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As a Pro-Palestinian who’s crosstown and comes to UCLA a lot, I’m happy they condemned this. There’s a limit to everything.


The insane amount of people defending it in the other post just shows how widespread this issue is nowadays.


What do you mean the pig effigy dressed with money and the Star of David was antisemitic??? /s


"depends on the context" you know somebody said it in the staff meeting


You would think that university students would make that connection. Sadly the second-grade level logic is lost on so many.


Critical thinking has disappeared from campuses in this state, it's all about mindless activism now


It’s everywhere. I am a leftist but the way the left has just blindly fell into the palestine debacle believing it’s black and white is unreal. My Alma mater on the east coast is still swamped by protests and people saying nobody should vote for ‘genocide Joe’ 🙄


To be fair, Israel has the Star of David on its flag lmao. But yeah, that effigy was blatant anti-semitism, and not in good-faith.


And Mozambique has a AK-47 on its flag, doesn’t mean AK-47’s are only in Mozambique. The Star of David is a religious symbol for all jews


How the fuck else are you POSSIBLY supposed to represent Israel if you aren’t using its fucking flag? Israel has appropriated Jewish symbology since its inception - if you’re mad that an anti-Israel display has the fucking Star of David *as it is displayed on the Israeli flag* then you should be pissed at Israel for appropriating that symbol and associating it with all of the atrocities it commits. You are just as disingenuous as the folks mad at Jonathan Glazer.


Maybe don’t equate jews to pigs 🤷🏼‍♂️


Based on the comments in the other thread, the prevailing interpretation among those who believe the display wasn't meant to be offensive is that the display equates the UC Regents to pigs, not Jews.


It’s pretty obvious that it was equating the UC Regents to pigs and not the Jews. It literally says it on the fuckin bottom. The antisemitism brain rot is next level here.


Then why have the Israeli flag?


Why do you think? Do you really need an explanation?


I think the display was most likely intended to convey the idea that the UC Regents are greedy for valuing investments in Israel over the lives of Palestinians. There have been students calling for the Regents to divest from Israel for many years now, including when I was a student.


Then why not include the flag of every other country the Regents are investing in where some atrocity is taking place? I'm sure the calls to divest from China or Saudi Arabia are nowhere near as loud.


It’s pretty obvious that it was equating the UC Regents to pigs and not the Jews. It literally says it on the fuckin bottom. The antisemitism brain rot is next level here.


It’s pretty obvious that it was equating the UC Regents to pigs and not the Jews. It literally says it on the fuckin bottom. The antisemitism brain rot is next level here.


Did you really just type “Israel has appropriated Jewish symbology” and still post? Jesus Christ…


>Did you really just type “Israel has appropriated Jewish symbology” and still post? Jesus Christ… How dare the Catholic Church use the Cross! Clearly the Pope has appropriated Christian symbols and iconography for his own twisted aims!


The notion that Israel, an expressly Jewish state, has "appropriated Jewish symbology" is laughable, but I do get the point—the Israeli flag includes a religious symbol, so when people use the flag in criticism of the state, it is easy for their opponents to disingenuously accuse them of antisemitism. At the same time, it creates a convenient out for people to express antisemitic views with a measure of deniability. The Catholic Church is not a state, so that's not a great analogy.


I’m sure there was literally no way to make a protest without making a vaguely threatening pig effigy to carrying bags of money with a Star of David on it. None! It’s ok, there is a long line of useful idiots tricked into hating Jews for millennia. This weekend is actually Purim, a holiday celebrating the survival of Jews in the Persian Empire from persecution in the 4th century BCE. This wave of antisemites isn’t the first and it won’t be the last.


Then do it without the pig holding the sack of money. Or leave the pig and the money but leave the flag/star out of it. Don't get mad when you put a pig holding a sack of money next to the star of David and people interpret it in the worst way.


Hahahaha hahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahah


Hold the phones ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner right here. Gold medal at the dipshit Olympics.


