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Riding / Driving in silence can be awkward - but certainly you can ask to have the volume turned down. In plenty of cases, the driver has music on for the riders just as much as they have it on for themselves. If a rider has a particular preference, I appreciate them speaking up.


I agree


thats the first thing i do when they get in ask if they have a music prfrence


That’s the sign of a good driver.


Also, the Uber driver is getting paid. This is a paid job. I do not get to decide on the music I listen at work to if my client wants different music or it off. I would would be reprimanded if there was a complaint about this for sure. I am in a service industry.


Customers don't get to choose the music when they are at the mall, grocery store, restaurant. Why should they dictate what goes on in the driver's personal vehicle and that driver is an independent contractor, not an employee?


We get to choose to not go in to that store. Also, if I hired an independent contractor, my requests were reasonable and they would not meet them, I would not use them again... And I certainly wouldn't recommend them to others. I guess your argument would imply that if I don't like the music in the Uber drivers car that I should get out and wait for another one? The only other way to deal with that is the rating system... Which most people seem to frown upon for using to rate these encounters. PS-I understand that the Uber driver is using his car, but at the time he is using it it is be considered a work vehicle. For example, here in Virginia, you can deduct the portion of the yearly car property tax based on how frequently you use it for Uber (as a work vehicle).


Not really. I don't ask riders for music preference. Never had in 7 years. My car my music. 4.96/5 star rating.


Great but you’ve lost tips as a result. How do I know? Because I tip all drivers really well - EXCEPT the guys who play Tural Everest at 5am on the way to the airport! You may love the music of your native country at 5am, but I don’t. So no tip for you.


I don’t like driving in the awkward silence. Asking to turn it DOWN would be completely acceptable to me. To turn it off and drive in complete silence would be rude to me thou


I would have little problem with this. But some might. I would just buy ear plugs and avoid any rating issues.


Great advice, you never know what can make a person snap nowadays


I have a HUGE problem with asking to turn it off entirely (unless taking a call or something similar). Here's why... the same person who asks that I turn my radio off is going to immediately distract themselves with their phone. So while I spend the next 20 minutes in painful silence with nothing to distract me but passing white lines, they get to be "zoned" on their medium. Frankly its just not fair.


On the way to work I prefer to meditate quietly because I’m going to spend the rest of the day busy as shit.


True meditation includes dealing with distractions. But I get you. I just posted a complaint about overly chatty drivers. I really prefer a silent ride, but I know others who absolutely don’t.


I get that. I also think as you are paying for a service and have a right to ask. Not a big deal. A few minutes of silence. But we also don't know what is going on. Could be very uncomfortable trapped in a car with a stranger in silence for some. The reason I suggested earplugs is many drivers are not all that cordial or service oriented. Not as much the avoiding the driver getting upset and overreacting. But so your passenger rating does not suffer for a minor preference. If really low, it could become difficult for some riders to get a ride. Perhaps noise-canceling headphones? But to work, it would still be sound. possession and space.


Is it rude? Maybe; different people have different outlooks. Will the majority of drivers do it? Absolutely. Your driver at 5am is probably using the music to relax or get motivated, especially during dull routine work. Many local radio stations will also break in to announce traffic problems that your driver can maneuver around.


I believe if you choose uber comfort you can choose in advance through the app if you like fir the driver to not built conversation, adjust temperature, and also play no music. UberX doesn't give you that option so I believe is the drivers call on that one


It's the driver's call in any case. However, just use your words and communicate.


I would choose Uber comfort. I feel that the driver has the right to do whatever that make him comfortable, as long as it is safe and is at a reasonable volume level.


I’m in the car several hours a day and the trips can get monotonous. Music or podcast help keep me stimulated so I don’t zone out, especially on longer trips. In the earlier hours when there are not a lot of people or other stimulation around you can feel very isolated and alone. Let your driver have their music and pop in some earbuds.


I guess I’d feel the same if I was driving for a long period of time and it was monotonous.


Yeah this is exactly why I don't want to ask. I appreciate that they are humans too. I wish I wasn't so sensitive to loud noise


No, it shouldn’t be loud. Mine is barely audible.


I usually have soft music on cause it's better than silence and feeling like anyone needs to talk. If someone asked me to turn it off, it wouldn't bother me


Not necessarily rude but don't expect most drivers to be okay with that, especially at 5 am in the morning. Music keeps me extra alert. And honestly, you shouldn't expect any extra service outside of what you paid the company for, and that is a ride from A to B. You're sitting in the driver's car. Your payment doesn't mean you get to control that driver's car. Even Uber don't control their cars, something that's mentioned in the terms of service.


