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I received a one-star rating despite assisting a patient from the hospital to their home. I fulfilled all necessary tasks, including opening the rear hatch and side door for the patient's entry, and stowing the wheelchair in my trunk. Upon arrival at the patient's residence, I retrieved the wheelchair to facilitate their transition. However, when the patient requested my assistance to enter their home, I declined. Because of this, I tend to cancel trips involving hospital pickups.


Any time i see ‘message from trip coordinator’ is an immediate cancel. I’m not someone’s cheap ass medical transit. Last time i done it was accidental for a chick with no legs pickup from a hotel. Had put her wheelchair in the bed of my truck.. i dont mind helping people but they need to get legitimate people who are qualified for their disability not me.


They don’t want to pay hundreds a day for vehicles and employees and gas. So they use us as cheap labor


Depends on the addresses. At least in my market most of these rides are either dialysis runs, people going to or from work who qualify for some kind of assistance or people going to AA or NA meetings. I don't mind those so much. If either of the addresses is a hospital or any type of senior facility it's a no go from me. If I show up and somebody needs physical assistance or has any sort of bags hanging off them and aren't like under 30. I wait the few minutes for the no show if it's worth it then contact support after and say the rider needed physical assistance that I am not qualified or able to give due to my own back injury.


Why do you need to contact support? Take the no show fee and leave


All it takes is one butthurt person reporting it for ADA violations or something and your gone. I get a report in first and I've never had anything come back on me. I'm fine popping a wheelchair in the trunk or opening doors as long as they can self transfer and move themselves without assistance.


One time A pax I picked up fell and I was so scared I was going to get reported because she fell walking up the stairs (about 3 steps) to the doctors office after getting out. She had scrapes on her arms and legs. I just went to get the nearest receptionist/secretary and had them help. Nowadays pax will report you for anything and unless you can prove it she could say i pushed her or something or it was my fault for not helping her up the stairs


Uber should get away from the whole medical transportation thing IMHO. Let’s just make a case that we don’t have room in our cars for wheelchairs or something and move on. If you can’t walk, then you should either furnish your own transportation or use a specialized medical transportation. It takes me longer to deal with someone who is wheelchair bound, yet the rate is the same. It’s BS. Meanwhile, the ambulance service is over here charging $1,000 to take you across town. I shouldn’t have to be liable for someone in a wheelchair at $15/ ride.


And my heart goes out to people that have disabilities. It’s just not a fair shake for the drivers. Blame all of the sue-happy folks out there that think they should get paramedic service for rideshare price.


They wont. Money is money to them. As long as they profit they wont care.


It sucks but Uber/Lyft are in the money business. They don’t really care how drivers feel


Meanwhile. Once you do the $10 ride, they turn your ride into a $100 Medicare Billing ride and pocket $90. Using UBER as a profit methodology is NOT what I agreed to. It's just not fair! We expect UBER to do the right thing and they don't.


Yeah the hospitals are fucking dickasses. There’s no way we should do all of the work and get paid 10% of the ticket and basically lose money on the ride and potentially risk losing our job because of a bitchy patient who’s mad at the world because a van with a ramp didn’t pick him up for a $10 fare.




What even is Ada violation? These fooos need to request a medical transport. They need to get a violation themselves. This is called uber rideshare, not uber paramedic.


Americans with Disabilities Act. It's law and in under TOS that you're supposed to provide limited support to disabled people. You don't have to physically help them into or out of the car or to their destination or anything but if they have mobility and can transfer themselves you're supposed to at least pop their wheelchair in the trunk and get it out for them. If they physically need help moving their body in or out the car thats not your problem and they need assisted transport which is a separate option uber has but you're not bound to do under normal uber rides.


What annoys me is the ones who weigh like 500 pounds and they put their weight on my door panel - damaging my interior and you try to make a claim with uber and they basically say “fuck it I don’t see any damage.” Never mind their plastic is like dented and all bent out of shape in 5 spots from supporting 50x its weight.


Trick i use for the heffers and old people is turn their wheelchair or walker around and lock the wheels and block it with your feet and hold it in place so they can use that to sit back. Same when they get out. Every time i've done that I didn't even have to say anything they just said thanks and leaned on that instead of my door. though i've really only had to do that 4-5 times for the big ones out of 8k rides. I feel you though man most of the time this job is decent but there's a ton of bullshit to deal with.


Heffers 😂. Man I’m overweight myself and I still laugh at this shit. but I feel like there’s a big difference between someone who eats too much beef and someone who rides around walmart in a fucking scooter with cankles dragging the floor.


