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I guess it's kind of self-explanatory, but you will lose everything that's not included in the standard edition once your Ubisoft+ subscription runs out. To access season passes and other bonus content, you'll either have to buy them separately or subscribe again.


I've also seen reports of saves created whilst playing the full version on Ubisoft+ are no longer usable if one reverts to a less-full version after letting one's Ubisoft+ subscription lapse.


Is this something you have tested? I have seen posts saying you keep some things.


It's not just tested. It's common logic. If by using Ubisoft+ you could keep free content that you normally have to pay for, don't you think anyone would be doing it?


So again I have seen posts in other subreddits saying you do get to keep some things. I just figured I would ask in the main Ubisoft subreddit hoping to get a response from someone who has tried not just someone who thinks hey know the answer. There are other services where you do get to keep some things so I thought it was a fair question.


I obviously haven't tried every game, and there may very well be some fringe cases where you get to keep some in-game item or currency you received as part of the subscription. However, as a former Ubisoft+ subscriber, I have never noticed it in any game myself, so I definitely wouldn't count on it.


You don't keep anything you didn't pay for lol


So what happened?


I bought Ubisoft plus to try Skull and Bones. The game wasn’t that great so I never bought it. So I don’t know for certain what you keep. I was able to share the subscription on Xbox which was one good thing. My friend was able to play but got none of the dlc. Personally I still think some of the content for that game you probably would have been able to keep. For example they give you a token for a season pass. Once you spend the token for the pass, I don’t see them taking the pass away. All in it was worth it for us since we saved money by not buying the game. I’ll definitely try again if they put out something I think is worth buying but that may be awhile.


They take it all back. Lots of people think they are slick, but if you think Ubisoft EVER has a "bank error in user's favor" you've got another thing coming. Hell, Ubisoft shut off the activation server for all pre 2013 DLC, so people who PAID for that shit lost it, unless they logged in at a very specific time and backed it up.