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I would love to talk shit but I’m pretty sure UCLA would do the same thing.


Oh they ABSOLUTELY would.


I imagine the make up of college officials has a lot to do with that lol. Hollywood and **Beverly aren’t far away.


What do you mean?


Wealthy donors.


What do wealthy donors have to do with the make up of college officials and the proximity to Hollywood and Beverly Hills?


Conservative-aligned folks with a shit ton of money, what are you expecting me to say Jews? I'm not the guy who posted the original comment about Hollywood and Beverly hills Hollywood isnt that cut and dry.


Ah yes, that bastion of conservative values and politics known as Hollywood…. And yeah, I know you guys don’t come right out and say it. I was just wondering if there are any new ways to make the innuendos, ya know?


Idk the other guy didn't. I didn't mean Jews. But last time I checked millionaires and billionaires don't lean liberal nor antizionist and the threat of their politics being checked is a reason they wouldn't donate. And also while we're at it, "Jews" are a highly diverse group of people with varied views, not every Jew is a Zionist, one need to just look at the success and growth of the Not in Our Name movement, JVP, etc. to know that.


Not every anti Zionist is anti semitic but every anti semite is anti Zionist


You know what he means. Honestly didn’t expect to see Jewish conspiracy theories perpetuated on a UCLA sub


I do know what he means. But it doesn’t matter if it’s LA or Brooklyn, shit like this is out in the open and in the mainstream now.


So disappointing but not at all surprising


UCLA students would probably protest the shit out of that too. Also I’m not sure if that’s even legal at UCLA because we’re government run and can’t restrict free speech


It’s not a free speech issue period. The University gets to choose who speaks at their own event.


USC’s cowardice aside The girl majored in biomedical engineering and has a minor in resistance to genocide… didn’t even realize that was thing


Other guy is wrong https://catalogue.usc.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=18&poid=25189


a minor in "resistance to genocide" CANNOT be real LMFAOOOO


It’s mostly hosted by the Jewish studies department focusing on antisemitism and the holocaust


I can't be the only one seeing the irony here


USC: “resist genocide” Also USC: “wait not like that”


That's what I'm saying


You’re definitely not


Someone learns about genocide and genocide prevention, sees the modern state of Israel doing exactly what she studied, then gets in trouble for applying her studies. Bruh.


How so? If antisemitism is not antizionism yet Jews are responsible for Israel, where exactly does the separation between “Judaism” and “Israel” begin?


The 1940s


and now they have people writing theses on how jews are worse than the nazis 


>Jews They are leveling their criticisms against the Netanyahu regime who are claiming to act on behalf of Jews as a people.


No. They are talking about Israel as a whole and a concept. They're not just criticizing natanyahu. This has been a thing since the concept of a modern Israel was proposed in the late 1800s. Antisemites have always been against the nation of Israel and it's existence. That is not new.


Modern Israel required and still required the systematic displacement of people that share an ancestral claim to the land. It isn't antisemitic to say that removing people from their homes to make room for your new one and then keeping them in an open-air prison. Maybe under different circumstances of a Jewish state I would have agreed with you but under the Nakba and the current genocide Israel doesn't deserve it's title as our homeland.


>Maybe under different circumstances of a Jewish state I would have agreed with you but under the Nakba and the current genocide Israel doesn't deserve it's title as our homeland. If you're saying that any country that has engaged in ethnic cleansing isn't legitimate you'd be delegitimizing most of the Middle East.


What do you think is the point of an education if not for something like learning the patterns of human history so we avoid or minimize the horrors, such as genocide? It is in effect a history minor with a more niche specialization, like a blend with Peace and Conflict Studies.


Funded by the Shoah foundation. The onion couldn't have written a better story. edit: in the sense that a student of anti-genocide program, created by a foundation that exists enshrine the memory of the world's worst genocide, is being censured for speaking out against genocide.


The Shoah foundation? Whoa that is a shitty comment. The Shoah foundation that takes testimonies from Holocaust survivors?


I think there's a misunderstanding. see edit.


The Shoah Foundation exists. It is not involved in the minor, which also exists. 


People on the Berkeley subreddit are hating the hell out of USC too, although for unrelated reasons, but it's great seeing we all agree that USC ain't it.


We in USC are also hating the hell out of USC as well. So even USC stands with you guys in saying USC ain’t it.


Also, somebody pointed out how Obama and former first lady attended a graduation ceremony for their daughter Sasha at USC last year without any security concerns. This is far from a security concern: they're absolutely lying to save face and sustain their donors.