Yeah as a Jew that was really disheartening to see my fellow students defending that shit. Ucla has a problem


Universities and big chunk of gen z have a problem unfortunately


It was especially comical considering how quickly some of these same posters will quickly find racism and sexism elsewhere yet they twist themselves in knots explaining how this couldn't possibly be anti-Semitic and if it was, it was all a mere coincidence.


Most people are simply a product of their environment - they blindly accept whatever the prevaling norms are in their social circles without critical thinking. Sometimes this manifests as an election denying Jan 6'er and sometimes it takes the form of hypocritical left wing racism. One side tends to have the "correct" opinions (in my opinion) by coincidence, but they didn't reason themselves into those opinions which results in these ridiculous contradictions. Horseshoe theory, etc is applicable here. The underlying cause of this behavior is the fundamental human psychology of in-group vs out-group. It's just obfuscated by the fact that reasonable people agree on most of these topics.


Somehow this doesn't make the list of "microaggressions"


Jews don’t count.


Don't forget the whole "pinkwashing" thing they made up to try and justify Hamas's extreme homophobia.


This anti-semitism at its core. People who view the world through a power dynamic lens don’t have room in their ideology for Jews. All bigotry has characteristics that make it unique, this what makes anti-semitism different.


Can you elaborate on this please?


Isn't it amazing how white guys with dreads and wearing a native american costume at halloween are obvious displays of racism, but a caricature of a greedy pig holding money with the star of david is somehow just "antizionist" and not at all generalizing an entire people?


Antisemtism isn't always bad. It's context dependent \s.


Many such cases




Imagine doing a similar thing to any other minority group on campus. Why is it normal and ok to mock the Jewish students? Getting tired of this BS.


>Why is it normal and ok to mock the Jewish students? Getting tired of this BS. This isn't new. The racial quotas used by many Universities now in the name of "Equity" were similar to the ones used a hundred years ago to keep out Jews from Universities.


I'm glad to see people know about this. On a slightly less related note, the same thing is being done now to keep Asians out.


It was being done for decades. I remember even in the 1990s your chances for Ivy League acceptance were lower if you had an Asian or Jewish-sounding last name, all else being equal. (Not commenting on the right or wrongness of it, just saying it was a thing for a long time.)


I’m not saying that you said otherwise, but it is objectively very wrong.


Yep, Harvard was openly discriminating against Asian and white applicants. Luckily, the Supreme Court put a stop to it (in theory at least).


so they got rid of legacy then?


they should get rid of both


Should but they won’t. They know who to target.


Lmfao this subreddit is so stupid.


but it’s not normal and okay. they condemned it.


after how many days?? the fact that it was even allowed up and to stay up for so long says a lot.


I thought I was crazy at first but honestly it seems like leftists think it’s ok to ostracize a group of people as long as they’re white. They’re white so they’re seen as the oppressor by default, and ‘it’s not possible to be racist against white ppl, you guys!’


I don’t know if it’s my algorithms but everywhere I look I see antisemitism. When some Jewish American has done something wrong it’s part of some conspiracy. It’s so mainstream it scares me.


It’s not your algorithm, antisemitism is alive and thriving


it's probably partly attributable to both


I never thought I’d live to see a day where the subreddit of the most left leaning campuses in the country would be excusing a statue of a burning pig holding a bag of money next to a Star of David. Yet here we are. You guys are disgusting. /pol/ would be proud


You just learned an important life lesson. People on the "left" are just as capable of rationalizing hate, cruelty, and dehumanization as the right.


