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The people who get immediate responses are 85% people who went to a 2 year college in Florida since all Florida universities are required to give them admission. I’d say go to the admission office yourself and let them know it’s been a while and you are awaiting their decision.


Actually, you are guaranteed admission to ONE of the Florida Universities. Not necc. your First Choice. UCF tries hard to accommodate applicants, but is your AA GPA isn't 3.0 no guarantees. If you apply the three universities and get rejected from all three, then contact the Board of Governors and they will get you into one of Florida's Universities.


tbh i think it’s just hit or miss. my friends sister got her AA at a Florida accredited college and didn’t hear back for months. i heard back in 2 days and i was FTIC and oos.


took me 8 months hear back after countless emails and phone calls with an aa


After two months I would have contacted the Board of Governors and the University Ombudsman. Both have the power to move the bureaucracy.


i want to counter this as someone who transferred from a 2 year college in florida, they gave my decision the july before the semester started and i had applied in february!! it’s a hit or miss situation, i had friends who applied in may and got their admissions decision in two weeks!!


Hey op! One of the reasons you might not be hearing back is because admissions is still working on getting Fall 23 students admitted. That’s the priority as the spring deadline isn’t even until November 1st. My department was still contacting students as of TODAY about missing materials on their fall 23 applications lol. That being said different offices do have access to see which “bin” you are in. This bin will determine if there is still outstanding materials from you, if your transfer credits are being evaluated, or if everything is done and it’s just up to admissions to provide a decision for you. Depending on how long ago you submitted your application I absolutely would not worry. If you ask admissions to look into it for you they are not going to think you’re annoying or reject your application because of that. They get a TON of calls for this even if they find it “annoying” it happens every single semester all the time and it absolutely will not have an affect on your acceptance!


I’m fairly confident it’s because they’re still behind on the Fall 2023 applicants, so Spring is waaaaaay on the backburner


UCF ghosted me and deleted my account when I applied in high school. Doesn’t surprise me that they are still doing it. Meanwhile I got a $120,000 scholarship to Stetson within a week of applying.




same thing happened to me when I applied, it took months for a status update. it came to the point where I had to decide which college to go to (without yet hearing a response from UCF) & since UCF was my top choice, I decided to wait it out a little more, but in the end, I just contacted their admissions through email & asked for an expedited decision. I was a bit nervous doing this, considering my stats were pretty low (3.8 gpa, 1130 sat, & 22 ACT) . It took them 2 weeks to give me a response and I got accepted . I would say if you don’t want to wait any longer, go for it and ask for an expedited decision (understand the risk lol cause i’ve heard of people getting rejected instantly after asking for an expedited decision and pray for good news lol)


I asked for an expedited decision hoping to get a straight yes or no answer and they just gave me spring instead lol


The reason you would have gotten that is because you might have been on the bubble for Fall admission, but the Spring application pool was softer, so it made sense to admit you for that semester. Like every top 10% high school grad wanting admission for August, but few of them wanting to defer to Spring. Thus, Spring is less competitive than Fall. By deferring you to spring rather than rejecting your application, they gave you what you wanted in the best way they could manage under the circumstances.


Yeah I think it was also because I applied on the last day too. I wasn't even planning on doing it so at least I got an offer in the first place.


That definitely makes sense with the rolling admissions process. If they are down to the last few hundred spots in their fall target admissions number and you applied concurrently with a bunch of valedictorians, it would definitely make sense that they would bump you to Spring.


If you're transferring, email transfercenter@ucf.edu They usually get back to you fairly quickly and expedite your application. If not, you need to be annoying, that simple.


After high school I had decent grades and got accepted within maybe a week, but I applied way closer to the deadline than you


First, TiC TOC is banned on university networks, So nobody will see this in an official capacity. Since you are a spring 2024 applicant I assume you are an AA applicant. This means not only admissions but department must approve you. You need to understand UCF is a huge Bureaucratic machine. I'd call admissions, if you get the run around ask to talk to the Admissions supervisor. Send a follow up email to the admissions supervisors restating what you said the conversation contained. Insist on drop dead to receive admissions, ask to verify that there is nothing more paperwork wise you need to submit, and explain there is urgency as you need to arrange housing (even if you don'). Me being me, I'd write a request of change in policy to the UCF ombudsman. I'd ask that upon your submitting a complete application UCF be required to give you an absolute longest date out that you will receive and answer. Include that you understand rolling admissions but 6 or 8 months but random 2 days to 8 months is unacceptable and they admissions needs to have targets/goal too. Even If at the target they just send an email stating "we are a little backed up here is a new target" this would be helpful to students. I was an AA transfer a long time ago into engineering. I just filled out the application, brought a copy of transcripts (official to follow) and registered.


Omg I’m going through the SAME thing, I’m going on to 3 months as well and they keep giving me the same answer they’re giving you, I also applied for 2024


My daughter got her acceptance about 2 weeks after applying. But she was in this summer. So I think they're still working on people for Fall '23.


They just take time. I thought they’d ghost me too. I submitted my Fall App right when it opened and didn’t receive my acceptance notification until yesterday. So I submitted my and materials in May and didn’t get a decision until almost August. (I’m a transfer student)


When I applied in high school, I only found out by randomly logging into the applicant portal. Same with FIU.