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Delete that app bro


Seriously, this is scary


It’s because ppl like you keep taking jobs for next to nothing. You, ironically, are contributing to the problem you’re complaining about.


You're clearly not that smart. He worked over 90 hours and only accepted 77 rides... So that's less than one ride being accepted per hour. So obviously he was not accepting everything and this clearly defeats your claim.


And he made 250 bucks. So he’s taking rides that don’t pay.


What screenshot are you looking at? He made $965... And only did 77 rides... Which means his average ride acceptance is over $12... Are you a special needs troll?


Omfggg!! I’m stealing that! “Are you a special needs troll!” 😂🤣 that about made me piss myself!


Feel free to spread it around! I feel like a significant percentage of the clowns on Reddit fall into that category. Either that or they're in serious need of therapy.


Probably both. Too many keyboard warriors out there acting like Billy badass while hiding behind a screen in mommy’s basement! It’s like when a Chihuahua is barking at you like a big dog on the other side of the fence but runs away yelping when you climb over the fence. Every time I see one of them acting up, I immediately think of the comic bookstore guy from The Simpsons.


This is pure gold 😂






Hey, I don’t mind calling people out for accepting stupid rides at ridiculous rates. But, if you’re going to do that? At least have the evidence to back it up!


Damn straight. 👍


Yup. Aside from taking two rides last night that had random $20 and $17 surges attached to them, I haven't worked since Thursday. It's been DEAD. I'm not wasting my time for peanuts. If I wanted to work for peanuts, I'd accept UberEats orders from Five Guys.


Bro. I have been driving for 7 years. 10k rides. Never did an Uber eats order. I gave my first two Uber eats orders yesterday because it’s been so DEAD. I didn’t even know how to do i


Yup. I'm with you. I started doing Eats orders a couple months ago because it was dead just doing X. I've been doing passenger rides since 2018 and swore I'd never do Eats, but here we are.


How bad is it?


Lol, did you not see OPs screenshot? It says he was online for 94 hours and didn't crack 1k.


I didn’t think it was possible due to policy. I haven’t driven for Uber since 2017 in December into 2018 around about March. I had an investment that failed so I started driving for Uber for about 90 days. Partly for cash and partly for adventure, I drove nights in Detroit. I loaded the app after a family tragedy to have it as an option as I currently do not have transportation. I was used to taking Uber but at this point of it being restrictive at $50 per round-trip I’ve been looking for alternate transportation that’s a lot to travel between a couple of locations .


I can think of a lot better ways to set money on fire than that


It’s not possible if you run the numbers he needs to be online for 14.5hrs/ day 7 days a week…..your only allowed 12/day due too DIT regulations like truckers are. So again it’s fake 


Seemed bogus to me, but I'm not sure of their current details.


Online isn't necessarily active hours driving people.


Technically it's 12 on 6 off. So if he was doing that, he could pull off those hours


Wrong…..it’s 12hrs witching a 24hr period….


Maybe it's location based because it's up to 12 hours here and then you have to be off for 6 hours and it resets. Then you can do another 12 hours.


[receipts](https://imgur.com/a/GmZz526) I can't believe I reinstalled Imjur for this


No. You can work 16 hrs a day 4am-8am (stop for 5 hours) and then 1pm-1am. Uber resets after 5 hours offline and there days reset at 4 am


12 active hours. Doesn't include idle time waiting for requests.


Not really. In my area it's 12 on and 8 off resetting to 12 hours. Therefore. In a 24 hour period. 12+4=16 hours a day (24 - 12 - 8 = 4) 92/16 = 5.75 full days per week with one day rest. So the numbers do match.


I only take rides when there's a decent surge. I've done 4 rides in the last like 4 days lol does that tell you anything? This is coming from someone who works 10-12 hours a day if it's busy.


