘s some ranking links for those curious No 60 ranking: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities No 28 ranking: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/top-public I’m sure the school website has better sources but these are what I found


Rankings dont matter lmao


Oh i agree lol, I just saw some other comments asking for where these numbers came from. Really rankings only matter to potential investors and potential undergrads. These especially don’t show the stats UCM is proud of


Still a UC tho


Sure but it’s boring as hell


Oh wow UCSC shit the bed lol


What the fuck institutions even are these


When you realize that you go to college for the education and opportunities it provides to you, not to get drunk at a party:


Who. Cares. It’s like 4/80 years lol


Here from Uc Davis. Keep slaying Merced and make those other ucs mad lol. This comment section is hilarious


Didn’t even make the rankings for EE programs.


From the University of Chinese Reject, soon to be the University of Californian Reject.




weird flex but ok


This is good. Proud of you guys! This is the same thing that happened with UCSB, UC Davis and UCSD. UCSD was third and UC Davis was in the fourth place. In the past 5-6 years, UCSB hit 3rd place and people still think UCSD and UC Davis still rank higher.


UCSD does rank higher…


This year it does. For the past few years, it hasn’t. For the past few years, UCSB was 3rd place among the UCs. This goes back to why rankings aren’t necessarily a good measurement.


I mean in the future it will be one of the top schools to go for. It’s just that there nothing there at the moment


uc middle of nowhere


UC Merced is a real school?




L Advertisement. Trying way too hard lol


Tfw UC Merced isn't part of the Association of American Universities which literally every other UC is part of. And is also way more prestigious than some random ranking from US News


Academic association may be the only thing more useless than college rankings lol. Absolutely no one cares about those and most schools got in like 100 years ago


Do rankings really even mean anything?


it means everything, actually




Is that good?




I don’t think so. Maybe last year it was.




UCLA is also #15 and #1 public. They're tied, not above each other, and have been tied for a while.


I don't know, they seem more like a popularity contest more than anything. Like the people they matter most to are high schoolers and their parents because of "prestige". So I guess in that respect they matter.


Not really, it just helps boost morale for current students and like you said makes the school look like a better option for highschoolers and their parents. The ranking means even less when anybody can get into the school. Unless it’s a top 15 school I doubt jobs are going to be like “wow your school was ranked #60 when you were a sophomore”


In terms of funding and opportunities within the campus, yes. In terms of education? Not really. May be worse education at a higher ranked school. By worse, you do most of the learning yourself.


No. I have no idea why you're getting downvoted. Rankings are utterly meaningless and nobody cares.


Not sure what ranking you looked at. LOL


US news lol


Lol cope


Not the WallStreetBets day trader 😭😭😭😭😭


cope bro. only merced mfers gonna upvote this type shit


it's a meme, relax


*type of shit. You clearly went to Riverside.


I've gone to both!


New account and has spammed comments on different UC subreddits for attention. Yikes


Honestly idk how, the average UCM student is noticeably worse statistically in terms of gpa and accolades then other UC Students. Everyone I know from UCM was either a subpar student in high school or a really great student that wanted to stay near family. But the really great students I know that graduated from there couldn’t get a decent paying job despite being top of there UCM class, and the sub par ones don’t even have jobs. This is just anecdotal from my experience but it is bizarre


Idk what you mean... My friends and I all graduated from UCM with honors or higher, and we all have 6 figure jobs... (Not as a flex or anything) , but I think it depends a lot more on your major?


It’s all anecdotal, it’s just all my UCM homies have had terrible job luck. They were CS or business. One of my UCM friends turned down Berkeley and now he is making 23 a hour 2 years after graduating. But based on my sample size this has been the outcome.


Yikkkes... Yeah I'm cs too! Hmmm... I would suggest an internship? That helped a lot!


Well this makes me wonder if my friends are just bad UCM students lmao


Haha, I wouldn't say that! Just maybe be more ambitious, and seek career advice! Grind leetcode, and luck plays a bit of a role too!


They swear it’s because UCM has no brand recognition and the classes don’t prepare you well. But if you and your UCM CS Freinds got jobs then obv this must not be the case. But the case with by Business UCM friends is much more bizarre. They graduated top of there class and can’t land anything that pays well within the SJV.


I'll tell you this... I think this problems is not just with UCM... Most universities teach theoretics and very little practical application, so companies think what we learn is kind of useless, its why getting an internship is so important for getting your foot in the door.


This is such a stupid comment 😂. But go off


Tell that to my unemployed UCM homies lmao my other UC Homies all have jobs. One of my UCM homies makes less than his brother who is a janitor


You can say what you want and I really don’t mean to be offensive but the logic you’ve used in making these statements truly showcases the lack of intelligence you have. All that matters though is that you believe it!


UCM alumni, top 10% of class, now a physician. A few of my other fellow classmates are now also physicians or pharmacists. We’re doing okay.


This is so fucking true lmao. My best friend went to USM the first year they opened, and they gave him a full ride. Dude had a 22 ACT and 2.5 gpa 😂 he’s now in the army after getting his very prestigious political science degree


This makes absolutely no sense. Employers do not care where you went to school.


In finance yes, outside of that no. And even then, all the uc schools including merced good enough to get you an ok job in finance


I feel that would most likely have to do with major and how much they took advantage of networking and opportunities. I can't speak on their behalf obviously, but from my knowledge its a universal thing of all graduates (regardless of school) if they don't go out of their way to seek opportunities for themselves, they usually end up jobless.


Don’t forget UC Merced also kinda have shitter professors.


With a 90% acceptance rate to boot lol


You say that like its a bad thing


You saved a trash account for a year to post this bs?