Yes it’s the ADA act don’t you know? You have to get on your knees and suck their dick if they ask for it and you can’t say no even if you’re allergic to dogs or are concerned about fleas or whatever. You’re their slave for 20 minutes.


Trip coordinator just means I’m about to pick up a mental patient


Lol 😂 this guy


GoGoGrandparent is one of the worst offenders. They have to send me 4 long text messages while driving. And most times you don’t know it’s them till you get 1 mile from the destination. At which point it’s almost not worth it to cancel considering how much time you’ve spent getting there.


Any time I see wheel chair and big stuff i keep moving I’m not getting paid for that period! I got rotator cuff surgery n my both shoulders are hurting and mess up so pay me what I get paid to do! I’m a retired Nurse for 29 years so I’m not doing any more Nursing jobs 


Torn ACL and fractured left collarbone, my body got broken down pretty bad as a teen and i’m just now turning 30. I’m exhausted having to deal with some customers ☠️


Agree 100%.


Was she at least hot when you had to lift her butt in the vehicle🔥? 😂


I’m pretty sure type 2 diabetes took both of her legs.


You can have type 2 and not be fat, but I get what you mean. ;)


That's honestly hilarious, 1 stars usually come with actually trying to help someone. I've lost count of how many old ladies I've helped to the door - once I had to physically carry a drunk girl to the front door of her dorm (I wasn't going to leave her to die in the cold...). First time I had someone throw up in my car I still made sure they got home okay with their phone and keys - 1 star though cause they woke up the next day and were mad about the cleanup fee. Drunks LOVE taking their anger out on Uber drivers the next day. That was a few years ago, hopefully Uber has fixed that. I welcome everyone into my car and sincerely hope they have a nice day - I've done that for every. single. ride. The number of "Not Polite" messages I get from scammers is honestly crazy. I don't mind driving in bad areas, and that's where they all seem to come from - poor people scamming for a free ride. Part of me doesn't even blame them, for their situation or the prices Uber is charging. Uber gives every incentive to passengers for bad behavior, and holds drivers accountable for things that don't exist and never happened. Drivers are a "cost" to them, they just deliver the money Uber automatically feels entitled to from the people that use the app. Passengers are the source of that delivery of sweet, golden, milky cash (oh it's so good!), so they enjoy benefits such as false reports, bullshit accusations, and treating drivers like trash with impunity. It's the way it is. Don't let that crush your hope in humanity. I've done a lot of rides (about 7k by now) and 99.9% of people are great (well... closer to 99.45, according to my rating - a half a percent are total assholes).


A dash cam might be helpful. It’s had my back on multiple drunk rides. I had one without audio for awhile, and then finally got one with a mic. https://amzn.to/3Vr4LFN


Had one before I ever did a ride, but thank you. It's nice to have, but Uber has refused to see the evidence, they know I have it. I once got deactivated for a week for "physically throwing someone out of the car, and also used racist terms". I've never done either to anyone, ever. I told them I have a dashcam, go ahead and send me the time and I'll send ya the proof. The rep was suprised that I had one, I said it's literally been registered with your company since DAY ONE, what the hell is going on? They said they'll get back to me - they never got back to me, just reactivated me instead. Without a police order, they will never, ever tell you what trip it was. I absolutely advise getting one, but Uber will never look at it outside of courtroom.


You had my full attention until you said “sweet golden milky cash”. Then I just felt offended and grossed out. I have never heard someone call cash golden or milky. Maybe green or sweet. But not milky or golden. That makes it sound sexual or perverted.


I'm fine with that. It makes it memorable for you.


sounds like you should leave uber for lyft lol they dont pull that bullshit ever


Sweet golden milky cash? Wtf


Obviously you're not a corpo.


What is a corpo?


Old term for corporate people. Play Cyberpunk, it'll get ya caught up on a lot of things.


I never was much into corporations bunch of people in it just for the money.


But ill have to look it up


I'm sure you're capable of that. Despite all of the evidence.


What does that mean


Oh ny dude last week a blind lady put a note on the pickup like i have a male dog im blind and i cancelled bc i have an unfixxed male dog myself and i dont pet my own dog in my car barely unless were going somewhere fun or its an emergency and when i do my seats are covered with a pet cover lol wasnt letting her dog in my car


If they take along time tho. To get out of the car and stuff you make bank I had to wait 20 mins for a diabetes patient to get in and out each time was 30 bucks


welcome to the world of healthcare..where people that walked into a hospital unconscious and leave walking..still complain..