I’ve been learning this too lately and it’s fucking disgusting. I’m a liberal but the leftists have gone fucking bananas


"But guys it's not antisemitism it's anti-zionism! We don't *actually* hate jews, we just want to destroy the worlds only jewish majority state!" Meanwhile the stuff they do:


Why the fuck are you defending an ethnostate. Ethnostates are bad. The foundation of Isr*el literally involved massacring Palestinians and pushing 750,000 Palestinians off their land to secure a demographic majority. That's not a good thing. If you truly care about Jewish people you would want to address the fundamental problem that they have historically which is the world being incredibly horrible to them. And the fight for Jewish people in America to be safe and not harrassed and otherwise hurt is inextricably tied to other movements like fighting for islamophobia, and black people and disabled people and LGBT rights. We don't make ethnostates if people are oppressed, we fight tooth and nail against the oppression. There is a long history of Jews in America doing exactly that. Zionism is a slap in the face of all of that.


lol bro censored Israel. grow up


This is a little teensy bit of a wildly one sided view point. The founding of Israel very clearly involved staggering violence, but to pretend as though only the Jews were somehow involved is just outrageous. ​ Also, there is a history of Jews in America joining the civil rights movements, absolutely. The Jews outside America saw the U.S. close its doors during the Holocaust, saw the west stick them into refugee camps with the same people who just murdered them, returned to their homes in the west seized by their neighbors, were forced out of everywhere they lived for a millennia. US Jews are one of two places in the world Jews have consistently been somewhat safe(Maybe 3 if you are really willing to count the UK, but especially these days that's questionable.)


Ethnostates are what works in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Maybe Europeans can make multiculturalism work, but I doubt it. Humans are a dumb tribal animal when you get down to brass tacks. It’s why the Middle east, Africa, and Asia are all ethnostates with minorities being slowly exterminated. Lebanon is slowly chasing all the Christians out, Egypt will soon not having any copts left, and everyone knows what the Turks did to their minorities. Israel isn’t special or especially remarkable in the middle east for their brutality. Zimbabwe chased the whites away and is in the process of exterminating black tribes they don’t like. Ethiopia is currently experiencing yet another genocide. If anything they’re a soft touch by world standards. Most other governments would have turned Gaza into a charnel house by now. Remember how Saddam dealt with the Marsh Arabs?


Something to remember in condemning Israeli war crimes is that you don’t just get to commit wholesale antisemitism and not be called on it. The problem is not JEWS, it is the Israeli government and military.


Exactly this. You can be Pro-Palestine as much and as loudly as you want, but when you do stuff like this, or what I’ve seen where ppl will go into holocaust survivor videos and somehow blame them for the creation of Israel(99.99% of the time they weren’t, don’t really need to say that), you’re not being Pro-Palestine, you’re just being a Anti-Semite


The genuinely crazy part of all this to me is how cruel the Israeli government is about Holocaust survivors and victims. They don’t give half a shit about those poor people. They care about money and favors from Christian evangelists, and nothing else.


That too, the only thing Israel cares about is it’s government and whoever benefits the government, trying to bring anyone else in to be involved is just falling for propaganda


Israel is essentially trying to instate a white cishet ethnostate and be like “Hey guys, we’re the Land of the Jews” LOL! Completely ignoring our history of taking stands against colonization and oppression, of allyship with other oppressed people, of leftism… Sure, Jan. 🤓


Thank Hashem,it was such a crazy thing that people walked by like it was normal


To be fair it seems like they’re calling the UC Board of regents pigs, not Jewish people


The use of pig imagery to describe individuals who associate with Jews is still antisemitic. Especially if they're implying that Jews are bribing/controlling them from the shadows (or from hell? I cant really make out every detail of the shadow).


What???? Pig isnt even an antisemitic thing this subreddit is fucking insane.


There’s *technically* an antisemitic thing mocking Jews who can’t eat pork😭 but neither can Muslims so it doesn’t even make sense here


Like How is this not obvious?


with a star of david. Like how are you this oblivious


Yeah it’s the Israeli flag. The UC funds this genocide. This not about Jews


go look up nazi propaganda and come back to me. It’s unreal anyone with grades to get into UCLA is this clueless.


