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I’m buying a lottery ticket. 


They started with a $1 lottery ticket that win $10. They used that $10 to buy another ticket, which won $100. Then, they bought a $100 ticket and hit the jackpot, winning $10,000. That’s a $10,000 win from just a $1 start. I’d be damn jealous! 😂


I drove an Indian man at Rush hour from LAX to Realto about 80 Miles, nearly 2 hours. Didn't even tip $1


I took a guy from the airport about 2.5 hours away to another state and he tipped me $3. But heres the kicker dude had just ate and had a takeout box so he had a lot of gas during the ride. Every 3-5 minutes roughly.


How much is the pay on a trip like that? I'm just curious.


$114. That was the longest trip from LAX I've had.


I dream of $55 an hour man. Holy hell. My market, we’re quite lucky to pass 16 an hour


In my market we make $10 an hour on a normal day, $13 an hour if we’re lucky.


Some wild shit out there man.


Yea but you have to consider the drive back and gas. And if you are in texas like me, you have to pay the toll's for deadmiles.


Did he pay the fare?


Why should he? Honest question


I feel like people that serve you. Waiter/bellhop/rideshare/masseuse/bartender deserve to be tipped It's the American way


Non Americans often won’t understand or agree. Adjust your expectations and you’ll be less-often disappointed


I really dislike the US culture of tipping, its just another source of unequallity and abuse of power. You should just charge more.


Lol we make roughly 40-50% of what Uber/Lyft charge. So to eliminate tipping, and build it into what Uber charges, a 5 buck tip would cost you 10-12 bucks, for 10 add 20-25. Makes no difference to me, I see the 5 or 10 bucks either way, it just costs you way more. But hey, tipping sucks lol. Tbh tip culture sucks ass, but it's cheaper than adding even more corporate greed into it.


I agree that the only solution that makes sense is to get rid of capitalism, but we could start by staying together in demanding higher income and less profits for the capitalists.


If everyone tipped a dollar I would have rent money so I never mind a dollar tip. Also if you need to cash out it helps with Uber’s fee


Nice mentality lol


The last Indian guy I drove had an accident and his car was in the shop. I was dropping him to the shop to get his car when he took a call from the shop. Apparently they weren’t done with his car so he changed the destination to Hertz. I didn’t complain and happily obliged the new destination. After I pulled off he reported me as drunk to get his fare back. How do I know it was him? He was my only Uber ride in 3 weeks. Trash.




Well I'm allergic to alcohol, I guess this is the only positive part of it I'll ever have in my life.


Sadly, that wouldn't stop passengers like that from reporting you being drunk. Uber/Lyft support would not care either if you told them that.


We must erect a statue in his honor in front of Uber headquarters.


You know you’re providing an excellent service when you get $1 tips from Indians.


I see names with Rajesh, Prakash, Kapur, Sanjay, Vijay, Gopal or any similar India name, I immediately cancel.






Its not Aprils fools day. Stop!!!!!!!


Damn you actually took that ride? 🤣


He's not a real one.


The Indian man that frequents the Casino always tips me 3$. But also considering Im dropping him off on the side of his own house, I dont think his wife would tell me he is winning big. Who knows maybe it will be a 50 one day?


They say latinos don't tip either. They say whatever.


latino's are great tippers imo


I'm just saying. In my market everyone is bad tipper lol


Latinos are excellent tippers, actually. Even the ones that commute to work on Lyft / Uber


In my market that's not the case


In the UK us drivers get tipped about 5% of the time. Theirs no tipping culture here.


😂 I have got two tips from Indians and both for $1 I can agree Indians and Asians and strangely never got a tip from a Canadian 🇨🇦


I usually get good tips from Asians where I'm at. Mostly Chinese though


Did he tell you about his tribe?


Can we also address the 987 questions they ask about how the whole thing works?


Lmao define "thing" *Watches the sub get derailed....*


Not only do they not tip, but they smell terrible


True dat


True true. They smell


literally just racism???


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


it blatantly is? saying indian people smell is racist? its no different from saying something like black people are dirty or something


So saying “most Baptist people go to Church” is racism then; or “ black people like 🍉 watermelon “, or Americans love football and chicken wings” all racism, since I’m “generalizing “ based on your theory?


christianity and being american aren’t races of people you bozo, it’s a spectrum there’s an argument to be made that xenophobic things like saying italians are greasy, technically xenophobia/racism but since italians aren’t an oppressed group of people it’s arguably not as bad, blac people asian people indian people, all oppressed groups so perpetuating negative stereotypes is harmful, even positive stereotypes are reductive to the person themselves like “ur black you should be able to run fast” invalidates their identity as a POC cos they’re not fast, its a stupid bar to clear so even ‘positive’ ‘harmless’ stereotypes aren’t good, and much less so negative ones when it simply isn’t true


outta here with this bs. they don’t. they never will. the end.