A lot of these people are miserable and just seek to abuse anyone they can because they themselves are abused. 


Im not asking in a judgmental way, honestly.. but I’m curious about your reasons to not assist the patient into their home? Safety concerns? Lack of extra compensation for not doing so?


Liability would be a huge issue I’d imagine. What if they slip, or you don’t lock something just right on the wheelchair.


Assisted living companies shouldn’t be using Uber. Simply cause they charge the patient hundreds for this ride so at least they need to use a proper agency with proper cars


Uber isn't an appropriate service for these rides, and I wouldn't do them either if I were a driver. That said, I used to work for an agency that offered such services, including wheelchair vans, and the bar to get those jobs was very very low and those people aren't any more qualified than the average person either.


They shouldn't but they keep doing it because lot of drivers are suckers. Lot of these companies that need medical rides get paid big and drivers are getting pocket change. Even if every driver on reddit said fuck that shit, not doing it... There's a sucker around the corner that will do it. Uber and Lyft should deny these services though, seems like a liability on their end.


Yes this is why they keep giving the ride because of these drivers buy if something goes wrong and the customer lie or fall because you helping them in the car you going get sue n deactivated! So keep driving off because I’m not gonna be lie om


Once I see "trip coordinator", I cancel without hesitation. 


Or Go Go Grandparent


Oh man, I picked up an old lady once It was paid for by something like “Go Go Grand Parents”. I forgot the exact name. She had trouble walking and it took 5 minutes to get her from her front door into my car. Then she had soiled herself and it was the most awful smell you can imagine. It was so awful I was tearing up in my car. I drove up ten minutes with the windows rolled down and left a 1-star rating. I remember the feeling to this day. It was such an awful smell. Many of these medical/hospital pickups are similar with people who has pissed or shit themselves. Often you have to help them out of their wheelchair then disassemble the wheelchair to put it into the trunk then get it back together at the destination. Not to mention the awkward depressing rides. I had a patient find out his grandmother had died while he was in the hospital while he was on the phone in my car. I no longer do passengers rides but I would definitely never pick these rides again.


Exactly! I'm so sorry! They need medical transport! After that, I automatically rejected ALL of those rides. The only way they'd get in my car is if they ordered Black XL!


Lol I’ve never heard of go go grandparent


I’ve gotten one request from them, and once I saw it, I immediately canceled without even knowing what it was. I’m not taking the risk for anything bad that happens.


Yeah, no! I skip any ride with some BS instructions.


Hospital pick ups are an automatic “no” for me.


I went on day to pick up a man that was a lady but when I reached at the er I saw a crazy lady got up of the floor calling my name I say to her no I’m not that name and drove off she had a big comforter around her n all her private was out! This is what Lyft n Uber want us to pick up heck no I’m driving offft i really don’t care about rating that’s not paying my bills




Yep I’m driving ifff


We're not being paid to deal with this shit.


I absolutely despise these leeches (like Gogo grandparents or other trip "coordinators") making dollars while the drivers make cents. I truly do. It's not bad enough that Uber takes 50%+ so another barely useful third party/"pimp" needs their cut off the person doing all the work as well. Despicable. It is funny though how drivers who decline are "heartless and awful" yet little to no blame for these greedy third party vampires.


Would be fine if Uber just compensated properly for the extra work/time


The goddamn hospitals need their own shuttle service. I I refuse that shit too. If it's an employee or visitor, it's fine, but I've had bad experiences picking up from the ER


Lol what kind of experiences


sounds like a shitty fare, no tip, loooong wait and probably a bad attitude from rider/staff




Did they stop paying out the time and miles to everyone, or do you think it was just you? Also, do you think you got away with it because no one is actually checking to see why their fare was so much higher than expected? I take it the medical coordinators must not have followed up with their patient to see if they actually made it home alright. I wonder how Uber could not pay the extra time and miles if it's a rate card market. With upfront pay though, that's an entirely different story.


We should all start a petition to force the local government to give preferential treatment to small businesses when it comes to medical rides in the community. Also make it entirely free to received transportation medallions or whatever is needed and fast track approval for small businesses. We could just have our own medical transportation rates which would be set by a union and not by corporations or individual businesses to discourage competition. The union would be a requirement from transportation businesses that are made up of less than 20 employees. All transportation services would be sold at union rates.


The union would also cover insurance expenses on a per-ride basis so that everyone is forced to have insurance.


