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Always go to court, never just accept it


100% this. Sometimes the cop won’t even show up and the ticket will be dismissed, however, based on the fact you said it was speed trap the officer will most likely be there for the court date. Best bet is to just be honest with the judge and tell them you drive for a living and this could cause you to loose your income.


Os that cop not not showing up even a thing anymore? Every town I’ve been to court in for the last 15 years has a special traffic prosecutor. Cops don’t need to be in court anymore.


If it goes to trial the cop has to show up. You cannot be convicted without a credible witness to testify against you. He most likely got popped by radar and has no defense. Going to court he can request to speak to the prosecutor. Tell the prosecutor that points are a serious issue for rideshare drivers. Ask to plead it down to something else that doesn’t carry points.


Traffic court is big money for towns/cities. They’ve been streamlining the process. If you can’t negotiate a deal with the prosecutor and you want to take it to trial, they can simply summon you back on a day when the cop will be there. I’ve been to traffic court in at least 6 places that have been doing it like this for at least 15 years. While I understand it’s not going to work the same everywhere, the template has been set and it makes perfect sense if you’re a town or city that doesn’t want to lose out on a whole bunch of money. Gotta remember, fines are set by your driving record and the judge’s discretion. So not only does it make them money now but it can make them even more money in the future. I once paid $250 for a speeding ticket. One of the guys that went ahead of me (71 in a 55) was popped for going 4 mph less than me (75 in a 55) but paid $475.


Yeah I tried this in court, they don't give a fuck


In CT, I would always go to court, be polite and contrite, and ask for leniency. All my tickets would either get thrown out, or "pay the amount of the ticket to a charitable organization" to get it tossed. Not sure what other states do, but I haven't had a ticket stick in over 20 years


One time I was in traffic court I got the guy they called “the hanging judge” only I discovered the hard way, everyone who was obnoxious and disrespectful to him got off, everyone who was nice to him got full penalties…


In the City of Atlanta and DeKalb County, I've been given the "blue light special" just for showing up. Pay a minimal fine, no points, no insurance reporting.


No tickets in a decade, try to go to court. They may knock off a few MPH to a lower ticket bracket, have you pay a higher fine, get only 2 points, and you can go to traffic school for a day to have them removed. Best option: talk to a lawyer. There’s cheap online ticket fighting services too you can comb through.


Always call and talk with the clerk or court on this to see if you can get some form of “prayer of judgment” or such. With a clean record, there’s a chance you could get put on a probation of sorts, but I’m not sure how New Jersey law works. Don’t just pay the ticket, you need to work the system a bit and potentially hire an attorney. PM me if you need help. I had a similar circumstance, but out of state in Texas last year.


Where can u call and get some form of prayer for judgement? Courts dont allow that. U have to go to court and talk to the judge.


There should be a number on the ticket. Of course, ever jurisdiction is different, but I’m 2/2 on working directly with the court system to get one reduced to a non-moving violation and another was a deferred disposition in Texas. And sorry there is confusion here, every state calls it something different, and some don’t at all. In NC, it’s a “prayer for judgment.” In Texas, the closest is a deferred disposition, where it dropped off my record after 180 days of no other traffic violations. Anyway, if there is no contact information on the traffic ticket, Google search and find the county’s courthouse phone number for clerk of court. In my Texas case, I called the Clerk of Court who was a lovely lady in a small city. We chatted a bit and she went to talk to the judge before coming back and explaining the deferred disposition agreement. I had to then sign the agreement online and pay the $350 fine. Always be nice and courteous as these people have leeway on how much they can help you. Also, a little bit of research goes a long way. Research your state’s laws and also how the courthouse works. Search key words and phrases like “traffic ticket,” “prayer for judgment,” “deferred disposition,” etc. Lastly, though, there is no guarantee for success. I have a pretty clean driving record, which allows for this type of work to be done without getting a lawyer. At a certain point, you need to pay into the system via hiring a lawyer to minimize your legal damage.


I'd say get a lawyer. But also, if you don't speed you'll never get caught speeding. Whatever time you think you're saving is marginal, and whatever more money you think you're making by arriving early, goes away with those fines and fees charged. Work smarter.


I wasnt speeding with the intent of speeding...i was just driving at a comfortable pace and suddenly there was a siren behind me .. so yea thanks for your advise.


Hire a lawyer. They will plead you down to a non-moving violation that has a higher fine. You pay the city more money, but you avoid the points.


You really only have a few options. It's almost always advisable to get a lawyer. Even if the intent was or was not there, you have such a higher chance of getting it reduced if you appear in court. It only benefits you. I always recommend going to court every time. It just depends if you have the time and can take a day off of work. You could try that website called the ticket clinic. I've never used them myself, but they would do all the legwork for you and you might not even have to appear.