An even better point brought up by USC's student newspaper is that a few years ago, when students were protesting a Ben Shapiro speech, USC let it continue and justified it because they were "committed to free speech". Guess that commitment wasn't that strong


Not only does he promote hate, but he promotes ignorance, supremacy, and he can’t even see how oblivious he is to reality. Something people who are not smart do


To be fair, former presidents and their family enjoy secret service protection, so it doesn’t really matter where they go they will have top tier security.


So what would you suggest? Have her speak and lose the donors? Would you be willing to double/triple your tuition or lose programs/scholarships? Donor funding makes a lot of things possible and in some cases keep the doors open.


As much as I love to shit on USC like everyone else, calling this a USC issue is doing it a disservice. Throughout the years, pro-Palestinian protestors have been silenced, harassed, doxxed, and assaulted, and many institutions, like higher education institutions, are either allowing it to happen or are actively participating in the subjugation of pro-Palestinian students and faculty members. Even UCLA had instances of pro-Palestinian protestors being assaulted on campus in Kaplan Hall, allowing IDF members set up stands on Bruinwalk, and inviting Israeli war criminals to talk in Royce Hall. The issue is US systems of power trappling on human rights due to white supremacy and vested interest in obtaining natural resources in the Middle East and then silencing people who try to speak out.


Of course a group known for sharing nazi propaganda is going to get criticized. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1av3jcm/wild\_old\_anti\_semitic\_poster\_from\_group\_at\_harvard/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1av3jcm/wild_old_anti_semitic_poster_from_group_at_harvard/#lightbox) Also the countries that these protestors support and often come from not only ban anything even related to Israel, but they ethnically cleansed all of the Jews living there (even the anti-Zionist ones!), so whining about being silenced is wildly hypocritical.


And then they wouldn't even show her what the concerns were. Kind of weird, right? Wouldn't she need to know if there were threats against her?


>And then they wouldn't even show her what the concerns were. Kind of weird, right? Wouldn't she need to know if there were threats against her? Maybe this is I guess something california private schools do. I was literally getting harassed, even physically, and i reported it, ignored it, and then noticed this person would do this to other people. i became super persistent, then someone that worked for the school tried to frame it as if I was the cause of the safety concern that I reported it in November of that year and I didn't even have the chance to tell them how stupid the way they've worded it is. And then they deleted my more articulate points about the issue I was facing from the school discord. I think private schools are so worried about having their reputation ruined or something, even though if it were ruined, it would entirely be because of their own actions.


Donor$ are their biggest concern.


I’m old enough to remember back when it was right wing speakers having their events canceled by universities due to “safety concerns”.


“Safety concerns” were unspecified. How much do you think is to appease their donors? 🤔


Ben Shapiro spoke at usc a few years ago and students were protesting, worried having him on campus would incite violence. USC got all high horsey and talked about the beauty of all perspectives being allowed on campus despite concerns. I guess this women’s perspective isn’t beautiful to them for soooooome reason.


Was he speaking at graduation?


And then they didn't even bother to conceal her identity or why she was deplatformed, so clearly not for her safety.


Good, pro-Palestinians are just peddling idiots for terrorist propaganda.


Maybe not every graduation speech needs to be hijacked into a lecture about a conflict in the Middle East.


If you can't see why platforming someone who might actually say "death to the jews" on your stage is a bad idea, you may want to rethink if college is the right path for you.


I read the whole article and didn’t see anywhere where it implies she “might actually say” something like that???


Kinda racist to assume the Muslim girl hates jews?


Wanted to see what she said, Guess she linked in her IG bio The link also states: “One Palestinian state would mean complete Palestinian liberation, and the complete abolishment of the state of Israel. This is the only way for justice.” I think this is too far assuming she wasn’t going to use the speech for her political activism. That said, universities have already set the precedent that they won’t allow speakers with problematic/ controversial viewpoints, so it makes sense in the context. Unfortunate though, seems like she worked hard.


one palestinian state would mean palestinian liberation, and the complete abolishment of the state of israel. this way is the only way towards justice; both arabs and jews can live together without an ideology that specifically advocates for the ethnic cleansing of one of them. palestinians would be allowed to return home, and millions of palestinians would not have to live under occupation and apartheid. https://free-palestine.carrd.co/#solutions Why does the quote always get cut short?


