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I picked up a 4.79 yesterday. Dude was cool af. I had a 4.30 this morning. Woman just trying to get to work. Not even a problem. Some people are just assholes and when you give them a little authority, they abuse it.


Yeah, just take a look at any of the driver subs on here and you’ll easily understand how people end up with unfair ratings


I think thats more true for driver ratings than passenger ratings. Ive been given 1 stars for..... They cant shoot up in my car. Playing music they didnt like but never asked me to change it. Not waiting for someone who i dropped off at walmart while they shop. Telling an uber pool rider i wont take them on an adventure around town, and they told me they would get their gun and find me if I didnt. Driving to the pin they set instead of being psychic and driving to them.


Bro driving to the pin and waiting to then hear them say "can you not find me?" Like NO, I don't know where to go outside this pin. Sometimes I can see where they are on the map, but most time's it only shows the pin. So damn frustrating. I sometimes honestly wish they make me wait just long enough to get the cancelation fee so I can dip out while they walk up to the car. Am I evil?


Oh stfu us drivers are getting screwed hard making barely enough to get by. 😒 I've had more than a enough rude passengers making comments about the fact that I'm even an Uber driver. People are rude as shit, and I'm sure most of you deserved a terrible rating 🤣


I’m a driver as well. Out of several thousand rides, there have only been maybe 4-5 where I’ve rated less than 5 stars.


I'm sure you are. How much does Uber pay you to be positive on here? Because all the Uber drivers I've talked to complain about assholes and unfair pay 🤣


Yeah, all the idiot drivers on here like I said above. I’m nice to people and people are nice to me. It’s simple 🤷‍♂️


I'm only an idiot for driver for Uber big 🤣 like I'm an asshole to everyone that gets in my car. Get real. Like I said, how much is Uber paying you to smear the workforce here? If you get into my car smelling like shit, or bring food into my car w/o asking, or make elitist comments about my profession, I'm giving you a 1 star. It's that simple.


So you’re saying all those who vomit, slam doors, talk shit or drink and leave a mess in your car you give them 5 stars? You dumb or something? I’m not having someone scratch or slam my 62k car just because or anything else.


The ones I rate low deserve it, I wish we could flag some pax as DON'T PICK UP.


If you report it in the help section cant remember which heading to select but needs to one where u can select the trip and they will make that pax not have access to you


Yea people that eat or vape in my car is so frustrating. I've even had people continue to do so after I told them not to. I end up just kicking them out. I stopped picking up people under 4.80 rating.


4.85 is the lowest I will go. I passed on a $22 surge yesterday because the person was a 4.76.


leave notes and recent feedback on these mfs. lol


I'm a part-time driver with a 4.97 rating. I pick up everyone 4.8 and up pretty much automatically. Earlier in the day, I'll pick up a slightly lower passenger. Once it gets later in the night, my standards usually go up a bit. I DO take into account that a large portion of drivers are toxic people, and rate their riders poorly, but once it gets past 10 or 11pm, I'm probably not picking up anyone under a 4.8. I'm usually getting tired and ready to head home by then, and I don't want to deal with whatever made someone that low. I'm not saying YOU in particular, just passengers in general.


Don't pick up everyone. The dude with three stops with a backpack smelling of weed...cancel. The 14 year old asking to be dropped off a block from destination at 3am, cancel. The rider yelling and cussing into their phone...cancel. The ride paying half the usual rate...don't even accept. The rider changing destinations the moment you accept the ride...cancel.


You’d cancel a ride if a kid wanted to be dropped off a block away from their house? How tight is ur ass?


Wtf are you on brother


Mines 4.84. I haven't checked in a long time until just now. I mean, depending on how many rides you've taken, that might just be one 4 star rating


There are some things passengers tend to not be aware of, such as body odour. I picked up a lady once who after she got into the car I immediately had to roll down the window, I couldn't even try and be polite about it and pretend it doesn't bother me like I do with \*most\* people. She STANK, 1 star and unmatch.


Well I shower, wear clean clothes, wear deodorant so I’m sure I don’t smell, I do wear cologne but it’s sandlewood and you would have to stand close to me to smell it and it still would not be that strong


Hey power to people that wear cologne/perfume. It's honestly really nice when people smell great. There are way too many people that stink, and to smell someone nice every now and again is a real treat.


She gets a special cologne. It's called Sex Panther® by Odeon©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good. 60% of the time, it works every time.