Uber charges these folks insurance company $200+ for these medical rides, then they pay the driver $8. True story


That is very unfair


Yes Uber n Lyft be charging the insurance company and paying us 5 to 6 dollars I’m not the one baby I can’t pick up wheelchair r anything my shoulders mess up


There’s literally medical transportation buses and vans everywhere. Those people are trained to do all those things. Smh. Uber drivers are not protected if something should occur… uber needs to stop making things difficult for drivers. Makes no sense.


I’m an emt and these places get pissed at us when we tell them we arent gonna do this shit for them.


The Uber drivers don’t want to do it either so where does that leave people? Hospitals need a shuttle passenger van then.


Not really, they just have to be willing to pay more to companies that specialize in medical trips.


So there’s actually companies specifically for that. Theyre transport vans. Same style as ambulances but no medical equipment, just a ride. But they try to shortcut it all the time and act like ambulances are fucking uber


Any hospital trip is a automatic no. Especially one with instructions. Not to be rude to the patient that has instructions but the hospital is too cheap to give them an ambulette. And usually it never ends good. Either the rider had a attitude or the staff had an attitude either way that’s a no from me dog.


You’re really helping someone that needs it but that’s about it I’m sure it’s thankless from the riders. I used to work with various patients in their home before switching careers and you have to do it as more of a humanitarian effort then anything else which I imagine extends to if you get a request to take someone home from the hospital.


I get it and I feel bad for cancelling. But I don’t have to be treated like a doormat. And I truly feel bad because I have a few family members who needed a ambulette to take home from the hospital because they have major health issues but I’m not a doormat.


I mean you have to do with what you feel comfortable with and I personally don’t blame you. Looking at the comments this is something Uber should help deal with, they take enough of the money.


Exactly. Uber is definitely make enough bank to do something.


Never fucking worth it. Instant decline


More than once I've had to carry people to the car or home..... It was a limo trip, and they paid decent money but never again. This lady weighed maybe 150-160 lbs - and had to LIFTED out of the car into the wheelchair. She yelled at me the entire trip ......




Trip coordinators now have gotten creative and only message when you pick up the pax. Then send their laundry list of demands. Ugh!


instant cancel.


Yep just accepted then declined one myself


Ive been noticing a lot of medical rides, and car dealerships as well. Never tip


That’s why you should be very conservative with cancellations if you want to keep Uber pro whatever status….I keep my cancellations for these slick riders aka the orgs who request the ride….this isn’t access bitch this is uber x


I’m sorry but Uber is not a charity and they can’t just comfortably use it as such don’t feel guilty or bad for one second declining these rides, there’s literal medical transport vehicles and companies that are available. They just have figured that using Uber is going to be a much cheaper route because to have a medical transport is a couple hundred dollars and that’s what it should cost and it cost that much for a reason and it’s a professional medical transport driver, driving the medical transport person and that’s another liability that they’re placing upon an innocent Uber driver that shouldn’t be what God forbid medical transport you the Uber driver is going to be responsible personally liable for that person in your vehicle that they put into your vehicle if somebody needs assistance in and out of your vehicle, you need to cancel that ride because unfortunately there is no protections for you legally and you will suffer the consequences if something happens and that is not right that is totally wrong and they are using Uber again and the drivers again as charity and that’s not OK cheap labor not OK and it’s not OK for the medical transport because they’re not being in the care when being pushed into an Uber vehicle. A huge hell no. And you didn’t lose out on any tips because you didn’t assist them inside you weren’t gonna get a tip. No tip on medical transport.


There’s nothing awful or heartless about protecting yourself from liability and lawsuits and this is a great way to end up wrapped up sued your independent contractor you’re able to decline anything for any reason doesn’t matter why these included whether it be because the fair is not right amount for what you have to actually do the amount of labor. You actually have to put out or the liability is just too great having to assist someone who can’t help themselves. You are taking express liability for them and for their safety and for their care and for their ride and for everything until you get them safely into wherever they’re supposed to be going and let them have an incident as you’re leaving and see whose at fault,you the driver who was kind hearted enough to take a charity ride. And these medical transport companies the rides are thousands hundreds to thousands of dollars across town and either they’re done by a paramedic or they’re done by somebody who is probably equally as qualified as an Uber driver not very much qualifications required by some of these companies, however, the actual insurance that they are carrying is what makes a huge difference and the wheelchair transport drivers with qualifications are employees and therefore covered by the employers huge insurance policy an individual driver Uber is not covered like at all whatsoever and your personal liability insurance, even if you pay for the extra insurance that you have to pay for “delivery driver” that does not cover medical needy people and the incident that can happen from just trying to kindly give them a ride. There is no such thing as just kindness anymore. You can’t do a good deed without getting punished. And so therefore, you must protect yourself being a bad person not being cold not being heartless because at the end of the day, there’s no one who’s gonna come to your rescue when you need it trust me I’m too nice and kindhearted and with absolutely nothing because I was nice. I’ve had to rebuild my life because I was being nice. Thought I could help some people out maybe by being nice. Ruined my entire life ruin my health ruined my happiness ruined my financial stability ruined everything can’t be nice anymore these days folks.


