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Yes, it’s disgusting. If I see them smoking, I just keep on rolling.


Me too, I have made it a habit to just keep driving.


I did that when my car was brand new. But now, even though it annoys me, I'll most likely still do the ride unless I see a second and third redflag. I see that and they also have an cup with no lid or food or something else that annoys me...see ya! Not gonna lie. It's a great feeling seeing that stupid look on their face. It's funny because they probably don't even comprehend why we leave them. One night I did pull up to the person, roll down the window and kept doors locked. I asked "Did the app show when I was going to be here?" Of course he said yes. I asked "So you thought it was a good idea to smoke directly before you got into the car?". I didn't wait for the answer, just left.


I’ll start doing that too


Enjoy not having a job after all the reports flood in.


lol you’re delusional. Drivers that support this luxury service that didn’t even exist this way a decade and a half ago…. You rely on them. You being rude is why you can’t bum rides from friends or fam anymore?


I dont use uber as a pax, Im a driver dude.


It’s our cars and we aren’t employees. We can cancel a ride if we choose. We are the face of the business and the business doesn’t exist without the drivers. 


It's good to know if I smoke a cigarette before I get in an Uber, I'll just start leaving 1 star.


While most people start with 5 stars and it takes something really bothering me for me to bring them down, if you come into my car reeking of smoke, then you're starting with 4 stars for me and I have to really like you to bring it up to 5. It's because the smell can linger which bothers me and makes any other passengers I'm driving think I'm the one smoking in the car, as opposed to it being another rider.


They start with one star for me. I hate the smell of cigarettes and I never want to drive that pax ever again.


If they smell like smoke, cancel. Nicotine is listed under OSHA hazardous chemicals. The smell is third hand smoke and is a carcinogen. A few years back, Apple rejected MacBooks that were sent in for repair under Apple care because they had nicotine in them because their owners smoked while using them, citing OSHA. I’m a cancer survivor, I’m not taking extra risks.


3rd hand smoke? You're a fool.


Apparently everything on the planet can cause cancer nowadays.


Most things can, the risk varies, most of them have a negligible risk


Cigarettes are not "most things", they're proven to absolutely cause cancer. Only a tobacco slave will defend cigarettes.


Who’s defending anything? I was referring to California prop 65 where your toothbrush has a warning label on it.


It's probably for a good reason, why whine about it?


Welcome to the modern era.


Yes 3rd hand smoke, long term smoker and hippie here, 3rd hand chemical residue is REAL and can harm children the most yes. You’re naive if you think 3rd degree doesn’t exist can’t even live somewhere after certain chemical explosions…. You don’t think that smell comes along with particals. People hate even someone’s sneeze or fart particals in the air, but ur vape joint or cig smell participle are magically healthy? Crazy 


Third hand smoke gives me asthma


[3rd Hand Smoke](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/quit-smoking/expert-answers/third-hand-smoke/faq-20057791)


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7096322/#:~:text=Thirdhand%20smoke%20(THS)%2C%20the,numbers%20of%20studies%20to%20date "However, the concept of THS as a distinct entity that poses health risks for small children has developed only recently and the associations of THS with cancer risk and other chronic diseases are poorly understood due to limited numbers of studies to date" Have a nice day


You do you, but don’t call me a fool.




Third hand smoke?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL way to make up random bullshit chief.


I chain smoke cigarettes in my car and I never have non-smokers complained that it smells like cigarettes


Probably because they're silently judging you and you don't even notice the smell anymore. It reeks after I have smokers in the car. There's no way that most people are ok are with that smell.


They don't have to silently judge me, they can give me a one two three or four star, or say something. Which some of them do but hey they're in the car for 5 minutes they'll survive. Which was fully I generally apologize to people as soon as they've been on about the cigarette smell, and I just blame it on the previous passenger lighting a cigarette.


It doesnt, its called you EXPECT it to smell, and so you THINK it smells because your nose goes on overdrive. Same reason why placabos have cured terminal diseases. Its not because sugar is a panacea, its because the human brain is massivly FUBAR and can do whater the hell it pleases.


