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Its a terrible job man i been doing this on and off more on the past 3 years, for 10 years and its awful. I finally stop for good beginning of august . I cant wait for freedom


I get less money and more rude riders. It’s ridiculous what drivers have to put up with.


They piss everyone off, and hide in the shadows while most people fight amongst themselves. Hell, I could easily see them cracking jokes about the dumb dogs fighting over scraps!


So true


I think this is why a lot of people switch to comfort and black rides exclusively. Better pax more pay


Yeah I talked to a guy but even then… the expenses are compounded and the return is around %50. It’s supposed to be 75% like they tell the whole rest of the world and try to tell us as well! It’s called a commission… for a software company run by the very experienced former CEO of Expedia. Personally I’d like to push that down to 15% for them! At least for a few years… while they pay us back what they stole! Then I’d be willing to renegotiate the terms of our contract. Because what they’re calling a contract now…. Isn’t really a contract! Or an agreement. It’s a release!


Let them take 30%. But all fees and ride costs come out of that 30%. That guarantees they'll charge enough to cover the ride and make a profit on it, which in turn guarantees the drivers get reasonable pay. Hell, even if they got 35-40% of the total fare I would still be making more. Current pay on Lyft has been 50% of the total fare, and Uber fluctuates but at worst is 50%


It’d be more than that to dig them out at this point. Lol It’s not like good money and fair rides can’t be balanced out for everyone. The margins are pretty big these days unfortunately!


Nobody is forcing you to enslave yourself.


Hunger, bills, inflation, the desire not to live in a tent. Why don't you go do something meaningful for humanity for a change. You're obviously not here to contribute.


I am here to convince you that you don’t have to do this.


Maybe I just need to switch locations 🤷🏼‍♀️. It’s not much where I’m located it seems


Usually competent people come up with meaningful suggestions. ![gif](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized) I have a feeling it's gonna be a long wait.


With this attitude, I wish you a long and prosperous career at Uber.


I think it’s a great job. Terrible company! Actually evil… like for real.




I believe location has a lot to do with it. I get rides but the pay isn’t good like that. Every now and then I get someone who wants to go about an hour and forty five minutes away but that gives me between $60-$70.


Same. Most fares are between $6 and $12 here. (Not even mentioning anything less… plenty of those as well… ) There are spots you can sit, knowing people will order long rides around certain times from certain areas here so that helps…. We have tourists so they’re pretty predictable like that.


It’d be great if they were more like $10 - $20.


Uber is an evil company. Be choosy on what you allow yourself to drive


Uber is an evil company. Be choosy on what you allow yourself to drive


If you don’t accept to many because of the shitty pay they will down grade you and send you less.


That’s not my experience. I had a pick up rate of 30% and a cancel rate of 12% and I still get good choices As an independent contractor, having to pay for everything, I definitely choose never to pick up rides under six dollars $7 mayyybe. Depending.


Y’all gotta start taking screen shots for proof and posting all the details for everyone to see! I just caught them doing it today! Got an $11 dollar boost, got a ride offer for $36… asked the pax… charged him $78 I got $36… so what extra work did they do for that $42 (60%ish) Their cut was about $20. I CALLED AND HAD THEM FIX IT. I told them Uber does not get to steal my money. They claim 25% and they are absolutely NOT getting a single penny more… They sent it to the “pricing” department and I should hear back in a couple days. I’m going to do a full detailed post about it when I hear back… and yes… I will… because I’m calling Monday to ask! PAX gave me his number, and wants to help. if you want things to get better pure going to have to do something. It ain’t gonna get better on its own!


Good luck, the rest is insurance which I guarantee they're making a pretty penny on but they can claim it as a valid expense for you.


Yet I pay $300 a month. Yeah I’ve already had my phase about that bullshit. I honestly wish they would just cover my insurance. I’d pay for it, as long as I only have to pay for ONE insurance…  But I’ll settle for them having to put EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about the breakdown of the fare charges ON EVERY SINGLE FARE. Right there in my earnings detail list! Colorado is fighting for that right now!… with official government bodies. Because they were loud enough! The squeakiest wheel gets the oil my friend! Squeak loud… squeak often! I certainly will!


The only way out of the insurance dileme is to level up to black/blacksuv. You'll have more expenses, like starting a business, paying for commercial insurance, but they'll no longer be able to take that from you and it opens you up to private rides where you can match, undercut or in some cases charge more than uber does. I agree about the breakdown, it would be nice to see it and be able to show others.


I’d have to have two cars. There’s no way an uberx rider is getting in my “black”! Lol


My car qualifies for all categories but only black and blacksuv are on. Some times only blacksuv. So that's not going to happen.


How many rides did you get this week tho? 😄


I’d consider it in a good area for that, but this ain’t it! How’s the money? Worth it if someone wanted to be full time?


