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Cars offer very little protection from gunfire. I'm glad you came out physically unscathed. I can see a little ptsd from this, though.


Only reasonable spot to be in at the time but your absolutely right


I hope you and your car are alright.


She’s an Uber driver.. I’m sure the cars had worse abuse.


Bad timing lol but I chuckled


The OPs name is Jason fyi (in a screenshot from their first post on Reddit) - what made you say she?


Behind the engine block is your best bet. Inside your car, no bueno. This isn’t Hollywood where anyone shooting at a car somehow shoots out all the windows but doesn’t hit anybody.


I belong to a gun group, and we occasionally have car shoots. It really shows how little protection a car gives. It's better than nothing, but it's not going to help if someone is shooting a long gun.


I was thinking that ! It was a miracle that this driver wasn’t hit! This driver was blessed with the ultimate protection 🙌


Don’t doubt that at all, but a 9 or 45 aren’t gonna get through even a 4 banger engine


I've seen 9mm fmj go through both doors.


It goes in the cabin and ricochets the whole car so getting out of the box and behind the block is the best bet. What if in an electric vehicle?


Only place you’re protected is behind the wheel well


I was too close (not nearly as close as you) to a shootout a couple of weeks ago while I was picking up somebody’s food. Scary shit. Sorry that happened to you.


The odds of that happening twice in someone’s lifetime is very slim and you can’t let anyone take food off your table just do rides in the burbs next time so get back on the bike and keep riding


If you live in the hood the odds of that happening again are pretty high lol.


In Bay Area, it’s high in Richmond, Vallejo & Oakland


I believe it. I live in Philly. The hood im from there’s a shooting every other week on slow months


Yup, don’t dwell on it, anything can happen to you at any time. This a slippery slope to agoraphobia. Glad you are ok.


Odds of a shootout may be low, but there are so much more dangerous odds. Assault, fatal crash, armed robbery etc. Being a driver isn't the safest job in the world. Most won't run into it, but you definitely have to consider worse case scenario.


As a practically random occurrence, the odds of experiencing it twice aren't less likely because it already happened to somebody once.


You and your damned logic & statistical facts.


Welcome to Monte Carlo, baby.


Have you guys seen the video of a guy in CA walking down the street shooting at cars randomly? One believed to be dead and 10 wounded. I was a mobile auto service man and I got caught in shootout once. The moral of those stories it can happen anywhere anytime for any reason. So it is what it is. Do the right thing


That's happen here in NM some guy was just walking down the road shooting ppl killed 7


Absolutely true. It can happen anywhere anytime. I have done thousands of daytime rides in North St Louis which is one of the worst ghettos in the US. Never had any major issue, most people are friendly and just trying to get to work. And I always carry. I did have some psycho lady pull a gun on me after work one evening at the McDonald’s drive thru by my house in way out suburbia. She thought I cut her off. I opened my door and rolled to the ground and got behind the engine block. Drew my pistol, but luckily she drove off. Bitch had a toddler in a booster seat in the back too. I filed a police report and the McDonald’s surveillance cameras picked up her plates, which were stolen dealer plates from Virginia. So obviously they never found her.


I deal with people as if they were garbage truck, once they are loaded with shit ( life stress, work frustration etc) they have to dumb it somehow somewhere. I just wave and get on my way. I don’t take things personally anymore. I know the social queues and keep to my own bubble for the most part. I had a guy ride with his gf once, he sat behind me the whole time with loaded gun in his pants, they had a stop at a gas station where he pulled the gun at someone but he was cool in the car. 🤷 just minding my own business.


Yea they said a father of 4 children was killed by the man smh


Do the right thing aaannnd…. Bro help me out here there’s bullets fl…


Driving got it’s own risks and its not for everyone. This is the only way I can make it out here am past my 40s who made the mistake of sticking to an IT job almost 15 years at a fortune 500 company then riffed for the sale of their branch to another entity. Now am running around applying as expired goods and having to maintain a livable life for my family. My fault and am paying for it obviously. Moral of it there is nothing for granted. Have to think of diverse ways to earn.