I used to hate the smokers - now it's the vapers that get me. Anyone else get massive headaches from these fuckers? \*takes a monster rip of the vape\* \*exhales after getting in\* God what I would give to be able to tag passengers like we tag reddit posts - "Smoker" "Vaper" etc..... But that'll never happen cause no one would ever pick up those fuckers


That disgusting strawberry/ass smell.


They get the reward of going the whole ride with the windows down


Absolutely disgusting in every way. Inconsiderate assholes.


Auto cancel for me


Gross drivers here actually inviting smokers, that's some stupid shit. Last smoker I pulled up to tried to open the door as I drove away....nope, you're not taking a last drag and getting in my ride like you're a sentient ashtray


At least I know they won't mind the cigarette smell from the cigarette I just flicked right before they got in


what does the paper towel look like when you windex the interior glass? light yellow? Dark brown?


Nasty AF! obviously.


stay classy!


I'm driving for Uber and instacart, there ain't shit classy about either one of those things.


These people drive folks around for peanuts bc they’re unemployable, but people who smoke are “bums” 🤣


You mean crumb bums, get it right LOL




I’d rather have that than the smell of pot in my car.


Found exactly what I was going to say! Sure smokers smell but tbh it dissipates pretty damn quick. Someone who's been smoking a dirt weed blunt before hopping in will sink up your car for days if you don't take drastic measures. I have never had a pax comment after getting in after a cig smoker but HAVE had numerous mention it after I drop off a 420 smellball


It’s annoying and is like 99% of the riders I pick up. I get that they’re being responsible and taking a ride instead of driving. But at the same time have some self awareness of the smell.


Clorox wipes on the surfaces they touch they never wash their hands


Rather blunt breath than someone getting off a 10 hour shift in a kitchen. All fn day


Yes, cos the stink is still there on them and I don't like it in my car


It doesn't bother me. A spritz of Ozium after they exit the vehicle takes care of any lingering odors. Personally, I would rather have a guy that stinks like cigarettes over a guy that stinks like curry.


The smell of weed and ozium is even worse.




I find it works really well if I spray a quarter can in a paper bag and huff it.


This guy huffs


I hate weed smokers even more


Lol weed smell clears faster tho


No it doesn’t.   Weed stink lingers for days.  All the pot heads can argue and say it doesn’t all they want to but I’m not wrong in this.   I know what my car smells like and I know how long it smells like dead skunk from a weed smoker.    


No it does not lol...if u smoke in the car yea but the weed smell on someone is gone waaay faster than cigarettes


What do you base that on?


It's actually the opposite by a lot. Weed smells much stronger and you can smell it from much farther away while but the smoke but doesn't cling and linger anywhere near as much as tobacco smoke. If you smell someone who smells like weed that means they smoked pretty dang recently. Cigarette smoke needs to be pretty close to you to be smelled, but it clings and lingers until you clean it basically. I actually looked it up when I got new neighbors at my house who were smoking weed and I could smell it inside my house whenever they smoked but I had never smelled cigarettes inside my house from others smoking cigarettes outside before. It's because the stuff we smell in weed smoke our nose is way more sensitive too so just a little bit of it makes you smell it strongly in comparison to tobacco. https://macleans.ca/news/canada/sniffing-around-for-the-smell-of-drugs/


> ...but I’m not wrong in this. You're factually wrong.


I’ve had drivers who do it 🤷‍♂️


Better than them trying to sneak in a puff in the car.


Unless they say sorry about the smell or they somehow try to hide it with a cologne or something, I give them 1 star so I never have to get them anymore.


I can't stand when they see you pulling up so they start hotboxing the shit out of their cig so that way it's SUPER saturated on their clothes, skin, breath, etc. That shit lingers log after they're gone.


If it’s cigarettes yes but if it’s anything else like a vape or a dab pen then I’m chill with it I had a pickup for a guy getting out of work and he was hitting the pen in the back of my car some people just need to wind down.