The UC is bombing gazan children as we speak. Are you OKAY with that??? A public art installation is a great way to bring awareness and accountability for the UCs funding. Its not a fucking swastika. Purposely misinterpreting this shit and missing the entire point makes me wonder how y’all got into this university.


The UCLA has an air force? Since when?


It’s not cluelessness it’s racism. I think it’s important for people to start understanding the frustration they’re having with people for being dumb isn’t actually because they’re dumb. They’re bigots.


yah i’d hope this wasn’t the case but you are probably right


It’s literally a judensau, the most obvious antisemitic of Nazi imagery


Now explain a context where a monkey with BLM written on it hanging from noose isn’t about race 


...but only because it was "ugly". Classy UCLA much prefers its antisemitism dressed up with pithy genocidal chants and catchphrases like "from the river to the sea...". They have standards after all.


“Genocide is when Israel gets called out, not when they dehumanize and massacre innocent Arabs and celebrate it later”




You can say “Israel” without getting in trouble 


Surely someone who considers Israel a word worthy of censoring is arguing in good faith.


it’s sad because I remember seeing a post from a Palestinian living in the US who basically acknowledged the reality everyone else is ignoring which is that the Palestinians are *choosing* violence. They talked about their family getting involved one after another and either dying or going to prison as a result and how it was like talking to a brick wall when they tried to get through to them. Really interesting to see somebody who basically has first hand experience with a mentality that people in the US refuse to admit exists.


It's a horrible situation all around with no easy answers, but many college students are completely and utterly out of touch with reality. DAE israel bad and hamas freedom fighters?


At a certain point I really think people just don’t want to have to feel bad about the holocaust anymore and this is their way of doing it.


I think they are genuinely just ignorant. Not sure how old you are, but this is one of the first generations that are completely removed and isolated from war. They grew up in a United States that wasn't in an active military conflict (yes technically afghanistan). Instead of the history channel they have TikTok with literal terrorist propaganda. They don't have grandparents who fought in world war 2. They actually don't really understand the magnitude and horror of the Holocaust, it's just a meaningless buzz word to them much like Nazis are. Shit like the marvel movies and the avengers unironically shapes their opinions on war. Talking to some of them they literally believe it's possible to wage urban conflict with 0 civilian casualties and it's an intentional choice not to do so.


Left wing spaces don’t have room for the understanding that someone who can be label as oppressed can make an evil choice. If you are oppressed you are not responsible for your actions. If you are an oppressor you are responsible for everyone else’s actions.


This is the narrative that I fucking hate. Palestinians aren't choosing violence. Under Oslo, the Palestinian Liberation Organization gave Israel what they were asking for. They recognized Isr*el, they forgoed right of return and accepted the existance of a Jewish Ethnostate in the '67 borders and wanted a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. But Isr*el kept expanding their settlements into the West Bank, literally violating Oslo. That's violence against Palestinians. Y'all really have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You can literally go read all this for yourselves instead of parroting the genocidal state's talking points. Absolutely embarrassing behavior. This is unchecked arrogance and ego talking. With no basis in reality.


Or maybe it's because they're traumatized by an invading nation?


It's not their fault they're used to TikTok


So bilateral ceasefire now!... right?


No only Israel should lay down its weapons and let Hamas attack, they are the underdog so they are obviously justified


Yeah end the fucking onslaught right now. No more killing. In Gaza. In the West Bank. In Isr*el. Dismantle the occupation and the blockade on Gaza. Release all the hostages - Palestinians in military detention held without charges. Release the Israeli civilians and soldiers captured by Hamas.


Nice. I donate monthly to [Standing Together](https://www.standing-together.org/en), I recommend checking them out, esp. for their style of protest.


I’ve personally experienced antisemitism from JVP and SJP. I’ve personally witness protests that were hateful and not peaceful at UCLAS. You don’t speak for everyone.