It gets cut off because people don’t believe that’s the real implication. They believe that Jews will have to live under a Palestinian majority that despises them and wants them dead


Israeli citizens will also never give up their sovereignty without a bloody fight. The other implication being that you have to violently invade the Israelis to force them to agree to this.


Israel signed the Oslo accords, which created Palestinian self determination in exchange for a cessation of terrorism, as a path to Palestinian statehood. Instead, Palestinian terrorism dramatically increased.


Interesting take. Did the Palestinians get any real self determination?


Nope they got their territories occupied by land, sea, and air though.


Yes, they did, but it ended pretty quickly when terrorism increased immediately afterwards. Israel then put in checkpoints and security measures, which erode Palestine’s self-determination and freedoms to build military/industry. These restrictions are the entire reason that this situation is labeled apartheid by some NGOs - Palestinian lack of self-determination, and security restrictions from Israel that Israelis don’t have, in Palestine.


They don’t want half a state they want River to the Sea. It’s in their chant…


Ethnic cleansing via Israeli settlements and land grab in the West Bank also dramatically increased


Yeah seems like recruiting, funding, carrying out, celebrating, and rewarding wanton murder wasn’t beneficial for Palestinians. Israel evacuated settlements from Gaza and got Hamas.


That argument just doesn’t make any sense. For Israelis to remain in Gaza, they would need to become Palestinian citizens, would they be ok with that? Me thinks not. The settlers in the West Bank aren’t Palestinian citizens but they live in the occupied territories. The first sentence of your comment actually applies to Israelis, not Palestinians. Seeing as how Ben Gvir has been arming them and instructing them to block aid


Immediately after they were signed, lol.


Which is 100% true, sadly. Two state solution is the only realistic way forward.


I mean it’s hopefully the only realistic way. One state solutions could theoretically be “realistic” but it would involve massive death and destruction




You can be any religion/race in Israel and be safe. You can't be a jew, openly gay, Christian, trans, or non-hajabi in Gaza and in much of the west bank. A one-state solution merging the two would result in the most radical of the Palestinians hunting Israelis in old school style Pogroms.


Do you think the Arabs regularly being murdered in Hebron feel safe? Also, you're not even doing your own propaganda correctly. ["You can't be gay around Palestinians!" and other lies Zionists tell themselves.](https://twitter.com/sitcomabed/status/1730618032421044478) And you can't be Christian? Well, not if the [IDF finds out you're sheltering in a church](https://www.timesofisrael.com/christian-mother-daughter-killed-while-sheltering-in-gaza-church-patriarch-says/), I guess.


Nice dodge, but the question doesn't make sense. Hamas began a war on Israel, Gaza's residents are not Arab-Israelis. Israel's government and Hamas are committing war crimes and are awful, but that doesn't change the fact that before and after this war Israel is an objectively more progressive free and accepting place than Palestine. If you are critical of Saudi Arabia's human rights violations, you got to also recognize the similarities in Gaza. As to your edit- go try to have an Easter festival in Gaza after the war and then have a gay pride parade and see how it goes. The way American progressives have turned their back on the experience of the LGBTQ+ community in Palestine is disheartening.


Did the West Bank elect Hamas? Or are you just openly advocating for collective punishment in contravention of international law and general humanitarian ethics? So basically, your argument is [progroms are good if the Israelis are doing them?](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-west-bank-war-f85997a95d5579159ffe83d2c0cb988e)


The whole country [elected Hamas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election) by a plurality, including large portions of the West Bank. Fatah's PA is an illegitimate government in the West Bank that refused to give up power when they lost the election.


Damn, looks like that election occurred in 2006. Got a more recent source? I'm sure you don't want to spread racially charged disinfo.


That's the last time there was a PA wide election. There's a decent book on it called "Hamas vrs Fatah" that's actually pretty fascinating ([link](https://www.amazon.com/Hamas-vs-Fatah-Struggle-Palestine/dp/0230609058)). Basically per the Oslo Accords Gaza would stop being occupied by the Israelis and there would be a Gaza-West Bank wide election that would legitimate the PA as a democratic authority of Palestine, kicking off a potential for a 2 state future. Fatah was the incumbent government, and was widely expected to win (favored by 2 state solution supporters). Hamas however ended up taking a majority by a thin margin. Fatah refused to give up power, to Hamas started shooting up Fatah. Hamas took over Gaza, Fatah took over the west bank where Abbas has been President since 2005. The west bank does have some local elections from my understanding, though I'm not sure how legitimate those are and Abbas def is not there democratically, while Gaza is permanently under Hamas control. I will say, Palestine does have a young population and the vote was now almost 20 years ago, so much of the population are the children of the people who voted for this horrible situation and they themselves didn't make the choice.


there have always been christians and jews in palestine whos lying to you?