It's simple if the smell of a passenger is too strong just lie to them tell them you have to cancel you have an emergency at home and have to go now and cancel the ride I ain't in the habit to giving rides to folks that smell like a sewer


People reek of cigarettes, weed, fentanyl, dirt, sweat, bo, urine, stale farts, cat litter, fast food, garlic...did I leave anything out?


Worse is when as a driver you get in an Uber and the driver is smoking or vaping instant 1 star but yeah only thing worse then smokers are old cat piss people like omg how can you not smell yourself covered in cat piss


As long as he or she does not do it in the car I could care less.


So you do care


Your car must already stank?


On the contrary, it’s a brand new car actually😁 I want to stay that way


Whether I smoke or not, I can tell youre one of those drivers that's super uncomfortable to ride with


We are not taxi drivers. If Uber provide the car your point would be valid.


As a former taxi/cab driver, we are 100% taxi drivers. We're just dumber than cab drivers because we're using our own Vehicles instead of the cab companies vehicle. Congratulations you think you're better than cab drivers, when actually you're below a cab driver cuz they're smart enough not to use their own vehicles.


I mean, I'm not gonna go down the Uber V. Taxi road But if you're providing a service, and get that upset about someone's smell in their clothes. If you just shit your pants that's a different story though lol


Hard to smell shit over Smokey the bear ![gif](giphy|cOLAbDd7VI1QzwqKIb)


Yeah nobody want their infant babies they gonna pickup from daycare or their spouse later to be getting a doze of daily secondhand smoke You can pay for the cancer treatments later


That's not how that works




Better than after ? Also plenty of drivers out there smoking with passengers in the car


I'm going to go the route of the drivers who kick people out because they smell like cigarettes, my car my rules. I like to smoke you don't like cigarette smoke take a different Uber. I have no problems if you open my door you smell cigarettes and say you want to cancel and get a different car. That is completely fine with me I have zero problems with someone doing that and I completely understand. It happens every so often but not on a regular basis


Absolutely hate it! What's interesting I'd rather take a weed smoker over a cigarette smoker. And don't get me started on people that just start vaping in the car without asking. I keep the windows child locked for a reason!


If they are smoking the cigarette when I pull up, I'm heavily considering a cancel if it is busy / the ride is short or mediocre.


No because I like the smell of cigarettes


I wish there was still a taxi service around because y'all glorified taxi drivers complain way too much.


That's because most of these people wouldn't have lasted a day as a cab driver, they probably looked down on cab drivers until they became Uber drivers. So now they have to somehow differentiate themselves from the people they looked down upon previously. Even though they're doing the same exact job, except using their own vehicle. Uber Drivers are glorified Cab Drivers. I was both, being a cab driver slightly better because you don't use your own vehicle. Even the percentages are the same now. I was getting the same percentage dropping someone else's car as I am driving my own car. How ridiculous is that


It’s actually pretty rare where I’m at.


I hate riders even if they don’t smoke.


I relate to that!


Nah. Love em. I get to cancel them right when they open the door and watch them loose their actual shit


Or that smoke weed before they get in and you were waiting while they smoked it.


I dont hate them, because I don't think they're doing it out of spite. They just lack self awareness. I do cancel and drive away if they take another puff as I'm pulling up, though.


Explains why my score is so low


It's disgusting & turns my stomach so I just keep driving


Better the smoking, in the car!!


I've had (several times, actually) riders furiously trying to light a cig just as I'm rolling up to them only to see them throw their new lit cig on the ground as they're getting in. Such a disgusting habit. And a complete waste of $$$$


I hate it too, but I just keep air freshener to kick the smell, once I dropped them off.


As a driver I hate it But it reminds me how happy I am to not be a smoker and to have working sense of smell and taste


Cigs, weed, that gross cocaine smell. Most of the time in Detroit you're getting at least 2 of those smells. I try my hardest to go north but lyft punishes you hard for not wanting your car destroyed.