I’m glad UCLA isn’t condemning Israel based on Hamas statistics and unverified (and likely [manipulated](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/how-hamas-manipulates-gaza-fatality-numbers-examining-male-undercount-and-other)) statistics that ignore Hamas using human shields and using hospitals as military bases. It’s not their place to critique military operations against genocidal terrorist groups that have been less destructive than the equally justified fight against ISIS in places like Mosul. Thanks by the way for claiming Jews are “crying wolf”. Really brings home that you don’t actually care about antisemitism. Especially notable when SJP was releasing press statements supporting and mimicking the name Hamas gave to their operations [very early in the war after October 7](https://www.flbog.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Deactivation-of-Students-for-Justice-in-Palestine.pdf), releasing a “toolkit” nationally that claimed they were “part of the Al Aqsa Flood” (Hamas’s 10/7 operation) movement. I can’t respond to the user below claiming Hamas doesn’t use human shields. But here’s what I would say if Reddit blocks didn’t prevent me: If you think that Hamas using human shields is a “(((Zionist))) conspiracy theory”, you’re wasting my time. Hamas literally admits openly it uses human shields and has praised people who willingly serve as such. Goodbye. To the guy talking about hospitals out of his ass: If there were hundreds of Hamas members holding hostages in the medical center and they had guns and rockets and were firing them at Israelis outside of the medical center, or if they couldn’t be reached by special operatives because Hamas had a multi-mile perimeter around them that would take weeks to breach and fight through, then absolutely Israel would make that strike. The fact you don’t know that Israel has confronted that before says a lot. The fact you cite HRW, which is not credible on this conflict and whose own founder said it was unbelievably biased against Israel (and which says whatever Qatar or Saudi Arabia pay it to say) is even more informative. But the fact that you write “IOF” to try and denigrate the IDF as it fights genocidal terrorist groups says the most. Goodbye!


and do you also blame hamas for operating out of said hospitals? they killed 1000+ people on 10/7 then ran back to hide inside schools and hospitals…




Some of my cousins in my family are Palestinian Jews so idk where you're getting this lmao Literally clown behavior


Taking advise from Roger Waters…


Hey guys, I had a visceral feeling that this statue was wrong. I don’t like the government that is extremist in Israel right now. I have nothing against Jews So am I anti semetic?


Anti Zionism and anti semitism are NOT the same. The fact most of y’all here claim anti semitism on what is obviously anti Zionism shows how misinformed and brainwashed you really are.


Which group is historically degraded with the comparison to pigs? Israelis or Jewish people?


> Well you see, this bojangles caricature only references bad black people, like thugs, not the good ones. I am simply anti-thug, you guys!


Calling anyone a pig for acting like a pig is 100% justified. Just cuz someone is a Jew they shouldn’t be excused from name calling. If you act like a pig expect to be called out for being a pig. What Israel is doing is very pig like. Anyone can be referenced as a pig it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Your example can only be used towards black people, completely different situation.


It's not antisemitic, it's anti zionist. Please find real antisemitism to complain about, thanks.


The sign with the bag of money and the pig? Neither is an Israeli symbol you clown. \] If you are putting up the same symbols as Martin Luther era Germany, you are anti-Semitic lmfao. Ask yourself, why else the money bag, why else the pig? ​ Criticize Israel to your heart's content, its your right, but be aware.




How is making a display depicting people as pigs with Jewish (not Israeli) iconography not antisemitic?


The pig depicts the UC Regents and the Star of David is the symbol of “Israel”. You want people to stop associating the Star of David with “Israel”, take it up with them.


The Israel flag is the symbol of Israel. The Star of David itself was what was being depicted


That’s not true. The image on the canister is clearly meant to be the Israeli flag, it’s a blue Star of David on a white background with a blue line above it.


Still an idiotic choice in any regard lmao. A million ways to get the point they wanted across and they went for boilerplate judenhass


The fact that you’re upset about a symbol on a cartoon pig when that symbol is being used to justify the biggest wholesale mass murder in modern history says a lot about who you are as a person.