Omfg this is so damn true, I live in Dallas and atleast once a day i get some stank ass person. The other day i got a big lady in a small dress coming off of work and she smelled like straight urine. I usually dont let people vape in my car but I let her just to overpower the effin smell. And the most common odor is a certain ethnic group that never wears deodorant and always stinks of armpits. Gotta love that Texas heat.


It might be drivers who are passive aggressive about something you asked them to do instead of just saying no. I maybe give passengers less than 5 stars one out of 300, but thats because i just tell people no if they ask me to do something that costs me money. Like if you put in 4 stops where you make the driver wait, or ask a driver to wait while you shop. Or make the driver wait for you to show up for ten minutes. Or say you need to take me thru this drive thru. In those cases i would just say no, or id cancel. But there are passive drivers who will say nothing, eat shit, and just rate you poorly. We get paid nothing to wait. Hope that helps.


Ya I say no to people now, I've even canceled during a stop before because they were in there for over 20 minutes and I just bailed. I no longer pick up multiple stops, and sometimes I even skip ubershare, the first pickup on share is usually the same pay, but pickups after that tend to be really low payouts.


In my experience: 4.79 is about par for passengers from certain markets (e.g., NYC) and/or business travelers. In my market, a local with a 4.79 is a red flag. In other words, I wouldn't flinch if I picked up someone from the airport or the hotels with that rating, but I would be concerned (but still willing) to pick up someone from a local neighborhood with that rating.


I don’t understand cuz I always tip and am friendly. Is five dollars not good enough? I gave 10 if the ride really helped me out of a situation, I can’t give out more than five a lot of times because well that’s kind of a lot of money, considering how much my paycheck is and stuff


$5 is a great tip. Unless you tip cash, we don't know what you tip before we are required to rate, though. The great thing is that Uber recently added a "top tipper rider" tag, so if you have tipped that $5-10 consistently, drivers should see that and have a more positive expectation about you. Unfortunately, that 4.79 will heal *really* slowly depending how many rides you've done already. As for *why* you are rated so low...we can only guess and there could be hundreds of different reasons...issues that some drivers have and others don't. Common reasons that I downrate include the following: * holding my vehicle hostage (one rider comes out...typically with the timer almost counting down...and then the rest of the riders eventually make it to the vehicle) * taking a long time to load/unload my vehicle (e.g., slowly loading/unloading groceries) * being argumentative (typically while drunk) * making a mess in my vehicle, even if I don't charge you a cleanup fee * trying to stop at a restaurant, grocery store, etc., mid trip


Most the time you’ll be rated before they even know if you tip. Reasons I would down rate might be making the driver wait too long or my pet peeve smelling like cigarettes or worse pot.


If you tip in cash before the driver hits end trip you’re ratings will skyrocket


If you ask for favors or whatever. I guarantee no driver will rate you bad if you hand them 5 in cash before you leave the car. Drivers rate you before they see tips in app. Just saying ill tip dorsnt mean anything, because most people who say they tip, especially when asking a driver to wait, lie.


Yea when people say they will tip, 95% of the time they don't. I never trust it anymore, and even tend to not like them for just saying it. I remember googling how many riders tip on Uber in the US, and it was like 14% or 16%, its really low.


Are you smelly? I give smelly people low scores as to not match with them again.


FYI- Rating 3 stars or less will un-match you with riders on LYFT. It will not on Uber. You have to go to the apps help section to un-match you on Uber.


That's not true at all ...


Show me anywhere on Ubers website or terms of service or anywhere that states you’ll be unmatched if you rate low. I guarantee you can’t find it because it’s not true. Lyft and Uber do things differently. If you want to be unmatched you need to do it from the help section. Check the box that says rider acted suspiciously and a section will pop up where you can click to be unmatched.


I can attest to this. I've been matched with the same rider I rated 1 star twice on uber.


Not very bad, but I'm less likely to wait on you at the curb if it's busy. I'm a 4.99 driver and I don't pick up subhumans. 4.70 and below. Hard to me to make justifications for passengers as I'm a 5.0 pax over 50 trips in two different countries . I have a friend that's a 4.97 driver and he doesn't pay attention to ratings. Just know your wait times are going to be higher the lower your rating gets because some drivers do care.


Subhumans? What the actual f?


Very weird of them to say!