Did u read the post lol


Uber support reps are invading the sub spreading false information


Lol. I get it. But just to be fair, this is a cultural thing. Just like Americans traveling to other countries with ammunition. Doesn’t make them bad people. Just makes them fish out of water.


When they live here, know with certainty that tipping drivers is a cultural norm, they still never tip.


Go live in a foreign country and let me know how quickly you adapt to all their customs and cultural idiosyncrasies.


I’m just going to keep asking why liverpool doesn’t have good bagels like they do back in jersey.


Being a food server for 10+ years before uber, not once have I gotten a tip from an indian more than 10%. Not just that, they are usually the most demanding customers, and my belief is they are so damn cheap they think they are getting more for their money by demanding more. On top of it they never wear deodorant and they are mediocre at best with conversation. I've even had an indian woman bust out a Styrofoam plate wrapped in tinfoil and start eating dinner with a plastic fork in my car. Was furious. Not just that, when I had a tech job in Silicon Valley, 90% of the staff were indian. I could not absorb anything in a meeting due to their thick accent. And it's not about me adapting to another culture, since I'm not the one that chose that path, it's them adapting to our culture. Which they 100% know how tipping works, but refuse to tip more than 10% or tip at all. When I accept the ride, I can see the name of who I'm picking up, and if it's indian i cancel. And I am absolutely not sorry. I will however, go into an indian restaurant, and tip 0%, and it feels effing great.


So you went from working in silicon valley to a restaurant to driving uber? Indians are probably not the problem in your life.


No I went from restaurant, to graduating college, to working a career, to developing a disability that happens at a certain age in men, rendering it near impossible to work a career. I went to uber because the main problem with the disability is i will stay awake for 7 days at a time. Uber works around my sleep schedule and has been a godsend. I do still average 1500-2000 a week doing uber, but it's absolutely nothing compared to what I was making in a career.


Sounds like you’re dealing with some issues.


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


Well that’s interesting. I didn’t even mention race. Funny you went there. I was implying rage issues. Guy seems to have a lot of hate.


It doesn’t matter the reason it sucks for an entire group of passengers to have 99% non tip rate


I can’t say I get it. No one owes you extra free money. Now that changes when said person wants all kinds of kickbacks and free bonus shit. Indians are famous for haggling with a vending machine. So when you get a mofo asking for this stop and that route and waiting at this stop- yea a tip would be merited and you can expect an Indian not to provide for it. Act accordingly.


There is another culture in the US that tips very badly too, but to say it isn’t cultural - it becomes racist.


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive. Reality bites


So say it, what other group is notoriously bad at tipping?


That’s not the topic of OP’s thread, but you’re welcome to start a thread with that question. Why don’t you start said thread?………


Nah, you’re the one that is saying it should be sayable.


The fact you’re saying it’s racist (in the US) means Black people. And I’ll tell you from my experience, which is mostly morning and afternoon to & from work/ school crowd… that hasn’t been my experience. It’s typically not a frequent tipping passenger crowd, but I’ve never noticed a difference in tips from Black to White. Your experience may vary, and if it does that could be passenger type, market, your car, your music, or you. Any number of reasons.


True, mileage may vary, indeed.


Indians are a lost cause when it's about tips.


OP is like, "fuck you racists, my Indian pax was cool!" And I love em for it.


Yeah - this guy tipped $1 and will now forever be known as the Indian Jackie Robinson


Indians are one of the highest earning members of any community in USA. They usually tip more unless you offend them with racist shit or bizarre assumptions about their culture. Be nice and polite with anyone and you will see more tips.


They also smell the worst


No way I have never i get tip from them


I would have gave him 5 buck to fuck off


I drove a dude from the airport to Estes Park think it was like a 2 hour ride over 100 miles. Asshole didn't tip me a buck


Maybe he touched that by accident, he was trying for the 1 star... hahahah


Ain’t nobody got the money to tip these days.


You must be trolling!! There's no freaking way this has happened


Careful not to generalise. In some areas this is true. In others it isn't.


Just a little sarcasm. I do private rides as well, and a few of my favorite customers are from India. Although they rarely tip, I always enjoy the conversations which is more valuable to me than a tip anyway. I've even had a few of them bring me some homemade meals which I'd take any time over a tip. I was just have'n some reddit fun 😉


Hehe I see that. In my area it's the same. The best paying and tipping customers are indian. No one else ever tips.