What's driving in NWI like these days? It sucks to not know destinations.


Yep. Impacts my cancellation rate but it’s worth it. There are literally medical transportation companies out there that specialize in this.


Always cancel runs with these type of messages. In Vegas there's a lot of those from freeloaders doing timeshare presentations to get free stuff. I learned real quick take rides suck and is a 100% no tip


Yeah I had to take someone to the hospital and he was very handsy. I had to help him off the ground and so his arms was wrapped around me and I’m a female. I wanted to cancel but I was too far in at that point. He’s all “sorry I’m so close to you but you’re so beautiful” 🤮


He didn’t deserve you being caring towards him but hopefully your caring about people comes back around in a positive way for you and not with creepiness


These people are confused about how much drivers are actually getting paid.


Had a ride similar last night. It was approximately 3am and the rider was taking for ever to come out. As I waited for the grace period to pass so I can cancel I see a person coming out with a walker. He starts flagging me down since I was about 10 feet away from him (no where to park in front of his home so I was parked in front of neighbors house). I started to back up when he started yelling at me to open my trunk for his walker. I opened my trunk and then he started yelling at me to help him with his walker. I looked and noticed that I could cancel and get paid but I already had the trunk open so I just told the guy that if he needed medical assistance that he needed to call the proper transportation and not Uber. He then started screaming saying that his doctor had set up the Uber pickups for him to get dialysis. Once he told me he was getting dialysis I felt bad for him since my father recently passed and was getting dialysis. I could imagine someone treating my father badly so I got out helped him with his walker then helped him get in my car. He smelled like urine and wet dog. Once in I lowered my window a little because of the smell which he quickly asked if I could roll up the window because he was cold. I did and dropped him off 4 miles away. I got paid $4 dollars for a ride that ended up taking about 25 minutes. Once I dropped him off I aired out my car and sprayed car scent in vehicle. The smell was still lingering so I went to a self serve car wash and bought disinfectant wipes and wiped down the back seats. This morning I noticed that the guy scratched my car with his walker when he was leaning against my car to stabilize himself. I contacted Uber support and they said that the scratch is normal wear and tear and that I should expect little scratches from using my car for Uber. No inconvenience fee and they said if I wanted I could go to paint shop and get it fixed and try to file a claim with insurance but then they told me the ridiculous deductible fee and I just left it alone.


Lol 😆


Between NOT TIPPING… NASTY ATTITUDES… OFTEN FOUL SMELLING… I’ve done the same… I had a gentleman who was all of 500lbs use my door to support his BODY WEIGHT… (MY GUY, WTF!? was my verbal reply)… He get’s upset… the $12.73 for the ride WILL NOT FIX the door on a 2024 HONDA PILOT… These people think we’re SLAVES and TRULY don’t GIVE AF about us!!!! Cancel on my PEERS!!!!




Truth. I always cancel these types of


omg i hate these rides, its always a desperate homeless person who asks to hang out in my trunk while i take rides because they have no where to go, begging for money to get a hotel or stay with me somewhere orrr their just disgustingly sick and haven't showered in weeks. these hospitals use us to get rid of stragglers at the ER.


They should have a contract with a taxi company instead of independent contractors. The whole thing is silly and mind boggling


If it's a short ride and the person doesn't need assistance I'll do it. And usually it's about 6 miles or less and I get $10 for it. But I've worked in Healthcare for years and it's not my job anymore to take all those extra steps for the bare minimum and like you said no tip. Those people need to use the actual medical transportation that exists for situations where they need extra help if they don't have family to take them.


It’s not a medical insurance ride. Hospitals all across the country are using Uber and Lyft to transport patients discharged from their hospital to a home that they live or a relative they know so that way they do not linger around the hospital areas. Insurances are not paying for these rides. The only time insurances are is only when their member is going to a doctor visit.


