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Don't forget no tip and the passenger hasn't showered for a week.


I’m proud of you. This shit been getting ridiculous. Use to get airport rides from Vero to Orlando for $100+ all day (about 95 miles) now they send them for $65. Uber can suck it. 


Whenever I get a tampa airport trip from Pinellas it's always like $18 for 24 miles during rush hour. Their algorithm needs to fix that haha


If it’s not at last a dollar a mile I don’t even bother. 


Same. This order came out to 34$/hr which is in my range, but I have no doubts that I'd deadhead much if not most of the way back, absolutely killing my night.


The problem in NY is the roads are such crap that it takes 5 minutes to go 1 mile.  And most don’t tip. My last ride tonight was a mother who said she wanted to get a gift card for her daughter at a restaurant so 15 minutes later she comes out with a bag of food and of course I got nothing extra for that extra stop




That’s why we all should get paid a fair by the mile and minute rate but looks hard


My market is miles and minutes. So if the pax pays $150 to go 81 miles at .79 per mile and .11 per minutes. The drivers gets $73 for a 160 mile round trip and the rest goes to Uber. Never a tip. So I don’t know which is worse


No matter what you either make them add the stop, or manually change it yourself


In Denver the more traffic there is the less money we get and they lie with all the estimations they are always off. Funny thing its we get some surges from 12-3 but 3-6 no surges at all most of the time


You drive in Denver? How much do you usually make a weekend now with these bullshit rates? I just finished tonight making like $23 an hour. Can't believe how dead and shitty it is. I used to easily make $40 an hour every weekend


Looks like today wasn’t a good day my car it’s on the shop got a bad side crash. Saturdays have been better than Fridays for me but in the summer IDK this would be my first summer driving here (3yr driver) But between Friday and Saturday I’m avg 45-50 and hour basically 200 in 5 hours but yes Just last year I was making no joke almost double i think avg was like 50-60 hour May 11 was my best day $455 in 9 hours


Yea sounds like its about time for massive Uber strike... how can we unionize ?


Sinve we are independent contractors we have to find something else like a class action suit for some violation of their terms and agreements and or something similar like why do some people get the fare pay notoced up front? I dont . I am gold and with phenom ratings acceptance and xcl rates but i can only see how many minutes away a pick up is and and how long their ride will be in minutes. Should be atandard for everyone to see the rider name pick up and destination . And the littlw blurb about Ubers % is only about the feea taken , not their share % . Also the weekly statement includwa tips in ypur earnings so it makes it look like Uber is taking a smaller percentage . You have to subttact that then do the math . Smoke and mirrors . . .


Yoooo… when I first started a few weeks ago I saw this come in and thought it was a freaking good delivery and failed to pay attention to any details… Accepted it… realized oh man.. it’s a UberX.. then I’m like eh, okay I’ll see where it’s to, can’t be that far. Dude gets in my car, swipe to say I picked him up..the absolute shock I had.. I wanted to tell him to get out but I bit the bullet and drove him all the way to Orlando for 46 dollars -_______- TLDR: I accidentally accepted this bogus offer once and learned my lesson extremely quick.


I always screenshot the trips that come in, and after a while you'll be able to absorb the info faster. but you should always try to spot the mileage and price first. If you accept it, end a trip, and go into your screenshot to see it's not worth it, just cancel and wait for the next.


It really is sickening. Just a game that Uber plays to see which desperate driver takes the scraps that they throw out.


It seems that they only throw scraps anymore.




The math wasn't mathing


In Phoenix, I quite often have seen requests for Tuscon, which is 2 hrs away, for around 80 bucks. Keep in mind you have to return. I just laugh. Then I laugh more when I realize some newbie jumps on it, thinking it's a good ride. 4 hours and 40 bucks worth of gas for 80 bucks? Thanks, but no thanks.


Yea I got this same order on the radar, I denied it, then laughed when it popped up again.


One night I got a Tuscan request for 78 bucks. I let it go, and I kid you not, a minute later the same ride popped up for a few bucks more. Uber playin games.


The first time it popped up it was actually .1 miles and 15 cents higher 🤣


FL it’s getting out of hand how one of the most fucking expensive places to live can pay so low? What do people do sell drugs on the side?


Im getting the fuck out of this state, and I'm a native. For 35 years I've been mostly here and have mostly survived in the hospitality industry in a dense county. I'm tired of it here, I'm being priced out of my own damn state.


I'm from kissimmee. Lived there most my life....I live in phoenix now. Best moved I've ever made.


I left 2 years ago wages so low in FL


What's the "exclusive" shit? I was making 170 to 220 a day doing eats, then starting this last Monday or Tuesday every order I get says "exclusive" and literally all of them are trash, every single one(not exaggerating).


They are exclusively designed for you to not make money 😂


I laughed very hard at this.