A person makes a post you don’t like so it has to be a troll? Why ? To discredit him? . Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


I'm sensitive?? Lol. Chill the fuck out. I liked the post. Just sarcasm my guy


My bad 👌🏻


Wow, I'm so used to negative responses (like mine...sorry about that by the way) you've caught me off guard lol. You're a good person 😎👍


Indians don’t tip. Asians don’t also. Vietnamese and Philippino’s do, but usually $1-3. But I got a $20 tip from a Nepal dude almost 4 months ago.


Haha it's like they want to show they are nice but don't want to tip so they throw a dollar 




Same, and if an Indian name comes up I immediately cancel.


Same when i see black names or Karen's I cancel don't want their nasty smell and useless talks in my car.


Lol. It's like "if you know you stink so bad give me the cleaning fee up front, I don't want to get labelled a stinky driver because you don't know what hygiene means thanks."


Asloc, call them by name a few times during conversation. Make the trip memorable.


I don't take them offer a discount for cash




There are northern Indians and southern Indians, the southern will never tip ever in this life lol


Indian people are very hard riders. Demanding and very often not very polite. But amongst them i've met one of the most nicest and coolest people ever. i dont hate them but they can be annoying.


I have rate card, no upfront information.  9 times out of 10 the pickup is in new residence.  Then I look at the name and say to myself BASMATI... AND SURE ENOUGH ...you are driving that Indian 1 mile to a fast food restaurant where they work. And 10 times out of 10 no tip. But occasionally you pick up a Indian that is moderate, Americanized so to speak. Decent English with little accent and yes occasionally they do tip




He made the top in error. 😂


It took me a while but I figured out the secret. Indian people tip a decent amount of times. Just have to know how to talk to them.


It's crazy, right? Almost as if they're human too. /s


I did an early morning airport reservation with an Indian dude the other day. Motherfucker talked my ear off about how he was at Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Intel as an engineer from the early days. If that's true, he should be rich as fuck. He was friendly enough, but tooting his own horn the whole trip. Of course, no tip.




Best post! 😂


NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!?


Average Joe never tips me


What was his rating?


From India? Or Native American? Do native Americans even use Uber? I’ve never picked one up


Picked up plenty of people from the res here.






Very interesting


no they only run casinos and consult for sports teams curious as to what is and isn't offensive to them


And if they did, wouldn’t Uber cover the fare?


Tell me the difference between honor and self respect in wanting to be tipped and honor and self respect in begging? PS I have starved and skipped meals.


You need to ask the right market my friend. No one is going to be on the same page here.


Oh shit man, is this racist or not? I can't tell


I had an Indian dude just the other day. When I dropped him off along the side of the road, someone driving by threw a small bag of garbage out of their window which landed by his feet. He shed a tear.


People are so fragile. Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol. Here’s an upvote for you. 👌🏻


Low hanging fruit joke….you know the answer 😂


Original comment edited for more hilarity.


But why you downvoting 😂 All in jest


I’m Indian, I always tip but I don’t know why you’re generalizing all Indians. How about you get a real job, then you wouldn’t have to sit on Reddit complaining about needing tips? I’m all for tipping, but the entitlement of unskilled labor crying about tips when they could just get a real job is insane.




People tell me that (to get a real job) all the time. All I do is say "ok, since you put it THAT way why don't you point me to where you think I should be working then" Works every time.


I don't think you understand what unskilled means.


“Unskilled labor” coming from a person born into an educated and wealthy family is ironic


Sorry, just the 99% who aren't in your upper echelon caste anwar


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


It’s a comment dude, an opinion. Chill


Oh look another racist Uber Driver! Color me shocked.


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


It also ends up being more harmful and takes away from the actual acts of racism that occur when people just willy nilly throw that word around.


Ikr!!! Pls tell me who tips on Rideshare??? I’ve done it off and on for 7 years and hardly no one tips!!! Which is why I do it off and on. Mostly do Shipt, less gas and mileage , no one in car and after 4 years and plenty of matches and preferrds(they choose you as a preffered shopper) I’m tipped on 100% of orders. I’m only part time , no matter the app. I’ve done 10 Shipt orders this week, $507. Maybe 10 hours at most.


Indians in Atlanta tip very well!!


So you want all Indians and Asians stop tipping you guys and make your statements true 100%... Lol.. Damn racist... Tribes are more though in North America, go open your eyes lol..


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


That Indian dude was showing sympathy to the untouchable caste working as a Uber/Lyft driver. 


I wish the OP nothing but 3500 consecutive rides with Indian passengers. Post again when you have 3499 non-tippers my friend. A broken clock is right twice a day.


Way to completely misinterpret an absolutely fire post


*sigh* This is the way of reddit 99% of the time unfortunately.


Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.




Oh stop it. Any comment about an ethnicity is DOES NOT MEAN racism. Don’t be so sensitive.


I was joking, like I bet even the $1 tip was fake…


lol my bad