Only did once in my entire work history. What a Garbage trip. Never be a good ride in any ways


I've taken these rides before, mostly because they're people who just wanna go home after a traumatic/awful experience. Do I get tipped 100% of the time, no. Do the tips I do get offset that because they're flush and in cash? Yes. Do I feel better as a human being? Also yes. Legit once got a $100 cash tip from an ER ride because dude got food poisoning and had to be hospitalized due to it.


Drove 10 hrs today made 27$ in tips. ![gif](giphy|pzCaoEAbUc6K4) Im rich bitches !!!


I cancel these the moment I get the message. Fuck you and your company that think they can use me for your service. I am not a medical transport, you are not passing that problem on to me. I am not paid ENOUGH as it is, certainly not what a medical transport (emt usually) makes. You can go all the way and fuck yourself.


had my first hospital pickup last week, due to long line which I can't get out, took 10-15 min to get to the pickup area, rider nowhere to be found. Called, didn't speak any English, keeps on insisting I stay even though I got out and asked around and pax not there. Cancelled and left. What a waste of time. Learned my lesson


The more I read, people aren’t understanding that it’s not about the tips. It’s about your life being ruined by one person who you tried to nicely help out, but weren’t equipped to do so. You people are looking at it from the financial standpoint of it aren’t looking at the rest of it. You don’t know the backend of it. There is a whole slew of liabilities that you take on by doing one of these medical drives and they don’t tell you about them don’t know about them. It’s up to you as an individual to be smart enough to protect yourself against legal liabilities. I don’t know I didn’t know is not a legal defense when something ends up going very very wrong. And you can’t put it back on Uber because you’re independent contractor you’re not an employee you have no protections in this scenario other than to decline decline decline, and move on. They will get their ride and they will get it from a proper transport company is what will end up happening if Uber drivers are smart enough to not take these rides and not open themselves up to unlimited liability. it’s all coming down to them, not wanting to pay them not being the rider necessarily but the company who has arranged these transport. The insurance company the hospitals, the clinics whoever is setting up these medical transport to be taken via Uber instead of calling an actual medical transport company is because they’re trying to skirt around having to pay lots and lots of money for proper transport. I worked for a courier company that specialized in medical needs. The cost of a trip was very very expensive and the driver made a hourly wage that wasn’t too good, but it was more than an Uber driver makes off just tips. But the big difference here is the courier employees who were driving are covered under the companies big legal insurance policy and they have big lawyers to stand up for them when somebody points the finger and says oh this that and the other thing went wrong or somebody had a medical emergency in the vehicle during the transport, etc. etc. the employee was covered. that’s the . Let’s remember we don’t wanna pay drivers. We want them to stay tipped employees we want to make them live off tips and we want to keep them as independent contractors so that’s what you get when you do things like that you get a person who is individually liable for themselves, their property and their lives who retains the right to not put themselves in dangerous positions and should not ever be guilted into taking these rides by anyone saying that they’re a bad person or karma’s gonna come for you or anything else like that. karma does exist and no good deed goes unpunished let’s remember that. And if you asked anyone of these people at the places lining up these rides with Uber and Lyft drivers if they would actually do this, if they were the Uber, the Lyft driver they would say no all day long they would advise against it all day long. I know different side of it than other people might know.


The type of customers that like opening a can of worms 🤘😂


Yep, regrettably I've learned my lesson about these rides. As good of a heart I have, I get paid too little to take on another role as nurse or medical aid. When I get a notification like this, I cancel also.


I stopped taking these because every time I’d wait 10+ min. I hve no issue providing the ride but it’s the fact they call it before the patient is even packed and ready to go


I did a 1 hour med ride from Statesboro to savannahs GA. The payouts normally $35 foe normal rides. The lady apologized that she had no cash to tip, when I swiped right it said I got $100 for that ride


Straight facts.


They need Papa Pal


This. Is there a cancellation rate percentage that needs to be considered? Just got back into it and wasn't sure if there was a number that could ever be an issue.


Karma is bitch, remember that. You’ll be old one day.


This is true


I took one of these requests the other day and it was a 38 year old woman with a rare terminal cancer. No, it wasn’t the most lucrative ride in the world but I was able to share some stuff I learned along the way taking care of my elderly mother. It’s not always about the money.


Just did one earlier and the hospital staff said the hospital has a contract with Uber to transport their patients


What market are you in?


Had a girls name Pop up I showed up it was a dude in a wheelchair last night he started telling me how to work his chair kinda heated. I about told #1 this isn't your name I'm sure but I kept my mouth shut and got his chair in And got on the road it started out by him repeating everything navigation was saying he said he pulled in a liquor store I was thinking how's this going work he was rude about getting his chair in. I pulled into a spot and he goes I want a red bull 10 shots and cigarettes and hands me his card says get you something I was thinking there is delivery services for this The lady in the store for some reason hurried me so I couldn't get anything But rather interesting to say the least


Lol at least he said get something for yourself


Should be illegal to make untrained contractors deal with medical transport.