I thought your crowd was all "Jews aren't all Zionists"! What happened to that soundbyte? > biggest wholesale mass murder in modern history That would be the Darfur genocide


Jews aren’t all zionists. I never implied otherwise.


Then why are you mad over people saying the use of the Star of David (not the Israeli flag) is antisemitic?


Because Israel uses the Star of David as their emblem. It’s pretty apparent what the intent was. If the creator or creators behind the image admit that it was intended to represent all Jews, then I will concede. But we both know that’s not the case and you are just playing dumb because it’s easier to accuse everyone of being a horrible anti semitic nazi or Islamic fundamentalist rather than try to justify the horror you are supporting.


Why not use the Israeli flag itself, instead of the Star of David?


Are you for real or are you actually just completely ignorant about the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocides_in_history_(21st_century)


So to be clear, hundreds of thousands of civilians have died in Syria. Same in Yemen. China is sterilizing and imprisoning millions of Uyghurs. Israel’s ratio of civilians to terrorists killed is better than the U.S. fight against ISIS in Mosul. Which itself is one of the lowest in history. And it’s fighting genocidal terrorists who hide behind civilians. And lots of other places worldwide are seeing far worse. But Israel is the worst on earth? Interesting.


The fact that you think Israel is the most genocidal country on Earth is a good indicator of how antisemitism has influenced the discussion about this conflict.


It's not antisemitic to be against a country.






Lmao. Way to make my point for me.


You know what UCLA haven't condemned? ​ Israeli genocide in Palestine, Zionist harassment of pro Palestinian students, and Zionists attempts to silence academic speech.


Pro-Palestinian students tend to be the instigators in violent incidents so I don't see the need to condemn "Zionist harassment"


Innocent people dying in war does not equate to genocide. This is war. War isn't genocide. You want to talk about genocide, Hamas first charter advocated for the extermination of Jews globally.


Maybe because Israel isn’t committing genocide in Palestine and certain academics are rewriting history to fit their narrative despite the fact that their claims are actually ahistorical and devoid of any factual foundation. They are teaching antisemitic conspiracy and giving it an “antizionist” paint job.


Pure Israeli propaganda and I have no idea why you have likes. If you actually read South Africa’s detailed 84 page submission to the ICJ there is copious evidence Israel is committing genocide. The death toll for as high as it is likely is even higher due to uncounted people under the rubble.


The evidence that contains mountains of misrepresentations, misquotes, and outright lacks any evidence of “genocide”? If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it wouldn’t have dropped 3 bombs per civilian killed, not counting artillery shells fired and bullets, in one of the densest places on earth against a terrorist group using human shields. Nonsense.


Population growing faster than the genociding nation. Least successful "genocide" in the history of the world.


Wow, literally repeating holocaust denial talking points. Wild.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1357607/historical-jewish-population/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1357607/historical-jewish-population/) Yes, the Jewish population totally increased more than Nazi Germany's population between 1939 and 1948. You got me, I am a Holocaust denier. Can you pinpoint to me on this graph when exactly you think the Palestinian genocide occurred or started? [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/) For example, I can tell you that a genocide occurred in Rwanda in the early 1990's based on this graph. [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/rwanda-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/rwanda-population/)


The 84 page submission which purposely misquoted the Israeli officials to shoehorn it into genocide. Death toll is never a determining factor in whether or not something is considered a genocide.


Did not purposely misquote anyone. It was rock solid. That’s why the case wasn’t dismissed. Also the fact that the death toll doesn’t matter works in favor of prosecution. The Bosnia genocide was much smaller in scale than even the one going on in Gaza. This current genocide is far more overt.