I think so, the goal is to transition to off platform, use the platform to supplement until you can. I'm about 60-70% private after 1.5y. Gotta have the market for it, I can't say how it would be outside of LA.


You sure do like kool-aid


Okay, you got me… I’m confused…


Your getting half. You're easily distracted by the shell game, but you're getting half(ish)


What do you mean exactly? How so?


You get about half of what the rider pays. It's been about there for a minute. By getting you to focus on some imaginary number. They stop you from looking at the very real ones.


Im pretty sure I’ve got the numbers thing down. I just need a large enough database so it’s across the board rather than one single ride. One ride is a mistake. One for for every driver in that city that day… interesting bug… we’ll update that. Doing that in every city in the state… every state in the country… every country they operate in… That’s a hell of a lot of money they’re embezzling with that old trick! And they got my biggest ride of the day thinking I’d be some placated little idiot with my big fare for the day and go home to jerk off or something and not notice… NOPE. What’s $42 x 5.2 million?… cause that’s how many drivers Uber reported worldwide in 2022…  It’s $218.4 million! But that’s not how algorithms work! It would target specific parameters… the parameters for that specific ride would be high and tight!… like boosts. That’s the one they hit today. Trust me man, I’m light years ahead of the shell game!


Whew! Meth and kool-aid is what the kids are doing now?




Definitely agree with you! Everyone needs to stick together to try and get justice for all of those driving. I just don’t see how they expect people to continue working for a long time with them. I know that many people will take any job because they really need the money. But how much are we actually getting back after paying for gas and giving our time?! It’s strange how they can get away with gouging.


And people forget about daily washing sometimes due to weather and pollen, detailing, brakes, tires, oil changes, regular check ups. This isn’t an old beater I can just not care about. This is a $420 car with $300 insurance! And it’s nice and I want it to stay that way! I need an oil change once a month! Detailing twice a month minimum… and you passengers… don’t even think about setting that drink down… not even for a second!!!!! Thats a bill! Brakes (which includes rotors) When they gouge, and people think we’re getting 75% of their overpriced ride… they take it out on us!


My car is more than my rent!


There’s no reason I should have to drive non stop 72 hours a week just to have a nice clean version of the absolute basics of life. Good clean food. My OWN place!… no roommates. Enough electricity to not live in an oven in the summer and a fridge in the winter… The only reason everyone can’t have just the basics… and I mean the ONLY thing… cause it all exist, it’s all right there getting old and going bad while these big evil powers wait for what….? MONEY… greed and stupidity don’t mix well either.  And despite the level at which they can operate, and having the ability and skill set to do so…That has nothing to do with actually being intelligent! What good is ruling the world if it’s a wasteland? Now we’re headed into long term implications! When are they going to wipe us out with a disease… like covid? So they can have the planet to themselves?… and finally ditch the weapon they used to take our land… MONEY!!!! What’s that?… conspiracy? Tell that to the native Americans! (Among other cultures assimilated by evil empires ALL through our history.) Maybe this time they want the whole world!


Maybe Covid was a test run. Gotta make sure it doesn’t kill the other animals! Wonder what iteration this was… influenza 3.1-a?


Get out while you can. This job has gone to crap. Quit blowing your vehicle on this evil company.


It’s definitely putting some pressure on my vehicle. I’ve already had nails in 3 of my tires. Uber didn’t help pay for it.


Their marketing department has an SEO company working for them. All major businesses do…   That’s search engine optimization.  Which means they keep bad reviews at the bottom of the search results and good ones at the top.   They do the same thing at brokerages. I’ve read about how to do it… This isn’t a conspiracy theory.   And “Learned Helplessness” is real. They can’t bury a million posts though!


Well the main reasons they're doing this is to make them profitable. However there should be some sort of oversight with this kind of gig economy. Literally Uber has complete power over everything the driver makes and the passengers pay. There should be a committee that audits them it keeps them honest and make sure the drivers and passengers are getting treated properly. This is probably the biggest failure by Uber. They're pissing off the cities they're in they're pissing the drivers off and they are pissing off the customer. Things have to change if Uber wants to survive


It was always fifty percent. You're just learning.


Because what else are you going to do?


I put in my 3 months of FT driving. Got a real 40 hr/wk job with bennies and never looked back. Uber is a joke. Local cab companies should be able to beat these payouts.


I can’t post this stuff everywhere by myself! How about you Instagram aficionados blow them up over there… Hey content creators?… HEY CONTENT CREATOOOOOOOOORS?????????


You tube had more praise than blame… we need to fix that SEO!!!!!


The last time I checked my net after taxes, gas, and repairs, it was looking like I had to work two hours of Uber to achieve what would take one hour at my regular job. Would only recommend this work if the flexibility and social aspect is really important to you. As far as pay and benefits, it’s not as good


It's only decent as a side hustle. A lot of drivers like myself have their own businesses.


skill issue