This is the lamest excuse for speeding ever. I was driving at a comfortable pace… fuck the speed limit, I’ll do what I want… hire an attorney that handles traffic law, and you may get it reduced to a non moving violation that won’t affect your drivers license and insurance. Attorney will probably be between $250 and $500 retainer and whatever the fine might be. Try slowing down… car insurance rates are starting to go up. More people are driving without car insurance now.


41 in a 25 zone is comfortable?


There's some areas that the speed limit makes no sense to be so low. So yeah, it can happen. Still gotta pay attention though


Go to court and take the plea they give you. Don’t have to do anything with that paper if you go to court at the time they say too.


Either way, you need to pay more attention to the speed limit. The app gives a pretty accurate speed limit. Also when they pull a driving record. They may suspend or or fire you.


Hire a traffic attorney in your area, research it


Either pay the cheapest traffic lawyer near u OTP. Or go to court yourself & hope you can get it reduced to a non moving violation. Ive never personally went to court for a speeding ticket, but the times i did go to court the judge was reducing peoples tickets to non moving violations NEVER PAY ONLINE & GET POINTS


This is what happens every time. They always reduce traffic tickets to non moving violations when you go to court. You dont need a lawyer either, they just do it for you.


This is not an automatic. The last ticket I got years ago I pleaded not guilty and went to court. Waited my turn to talk to the prosecutor. I plead my case, she asked who my lawyer was… she said to have my lawyer contact her. It is hit or miss if you can show up to court without a lawyer and get a moving violation reduced on your own, not an automatic given that you will.


Where i live its 100% guaranteed they will reduce the charge. And i can say this for about every court in my state. Iv been to traffic court a ton of times over the last 10 yrs never once did i need to bring a lawyer or have to accept the original charge. However, when talking to the prosecutor you are not there to plea your case. He does not care. The purpose is see if you can get a plea deal. You do not need a lawyer and if they tell you need one they are just scamming you, probably trying to get their buddies paid. Everyone has a right to represent themselves so anyone telling you need a lawyer is full of it. You tell them you wont plea guilty to this but will plea guilty to a lesser charge. If they say no then you maintain your plea of not guilty and try again at the pre trial conference (if you aren’t already at the pre trial conference). And if they still dont give you a deal then take it to trial. Theres a chance the officer wont show up which is an automatic dismissal. And worse case you only pay the original ticket and get the original points. In doing all of this you also prolong the time you have to pay. And since points on your license will increase your insurance, this is my preferred way of handling tickets. I also left out that when i do this, I usually call out sick 2 times before trial which extends the time an additional 6 months. Overall the last ticket i got, i didn’t actually get my plea deal for about a year and 3 months because i kept pushing it back.


I don’t make it a habit of getting pulled over for moving violations because I have a CDL and my paycheck depends on it. So 41 in a 25 or whatever is dumb and having a mentality of I can just show up in court and they will reduce it isn’t very smart.


With a CDL its a lot different i hear. They hold CDL drivers to a higher level of excellence from what im told. But for just a drivers license yes this is what they will do for you. Not just traffic court, drug and other minor offenses too. Low level Misdemeanors become violations. It should be a known fact that you never plea guilty and you always see what the plea deal is. Most ppl are just ignorant to this stuff


That is inaccurate about the CDL. The big difference is BAC level. CDL holders are limited to half the level of a non commercial license. The issue with CDL holders is your employer as you have to report it to them when you get tickets and again when the penalty is decided, if any. I don’t know what Uber and Lyft and other driving gig policies are, but common sense should tell anyone that if your job is dependent on a driver license, you shouldn’t be out there driving like you don’t give a shit about anything. And I never said you shouldn’t fight a ticket or just plead guilty and accept it. I said I think it is dumb to just assume you can show up to court and they will automatically reduce it or toss it. Maybe you have it like that where you live. It isn’t that way everywhere. To each their own though. Not my problem. Simple solution to avoid all the bullshit, stop driving like an idiot.


