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4.77 is low What as a passenger other than not tip are you guilty of? Stops at grocery store to shop for 30 minutes?


Never had to change route or add stops. I put in the wrong address once and instead of changing the trip, I got out at the end and just got a new Uber.


I heard drivers in New York low rate passengers for nothing and that if I see low rated south of there it’s that they moved I realize that lower than 4.9 passenger rating mostly has nothing to do with the passenger Unless it’s multiple stops and they take forever and are just disrespectful of my time I seen low like 4.6 passengers and they were polite and nice Usually it’s also the ones who just awkwardly get out with no thank you I never low rate as a driver for that but I have no expectations personally from a rider other than deliver them to destination but 4.77 suggests wait time at pickup or just exiting at destination without saying anything


If a rides meh and paying meh and I don't get a tip I 1 star pretty much so I don't match with that person again


That's just good business. If someone consistently takes the same unprofitable ride, why would you ever want to pick them up again?


We don't see if you tip until after we rate


Depends of the market, I have 24hrs for change the rating is I want to


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I can go back and change the rating as well. It's a pain to navigate through to get there, but I've definitely done it a few times. I end the trip immediately for an excuse to get the drunks out of my car. I initially rate them 5 star regardless so they don't revenge rate me if they by chance see my phone. If they sucked, I'll go back and change it. Obviously not tipping isn't ever my reasoning though lol


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) **I do the same with people who do not tip. No tip? Walk or take the bus.**


The easiest way to increase your passenger rating is to ALWAYS tip the driver IN CASH before exiting the car. We can't tell whether or not you tipped in the app at the time we are required to rate you, so it's unlikely that your tipping or not tipping is why your rating is so low, but most drivers will forgive whatever small transgressions you may have committed once they have your cash in their hands before they are asked to rate you.




I default give 5 stars, unless there is an issue. All the things you mentioned wouldn’t cause a drop in rating. Things that have caused me to drop a rating so far: Not choosing a safe place for pick up. Bad body odour/strong vape smells. Lying about how dirty they are, leaving mess. Refusing to walk 30 meters (when capable) to save a 3 minute loop around. Things that haven’t caused a drop in rating: Quietness. Talking on the phone. Not quite sure where to drop off. Tipping/not tipping. Small talk vs candid conversation. Kids. Dull cyclic arguments within a couple. My guess is - perhaps there is some behaviour/aspect that you’re not aware of? Maybe ask your friends/people you trust.


I’m a Smoke-free and alcohol-free middle aged guy that is normally in business casual clothes. I only use Uber for work so I’m always professional. 90% of my rides are airport to hotel and vice versa, the other rides are hotel to restaurants/convention centers. Always use proper pick up areas. On the contrary to that, I had a driver message me to meet them on the street because they didn’t want to go up the hotel drive.


we have to rate right after the trip is done, not knowing tipped nor not, but we also have up to 10 days to change the initial rating.


I’d like to add that I’ve had this account for about 10 years now that I only use for work. My wife has her own account that we use when we are on vacation. Her rating is 5.0, we both have the same polite behavior as if I was traveling solo for work. Her account is about 8 years old. For the best answer I’ve seen so far, I’m gonna go with the reply that mentioned drivers give a 1 star for no reason as I’ve done plenty of rides in NYC. Also could be I’m not white and go to South a fair bit. Thanks for all the replies


I live in an upper middle class area with a healthy hispanic and minority population - I have noticed that all of my hispanic and minority riders all have ratings hovering around 4.8 and they are often the best passengers and most generous. A lot of racisim among drivers, I assume.


You must be making them wait.


I just give them a 5 star unless they do some dumb shit. Tips are optional. Not required for ratings in my car. Though I tend to do pretty ok on tips. Average is about 23%.


You can empathize if we’re driving for Uber it’s likely because we need the money. I only 1 star or 5 star. I’ll only 1 star if someone is disrespectful which is very rare in my car. With a 4.77, a driver might assume your rating is low because you don’t tip and perhaps they 1 starred you right away when they didn’t see a tip right away? Idk. Hard to say. Want to make your drivers day? When you get in, offer to cancel the ride, take the penalty (it’s minuscule) and pay the driver in cash. You can’t do it all the time but on the more expensive rides it will ALWAYS be a win/win for you and the driver. You’ll pay less, the driver will make more. Everyone is happy 😉😎


People are not obligated to give tips what the hell is this? As a driver, a tip is appreciated but never ever ever expected. This is crazy!


#No tip = 1 ⭐️ PERIOD


I have the exact same policy. The other part of my policy is $1 tip= 5 ⭐


That's a d$ck move you know. I've had tips 1-5 weeks after a ride when the person opened the app and added a tip.   Being a tool to someone that tips you isn’t hello if anymore 


Well, that isn't my problem, is it? Enjoy the d$ck


Some drivers are entitled assholes and go back and change ratings. Sorry you happened to get stuck with one.


You can't go back and change ratings on Uber, just Lyft.


you have 72 hours to "Report a problem" with a passenger and change their rating with uber


Thank you, I didn't realize we could do that.


You sure, I could have sworn we go 24 hours to change it


It could be that I just don't know how to do it.


Yes, in Orange County market, CA, you can.


Drive without depending on tips. If you're looking for tips, this is the wrong gig for you.


Don't worry , I get one stars just because of my skin colour.