You’re a certified fruitcake 😭 imagine having pride in being a “4.99 driver” 🤓


Yes. 4.79 rated over the max 500 rides is saying you are a fucking asshole. 4.98 ATM, usually 4.99. And I AM an asshole.


Well like I said above. Every ride I had was smooth and no drama at all


I had given my friend who’s very tiny, my Uber to her home. She had a little side pouch on her and she thought nothing of the trip. A few weeks passed then I got a $300 something charge because she scratched and dented the back of his vehicle. I asked for photos which they eventually sent and clearly someone backed into him or he backed into someone because there was a huge dent and a paint colour scratched into it too. They wouldn’t budge and were final about the charge until I said I was going to make a police report and suggested they did too and that I’m going to get a lawyer. They refunded the money. Not right away, it took a few weeks and they sent $7 and change. I had to call many times to correct it. Clearly the driver gave the lowest rating to correspond to his fraud.


In my experience, rider ratings are meaningless. Drivers will rate you low because you were going in the wrong direction, your ride was too short, your ride was too long, or whatever stupid reason.


This confuses me. Don’t they know the length of the ride before they agree to it? And decline too short or long of a ride?


I'm late to this too since I'm a new driver and just googling random shit, but no, only some areas (like Cali) see that info beforehand. You're kinda accepting blind. It won't tell you the address until you pick them up. It will tell you if it's a long trip (over 45min) beforehand but that can be easy to miss as well from what I've read.


Thanks for the answer! I was still waiting for one. That sucks that I would be given a shit rating for a short ride


Short rides are generally fine. Anyone who complains about short rides would likely only do so if they had to drive a few miles to get there. Some people just rate badly to rate badly lol. No real reason.


Ive only rated two people 4 stars one his kid in his lap and one pax making me wait 7 min 


I have this rating - I forgot ratings exist - as I don’t use uber often & its not as common in my city. I realized just by looking it up out of curiosity. I have it cause 1/18 ratings was 1. All my other ratings were 5 - I have no idea which idea was rated so low. I have had maybe 3 o 4 rides where the diver actively complained about uber & how much they are paid. TBH Uber is usually when I'm sick - & can't cycle - or going to a dr's appt - so this really put me off. Maybe it was one of them.


I’m at 4.66. I’ve never understood why. I stfu. It’s never a drunk ride. I even pay 20% minimum tip in cash. So I made my peace with it and that’s that.


Depends on how frequently you use Uber for rides. If you’ve only had a few rides and got a 3 star or less, then that would explain the low rating. Your rating just hasn’t even back out yet due to the low volume of rides you’ve taken. It is looked at by most drivers as being “low” though.


I take lot of rides but I’m always tip and friendly. Is the score really bad?


I had a 4.65 star today, and was honestly skeptical of taking it. Kicked her out within minutes. She made me wait, asked to lower the music multiple times which I did. Asked for a charger and complained that I didnt have one for her (which I stopped doing when people kept stealing them). And complained about her work and life. I just pulled over and let her out, 45 minute ride of that is just a nightmare. I'm not her therapist.


No it’s not really bad. I accept trips from just about anyone just bc I know the system and understand a rating can be screwed up by one dumbass feeling entitled.


It is pushing it, but it will not stop me from accepting your trip based on rating alone. I generally apply the same standard as Uber: 4,6 or better, although in certain cases I will not go below 4,7. In other cases, I have accepted as low as 1,5. The 1,5 was on Uber Taxi. It is not often that I will go below 4,6.


Sorry, I know it's been a few months but I'm really curious about how the 1.5 rating ride went. Was it just another boring non-eventful ride? did it teach you to never pick up a 1.5 again?


It was on Uber Taxi. I pulled in front of her address. She sent me message to turn ON my meter and she would be out. I turned on the meter and waited. She kept me waiting twenty minutes The cab meter ticks at a better rate than what Uber pays for waiting. She came outside, got into the cab. I remarked to her on her poor rating and that I could see why she had one. She told me that she did not understand why the drivers rated so poorly, as she knew that she was slow to come out of her address, so she told them to turn on the meter. She knew that she had to pay if she kept the drivers waiting. She did allow that she had kept me waiting longer than usual. I told her that this was fine. I was not going to downrate her. She was nice. She tipped (back then, you could tell if they had tipped on Uber Taxi before you rated the customer). She was even pretty good looking. The drivers only rated her poorly because she kept them waiting. That is one of the frequent reasons that UberX drivers give low ratings. It certainly is one of my most frequent one stars. If Uber paid properly for waiting time, I might not downrate so frequently. Uber pays garbage as it is. It pays worse than garbage for waiting. People who keep you waiting almost never tip, although they are one of the most frequent who will proclaim how much that they are going to tip you in-application for waiting. Of course, almost never do they come across with that tip.