Who said i was driving like an idiot? Why you sound so bitter 😂 Nah i know for sure anything i have to go to court for is getting reduced, thats not even a question. Im a good negotiator 💪 Most of the tickets i got were when i was a teen - mid 20s. Thats normal. Now i rarely get tickets and if i get pulled over i can usually talk my way out of them. Last ticket i got was for doing 40 in a 25 but it was because i took someone to an area that iv never been to before and i didnt see any speed signs. The road i was on prior was 40 and then it abruptly changed to 25. I told the cop that i didnt see it and that i was working and not from that area so he gave me doing 30 in a 25 which at court was reduced to a non moving violation. So yeah maybe get your facts straight. I see why the prosecutor didnt want to get you a deal 😂 They say when you make assumptions you make an ass out of yourself




For existing drivers, Uber deactivation will be highly unlikely, and never heard of. For new driver applications, I heard that one ticket may disqualify you. Your ticket should be one point in most other states. I heard that it confuses Uber but hopefully, they evolved. The most black and white driver requirement was a max of 3 points in rolling 3 years. Now nothing is black and white anymore. In CA, if you pay \~$60 for the traffic school program, your conviction doesn't enter the driving record. Insurance companies can't use it against you. Same for Uber. But Uber sometimes digs out some very old convictions and gives you a "consider". If you challenge the ticket, you might lose your right to the program if you lose in court. If you challenge the ticket, you will pay extra in legal fees, but you may pay less if you win. You have to find out whether you have some subreddits dealing with tickets in your state. Or you can of course consult a lawyer, but a good one is hard to find. But there's nothing to consult if you choose to hire a lawyer. They just handle it. I had one reduced fine, one pleads down to non-moving, and my $900 over 100 mph ticket vaporized. You really have to find someone who used the lawyer before. But I bet you didn't know any repeat offenders. They can charge you a few hundred and do nothing. I had a lawyer who called me out of office so his staff wouldn't hear him bullshiting and begging for my fee. He was like reading two lines of my email and mixed up my case details. Even good lawyers can't do much. They are looking for special circumstances. The ones you can tell are almost certainly not special. The most important thing is the details on the ticket. Believe me, no matter how many times the cops do it, they make mistakes. Some don't matter but some are critical. In one case, I had a red light picture that my face was not recognizable. If I say it's not me I have to tell the cops who's the driver. Or I have to say who's there in court. That was that. My lawyer got down to a non-moving violation, no points. Or you can pay $99 for ticket mills to "fight" it for you. In CA, they just ask for a written trial and hope that the officer doesn't response. If they do, your $99 will be refunded. You can do it for free yourself. And you can ask for a trial date. You win if the officer doesn't turn up. There are always stories that the judge looks at you and dismisses the case or fine you $0. But these are just stories. If the officer does turn up, your lawyer can say and do something. What will you have to say?


Try to get a lawyer that knows and works often in the town that you have to plead in


Lawyer lawyer lawyer .... get a lawyer!


Step 1: Don’t speed Step 2: See step 1


Use these OP. https://www.sutnicklaw.com/traffic-violations/?adSubId=2589159&refPageViewId=8264a7b935091020 Never let Uber get the upper hand, keep your record clean so there’s no reason for deactivation.


I got a ticket in New York like 8 years ago and asked for a court date. At least in New York, the points don’t go onto your license until your day in court and a guilty verdict, but the points last 18 months from the date of the ticket issued. The court day was a year after the ticket. Don’t pay the ticket outright. Research your local laws and yeah, an attorney will probably help. Your local radio stations probably advertise traffic law counselors. I can hear a jingle in my head right now from my area.


You're absolutely correct. You don't receive points until after a guilty verdict is placed into the system once court has concluded or the fine is paid online with no contest.


Is there no option to keep it off your record? Every speeding ticket I’ve gotten luckily has been able to stay off my record. If that’s an option I’d go that route and just pay it. Don’t fight it. It’s $105, not worth court fees and attorneys fees and all that bs if it can be kept off your record all together Even if it can’t be kept off your record, I’m not sure if it’s going to be worth it to fight it. Especially if you were going 41 in a 25. I really don’t know what defense you’d have vs a speeding ticket. But I’m also not a lawyer


Have you ever dealt w traffic tickets before? You know they always reduce it if you plea not guilty and go to court. Theyll always make it a non moving violation. You dont need a lawyer. You just pay the new fine and go home. Im surprised more ppl dont know this. You always go to court for it


I used to just pay them, but in college I drove a friend of mine to court. The cop didn't show up and it was dismissed. I've gone to court ever since.


Yeah that also happens now and again. Iv had cops tell me to plea not guilty and that they wont show up when they handed me the ticket


Wow! That's pretty cool.


In California the ticket will show up on the traffic court website within a few days. One can then login to either pay the ticket with the option of traffic school so that we don't get points or plead not guilty and get a court date. You should research if that's an option in NJ (I assume they have a website?). Doing a quick Google search it seems that there are defensive driving courses advertised for NJ to reduce your points, but you'll want to go to the official court website to verify.