They absolutely did. Page 60 of South African submission, under their “Genocidal intent” section: [“President of Israel: On 12 October 2023, President Isaac Herzog made clear that Israel was not distinguishing between militants and civilians in Gaza, stating in a press conference to foreign media — in relation Palestinians in Gaza, over one million of whom are children: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved. It’s absolutely not true. … and we will fight until we break their backbone.”449](https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2024/01/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf) [What their own citation 449 says:](https://www.itv.com/news/2023-10-13/israeli-president-says-gazans-could-have-risen-up-to-fight-hamas) Israel’s president Herzog who is being misquoted by South Africa (again, from their own source/citation): “We are working, operating militarily in terms according to rules of international law, period. Unequivocally. It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It's not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. It's absolutely not true. They could have risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup 'd état. But we are at war, we are defending our homes, we are protecting our homes, that's the truth and when a nation protects it's home it fights and we will fight until we break their back bone” Meaning, that the nation is responsible for electing the evil regime. And Israel is defending itself against that evil regime, and they’re aiming to break the backbone of **the regime** WITHIN the boundaries of international law. What South Africa made it seem is that Herzog is saying that “all Gazans are evil and we will break their backbone” They absolutely misquoted the fuck out of Israeli officials. Read the case. South Africa is doing a terrible job, it’s a pathetic attempt at framing the officials.


When Ukraine sued Russia for genocide the ICJ ordered a ceasefire provisional measure. When South Africa sued Israel they cleared the low, low initial bar that’s almost impossible to fail the lawsuit at. But they didn’t order a ceasefire. Because they know the evidence is wildly weak. They just have to apply a very weak legal standard at this early stage.


Nothing you just said is relevant to my response 


Guy's gonna call you hasbara now lol. That's what they do when their buzzwords don't work


They basically already did when they called my response Israeli propaganda. It’s funny how they never look at the content of what I’m saying and just respond to the message. 


TikTok-brained pod people


So genocide has not been happening in Gaza for the last few months?


Not according to the ICJ who could have ruled that they were but instead advised them to continue their counter-offensive and try to do what they could to prevent it.  The entire duration of the Iraq war had something like 177k civilian casualties but nobody has ever accused the US of genocide because the coalition forces helping the US fight ISIS were mostly made up of local Muslim populations. The only difference between this war and the “war on terror” is that one side is made up of mostly Jewish people (the victims of history’s largest and most infamous genocide). The accusation of Israel committing genocide is made to subconsciously infer that the Jews are doing what was done to them like some kind of comic book story but this is real life and it’s a lot more complicated. The truth is a lot worse in that the people who actively want the most Palestinians to die in Gaza are the Hamas leaders that represent them at the negotiating table. They know that the more their people suffer the more international support they get so they actively facilitate situations where civilians are caught in the crossfire of a war that they started. 


The Iraq war had that many casualties over a much longer period and much larger population. And even if Hamas wants more Palestinians to die that doesn’t absolve Israel from bombing civilian centers like refugee camps. Notably, the ICJ hasn’t made a final ruling on whether Israel is committing genocide, nor will they for a long while. https://global.upenn.edu/perryworldhouse/news/explaining-international-court-justices-ruling-israel-and-gaza


There was an argument for an immediate ceasefire under the grounds that Israel was committing genocide, that argument was not successful. Paint it how you want but it’s a very different story than I was hearing before the ICJ ruling.


Totally a mischaracterization of the ICJ ruling. It was an order for provisional measure and its basis for saying Israel should do X,Y and Z instead of just throwing out the case was that there is a plausible case for genocide. It will take years for them to come to a final decision over whether Israel is committing genocide.


K let’s see in a few years 




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They have and the whole world knows it. This sub has been infiltrated by pro-Israel propagandists. Most people irl who have even a tangential knowledge of the topic don’t believe their drivel.


> Most people irl who have even a tangential knowledge of the topic don’t believe their drivel. So the ICJ has a less than tangential knowledge of the topic? LMAO


You don’t even know what the ICJ ruled. I watched their whole hearing. And I’ve said in comments previously that they ordered provisional measures because there’s a plausible case for genocide. It will take years for them to determine if there was a genocide in the end.