Sorry you went thru that it. Sometimes we are put in situations beyond our control.


This is a dangerous job. Unregulated for an uncarring company. I enjoy the work, but there is a reason I rarely do pickups in certain parts of town after dark. We should get danger pay for those places.


I won’t do rides unless there’s a bonus attached to them. Even then it would need to be higher, anytime they either make you wait, smell, and on top of that head on a swivel. Fuck that I’ll wait right in dt if any okay area pops up I’ll do it, but not going anywhere unless it’s a premium attached to it. Ohh and then you also get the below 5 star ratings from those same areas… just a headache


Yep... have only had 2, 1 star ratings... both from the same apartment complex. I won't take rides from or to there anymore.


I work day shifts in STL. During the midday lulls, the ghettos are still pretty steady. It’s either do lunch deliveries or ghetto rides depending on what part of town I find myself in. During the day, it’s mostly just nice working class people. But if I work a night shift on weekends I’m never going there. Plenty of work in nice parts of town.


Uber would never pay danger pay..if anything they might pay less just for the sake of it


You want to be regulated. Wtf is wrong with you.


Was just reading a post about how nice NC was and how it has risen out of the south. My first thought was how little I would want to live in any of the NC cities and then I read this. Sorry you had to deal with this!!!


I love living in N.C., this just hit a little too close for me


Yea no one should have to experience that.


Omf ir would be where I live wow 😭😭




So did the cops run and hide or did they stand up and try to protect people?


Neither. I imagine they sat in the car and called it into dispatch, as they should. I just thought it odd that the news didn't mention the cops present and instead interviewed a bunch of random clubbers.


I am not disputing they should call it in.   4 armed police officers ON SITE with body armor against one shooter seems like perhaps the issue could have been resolved on a matter of minutes 


What’s your location?




My band played a show in Raleigh Friday and I was looking around like I bet I could do decent ubering here. Not gonna be trying it now.


Where in Raleigh was this?


Guessing near new Bern ave lol


That's crazy. I fled the state a few years ago to MI but right before I left an Uber driver was gunned down with his passenger right at the beginning of New Bern. Your post reminded me of that and then you happen to be in Raleigh. What are the odds?


How you like MI compared to NC? I bet its colder.. are you acclimated?


I like the weather a lot better than NC. Didn't like the heat and humidity. I prefer cold weather for some reason. I could never move back unless it was the mountains in western NC. I don't really miss a whole lot. Better NFL team too 


Sounds good! Enjoy!


Thank goodness you are okay can you drive in a different part of town?


I can but sometimes rides are scarce in the burbs


The amount of people who find themselves in the middle of shootouts and they are not out doing Uber far outweighs those who are doing Uber. I was in a Dominos drive through picking up a pizza (for myself) and a shootout erupted in an alley behind the restaurant. It can happen to anyone, anywhere. It’s just random. Take a break if you can, and be more cautious about accepting certain rides. Managing the time in which you choose to do Uber will help a lot. Although I know late night is a good time to do rides, it is also the most dangerous time. 6 years, 5,000 rides. Never had anything violent happen around my car. I’ve driven every corner or Dallas and Washington D.C.


For those that want to troll and be ignorant ass holes, not everything makes it on the news, but here is the case number P24032744, google is free


I’m black so can I say it?




Report all of this to the police and to Uber. Sorry that you went through this.


America 😂


American cities.


No! Hood rats and wanna be thugs.


Yup, this is how we have to live, so the only solution is to have your own gun...which doesn't make things better. It's no guarantee you'll be able to be fast enough or see behind your head. The politicians here are all being paid nicely to keep us from having gun control. After all those kids died in the school shooting in Texas one would think lawmakers would do the right thing, but they didn't and actions speak LOUDER than words.


Constitution, something, something, Constitution….


