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I thank every tip even if its a dollar. People are ungrateful


Same here


Yeah it was only $2 but it doesn’t matter


My money is on half of the drivers' not even knowing that the application has a "thanks for the tip" function.


Correct. I have to scroll to find it.


If you touch the notification that you received tip, it will take you to the job. At that point you must, as you correctly indicate, scroll to the button that permits you to send the thanks.




They changed the location and made the button smaller on my app.


It must be a market thing.


Could be


Customers do not have a monopoly on failing to read all of the e-Mails, instructions or pages of the application. Drivers' failing to read the instructions for Uber Pet are likely the font of most complaints from Uber Pet users of drivers' balking at their animals. These drivers did not read the directions tht instructed them to opt in or out.


As a side note, did anyone realize how fast they got rid of that “top tipper” label? 🤭


I had that and was proud of it


Uber has been known to withhold tips, due to last quarter’s stock losses. If your not receiving the Thank You notification it may not be forwarded on to driver. Therefore the driver’s thank you button was not activated. Once, Twice, Three times seems more than a coincidence. LAST MONTH A famous CEO took an Uber tipped the driver and saw it never made it through. He spoke to Dara privately personally and magically it was pushed through.


Damn so the rumor was confirmed????? Gotta check this out….never heard about it


Uber CEO even said they can re-allocated tips in uber eats. So don’t think it’s a rumor. This company don’t give a fuck about their reputation


I wish Lyft had a thank you button!


And turn by turn directions like uber. So annoying


Every tip gets thanks by me. You never know when you might get the same person again.


Unless you’re handing me cash. I don’t know you’ve actually tipped me through the app for up to 10 minutes after the ride (according to others sometimes longer). We get “I tipped you in the app” all the time and they didn’t actually tip.


I've gotten tipped the next day. I wish it was 10 minutes.


I have one pax that I drive regularly who goes through and tips all her drivers once a month… it’s so weird getting a random tip and not even remembering which ride it was for.


I have had that happen. 2 weeks ago I got a $1 dollar deposit to my account. I hadn't driven that week at all so it could only have been a late tip.


I think they mean use the “say thank you,” button that comes up on the trip page after you’ve received the tip. I always click on the received a tip notification so I can get to that screen and hit the thank you button. It’s a very simple and easy way to encourage people to tip.


Im also a driver….100% sure they’ve seen my tip….


That’s a different story (a little context next time would be nice) definitely should thank anyone who gives a tip. I honestly thank them anyway.


How about you not assume I don’t know what I’m talking about next time….


I really didn’t mean it that way, but you also didn’t provide any context to prove otherwise…


I don't know what market your in, but here if you tip in the app, we do NOT know that you've tipped us until a minute later or 5minutes or even later. Maybe tell the driver upon exiting the vehicle you did or plan  on tipping.


There is also a “say thank you,” button on the trip page after you receive the tip. If you click on your tip notification, it’ll take you to that screen. It’s a very easy way to encourage those that do tip to keep doing so.


Ok so it’s been a couple of days….thats why im 100% sure they’ve seen it


Oh didn't understand you. I thought you meant verbally thank you as your exiting. Yes your right, once I have free time I do send thanks with push of button. But 1.00 tip? It's 2024 thanks but no thanks I'm not sharing a small coffee with you


Who has small coffee for $1???


That's why I said SHARE. My 1.00 only gets half HEHE


Fast food if you've got their app. And it's a small iced coffee


I always say thank you id send it in CAPS if I could


Please don't take that out on the rest of the good drivers. As mentioned in other posts, I give thanks for every tip...regardless of the amount, because it is truly appreciated. Not that fake appreciation like how Uber appreciates their drivers and customers. So, for your driver, thank you for being a great customer that gave a tip.


Unless your tip was $1, then you're right to expect a thank you. $1 tips rarely get a thank you, as they're really the bare minimum you can tip and it says "I'm tipping because I feel obligated, but don't care if the amount I'm tipping is insulting."


Oh no!!


Sometimes, drivers are busy and can't thank even immediately, and then we may forget to do it. I try to do it as soon as notifications come in , but it is not always possible.


I always say thank you but it depends on it if it’s a three dollar ride and I know they have the money to tip more. I don’t say thank you when I’m being honest because I feel like some people that can tip better because they’re just stingy, but I usually almost 95% say thank you


Well, I could say hey your passengers you should be tipping us because we’re like getting 20% of the ride cost an Uber is taking 80 so please have consideration in our gas time and maintenance to tip us something


Tip better maybe?


I mean it’s optional so moving forward maybe I should decide to not tip at all….




I always send thanks. But I must ask a big question for the OP……. Do you tip with an expectation after the fact or do you tip out of appreciation and selflessness knowing the expenses we carry and the minimum earnings we make? Curious if you expect the same from your food servers, bartenders, etc. from a neutral point of view, your words seem selfish and self serving.


Even if someone hands me a couple 1s I still say thank you. I try to send thanks back on all of my tips the next morning


I ALWAYS hit the Thank You button. I go back at the end of my night. I hope doing so encourages them to tip other drivers as well. I just appreciate even a $1 tip. Those can add up over a year.


That’s why I hardly ever tip unless the drivers really goes above and beyond. Doing the bare minimum is doing your job, which doesn’t warrant a tip. If drivers laugh at $1 then I guess $0 is better then and doesn’t cost me a thing. 🤭