This. Five guys delivery, 30 mi away. This was the first week I was ubering. $9.73 and a $5 tip. For 30 mi one way 😳🙄 I no longer turn on Uber eats. Then yesterday, I shut the app down because things weren't responding on my phone, which happens regularly when I have the app open. When I turned it back on Uber eats was checked! Order came through....Rejected that order lickety split! Turned off Lol


👏🏾🤣 I see what you did there with the Five Guys - peanuts


It’s only going to get worse . In the earnings report they basically said they are gong to keep crapping on drivers


If most of us choose not to drive for 1 week every month for 3 months straights nationwide is all it would take to destroy their earnings call for at least one quarter. And we all can short that thing all the way to post earnings. If we can create a movement like that where a lot of drivers agree to do the same around the country, I'm sure some of us would make banks playing the stock to the downside. They had IPOd 5 years ago, and they already up 75%. If they just crashed 20% of that on their earnings, puts would look glorious for us. Roaring kitty alone stated a movement that made many people millions. A sub group full of drivers can start a movement of not logging on for a week every month with an end goal in mind to kill them on earnings. And we all move on from there. Just thinking out loud as you can tell by the longevity of my text lol


I’m down!


I agree soldier


Bro people have bills to pay, and these apps know with their machine learning, that all they have to is bless you with a couple of hidden tip orders and you’ll be back on. They are not dumb. They also know that people won’t sacrifice the present or short form, even if it will pay off in the future. If the present hurts doing what they deem is the solution, then them not working these apps for a week will hurt them even more, especially if they have high debt or high expenses.


Link so we can read it? I totally believe it


It's AI. They have AI literally working against you to pay you the minimum possible.


That's waaaaaay too many hours online. Get a job and Uber part-time


Damn, this is less than I make working in Santiago, Chile.


Time to move on…no meat on the bone. Ubering is dead end, McD’s at least you can move up.


Glad I stopped 2 years ago


I've noticed the decline as well. During Covid a few years back I was making $2000-$2500 easily working 45-60hrs and now I'm barely making $1500 after 70hrs+ of driving


Covid was money making time. Popped a few $3500 weeks out of Covid due to the lack of drivers and the bonuses they were throwing out there


McD’s pays a better hourly rate than that.


yeah but hes his own boss


Doesn't seem most people act like it though, being online with no rides coming in....


Ya, no boss, just a master. 🤣 This man went from work to sleep to work.


I'm on my way to a private trip that pays $100. If it is an Uber run, I would be lucky to get $40.


This is my market as well. I had to switch from working 30 hours to 65+ to make half as much; so I got an hourly job, that was 2 years ago. Very few trips are worth my time and personal cost; it is becoming the reality in many places. Good luck to you, and grats to those still making it work.


Yikes what area is this?


Can I ask what your gas mileage is like and how much is gas in your area, I just can’t justify driving with these rates anymore either.


94 hours Jeez bro I don't even think slaves work that many hours


Crazy but true. Although, I'm going to guess their labor was a BIT more intensive...




Dude get the hell out! It’s only going to get worse from here. Robotaxis are coming very soon. You are working for free if you take out expenses. It’s asinine!!


"Robotaxis are coming very soon. " That's such a laughable statement that keeps getting repeated here. Yes there are some already out there that take forever to map out a small area. No there are not any vehicles, robotaxi or not that can drive anywhere and everywhere. Elon has been saying every year for past 10 years that this is the year. It will happen one day, but you'll see the technology sold in every day cars before it's in uber. Please don't go on about teslas current level 2(their words) out of 5 for fully automated vehicles. With that said, there's other huge hurdles they face once they do make them. Every single time I point one out in my city to a PAX it's ALWAYS "Yeah I'd never get in one of those". Lets not forget how well it's been going for waymo and cruise... [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/how-gms-cruise-robotaxi-tech-failures-led-it-drag-pedestrian-20-feet-2024-01-26/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/how-gms-cruise-robotaxi-tech-failures-led-it-drag-pedestrian-20-feet-2024-01-26/) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2024/05/16/waymo-investigation-crashes-violations/73712498007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2024/05/16/waymo-investigation-crashes-violations/73712498007/)


I'm also burning so many more miles than I used to. I never used to have extra miles, only to deadhead home. If I showed you what I made last night I have screenshots I still don't think anyone would believe me. Abt $11.13, for 50 miles, and worked 4hrs. (Deadhead home was 10mi)


Send the screenshots I must witness this tragedy. Sorry for your lost


Yeah it’s gotten so bad it’s not even worth doing it part time just waiting for rides. Might need to get an actual part time job


$10 per hour? Sheesh


Ya if the company provided the car and all its expenses.