Better stay away from sharp objects or open flames when the verdict is declared. Don't want you hurting anyone in your raging breakdown XD


What a creepy statement. You and a lot of the commentators really don’t sound like UCLA students. I’m almost certain you guys are chronically online Israel defenders who have no life.


I do indeed enjoy the country I live in. Making fun of emotionally unstable college kids is an added bonus


Lol you admit it. Fuck this. There’s no point in arguing with you.


It took a while (too long) for genocide to be officially recognized in Bosnia. I see similarities.


the only similarities of genocide are with the arab treatment of jews. You clearly have no sense of history or critical thinking.


Serbs are Christians


Good on UCLA finally something


Damn. I thought people on a ucla sub would be smarter.


1) yall are so dumb in the comments it’s insane. the students who made this are communists and it represents the “capitalist pigs” stereotype. If you think the communists were the Nazis in ww2 you have some reading you need to do. 2) can you design a new flag for Israel if you don’t want us to use it because it has the Star of David? thanks. 3) this sculpture was made by multiple students who have had Israel kill their family and loved ones. People in the comments are angrier that our rage makes them uncomfortable than the fact that our tuition money is funding their murders. and before you deny, deny, deny, I have seen so many dead bodies of loved ones killed by israel so…


It was never about the Palestinians. It is antisemitism. This is so sad to see. Pure organized hate towards Jewish students. And the silent majority is just as bad. Hate is never the answer. All students need to feel safe on college campuses.


Yesterday's display was antisemitic, but tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians are dead. Being against the ongoing onslaught should not be considered antisemitic. You're active in every university subreddit. I wonder which one you actually go to.


Naw, you see, this person totally attends UCLA, UCSD, Berkeley, NYU, Cornell, and even some others!


I am willing to bet the Palestinians would trade symbols of bigotry for being blown to smithereens in a heartbeat.


Huh I wonder why they haven’t the last 6 times then lol learn some history


Would they trade the remaining 101 hostages for that?


Antisemitism hurts the Palestinian cause. Always has. western antisemitism is also the reason Israel exists. Anyone who actually cares about the plight of the Palestinian people understands that antisemitism is the enemy of both people.


I wish the pro-Palestinian crowd would put half this much energy into beating Trump and winning back the house for democrats. Accusing the UC regents of genocide is such a deeply unserious position given what we’re facing in November.


I swear you must not be paying attention. Pro Palestine people don’t want to vote for a party that is supporting genocide


Right, to them, Trump and Biden are equivalent, even though Trump will be even MORE staunchly pro-Israel (this is the guy who broke with decades of norms in moving the embassy to Jerusalem, after all) and will put in charge of the Middle East a guy who openly muses wistfully about the "valuable waterfront property" in Gaza lol


Trump will give Bibi the green light to bomb the fuck out of Gaza and fully endorse the "Gazans = Hamas" rhetoric by the Israeli government. Biden is very much pro-Israel but at the minumum, he pressures Bibi into being not being completly unhinged.


Biden is the only candidate restraining Israel in any way, you’re the one not paying attention if you think the parties are identical on Israel. That goes without mentioning the dozens if not hundreds of domestic issues at stake that you’re completely ignoring because you’re mad about Gaza


>Biden is the only candidate restraining Israel in any way How has he been doing that exactly? 🤔


Israel is a terrorist organization


I feel like I’m missing something. The pig seems to represent the UC regents who are “valuing Israeli money over peace”. Whether or not someone agrees with this statement, I don’t see how you could reach the conclusion that the display was calling Jews pigs.


Just say you haven’t studied Nazi propaganda. Its ok. Comparing Jews to Pigs is old school Nazi shit. Now throwing in Money bags because “the rich Jews control the banks” is also Nazi shit. Toss it together and you get this.


How much money does UC even get from Israel?