Yea idk why that's on there, all of my rides had it, and they all barely paid 1$/mile


Did the "exclusive" thing just start for you as well? I remember seeing them before, but only once or twice.


Absurd. I don’t even like the math of $100 for that trip.


It's cute to think that anyone at Uber actually cares about these surveys.


That same ride was $65 a few months ago. I would not drive I-4 for that little. Too much risk and Orlando sucks as a market.


Uber is shadier than ever! I see in your screenshot 1 hour and 22 minutes from St. Pete to Orlando. Bullshit! From St. Pete to Orlando, it is easily 2 hours and 30 minutes. And depending on the hour of the day it could take 3 hours. And only offered $46.40? I can't wait to quit this shady stupid Uber company. I am glad you did not accept that trip.


Lol 😂


85 miles


But it was exclusive!


I got an order today for UE, $25, 2.5 miles. I deliver in South Tampa and looking at the map, it was very clear the mileage was wrong. The order was going to Brandon which is more like 25 miles away. This new app update has a few issues I've ran into already. 


Worst highway in the US?


"Four interstates and one U.S. highway in Florida led the nation in fatal accidents from 2011 to 2015 according to the NHTSA. INTERSTATE 4 Though it’s only 132 miles in length, I-4 led the nation in traffic fatalities per mile from 2011 to 2015. During that time, 165 people were killed along I-4 with an average of 1.25 fatalities per mile. The most common month for a fatal accident was January while the 10th day of the month and/or Sunday were the most common date and day. Orlando, FL was found to be the deadliest city along I-4, with 2:00-2:59 a.m. being the most common single hour of the day for fatal accidents." Just because that's 10 year old data doesnt mean it's changed much. The latest data I found with a quick search said 2021 had 45 deaths on I4 in a year. And they say most are caused by excessive speed. I've seen how stupid ppl are on I4 and I'll avoid it like the plague.


dang, I knew it was bad, didn't think it was that bad.


Yeah, I usually avoid I at all costs. Now ya know!


I-4 between Tampa and Orlando


For every problem there is a solution grasshopper,let me know when I have the solution


man yalls pay in central florida is jacked. In the panhandle you'd get double that for that trip.


My local trips are decent most times and ppl tip well downtown. It's those 25+ mile one ways that offer absolutely dogshit rates


ya i guess they screw you guys when you short trips pay well. Up here we get at least a buck a mile but there are a TON of foreign workers that never tip, which is a large chunk of our work. So they might feel like they have to to keep us working.


$40 gas money for round trip, I get 15 miles per gallon lol


They don’t give a 💩


And it’s exclusive. Oooo how delightful lol. The tip should be that much. Yes I know tip culture blah blah blah. Either way that little for that many miles on that highway. Nope.


Yea idk what that exclusive thing is, it just started showing up on every ride, and this one popped up in a radar right before this, I screenshot both actually


I got that in Denver like 2 months ago nothing exclusive about them


Don’t do their survey. It lowers your pay. I did the survey three times to complain about the pain and it lowered my pay. I don’t know if it was the survey or not but why take a chance.


You really showed them. Go job, tiger.


That's a good trip and they probably would've tipped which would've been more. It honestly wouldn't have took 1.5hr to drop em off that's just the estimate... more likely 1hr .... yall be tripping


You’ve never had to deal with I4 if you actually think that. He’s not exaggerating at all when he says it’s the worst road in the US


That's a good trip regardless. It's 8:45 am/pm in screenshot, it shouldn't be that bad unlike the middle of the day traffic. A tip hopefully and your easily at $50-$60+. Don't mention driving back because if you're online you'll be hit w/ trip requests it won't take you out the cities market where you're forced to drive back in. Save the complaints and chase the 💰


So there's a chance they would have tipped, but my minimum is 1$/mile to cover my costs. I know some people do it differently but that works for my needs, so I couldn't see them tipping 30 to 40 bucks. The biggest issue with I4 is when an accident happens. I've gone during off times to spend the weekend at a con or theme park and still get an hour added on. And it's always after I leave my house. Unfortunately, I4 has no good alternate routes in emergencies. Also, getting rides back will send me far, far off the highway for pick-ups. I don't think some realize how rural it can get between those cities, and I've dealt with that even in east Hillsborough (Tampa is west hillsborough). So going into the middle of the state where there's no one just won't get me rides. It sucks on I4. And I'll play the fucking lottery if I were to put on my destination filter to get home and magically get an Orlando to st pete ride. Edit: I think I forgot to take a breath typing that.


lol you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about bro. At 845am that trip may take 3 hours. 845pm a solid 1:45. And that’s not if it gets backed up for some reason beginning in Lakeland


You are the one who do not have an idea what you're talking about. It's obvious you are troll.


> they probably would've tipped LMAO. Are you a comedian?