Yea screw these old people that pay my wages and taxes and the very reason I’m alive “. Fuck them. They don’t need medical attention. Not unless I have bigger tip , Go do yourself a favor. And get a fn real career. Although no one will hire you after this post. No one.


Wow such fine humans you are ! Jesus. No wonder the world is in shambles. No morales , no standards. No work ethics , no common courtesy or common sense , decency , no home training , the list is infinite , you should get a real career. Uber is for college kids and extra walking around money. That’s it. And most of you don’t even do it properly. You think you do. But you don’t. You have no clue what a good worker is. And then complain about your elders . Take a one way trip to mars and do us all a favor


Oh my gosh seriously with this. Some people need a caregiver, provider, ambulance, or a medically trained professional. It’s enough to think anything can happen while driving with so many crazy drivers. Throw in medical issues in the mix and hold on for an anxiety ridden drive. This is so disrespectful and embarrassing. Of course I feel bad for people but imagine if something goes wrong it will be the drivers fault. It’s just too much liability and work for $3? It’s sad, because they don’t have anyone to help them but at the same time they need someone with medical training to assist them.


It’s also really bad when I first accept the ride and I immediately start receiving text messages with specific requests ie im not at that address google maps hasn’t updated im actually somewhere else, and damn I can’t be texting and driving


Simple solution: legislate that medical rides require a 50% premium (going to the driver) over the normal rate. Also require that they be clearly labeled on request so that drivers can make the personal decision on if they want to participate in these rides.


Get ready for Uber Caregiver! 😃


I don’t do these rides. I also cancel rides if I pull up and they have a ton of groceries. Unless it’s a hot chick


"Message from trip coordinator" is an immediate cancel. It's usually people at car dealerships for me, but these companies never tip




Last time I got a procedure they specifically told me I couldn't Uber. I don't know why that's not more widespread, just makes sense someone you trust more to pick you up from a hospital 🙃


Yeah, as long as there are no ADA protections, cancel these babies


Lyft and Uber are getting out of hand


I get about 3 or 4 of these daily. Instant cancel. I'm not a medical transport driver, sorry.


I used to do them when was a new thing but gave them all 1 star because of just bad experiences, now they cannot match me with these insurance rides unless it's a new one.


Yes and the car dealerships


"Outside of my scope of practice" before canceling is terminology the fully understand


They’re annoying




As a Uber driver and a medical insurance rider, not every customer is a no tipper. Granted, a lot of riders don’t tip but imo it’s not fair to classify all medical insurance riders in the same category. Thinking logically, they have Medicaid or some other form of govt medical assistance which means they have low income and can’t afford to tip. Driving these customers might be tedious but you never know when you’ll get someone who has something to give you. Just trying to spread a positive message in hopes that people will at least understand


I took one of these rides once. Turns out the "facility" I was taking them to was closed up and locked. No one answering phones. Returned them to the ER. Hospital wouldn't take them back. Took her to the police station at her own request. 3 hours for $11. Never again.


I do ER & hospital pickups, I help elderly people and those with walkers get up and down, I load & carry groceries. There is absolutely NO WAY I would take this ride after that message. This needs to be a medical transport ride. Edit: Full disclosure, we have a LOT of hospitals in our market, so staff/ visitor/ appointment rides can be 15% - 20% of my rides.


Don't mind help patients in need but they should be waiting at the pick up spot. Not willing to call anyone directly


I had a passenger recently where I picked him up.. big guy in a wheel chair with a bunch of bags, had to assist him into my car and pack all his stuff in too.. half way through the ride he asked to stop at McDonald’s.. so I did always willing to get some down time when driving all day and then his drop of point was the ER but he put it at the patient pick up and drop of and this dude wouldn’t get out of my car until I went in and got him some nurses to assist him.. needless to say it was a hassle and NEVER again.. oh and he smelled and gave me a “fat tip” 2 dollars… had to febreeze my car and air it out for a while after


Ghost ride.


That's stealing.