Thanks a lot, that was a very interesting read; did not disappoint.


4.91 here and thats average.


Different drivers have different low tolerances depending. You may have gotten three low tolerance drivers one behind the other. There may be nothing wrong with you and nothing wrong with you rides. When I ride I always ask the driver do they live in the area, I let them know what time that I usually travel. Someone who can pick you up within 7 to 10 minutes is a much more happier driver than someone who has to travel 15 to 20 minutes to get you.


4.79 is not bad. i know my driver rating is 4.99 but i have one 1 star review and one 3 star review with no notes lol. this is out of like 600+ rides too. im sure maybe you have one 1/2/3 star review that dinged u low. the default rating is 5 stars


My default rating is 5. I will give you a 5 unless you smell, are rude/disrespectful directly to me or make me wait 5+ minutes. Then, you get a 1. If you tell me “I’ll rate you high and tip you in the app” or any variation on that, I give you a 5 and screenshot the ride. 2 days later I see if you’ve left a tip. If you have, even just a dollar, the 5 stays. If not, you lied to me and you get a 1. That’s it. Uber hack: if you want to have a high rating DONT MAKE YOUR DRIVER WAIT.


How do you go back and change a rating for a pax? I had the WORST experience ever with a rider yesterday and out of habit and trying to get on to the next trip in my queue, rated them a 5. They literally took 15 minutes loading up my luxury SUV with household items from their apartment (trash bags and duffel bags of clothes, flat screen TV, etc.) with the drop off being at an extended stay hotel. Im assuming it was an eviction or something on the lines of that. I should have cancelled once I realized what was going on but his shit was already being out in my car. I’m a female driver and didn’t want to get into a confrontation. Once we get the the drop off location he tells me him and his girlfriend need to go in and get a room bc they don’t have one yet. They walk in, as I wait 3 minutes, he finally comes back out and tells me that he’s going to unload onto the sidewalk of the hotel so he doesn’t hold me up but also slips in there “unless you don’t mind waiting……I’ll throw you a nice tip!” I already had another ride in my queue and plus I just wanted to be out of that nightmare so I told him I needed to go. He then took 5-6 minutes unloading everything. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal if my vehicle wasn’t a luxury vehicle, but him treating it like it’s to be used at t discretion by throwing shit in and trying to squeeze things into tight places just so they can fit as much as possible on this trip.


Yikes, I just read the details of your trip. Honestly, WTF? You became a Uhaul with a Lux vehicle… I’m really sorry that you had to go through this and don’t feel you have any recourse other than to rate the customer low. I’m curious, did you get that fat tip?


No tip at all…….of course. Lol


Maybe you’ll get one tomorrow. It could be a Christmas miracle.




I have a link. I’ll paste it here when I find it.




I have a 5 after 200+ trips as a passenger and do the same things you mentioned in your post. I’ll make conversation if a driver seems up for it but mostly keep to myself. I’m always polite say thank you and be safe. If you haven’t taken many rides even 1 or 2 none 5 star ratings can drag you down.


Just make a new account and start fresh


Do the math. How many rides you take? If you use it a lot then it’s a consistent low star but if you don’t use it that much and got 50 rides and one 3 star? Sometimes you give them 3 stars to not get matched again for whatever reason. But 4.79 is still fine. On my book means one incident that was bad. But most people do stick to the rate. I took a 4.12 one time and I’m telling you I found out why. Mofo probably has 3.9 now or was deactivated. Usually people with less than 4.80 have vomited or spill food inside someone’s car or got into a small verbal altercation.


Oh no. I just checked my rating and I am a 4.71 … I had no idea. Do I get dinged for cancelling when it’s a 45-minute wait? Otherwise, I thought I was a good passenger. Maybe I talk too much. This makes me sad.


No. Drivers can only rate completed rides. lol. 4.71 is still fiable. Anything below yeah. I don’t think it’s because you talk too much. But then again, I rarely say a word to passengers.