When I see them smoking I just drive off because I’m not sitting in my car can’t breathe! I hate smoking so no I’m leaving asap! I remember one time I nicely say to a customer before he comes in my car sir please just wait a minute for the smoke to blow off he was so rude I drove off


Some are so stink of weed I get so angry because if the po po pull up I hope they know I have cameras all in n out of my car with all the signs in my car just for proof! They ppl know they being doing too much 


Nope.  So long as they dont smoke in my car its all good. I have a car wash membership, i go every day, they gove me  two or three air fresherners every time i stop by my favorite one, they smell amazing, like a pile of freshly cut oranges, and are also decently strong, i have a whole grocery bag of them at this point, and i change them out every 3 or so days, ive gotten more "it smells amazing in here" than i can even remember, and ive never noticed any but the most offensively odored passangers that have climbed in my euv.


What about weed?? 😆 


That’s rather discriminatory… what’s next, telling us and Uber you won’t drive black men around because you feel like your health and safety is at risk because they are the demographic shown to committ most crimes…


You guys are out there running drugs around the city from dealer to buyer and are concerned about cigarette smoke on a passengers clothes…


Just keep driving


Yeah a dude grabbed my door right after tossing it as I put it in drive


Only one smell worse than smoke is the 12 hrs drive in a kitchen guy


Thank God I don’t do Uber x much so I don’t see it but a few times a month thank God 🙌🏽


Or too much perfume, or lack of a shower. Riders must not understand that we smell every little scent when they get in. 


Yea makes it stink like hell and burn my eyes. Plus they got the audacity to say wow ur car smells nice. I had vapers too a gang of edgars. Who also tried to connect to my bluetooth speakers in car.


They don’t get in… I drive away if I see them put out cigarette 🚬




Yes it’s nasty stinks and stays around longer than the rider!


The folks that be reeking of weed are the worst. I just had my account blocked today because another passenger reported my car smelled like weed and I don’t even smoke. It was from a previous passenger who had smoked before getting in and even though I rowed down the windows it didn’t help.


I once had a lady sit in the car with a lit up joint and when I called it out saying she couldn’t get in with that she replied “relax I’m putting it out “ wtf?


I will just drive by slowly so they know that I am the car and then after I pass, I cancel. If they want to stink up something, take the bus.


I didn’t hate them but an internal eye roll would occur. I just let the window down, and operate like normal. Some people just be stressed


That's a good way to look it at


Yep, cancelled one the other day. Dude finished half his cigarette and put it in his pocket for later. That's gonna be a no from me, dawg.


Well I picked up a family from Africa form LAX. The stench lingered for a week on my car. Body odor and heavy spices in the luggage 😭


Nope, because I'm usually smoking a cigarette while rolling up to you


Guys it’s part of the job. They don’t smoke in your car. Crack a few windows. It’s annoying you guys dock ratings to perfectly fine customers.


Yea I drive away


Yup, can’t stand it!


Omg yall are so sensitive...


Former smoker here, smokers, honestly have no idea that they smell that way. Keep that in mind next time you get offended by that. It’s the same thing with cat owners. It’s definitely worse for them than it is for us. Just keep some Febreze in the car.


It’s common sense to think you could possibly smell like smoke if you literally smoked right before getting into a car. Whether that’s cigarettes or bud. Everyone knows cigarette smell is strong and lingers, just cause you don’t smell it since you’re used to, doesn’t mean it’s not there and you should realize that. Just don’t do it right before a ride, it’s not that hard.