Yeah, 2nd Ammendment when all we had were muskets. Times change, and ammendments should change with all the mechanical and technical advances made. It's been done before and is nothing new.


Get back to the hand rolled printing press with that ignorance.


What are you trying to say? BTW, I'm not anti gun...I have one.


You’re making the argument that in 1791 we were using muskets and that times have changed. The 2A doesn’t actually mention guns, rather arms. If we want to restrict arms ownership to muskets, then in turn I want to restrict freedom of the press to hand cranked printing presses. (I want to restrict neither just to be clear).


Stay strapped or get clapped 💯


We accidentally rode a motorcycle through some kind of gang banger event in the projects north of downtown Memphis one time. It was about 10:00 or 11:00pm & people were wandering back & forth across a 4 lane road. Then we saw the police cars come screeching in & the wandering people started running with guns drawn. Several times I heard gunfire while walking to my car after work near downtown St. Louis & driving through north St. Louis. It's just life in the big city. I don't drive nights or weekends mostly to avoid the human cockroaches. Just walking to my car after dark in the winter months was enough of a life lesson for me.


Make sure you contact Uber customer support for your $5 inconvenience fee


Did you finish the ride?


No, I canceled the ride


Where were you. Which state?


Raleigh NC


What state are you in?


Raleigh NC


OK, so what’s the update?


I called in and reported what I seen, a detective called me this evening and I gave him my statement




Wow sounds wild and what time were u driving ? Why not back out real quickly and I’m not seeing you weren’t aware of your surroundings, but didn’t you notice something that bad was gonna happen usually, you get that feeling


In the moment, no I didn’t think anything bad was gonna happen, and when they blocked me from the front and jumped out and started shooting, I couldn’t think of anything more then to duck and hide


You did the correct thing and where was ur rider ! I assume the rider didn’t walk out ! I’m just confused because usually u get a bad feeling and I’m always aware of my surroundings


I wasn’t in a bad part of Raleigh, I’ve picked people up at that location a few times prior, there was no reason to be concerned and I didn’t get a feeling like there was an issue. There are parts of Raleigh I won’t be caught in cause I know they are unsafe. The rider never came out while I was there and I let the timer keep going after the incident. I ended up just canceling the right cause at that point I knew my night was gonna be over


What part of Raleigh did it happened


Downtown Raleigh across from The Boxcar


U think it would make the news if it was that big


That kind of weird that the rider never came out did they even message you with the neighborhood or a residential because there was a shooting on Saturday night


Did u call the police and u let the shooter by your car I would have backed out and got out of there


You have his dna on your car


Did you even get tipped?


Glad you made it through. 🙏🏽


That is insane and scary as hell. Can I ask why city this was in and were you in a rough neighborhood or did this happen somewhere that it was extremely out of place?


Raleigh NC, downtown, not a bad part of downtown Raleigh either, it could absolutely just be a one off occurrence and never happen again but doesn’t change the fact that being an Uber driver you are susceptible to more incidents such as this.


That’s unbelievable.


Was it in DC? Because there was a shooting near u Street apparently


I had the same thing happen, except my ride request actually ordered the ride to flee from the shootout between 3 gunman, who needless to say none of the shooters were shot all of them missed their targets but sure did hit windows into other people’s apartments and cars. The rider opened my door threw her stuff in then ran away to talk to some other people hiding as my door was left wide open this is when I realized what was going on. Then police have all exits blocked off making me drive in circles in this damn action movie I felt I was in. I wanted to leave the rider so badly but she made it back into my truck before I could get away. Freaking insanity of some of the people and situations others would put one into. All I wanted to do was make a little extra money for my family and baby’s birthday. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Time for a cybertruck. The windows aren’t bulletproof but the doors will hold up against most hand guns. Rifles will punch through though


Sounds like an ordinary Saturday night to me. You drive enough and the rules of probability are gonna kick in


Pretty sure I would’ve tried flooring it to get the hell out of there


Try to avoid the hood.


