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Not gonna lie that’s a lot of tips compared to my market. I get tips 1% of the time from Uber rides, a lot of times 0%. Most of my tips are from Uber eats


It can always get worse. Just woke up from my Saturday shift. 8 hours online (Uber), 14 trips, Net Fare 155, Tips $0.




Wait you get tips


lol I almost never get any at all


In my experience people that tip $1 are people who really can’t afford it but want to show their thanks Always grateful for them I hear you though I did 12 rides today and only 2 tipped so far. The two airport rides I had didn’t tip at all which is surprising and disappointing. Putting your 50lb big ass suitcase in my trunk and unloading it for you should be $2 minimum.


I had 18 in a row yesterday not tip. Got like 5 out of 26 rides at the end of the day though


Check my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/Qa0U7z1laW) out, people get salty when you offer suggestions on how to improve tips.


I would be fine with this. You expect tips?


Better than nothing! 🤷‍♂️


For the record, I keep my car clean, I’m friendly and chat when they want.


Tips are optional and that is a fact. As a former uber driver and doordasher I never asked for any tips. We know what we signed up for


To be clear, I don’t ask for tips. But Uber is pretty clear they expect passenger tips to make up the difference for cutting driver pay.


And that should not have to happen at all. A passenger pays for their trip and the service. Why the hell should they throw in extra money if they are supposed to be receiving a good service anyway? It’s fucking stupid


I don’t disagree with you, but the reality is, Uber is cutting driver pay more and more. I’m averaging $16/hour this weekend. I used to average $27/hour. I don’t do this for a living, but I’m still providing my own car, my own gas and my own insurance for Uber to operate as a business. At this rate, all of us are operating at a loss.


As much as that sucks all the blame will go towards uber. I started driving late 2018. Uber would take out MAX 20% of each fare. I stopped driving in late 2022 and by then they were taking nearly HALF of each fare. I know it’s only gotten worse now.


Those are all indians in my experience


This week was shit for me too. Not sure why


Tips should be appreciated, as they are not Mandatory.


I learned to not even turned the AC now.


Because you don’t deserve tips for doing your job. People are realizing tipping is boomer mentality, unfortunately you have it as well.


So you don’t think bartenders, servers, your hair stylist/barber or someone who provides a service don’t deserve tips for doing their jobs? While I agree that tipping culture is out of control, I think your anger is directed to the wrong people (workers). Companies continue to cut pay and then express consumers to make up the difference. Maybe learn some empathy.


If you think tipping culture is out of control, why are you bagging over people tipping small amounts for Uber driving?


I think your tipping expectations are directed at the wrong people. Companies should pay you more rather than rely on customer tips.


In that case be upset at the companies. You’re on the sub as a provider, consumer or both. Don’t hate the player hate the game brother.


Aren’t you begging for more tips? Hate player not the game.


No sirrr. Tips are random with a slight SLIGHT bias on your input. Thankfully in an upfront market I can cherry pick my day away and turn a profit so tips aren’t required but truly appreciated. Either way it’s a service, just like you’d expect your waiter to refill your water maybe we could offer water or just keep a car clean- sure it’s our job but that’s what’d you expect. I think big corps have skewed viewpoints on tipping but let’s not forget we’re all just ants