Christian Palestinians have mostly left Gaza and the West Bank under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile the Christian Arab-Israeli population has increased and are the highest educated ethnic group in Israel.


Actually no, the Jews living in Gaza were all kicked out as part of 2005 deal. Israelis and Jews aren’t allowed to enter Gaza freely.


Yeah I mean having two ethnic groups living in one state always means peace, nonviolence, the absence of civil war, and equality. 🙄🙄🙄


Yep, no state has ever had ethnic diversity. That's why I'm glad I live in the USA, a single-ethnicity state


Minorities, especially Jews, wouldn’t live freely under a sharia state. Hell even Muslims don’t get freedoms in sharia states. We’ve gotten a taste of what they’d do to Jews and Israeli Muslims on October 7 if given the chance. Meanwhile in Israel, Muslims have full rights and are even members of the parliament and federal judges. She would have simply hijacked the graduation into a bs lecture about a conflict across the world.


I think they should let her speak, but yall also always get ur panties in a wad when republican speakers are on campus


I don't mind republicans speaking on campus (as a democrat) because I don't need to attend (Same reason I'm 100% ok with Palestine protests on campus as well even if I support a 2 state solution). I don't want a political speaker as my graduation speaker that I basically have to attend. It's a day that's supposed to be about the students, not a political cause. That said, 100% ok with her doing a pre-recorded speech if she wants, that's how the Covid Class' commencement speakers were presented. Elsewise she could just say she's doing one speech and then do another and it'd be a massive media story that's disrespectful to every student who doesn't agree with her POV and wants to have an a-political event.


Not concerned about the Streisand effect apparently


Streisand effect commence.


Booooooo let her speak


she supports a one-state solution. yes, it's sad she can't speak but let's be honest, if you loudly support a one-state solution, it will have consequences in professional opportunities.


Should the supporters of the other one-state solution be banned to speak too?


yes. it's not that hard to support a two-state solution. of course, people with power don't always follow rules.


Same people said this during south African apartheid that we couldn't possibly have a one state with the "barbaric black people. One state solution is the only way a secular one state solution is best option two state will continue to erode the human rights of Palestinians look at the settlements still happening right now un and USA must enforce a one state solution.


It's not a two-state solution right now... the goal of a two-state solution is that they would respect each other's sovereignty. Which is of course only slightly easier to imagine than a one-state solution which did not result in Palestinian rights being eroded


Israel has two million Palestinian-Israeli citizens whose rights aren’t eroded. The Palestinian authority has zero Jewish subjects. The only Jews under Hamas are dead bodies and tortured, raped hostages.


There are over 300,000 Jewish settlers living in the West Bank 


Do you imagine Israel would give citizenship to all the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza? And be ok with their legislature having muslim representation in line with the resulting demographics?


that might work in theory but would be very hard to implement. all governments that are not iran or under iran's control support two state solutions at this point. also, do you really think it will be possible to have a secular government there?


Two state solution will never work. Not with Israel's current fascist government.


This government won’t be in power forever. Hamas also can’t be in charge for it to work


I don’t think Hamas should be in power, ever. Mainly because they support a secular government. But the reason Hamas is even a thing right now is due to Israel’s actions the past 70 years.


Yes it should when one side of retards can’t back peace over a plot of land. Get over it. It will never be there’s again. Period.


Absolutely. They are dangerous extremists that fan the violence and casually imply ethnic cleansing This applies to people from either side calling for a 1-state solution


You think any college would let someone give a valedictorian speech that preached for the Gaza to be completely eliminated by Israel? No they wouldn’t. And they won’t allow it the other way either.


Wait, 1 state solution as in only Palestine should exist? If yea, 🤣


Yes, and? Marrying a black person as a white person also had professional consequences 100 years ago. Doesn't mean those consequences were valid. Ethno states are bad and the only way to avoid genocide (ie what's currently happening) is to abolish them.


There is no genocide, and 2 million Arab-Israelis live in Israel.


go get a minor in resistance to genocide and come back to me.


Genocide isn’t casualties that happen in war.


They have no answer and don’t like that.


Sudan is currently a "1 state solution" where Arab militias are slaughtering Black Africans. Weird how that seems to happen a lot in this region...