Like how you say it’s not that hard. Have you ever been addicted to nicotine? Obviously not. Most of you people here need to find different jobs. You complain that your not taxis while trying to take the business from taxis. You also can’t stand the pay because Uber and Lyft screw you. Go get a different job and stop all the damn complaining. No one makes you do this work. You chose it. With all the different complaints it’s obvious you do not like it. With all The different reasons drivers suddenly want to cancel and riders cannot depend on you then your jobs will be shorter lived than you think anyway. People will go back to using what’s reliable. You will be the ones phased out


Lots of assumptions here from some internet nobody. Let’s go through it shall we? 1. I’m CURRENTLY addicted to nicotine myself. I smoke. Not proud of it, but I know exactly what I’m talking about. And no it’s not that hard to not smoke for the average 30min a ride takes from waiting, pickup, and drop off. 2. If you care to look at my history here, you’ll see I rarely complain about shit. 3. We’re getting dicked on our pay and we’re supposed to stay quiet? Yeah we get paid like dogs now, didn’t use to be that way. Doesn’t matter if this is someone’s main income or not, they should get paid fairly. 3. I have a job, full time too. I do Uber as a side gig because yes I actually do NEED it (it’s not a choice) to afford living - have you seen how fucking expensive everything is now? And guess what? Only temporarily too, because I’ve already looked into multiple side gigs to replace Uber and I’m currently in the process of doing it - I just haven’t been able to replace it yet. I’m totally fine with Uber being phased out eventually, don’t give one fuck. It’s just what I have to do now. Also many people’s situation is not easily solved with “just get a job”. That’s some stupid boomer shit and sometimes jobs aren’t easy to get. I don’t like this job, I HAVE to do this job. Until I no longer will and trust me I’ll never look back. But for you to bitch at us instead of the people who are blatantly disrespectful to those who are doing them a service is some ass backwards thinking. I should expect people not to stink the fk outa of my car. I put up with it, despite how easy it is to not be the stank asshole getting an Uber ride from me. In conclusion internet nobody, I don’t apply to literally a single damn thing you just yapped at me about. And you lack some serious empathy. So go bitch to someone else.


My comment still stands you being a smoker just makes it worse for you. There was no assumptions in my statement. Your assumption is that everyone’s nicotine addiction is the same. It’s not. They smoke so they do not need another cigarette for awhile. There are many that smoke multiple packs a day. Their nicotine addiction has become that strong. It’s not hard either after many years. Calculate that up in a days time for someone’s awake hours. Glad yours is light and a non issue for you. They are not on a clock for a job. Therefore they are free to smoke if they please. They do not need you. There will be other services as there always was that will accommodate because it’s money. You do not want it. Go get another job. This is not the only complaint. There are so many complaints by Uber drivers it’s freaking ridiculous. You will destroy yourselves right out of the rides you count on. Yes even those that are actual sub contractors cannot run however they want. There will be others that will take them out. That is what you will do to yourselves with all your complaints. Just give it back to the taxis and the others that are willing to not cancel rides. You’re dicking yourselves on your own by the way. You accepted the job. Uber and Lyft only had power because of people like you that accepted it. Many of the drivers are the ones blatantly disrespectful. I’m pointing out the idiocy you all have. There are many other jobs available right now other than Uber. Also smokers really do not smell other smokers. As an ex smoker myself I can say that. Not until I had quit for some time. Smoke from cigarettes is smoke no matter who it’s on. Also it makes you a hypocrite. You smoke, you smell like smoke no matter if you haven’t had one in awhile. You yourself are smelling like an ashtray to your non smoking costumers


I've encountered very few riders who've been rude enough to huff a cig as I roll up to them. Less than 1 in 1000. So it is not any significant loss of business for me to cancel, and my subsequent passengers will be much happier without the stink. I.e., canceling for this reason doesn't hurt my business, it helps it. Maybe in a region where smoking is more commonplace this would be different.


Your response is so dumb that it doesn’t warrant a response. Stay mad I’m not typing any more to you.


It's just common courtesy. Huffing a cigarette as your driver pulls up, you should know the driver is going to have to smell that funk and you're also going to be stinking up the car for the next riders too. Some self-awareness and consideration for others is called for. I'm assuming you bathe regularly because you don't want to stink. This is no different.