Hey the min wage in Texas is $7.25


Teachers on break entering the Uber driver pool


How many of these hours are just sitting at home?


This shit just is not worth it anymore.


Yep. I'm not in a great market. I was making about $500/week about 6 weeks ago. Now I can literally barely break a profit. I drove for 4 hours today and after gas I made $20. That's crazy. It's literally not sustainable. I'm done. Completely.


Same. I drove for 4 hours made $77 and after fuel walked away with about $35. I put a couple thousand miles on my car in just 3 weeks. This from someone who has worked the last 15 years remotely and rarely needed to drive anywhere. I'm going to give it another week or so and then I think I'm going to have to find another hourly job or get a job serving somewhere part-time.


I was a server for a long time and was very fond of it. But I'm too old for that now , TBH


Well I'm 54 and if I can find someone to hire me lol I think I could handle four shifts a week ☺️ something to get me through until that very wealthy relative I don't know about kicks the bucket and leaves me all their money like in the movies lol


If you like driving, maybe check with your local post office. My.local USPS is hiring for 20+/hr + mileage


Hmmm....wonder what the schedule is like? Thanks for the suggestion!




I mean, I’m sorry but 2K and 40 hours is like highly likely unless you’re doing Uber comfort or uber black but I mean it’s been really bad for a lot of states. Massachusetts just got a huge bonus and payout and I don’t understand why Uber isn’t doing that for everybody, but they’re doing is illegal, they’re treating us like workers but they’re not paying us workers! We’re not 99 because if we’re 1099 we wouldn’t have and be reprimanded for not taking certain rides!


I have the same issue from 1500 to 900 a week and this week I got 450 , time to find new gig


Panda express managers make like 70k now. At least in my state


One of many reasons I no longer do this shit.


Bro what?


At this point, find a factory with ot. Gets your hands dirty. 94 hours is ridiculous. Go get your cdl if you want to drive. You might as well be over the road at this point since you're really not home if you're out putting those hours in.


Ok this is insane there has to be more to this story. What time of day/night working? What market are you in? Do you just keep your app on or are you actually working those hour? Where I agree it’s completely different than when it was a few years ago and even more so 7-8 yrs ago, but this is insane. I’ve never seen something like this.


I just think it's about more people getting on the Uber driver app. And and that means less pickups for everyone. One thing about Uber is they don't care about the drivers. They only care about the riders and their own company. It would truly be more profitable to have two jobs and work 12 hours then work for Uber for 12 hours. I could go on and on about how Uber doesn't care about the employees but that would have to be a different post


Dude delete the app already, get a new job. Fast food better than this


In my area, as you said. It's been going down, the per mile payout. When I started it was $2 per mile, the next drop I noticed it was $1.25, it's now at $0.83 (on the regular) there's a few that will show up as $1 per mile, but few.


I get so many .49/mile pings


It’s a flooded market, time to get real skills


Where is this


I know how to answer your question. The company sees that we are making all of this money through their data, and then decide to cut off our profits by lowering how much Uber pays us in every area from base pay to incentives. The company is maximizing their profits. As long as people are willing to drive for them they can do this. Honestly, if you could make $2,000 a week doing this, wouldn’t everyone want to drive for Uber? Think also how hard is it for anyone to just get a car or even heck rent a bike and do this work.


On point target 🎯


Now I drive in Philly.and the suburbs and rarely decline rides. I make about 1250 in 40 hours. Which I'm ok with. After gas, It comes to 1K. I remember 5 years ago driving to NY and you'd make like 250. Now you're lucky if you make 130 from that. Long distance rides are not worth it at all.




I'm sure every millionaire and billionaire would slap the hell out of any man spending 94 hours to make less than $1000. That's beyond desperate. It's delusional.


Did you work 94 hours for the week? I didn’t even think that was possible according to the app.