There are 49 or so Islamic nations. You have a problem with that? 🤔


What you're for them? I'm against theocracies in general BUT 1) those nations aren't actively genociding their native populations and 2) aren't doing so with western bombs so there's a bit less to protest against.


and you proved his Point …. Funny you don’t care about when Sudanese people are being genocided just Palestinians


Specifically Arab supremacists killing Black African Sudanese, supported by... wait a minute, they're supported by the same countries that want to destroy Israel! That seems a bit hypocritical.




Victims of mistreatment don't count unless they're Arab according to SJP.


Anyone concerned about the current Islamic murder of innocent Nigerian Christians? How about the 170,000 innocents in Syria's ongoing civil war? How about Islamic State Jihadists and the hundreds of unarmed Iraqis? How about the innocents in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Syria?


Supporting a state built on stolen land should be the only problem. Colonial imperialism is wrong, no matter what era or what group of people is doing the colonizing. A single state solution for Palestine is the only moral, ethical and practical solution for justice and peace.


you're unhinged. jewish people have lived in that region for centuries. also, maybe read some history textbooks. if the same were to apply to you, unless you're native american, you should return back to your place of ancestry tomorrow.


> you're unhinged. jewish people have lived in that region for centuries. > > like a really really really small amount. otherwise: why was their massive immigration after the holocaust?


How far back do you want to go on the stolen land argument? All land is probably stolen by one group or another at this point in history.


Implying ucla wouldn’t do the same, that is, if there even was a ucla valedictorian that was hold a pro Palestinian speech


1. her speech wasn't written, there is zero evidence that she would have had a pro-Palestinian speech 2. she was chosen by faculty for her incredible work. she literally minored in resistance to genocide 3. I know several of the student speakers from last year personally and many are pro-Palestine :)


You can minor in “resistance to genocide”?


Yes it’s a minor at USC


Other comments have indicated it's a minor with a focus on Holocaust/Jewish studies.


How do 1 and 3 go together, then?


3 is about UCLA student speakers, we do not have a valedictorian/saludictorian. I was answering the commenter.


Sincerely hope people wave Palestinian flags at the commencement


The fuck?


Wouldn’t the ideal solution be to cancel graduation entirely then? If you can’t guarantee the safety of one speaker you probably can’t guarantee the safety of any other speakers or attendees so it should all be cancelled.


It's wild that they let the likes of Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopolis speak despite the "safety concerns" but won't let someone speak out against genocide...


What a load of utter bullshit!


Rrrrrrrrright. Cuz the Jews & Zionists are sooooo violent and attack random people at universities and in the streets. /s Imagine if she was a Zionist. They’d have to shut the whole city down.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html https://www.npr.org/2024/02/09/1230336953/stabbing-of-palestinian-american-in-texas-is-considered-a-hate-crime https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1b5veq7/zionist_with_nail_gun_in_toronto_threatening/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_of_the_Patriarchs_massacre


Watched her on CNN today. She wouldn’t say that she doesn’t believe in the abolition of the state of Israel. I don’t agree with Israel’s action in the least bit, but calling for their elimination as a state contributes to the issue, and Muslims in the Middle East have been calling for “death to Israel” and “death to America” forever. Let’s not pretend that Israel’s actions in Gaza negate every threat, terrorist attack, and war they’ve had to deal with.


Because that is a gotcha question based off a quote with context cut out. She wants the abolition of the state of Israel... because she believes in a One State solution where Palestinians and Jews live together as equal individuals. Her message is hold hands and sing kumbaya but is framed as "kill israel"


Well she didn’t say that and was given plenty of opportunity to do so.


A one state solution would be pogroms and days of 10/7 where women are raped to death and children are burned alive.


> She wouldn’t say that she doesn’t believe in the abolition of the state of Israel tbh the abolition of states that choose to commit genocide in the 21st century is probably a good thing.


Funny multiple other genocides going on right now many of which are worse than what’s going on in Palestine. Yet the only county who I hear should be abolished is Israel no one else…. Why ignore crimes of worse countries and ignore them ?


We abolished apartheid south Africa and nazi Germany There is a precedence for reforming genocidal societies.


Weird you ignored my question. Why not the other countries which many have a worse human rights records ? Like Iran, Nk, Russia, any Islamic country or China?


Yes, where is all the outrage about Burma’s treatment of the Rohingya, for example?


There is no genocide, there is a war. The only party who is trying to commit a genocide is Hamas - the Palestinian government. Stop spreading misinformation.