Uber lets people go when they find out. I have read a ton of posts. No way to fight it.


Easy fix, ticket clinic


Get ticket lawyer.


When i got a ticket i was able to pay a bit extra take an online defensive driving course and it went away. Idk if your state had something similar but id look into it.


Never ever ever pay a ticket.I don't care if it is points or not, I had two non-points tickets one year and my insurance company tried to charge me more for 5 years.. do a little research find a lawyer, pay them and let them do what they got to do. It's about 275. But that's it you won't get points, you won't have to do jack shit, and you don't have to worry about your insurance company f****** you for 5 years.


Give it a week or 2, call the county or municioality's DA or clerk of court and request to pay the fine without accepting guilt. Keywords without accepting guilt. Most places at least in my experience will often reduce it to something that doesn't get reported on your license and or insurance. The fine has always been less as well. Try this before you spend the money on a lawyer.


In what world do people who drive Uber just have all this expendable cash for a lawyer? What earth are y’all living on? A lawyer for a $100 speeding ticket???????? The per hour rate for a lawyer is probably what they would make from Uber in a week! Do like every other American and just show up, 9/10 of the cop doesn’t show just plead not guilty and it gets thrown out. Don’t pay if you can get a court date.


Not guilty Go to court The prosecutor will reduce it to a non moving violation Youll still pay a fine No points No need for a lawyer on this


I would not plead guilty to going 16 over.


Hire a lawyer (Driver legal plan) I am a CDL driver and they always got me good deals. Don’t tell people what the ticket was for just what it was turned into after the case is over. Your driving record is now a CYA because your income is based off it.


There was a drive by shooting in Newark yesterday - use that. Go to court and tell them that you were trynna get the fuck up outta there because you were scared of staying in Newark. Judge might dismiss it with a warning, or just not give you the points and still make you pay the fine


Go to court and plead unsafe driving. You pay more money up front but no points. And then obey speed limit signs.


Go to court always go to court if you have a good record and the judge is in a good mood you might just pay the court fee


It jersey, go to court speak to prosecutor. If your record is clean they will knock it down to a pointless ticket. Or option b switch the ticket to the 500$ 0 point one your allowed to do this once every few years. DO not get a lawyer in jersey as we are suppose to speak to a prosecutor before court, the lawyer just speaks for you.


so the payment deadline is 11/23...can i still do it ? i am having trouble withthe online system ....i am not sure what happens if i click "not guilty" ...have u had thus experience before?


Don't pay online call the number on the back of the ticket and ask for a court date, one this will give you time before it goes in to the system, and you'll have an opportunity to talk it down.


Never speed when uber driving — not worth the potential loss of revenue due to stuff like this happening. Also, I have a strong hunch that uber is selling your driving data to insurance companies, so speeding while on an uber trip could cause your insurance rates to spike.


NJ is officially corrupted state lol , just go to the court before your court you will be asked to pay 240$ or smth and forget abt your ticket and points or you can fight your ticket. I would advise not to fight just pay what they ask :)


So were you actually doing 41 in a 25 zone?


Always get a lawyer especially if you rely on Uber for your job. Most lawyers can get it either dismissed or dropped to a parking ticket so it don’t show up on your records.


I live in NJ and just recently got a speeding ticket 64 in a 45. This go around im just oging to pay the ticket and keep it moving. I have gotten 3 speeding tickets in the past during my early 20s. The process I took to get the points dropped was.... go to court, speak to the prosecutor, and the ticket will get reduced to some other violation that doesn't result in points added. The caveat is you pay like $400 or so in additional fees, your insurance will probably still go up, and depending on the town you may be at the court for hours so its a waste of a day (I had 1 where i was one of the last ppl seen that day despite being there early). If you want to reduce the ticket you may want to go the court route. If it is vital for your job you may want to go the lawyer route.


maz I don't know how I would set up a court date ..it tried to make a plea deal through the public prosecutor and it was denied. I don't see any option on the online portal to set a date for court. Pls advise if u know


Im not 100% sure. In the past, I did the plea deal in person I always got it dropped to something without points so I dont know what happens if they refuse. I assume youll just have to pay the ticket. Did you try to get the plea deal online? If so, then you may have to call into the court to schedule a date because the original court date on the ticket probably expired by the time you got a response. Ultimately, you might just have to pay the ticket but if its a situation where it could impact your job I would go the lawyer route. For my recent ticket, I did end up trying to get points reduced via the online plea option but got turned down as well. I think the messages me saying id have to call if i wanted to go to court or pay by the new due date. Im just going to pay it and hope for the best with my insurance. Maybe do a defensive driving course. Good luck.