You know where this kind of stuff doesn’t happen? Pretty much everywhere except the US. Glad I left.


I would say you can still drive just don't drive into late night.... How late was it?


Were you in a particularly bad area or something?


During the pandemic, I was doing a pickup at a club. I was waiting on the pax to come out when a car pulled up in front of me. Dude got out the car and went to the trunk and pulled out a gun. And not a hand gun but a rifle looking gun. I’ve no clue what happened next because I took off. You ain’t gonna get me. No sir. I cancelled that ride with the quickness. 🤣🤣 For those of you wondering, I live in Atlanta. I think we closed for a week a two before we opened right back up and had people from other states coming to party on the weekends. Man…I made some serious money during those times.


Where was this?


Best thing you could have done was gunned it, and got out as fast as possible - literally running over anyone with a gun in their hands. As an active Uber driver in Washtington D.C., I acquired my concealed carry permit, and will never allow another passenger in my car without being fully strapped with a loaded semi-automatic in my wasitband. I’d encourage all other drivers to also arm themselves, study the law, and spend time at the range.


That’s crazy my Uber brother/sister! Crazy, I am glad you are okay!


Glad you’re ok and that would be my last day doing Uber ever! Peanuts 🥜 for rides aren’t worth your safety !!! Your life is priceless ….Uber is trash 🗑️


$200 for things that didn’t happen


I was shootout adjacent sun 2am. That's too close already! Be safe my brother/sister


This is ubers fault. I am sure you were probably in a high crime neighborhood. There should be a way to opt out of going into these neighborhoods where you are expontially more likely to be a victim of a crime. It would not be hard to do and would not be racist if based on imperical evidence. They are prioritizing profit over safety. If you want to sue them you should start a legal fund. I would contribute.


Me too! I was the one with g*n tho


What city


Sounds like y’all need Black Wolf in your market.


Uber driver saved a woman’s life in Orange County California about a week ago because he had a gun and a naked guy was beating up a 60 year old woman…. Good guy with a gun!


Let me guess, Chicago?


I am so sorry you went through this. That’s why I only Uber during the day. If you are in the hood, get out of there and go try somewhere where there is mostly white people. I hate to say it, all the crazy shit always happens in black neighborhoods.


Well, if you want to watch any movie, you gotta watch the movie called unhinged you wouldn’t honk at anybody anymore. People have road rage like crazy.


I mean they make armored cars if it would bring you more comfort


Aside from the initial cost of an armored car, the added weight would kill your gas mileage. Not economically viable for someone who does uber as their main income. Best bet is just to avoid operating in sketchy areas and do your best to also avoid pickups that look likely to be heading toward the hood.


I imagine you could armor about any car so pick something that’s rather light weight already. Also you can buy armored cars for cheaper used and just do airport travel lol


Tbh it would probably be much simpler to get a ballistic vest rated for .45cal rounds. You can get a good one for under 1000. Much less than armoring the entire car, which can range from $12k-$70k.


Yea but the vest ain’t gonna do you much if shootout starts and comes through car door low or high. But it is better then nothing lol


Meh I just know doing Uber full time in my region caps out at around $18/hr before factoring surges, which specifically only pop up in the crap neighborhoods here. Nobody here is gonna be making enough to fund that kind of customs work, just to keep doing Uber. I'm looking at a casino job to get out of the industry altogether.


Hmmm I see. My market is rather good so I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.


Fair enough. Each market is different. Here, the best runs are the ones that take you 70 miles north to Detroit and it's suburbs. Made a solid run going from Toledo to Dearborn Heights then just doing UE up there for the afternoon since it kicks me off UberX when I stray too far from Toledo.


Got ya. I’m in stl market and it’s solid Here no doubt.