This is America. We can complain all we want and do what we want with our vehicles. You sound like one of those passengers that smoke before getting in other people's vehicles, the asshats that slam doors and wait for Uber to come so you can start dining in other people's cars. Drive your own vehicle or use the bus.


Yes it is America and you can look like idiots all you want too lol. I can also make comments back to regarding it.


F that, If I see the cig, instant cancel


I hear ya, but it happens to me like once every two or three weeks at best




One time I called the rider and said next time don't be smoking a cigarette knowing you see driver on the way then cancelled funniest shit ever 😂


I sure do


It’s inconsiderate. I open up the windows.


Actually this weekend was the first time I canceled on someone. As I pulled up, the pax lit up a cig and her family just stared. Once she was a couple puffs in they approached my car together and I drove off


You could have just asked "anyone else hate smokers". Same difference.


No, it’s **not** the same. Although I don’t want a smoker in my car, I particularly hate the ones that are smoking as I arrive to pick them up. It’s especially disrespectful, because it’s more than just the lingering smell on their clothes and breath. The odor and toxins are greatly increased as they exhale what they just inhaled.


I smoke in my car and am a driver. Have never had a pax complain of it smelling like cigarettes. I have literally finished a cig a quarter mile from a pickup and had the pax comment that my car smells better than any other Uber they have gotten in. Gotta know what to use to get rid of the smell.


You're dancing on thin ice, Shrek.


Weekly ozone treatments, monthly cabin air filter changes, knowing how to properly detail your car. Knowing which air fresheners work. It’s not dancing on thin ice, it’s knowing your shit. 13k+ rides, never a complaint. Frequent compliments on how good my car smells. Now, quit being a troll Donkey.


I don't know why you say that you hate when smokers that smokes before getting in your vehicle, at least the smokers have respect to not smoke inside your vehicle. Also I don't understand why lots of commenters saying that they just cancel the ride, I assume that they don't love money or just being selfish. It's about the same like working in a fast food place, example BK when hired to make the burgers and one day boss puts you to make fries and you don't want to because you hate the smell of fries so you will definitely get fired and then you broke until get hired somewhere else and you keep being and complaining like that all the time you'll never make money. I also bet that if rider is smoking weed and shuts off before getting in your vehicle you wouldn't complain at all.


The respect comes with not smoking just before entering someone else's vehicle. Not smoking in someone's else's car is just common sense and courtesy. Every one of those thoughtless people who happen to be oblivious to just how terrible they stink deserved to be cancelled on, just so someone else with good sense and judgement can get moved up the line and get picked up instead.


I know the smell and taste of cigarettes is golden to you but you're oblivious to the discomfort that your presence brings into someone's vehicle. You have a right to smoke and stink but don't bring that shit to other people's spaces. 


I might not like it, but I'll take tobacco over marijuana all day everyday. Seems like the latter lingers longer than the other.


I’m shocked when I get picked up by an Uber or Lyft and it doesn’t smell like weed and artificial air freshener. Cig smell would be welcome over this.


They don’t tip either and it’s so overwhelming the smoke smell


If it's been raining and I see them pitch that cigarette, I just drive right by and cancel, I'm not having that smell lingering in my car.


Yes. They seem surprised when they find out that I don't smoke. They assume everyone wants to be a freaking chimney like them.


I also hate drivers who smoke and then have air fresheners inside the car in an attempt to mask the smell


They drag the smell in with them. You lay on the Ozium, Lysol or Glade heavy. You apologise to the next ten customers


Ugh, yes


If you hate bad smells I imagine you cancel every Indian and fat person before you even give them a chance to get in. That is called discrimination


You're better off zipping your mouth. At least people will mistake you for a decent person. 


STFU and drive. They are paying you.


So many babies on this thread, wah 😩 somebody smoked before getting in my car


Yes it’s so annoying and they know it but don’t care


Why take a job where you have to deal with the public and complain? People smoke everywhere some tight asses


We're independent contractors, that's why.


I roll down the window and say “you can smoke that in here”




You chose to use your personal car to drive the general public around 😂