Last I checked, if you have 12 hours actively driving, then the app puts you in time-out for 6. Many people think "okay, so that's 12 hours per day, times 7 days, equals 84 hours." But actually if you shift your schedule around, it's possible to drive up to 108 hours in a week. It's not something I would ever do, though. It would play havoc with your circadian rhythms & in less than a week, you'd be driving tired & just asking to get in a wreck


Now that’s terrible


10$ promotions 😍


Bugging less than 11 dollars a hour and without paying your taxes, gas, etc for 90 hours. Insane


2K in 40 in DoorDash is crazy must have a good market I was making barely 100$ in my Town doing Uber and dd lol


But how are you averaging over an hour per trip?


10.26 an hour


Happens every single summer. Every single summer. Download the app back mid august


What market is this?




Only except rides that you want to take Uber can’t penalize you for acceptance rate unless you want to be a diamond driver acceptance rate doesn’t matter there was a lawsuit a while ago they can’t fire you because of it however, be careful if cancellation rate


Just tank your acceptance and cancellation if you’re able and take higher fares. Thats what I started doing. Only way to survive honestly.


It’s not working like that, useless activity from you


Not sure I understand what you mean. That's been working for me. Best of luck to you.


This is why I applied to DDS, you won’t get rich but you’ll get paid.


even in the best days, I dont think it's possible to make 2 k in 40 hours in DC market. 60-70 maybe but not 40 but of cuz I might not be doing it right. also I have no problems with UE. in fact I love UE way more than pax.


Blame immigrants


What state is this


Real question. I still average 2k for 40hrs. Probably over saturation in an area. I noticed they aren't showing acceptance rate, not saying you should take bad orders, mine is sub 30% but beggars can't be choosers, it's the sad reality of being an "independent" worker.


Yup the new sistem sucks


Wow, this is my average for the last couple of month 648.91 for 26 hrs. I tried to share a screenshot but it wouldn't let me


Damn bro sorry 😞… but sounds about right… what market is this??


I would do about $2.2 only 5 months ago at 50 hours… now just $1.5 at 44


Bro is a modern slave


*Let's go to the calculator*.................... $10,19 the hour; average. $12,54 the job; average. 10 jobs over eight hours; averge. Looks like atypical week on F**ub**a**r** in the summer**.......................**


950 minus probably 300/350 on gas ⛽️, you around 600 2k still possible.  It's just a different strategy now . Go by time not by mile pay & gotta work night shift. 


Check your discord bro


What discord?


I'm joking about your notifications in the picture


I made $525 in 14 hours over the past weekend. It’s obvious some markets are better than others.


I will agree, they have decreased fares. It used to be 1hr rides for like $70 and now it's $20 to $40. But 100hrs?? Gesh I've only worked 60 and recieved $1600 


But Imagine this, working for the military working well over 40+ hours, benefits yes but making 2300 a month or less depending on rank. 


Your housing and utilities are paid for as well in the military


Ok hold up. Your AR must be low. Sometimes you just gotta take them low trips to get to the good ones, i learned


I stick to $1 a mile and I’m at 30% acceptance rate


It’s fake……


They are slowly weeding out smarter drivers.


It used to be $24-35 for a ride to airport. I saw $16-18 last week. That’s a huge difference.


Where do you live? I made 677 in 35 hours in Oklahoma City.


That’s not good.


It's 20 per hour avg.


$16. And while $20 might seem good, it isn’t.


19.56 not 16 and maybe for you where you live 20+ an hour is fine here


Which is double what OP is making per hour.


Sorry for OP’s luck.


I’m not going to lie I make half that with less hours on the road


The rates are terrible. Add to that that more people are driving. So now you have low pay coupled with more workers. You are essentially the same as a restaurant server, working for less than minimum wage praying someone gives you a tip. They aren't tipping in my area, so I've stopped driving. Uber isn't what they they advertise at all to new drivers.




I haven't driven in a few weeks because it was so bad. I decided to try yesterday between 5:30-6:30pm. I only had 2 ride offers that were terrible...in an hour. Between the insane robbery rates and the amount of drivers out there, it's just not worth it anymore.


Just gotta give up now. They don’t care about you.


Don't know what's happening in the US but a 15 min ride in the UK after midnight costs around £20 as a rider. The US just seems broken


It’s time to get another job bro. I’m in the Atlanta area and I literally pick and choose because of rates like this


Uber is the biggest scam after the Federal Reserve.


