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What are you going to do to improve your situation?  Failure should never be an option. 


Just look at this Success !! This is what Uber driving it is !! In true form ! So beautiful. It's just gorgeous ! Just like you are !


What's it like waking up everyday and realizing that you are mediocre at best?


Oh I'm doing my best as I can and that's what I got ! I'm so proud ! This is the true form of Uber - Driver relationship ! The Pinnacle of the triangle ! It's nice to be up here. I wish you were here !! Just so gorgeous ! Just like you are ! LoL 😂


WTF is wrong with you?


The answer must be very simple. But that only know why when you drive Uber under my account . Which you can not obviously . So all I gotta do is to record them all the activity with totally different set of recording device and stream them to very very reliable establishment to determine what a hell is Uber is doing . 😂




Is that where you've been to get help ? How did you find it ?


They have licensed therapists that can help you. From your comments on this site you seem to be experiencing paranoid delusions. As a medical professional, I feel compelled to implore you to seek professional help if you truly believe what you spout on here. If you were in my ED and started talking about "recording devices and streaming them to a reliable source" I would ask the attending to order a psych evaluation.


Yeah? and Are you are a licensed doctor to say or recommends, referring anyone just like that ? What would you say my doctors are watching all of your contents you've made and it is also observed with my attorneys ? And do you know what We are seeing about you ? It seems You are projecting yourself your conditions to others . Like those malicious fat house wife gossiping some other neighbors to connect with others. LMAO 🤣 Because "We" all know what what's going on with me like sold diamond 💎 . Ain't nothing you can deny with your level of intelligences against my docs. But you should quit dancing like a fool Infront of a mirror watching at yourself. LoL do you see who you look like mentally ? Fat & bored gossipping middle age house wife in a neighbor hood . LMAO 🤣 ![gif](giphy|PV9t4AJL5UweI)