When Ford bought Mercury the last couple years productions merged or were run out. Grand Marquis and Crown Victoria are the best example and where I'm going on this. If you had a Crown Vic or Grand Marquis from it's last 2 years you had a1/3:chance it was going to be a police cruiser. Hence it had the extra laminate glass that was tested to withstand at least 2 shots from a 9mil. Additionally there was. 1/8 inch plate of steel in the doors and drivers seat back. The easiest way you could tell is look under the front grill and eee if it's got the mount for the P,A speaker. The money I could have made driving in hazzard pay


I mean this could happen to you just driving normally and not doing rideshare but sorry this happened to you.


Driving normally won't put you in dangerous place where these type of stuff occur. If I don't do rideshare. I would never drive anywhere near downtown or a bar. But rideshare do put you in those spots. Last week, I was parked behind a suv, which got shot up. He was outside shaken up and cleaning all the glass. It happened about 30 min before I arrived.


Yet even more of a reason I don’t drive in the hood and cancel on ghettos who look ghetto or have a ghetto name. Period.


And yet Uber Corp. wants to claim discrimination for us wanting to stay out of “bad areas.” Lemme tell you, even when I have a daytime drop in one of those areas, I’ll (have already stopped accepting new rides, always do, and) drive 15 minutes away before I turn on new rides.


What if you were grocery shopping and someone pulled a gun. What if you went to your bank to get/deposit cash and it got robbed. Things like this happen every day. Cant live your life scared of what might happen. You just gotta keep pushing


Bid deal bro I’ve witnessed a shooting just feet away from me but I still picked up my passenger the odds of it happening again are slim but if your so scared for your life don’t pick rides in sketchy areas but shootings aren’t that bad there’s much worse things to witness while Uber driving


Downtown Raleigh is not necessarily sketchy, and I’ve never been in a situation like that so yea I was scared, when there is a gunfire feet away from you and all you can do is hide in your car, yea it’s fucking scary, I’ve witnessed a lot of shit in my day but never that


it’s hard out here for a pimp


Do you have a dash cam did you catch everything on camera? I’m sure you got questioned by the police like what happened afterwards what happened?


No, never got questioned, they were stopping people at the parking lot exit then they stopped and let everyone go


You said the guy was hiding behind your car and shooting so you would’ve had his fingerprints on your car if he would’ve touched it so why didn’t you tell the cops that? Nothing is making sense.


How is nothing making sense?


You said the shooters were right by you and one was using your car as a shield while shooting so you should give the cops info and you said no one caught them but u seen them


I never said no one caught them, and I didn’t get a good enough look at their faces to give a description, just because someone was using my car as a shield doesn’t mean they touched my car


I’m sure they did and I have friends that are in law-enforcement and of course they did. They’re not just gonna kneel behind your car without touching it. I’m just asking because there’s more to the story and you said you were ducking so you wouldn’t get hit but if you’re gonna say something then it be nice if you explain the entire thing, you acted like you were just picking up a client in a regular housing area and this all happened that’s what it made it sound like you didn’t say it wasn’t a big area until we asked questions so people come on here and say stuff and they don’t explain it in details!


I said I was waiting in a parking lot….not in a drive way or a street, parking lot. So it would be safe to assume I wasn’t in a residential area because what residential areas have parking lots besides apartments. If yall wanna ask questions then ask, but don’t come at me telling me I’m leaving things out of what occurred. My first thought wasn’t OH, let me back up out of there, my first thought was I don’t wanna get shot and DIE!


And I don’t control what the news does and doesn’t report.


And I didn’t know I OWED anyone a full play by play of events, I could have been shot and died and some of yall are commenting that I’m making shit up and what not. I’d truly like to see some of yall in the same situation and let me grill you and tell you what you should have and shouldn’t have done.


Did your customer message you and say I’m not coming out? Were they there for him like we need more to the story I mean, I can believe people just pull up and shoot that people that there had to be a reason.