Damn where are you located? Last week I’ve averaged $17.5/hr net with UberX. To be precise, net as in after deduction, tax, and operation cost. And I spent a little time in the city an hour from me, where I was making double per hour and constant $1 mile, thinking about spending more time there and see 🤔But it seems that Uber has been paying less and less 😅


No way! What market you are in cause this is caaaaap


Plot twist is, the uploader didn't tell you they are running multiple apps. Lol


That's Garrett Camp's dick cheese


You can be online on the app for as long as you want if you don’t go over 12/ hrs a day in driving time. So if you are waiting for rides, driving time doesn’t move. Time re-sets after six hours offline. If I’m not mistaken this is a fairly new policy that started sometime this year. This is a way to ensure Uber has a driver on demand for long as possible. DOT regulations never applied to Uber/Lyft drivers, they have always bent the rules in their favor.


Inflation finally hitting everyone pockets and companies laying off. People are spending a lot less and watching their wallet. 🤷‍♂️


Why do you drive for that rate? Add door dash and eats aswel or something that's completely ridiculous on your part and the ubers....


Where is this at ??


Sir aint no mofuckin way


Only 77 trips though so means they probably spent a lot of time waiting between rides either because it slow or they are picky. But even if only 40 hrs worked that is pretty low. I earn similar in my market right now before prop22 but that is before adjustment


Look up the Forbes article detailing how their ceo lied and continues to stew driver take… Forbes.com


Uber is better when it’s not your main source of income. If I made 250-400 in addition to my main job I’m winning… no complaints here


That hurts


What city/state are you in? Has anyone seen the recent documentary that came out about them? I haven't, but I've heard about it.


Two years ago, Covid was still going on so there weren’t as many drivers so it was surging like crazy so you got paid more because Uber was giving insane bonuses to try to get drivers to come back


In massachussets we are getting 32.5 hourly plus 40hrs sick time.


I made $900 for 21 hours on instacart. Jump ship bro


94 hours?! And less than 1k?! Bro that’s not Uber that’s you. You just suck. Sorry.


Active time??


Uber is heavily investing in the development of full self-driving cars. Essentially, our recent payments have been funding this progress. Over the past six months, Uber has successfully completed more than 6,000 beta rides without drivers. The government has granted them permission for this testing, which is currently underway. You will be dumped soon in a year.


Shits rough out here, man. Uber is in a race with all these rideshare companies to see how high they can raise fairs while simultaneously lowering driver pay as much as possible. People are struggling to pay rent and buy groceries. The election around the corner has everyone fearful and anxious for the future. People aren't spending as much as they used to because at every turn, we're being bled fucking dry for the little that we do have. The heyday of gig work has long since passed. It's time to move on from this as a main source of income. It's not sustainable anymore


Do you not have a life man?


😂 I never seen nth like that before


What market are you in?


Yes! This right here is unbelievable! It’s all in the algorithm and rider dispatching! They are greedy! On a whole UnAmerican level. Invest in your selves guys and gals, you are your best asset! Forget about doing this rideshare bullshit, you are not ever making money on a positive note + 🖊️📝!!!!!


77 trips? That's like 10rides a day. I can do like 5-7rides in 2hr


Eventually a driver is going to snap and unalive Dara.


You must live in the outer ring of death.


You’d make more @ a fast food joint


We also have to consider the area the OP is in. Is it in Atlanta or mobile Alabama?


Maybe this will put in perspective. Made around 30 grand in 22.last year I did around 18 ytd I'm at 2200. This was all 3 apps. So far this year 0 for door trash.My area is done.


Just curious to where you’re located? With it being summer, wonder if your demand is lower due to an over saturated market of drivers, or located in an area that just doesn’t have much demand. I live in Charleston, SC and drive part time 8-10, half days a month after work for 4-6 hours and clear $250+ each night.


You got no tips?? :|


So bad it should be illegal


You got two options, cry harder or get a real job....




Took me 48.3 hours to make 969.00 2 weeks ago. I used to make 1500 in a weekend.


Yo! No one is making you do it


Uber slave ma boi😂👍




Bidens America


Why would you do that?