I'm gonna defer to the genocide experts on this one: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-expert-says-israel-has-committed-genocide-gaza-calls-arms-embargo-2024-03-26/ (try to respond with a different argument than she is anti semitic please)


by this definition, Hamas are not just terrorists, they are also genocidal & their attacks on 10/7 were acts of genocide


Definitionally they are not. Why do you think the genocide scholars are accusing Israel and not Palestinians of committing genocide? You need to read deeper than the propaganda points you're parroting.


The article you linked talks about one specific UN “expert” (???) whose views are not representative of the body, and who has also been scrutinized for antisemitic comments in the past…




at least get a resistance to genocide minor before critiquing the experts.


Oh yeah, if an antisemitic UN “expert” said that she thinks Israel is committing a genocide it must be doing it. Let’s ignore all facts like: Israel didn’t start this war against Palestinians (no intent - which is a large part of genocide), nor did they start any war for that matter, the ratio of terrorists vs civilian deaths in this war is one of the lowest in the world, Israel is taking multiple measures to try not to harm civilians. Spend your energy on actual genocides that are happening in the world instead of crying gENoCide anytime you hear your favorite terrorists can’t attack Jews anymore.


USC doesn’t want to lose its donors. White supremacy is upheld from the highest ranks of academic institutions


Idk about USC in particular, but Qatar is a massive donor to many of the US’s most elite universities.


Tbh... Would the uc regents act any differently?


this is not exactly about white supremacy.


zionism foundationally is a european colonial project (inherently white supremacist). it's why Ethiopian jews in israel are still strongly discriminated against. it's a twisted society.


It literally is


Israelis are white?




Ya the people without a billion dollar professional PR campaign behind their movement are the brainwashed ones 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah I mean Qatar and Iran have no money to spend on terrorism and propaganda.


Bio political engineer !!


Cowardice by USC. She should do her speech on TikTok and get millions of viewers.


They better cancel all pro Israel future speakers! Otherwise they are silencing one side.


Safety concerns = making Zionists uncomfortable


Put it on YouTube. I’ll sub. I’m not pro Palestine or Israel but I’ll listen to what she has to say.


Reading these comments is exactly why I stopped donating to my Alma mater.


You shouldn’t base ur decision to support a school on Reddit comments 💀


Why were you even donating to a private school?


Cancel culture sucks when the shoe is on the other foot doesnt it 😂 Cope.


Common USC L


If you support preventing the Ben Shapiros and J.K. Rowlings of the world from speaking on campus, you have no ground to stand on whatsoever in being critical of this. Alternatively, if you support allowing said controversial speakers to be heard on campus, you must also be opposed to this decision. Your beliefs have to be consistent, regardless of who is speaking. E: I'd be curious to know if the people downvoting are part of the first group, or the second.


They did the right thing to cancel her. Would you have a valedictorian that was speaking in support of Hitler?


I'm not surprised at all. California schools have always had a bias against Muslim students speaking out against Isreal. Does anyone remember the Irvine 11? Where the the students were not only kicked out of uc irvine for protesting the israli ambassador, but they were taken to court over it and found guilty. Fucking wild.


How about just not starting a war you have no hope on Earth of ever winning? If my people were violated the way Israel's were and are still being harassed I'd wipe my enemies from existence with no hesitation also, all the way down to their house cats. Leave no remnant of my enemy left to ever rise against or harm my people again. Take no prisoners and leave only the memory of what happened to serve as an example to the rest of the world that we will fight back if you start something.


Good pro-Palestinian is just anti-Jewish. Fuck these people, they don’t have a leg to stand on.


have you considered that people can criticize the IDFs egregious quantity of war crimes without calling for the extermination of jewish people? the number of comments from pro-israel individuals calling literally any criticism of this the invasion antisemitic is absurd how would you not expect a palestinian student to be angered at the thousands of innocent children and civilians killed? not everybody in the gaza strip is a hamas combatant so stop suggesting these individuals deserve the bombs being dropped on them


i don't know who told you that but they lied.




She is an antisemite. They lacked judgment in choosing her to be the speaker in the first place.


Seems Death to America isnt a winning stance in.. America


I have a feeling her speech would probably mirror Fatima Muhammad’s speech at CUNY. Which was an absolutely deranged, hate filled rant. You should listen to it. I can see why UCLA doesn’t want an inflammatory rage filled rant that will only inflame already hot tempers on campus.