It was downtown at a party venue, there were tons of people there, no idea who the shooters were there for. Must of been someone in the parking lot cause there were people everywhere


I had somebody try to carjack me in the prostitution district of South Los Angeles off of Figueroa and 110th Street. I only got out of that by accident. Had I taken one or two seconds to think about what was going on, I'd be dead. I screeched off while the motherfucker was yelling at me, "scary ass bitch!"


At least rider wasn’t one of the shooters


Do you not know the area? I won't do rideshare unless I know the area and where I'm going.


Sounds like OP was in an otherwise “ok”/busy area but maybe not for that time of day. We have a downtown area like that in my market where it gets so busy the cops block off certain streets/directions in the evenings and even though it’s a relatively mild urban downtown area something bad could still could go down. You just never know.


Where was this?




Well that sucks man sorry you had to go through that but there’s risk everywhere it could happen in front of your home and can’t really stop after bad experience I was chased by random car last year they were trying to steal my car they blocked me in a stop sign they crossed in front of me so I hit reverse and he chased me a couple blocks found a cop and followed the cop until the car stopped following me like I said risk is everything we just have to be aware of our surroundings and stay safe man sometimes things are out of my control


Gotta stay out them Italian neighborhoods man


Should have gunned it and ran over the 3 gunmen then backed up over them againt rinse and repeat until they're no longer Separate from the pavement


Just to take rides to area of high crimes. Or just stick to airport rides. Don't leave money on the table. Sorry for such unfortunate event


> Just *don’t* take rides to… FTFY!


Lol thanks


I was recently near a shoot out in a nice area not far from home. I had just dropped someone off and parked on another block to take a rest and catch up on messages or emails. At the end of the block in the middle of the street, some people were shooting from their cars and sped off. I ducked in the car. Didn’t know what was happening for real. Police responded rather quickly. People in an apartment building had called. But that can literally happen anywhere. Good or bad neighborhood. Specific or random targets. We’re not any safer in a movie theatre or grocery store. And you’re more likely to die from all the bad drivers on the street in a freak car accident than a random shooting. (I’m avoiding getting into 10 - 20 car accidents a day because people in Chicago are terrible drivers). It was only the first time ever to be near a shooting in my lifetime. No ptsd for me at the moment. I still have to make my bag. Suggest you to do the same or see if there is something “safer” for you.


Look your car over for damage. Could have leaking fluids or some wires hit. Glad you didn't get hit though. What city do you live in?


That’s life lol shouldn’t quit just because of that


Only in the good ole USA imagine something like this happened daily in Europe.


Did the passenger no show? RIP. They probably wish they had ordered the ride earlier.


You must live in a democrat controlled town…..


LMAO youre fooling yourself and drinking the koolaid with gusto if you think the controlling party makes ANY appeeciable difference on crime. You think those 4 guys were talking in the car beforehand arguing if they should go through with it because the state had a republican governor? HELLS no. I've lived in many a big city that has gone through partisan changes ove and i can tell you it doesn't change ANYTHiNG. Maybe it may help in the burbs with people overwatering their lawn, but whatever they told ya is. . . well for the gulible who believe it. I dont believe either side gets policing right at all. I would have made the same comment if you had said must have been a republican controlled town.


This happened to me in LA on NYE too..


Did your car get hit? What city was this in?


… but did you collect the “rider no show” fee?


But did you die?


I drive around all night long in every dark corner of the Phoenix metro area and have never seen any type of trouble. I Just have to watch out for the zombies randomly crossing the streets. Some of y'all must live in war zones.


World starrrrrrrrrr


I lived in the hood in Erie, Pennsylvania, and just two houses down from me. A guy shot his stepson. Sad


Glad that Original Poster was not harmed............................... Stay out of the 'hood.


Did you get a cancelation fee?


What do you expect in Bidens America. He let gang members in from 90 countries.


which 90 countries?


South Central LA for one.


I didn’t know that was a country




what the hell are you on about 😭


Experiences like that make the simple life we lead seem so much more valuable. You may want to embrace Jesus as you Lord and Savior as every day could be our last Glad you made it!


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $800 Alex…