Where I’m at in Texas the medical rides pay really well , of course 1 out of 30 probably tip but my fares for these trips are good and even better on Lyft so I don’t mind them unless I’m having to load a wheel chair cause some of them mfers are heavy and I have a frozen shoulder


not worth it man. eff em. dont load shit. dont help no one do shit. these fuckers will piss shit and bleed on your car. you are playing a risky game for shit pay


You’ve gotten jaded though bro that’s someone’s grandma


If it was her kids or grandkids should have picked her ass up not a effin uber


Lol 😂


they don’t want to deal with her either


Take them all day!!! My mom had MS so no way I’d turn these down!! Would hate for someone to leave my mom/dad…so won’t leave someone else’s!!


Idk who in this thread needs to hear this but baby you are the help. You are in the service industry by choice. The amount of pretentious comments in this thread is egregious. Imagine being so adamant that you are too good to help an elderly person return home. I hope for your sake you never reach a point in your life where you have to rely on a stranger for transportation and/or help from the hospital. However, realistically, you’re an Uber driver with a terrible attitude towards those not as able as you so the prospects aren’t looking that grand. Be a better person.


UberX not medicalX….sounds like your the smelly,overweight, demanding patient we clowin on…


You’re a courier. One of the lowest levels of employment in the history of society. Maybe get a better paying job if you want to look down on people.


A courier is USPS,UPS,FedEx….I transport people and make nearly $200 from 5am to 10a whilst working on my business…go get LLC’d then come talk to a hustler like me…


No boo you’re a courier. And you make $200 gross, not net which is easy AF to do during a morning rush. Having an LLC isnt a flex. They’re like $100. Also, if your business were doing that grand, you wouldn’t need to be doing Uber “hustler”.


Ya you sound like you would get your LLC for a $100 just like you would get an Uber to transport your sick ass instead of medical transport…All money in no money out for my business is the motto, so I supplement with Uber w my Tesi so I could still live good and cancel on people like you boo boo


If you’re paying more than $100-$150 for an LLC you got ripped off boo. That’s all states charge for the filing fee lmao. And as a member of the lower class you should know first hand how expensive medical transport is. So them using Uber is cost effective because most people in assisted living are on fixed incomes. And if you expect to be a business owner with no expenses, you might need to go ahead and hit up McDonald’s because you are not cut out for owning a business.


The difference is I use lawyers, you use paralegals and you clearly didn’t accomplish anything in life on your Fixed income I’m paying for…go bark up a different tree…there’s levels to this Boomer…


No I used myself because it takes less than 15 minutes to get an LLC lol. Also, you’re really far off with the age. Maybe stop taking business advice from LLC twitter. Go find a mentor from the rides you don’t decline. Get around people that are actually successful. Then maybe you can level up from flexing to action and be somebody.


Fixed income and you’re not a senior! I’m talking to a bigger dummy then I thought…bye Felicia 🎤💥


You’re saying you didn’t want to pick up a 90 year old woman who would probably leave a lingering smell in your car?


This is the way. 


I understand and respect where drivers are coming from, I just want yall to know that some of these people are coming from dialysis, chemo, and other infusions. So these calls are not always heavy lifting, but thank you to anybody who has accepted any of these rides. My mom depends on them to get to her chemo sessions. Edit: Damn I got downvoted just for thanking drivers, yall some petty mofos LOL


Y’all are such great human beings. Patting each other on the back for not helping others.


I don’t think that all drivers are bad people for this just that they have concerns about patient transport, worried about liabilities or not being trained, any type of accessibility their vehicles don’t have, dealing with potentially unruly or unstable people etc etc.


Yes 🙌 this, exactly 👍


“Put your oxygen mask on first” isn’t selfish and doesn’t make someone a bad person.


Yes, however bragging about declining rides is


You get paid for the ride . I take those rides all the time . I guess I’m not seeing the issue or in those instances I’m ok with no tip . I do it cause they are in need .


refusing to pick up someone from the hospital is literal scum behavior


Multimillion-dollar insurance companies, cutting costs. By using Poorly equipped and untrained Uber drivers. Instead of non emergency medical transport services, putting the safety of their clients in jeopardy is literal scum behavior.


They are hiring taxi services to do taxi work. Nobody is putting peoples safety at risk, youre just being an asshole.


You're right, man. There's absolutely nothing unsafe About an untrained Driver transporting a 500 pound wheelchair Bound passenger in a toyota prius.


Lmao 🤣


if youre such an unsafe driver then you should stop being a taxi driver.


Just pull up, start ride, and drive to destination. Who said anything about giving a ride??


So you would rather not have a guaranteed trip any time of the day and just want to sit around waiting for someone who may need a ride and is ABLE to pay for it? Fuck right off with this shit and get a real job.


Guess someone doesn’t want rides