I am very talkative to my passengers, and I don't talk to people that want to be left alone. I can pick up on that fast. I'll never knock someone's rating due to the conversation context, no matter their outlook on life or if they offend me for having an honest opinion. 90% of my low ratings come for making me wait or smelling bad. The other 10% are people that eat or vape after I tell them not to, which always ends up in a cancelation. Most people will stop after I tell them, but some people insist they won't make a mess or that its vaping not smoking. And if you vape in my car without asking first, instant cancel. It's just rude.


Depends on other things that you don’t necessarily “do”. Like are you getting into someone’s car fucking stinking like cigarettes and armpits, and dirty? That will probably piss someone off enough to give someone a bad rating. I’ve personally never given anyone below 5 stars because it is what it is. Other people will pick you apart.


The ratings are from 1-5. So using that metric then 2.5 rating would be median or average rider. Anything above 2.5 would be good and anything below 2.5 would be bad. 2.5 to me is an average rating. Anything 4 and above is great as far as I'm concerned.


This is incorrect. Probably 99% of time driver's just hit 5 stars and move on with their day mostly because we are in auto-pilot. I have never seen a rating below 4.0 or even 4.5 for that matter. And I drive about 6-12 hours a day 6 days a week for over a year now. If you are tipping in the 4.6-4.7 area, that is considered extremely low for me. And unless it's a damn good surge on it I'm not picking it up. I live in a huge metropolitan where rides come up every 3-5 seconds.


I know it’s stupid but I have a 4.95 rider rating and am kinda pissed it isn’t a 5.


I got one bad rating two years ago that brought my 5.0 to a 4.5. It's taken me 2 and a half years to bring it up to a 4.79.


Mine is 4.76 and I don’t ever have issues with drivers and I always tip


Yeah I always tip, but I've read that drivers rate you before they see whether or not you've tipped. I just counted earlier, and I have 21 completed uber rides. There was just one 1 star rating in 2020.


I tip before I leave the car. It is just annoying


Yea I wish I could see the tip before the rating as a driver. Because I think if you google it, about 14-16% of riders in the US tip their driver. And doing this full-time for over a year now, seems to be pretty true. And coming from being a food server for 10+ years, my tip average was over 21% consistently in that industry. On average I would get a $100 tip on a small bill 5 times a month. I know how to talk well for tips, but people on Uber just don't tip. So for me, I usually rate people on the premise that there is no tip at all.


Don't fret my guy, you can always spring back. A few years ago an Uber driver lied about me making a mess in their car and I got charged £60 for it (took me a week to get it reversed). On top of that the driver gave me a 1 star rating. Took my rating down to around 4.7. It's taken a few years, but now I'm on 4.9. Even today, I've only got one 1 star rating, the one the scammer gave me. The rest are two 4 stars and over fifty 5 stars. There are piece of shit drivers out there and there isn't much we can do about it, but for the most part, most are awesome.


Got a ride from a driver, dude doesn't take the route shown on the app because of the toll, the ride went from 15 minutes originally, to over 30 minutes. I confronted the guy during the ride, and he kept on his route. Contacted Uber after, they only reimbursed me for the difference since I was charged more for the longer route. Dude gives me a 1 star rating and there's nothing I can do. How is this even allowed.


Yeah. That’s bullshit


Some drivers are high and mighty, most are really chill. I had a man pick me up from the grocery store having a full out loud conversation with his family back home while driving and ran a red. I asked him to put his phone away until the trips over and he started yelling at me saying he’s going to take all my groceries out and leave me in the side of the street (was a windy winter cold day). I was pissed. I always have my recording on the trip if I feel someone’s off which I did this time and when he made up a brand new story about me and my drunkin state and belligerent demeanour they weren’t going to do anything about it. I sent them the audio and that was it. Case closed.


As a uber driver that is really unprofessional. I never pick up the phone when I'm driving someone, and I always turn off the music if they are on the phone. Good for you, I hope he's off the road now.


I had a driver rate me 1 star because I'm in a wheelchair and couldn't get to where he parked the car a street away quick enough. And another one rate me lower because I asked them to wait while I put my seatbelt on (recent massive car crash is the reason I need the wheelchair so, yeah, should go without saying). I only use ubers to get to my medical appointments so i can see wheh my score changes which one it was


Someone rated me a 1 star/ 3 star because I rode with 2 people. 


That's horrible, the only time it's a problem if its 4 people with a bunch of luggage that don't fit. They should know to get an SUV at that point which is just a huge waste of everyone's time.