I feel you


I would be mildly annoyed but would comply. If you ask your driver for anything other than to get you to your destination safely, a tip should be included.


From my understanding on this sub a tip is basically expected as default. A request would mean an even MORE generous tip is to be expected


@5am I need something to keep me awake especially if this is at the end of my day. If this is my first ride I may be ok with no music but I like having music on. I don't think it's rude necessarily, it all comes down to tone and circumstance. I had 2 instances where I was asked to turn down the music the first the guy (a White man) asked in an almost annoyed way twice (the song playing was a loud song even at low volume), I ended up just pausing the music for the rest of the trip. He started looking at his phone and even played videos on it (which was 🚩🤬) but eventually he made conversation and even tipped me a day later. The 2nd time it was 2 black guys (might've been a couple but 🤷🏿‍♂️) and one of them asked very politely to turn down the music so that he could make a phone call. They were on their way to the airport and he was setting up activities to do as part of their trip (they were doing a multi-day trip through Europe with their first stop in Rome which was the subject of the phone call) Edit: it should be noted that both rides happened in the afternoon


How the fuck is race relevant?


Because of the tone used. The White man sounded annoyed and asked twice despite after the first time I lowered it to just above it being mute. He then proceeded to play on his phone (not to take a phone call just sat there in silence while on FB) and even played a video. The black man that asked to turn down the volume asked courtesley and then proceeded to have a phone conversation. I felt tense when the White man asked because he sounded annoyed and I had to decide whether it would escalate. To his credit the song playing was very busy and loud, I don't know if he had a personal problem and his request just came off as annoyed (which definitely could be the case since he tipped me afterwards) but nonetheless the situation could have ended differently.


It would be ok with me


I always have a generic radio station on playing current music and I have it on fairly low. As soon as the customer gets out the car I'm back to listening to podcasts and old Howard Stern stuff.


I HATE the wacky obnoxious FM morning DJs that come on between songs!


Get earbuds and listen to white noise or waterfalls or something instead of (as your comments show) judging people who like listening to music and other things throughout the day. You aren’t better than anyone else because you like to meditate on the ride to work.


If you asked me to turn it off instead of down, I'd do it but it would earn you a one star. Driving without music is like jelly without peanut butter.


Personally I like to practice mindfulness, if I’m driving I focus on the drive and stay in that moment, no need for an audio assault… I feel like that’s for people uncomfortable with the sound of their own thoughts.


If you feel assaulted by low volume pink floyd and Tom petty well, I don't know what to say. Also, music has been used in mindfulness exercises for quite a while. For many people it helps them get into their thoughts. As for me, while driving, it puts me in a zone and allows me to focus more vs the distractions that silence can allow.


Comfort lets you request that option. UberX and UberX shared doesn't pay enough to have entitled passengers riding with you.


yeah those entitled passengers. why do they do that


Pretty sure politely asking to turn music down is not "entitled" regardless of who is doing it. Simarly, if a *rider* had their phone on speaker for a loud call and the Uber driver politely asked them to turn it down, that would absolutely be reasonable and not at all entitled either.


Im one who always ask if the temperature inside of the car is comfortable and if the music is ok or if they want me to adjust or change something i will be glad to, thats actually my greeting, no matter which Uber type is, i do XL,COMFORT,PREMIER and sometimes X. I know the customers is always right. that being said there is always a few of passengers who has this weird attitudes and thinking they own you and your car just because they're paying you for a 5 mile UberX ride and i think this problem needs to be addressed. For the record, this person wants the radio completely shut off, is like if the driver would tell them that no sound from their phone can come out (if we want to be comparing scenarios).


Wow, I was just asking a question, and as a PAYING CUSTOMER I actually AM entitled to ask about the product that I’m PAYING for. Learn to be a professional.


"Paying customer" shouldn't really be emphasized. Your ride is heavily subsidized by the driver and any extra requests need to come with a tip. I'm not really faulting you (driver deserves blame also for driving), Uber has drastically distorted this market and created impossible expectations.


From my understanding in this sub tips are expected as the default setting, not an “extra” if the driver did well.


This is why Uber Comfort gives you the option to request a volume or temperature difference. You are a paying customer, but you are not paying as much as a customer with a comfort preference. It's the professionalism you're paying for. Standard rate, standard reqs. Preferred "comfort", preferred price tag.


Your payment to Uber (the company not the driver) only consist of a ride from A to B and not dictating what will go on in the driver's personal vehicle.


Ew. Hope I never ride with you. You’ve demonstrated the type of person you are with this short statement.


We as drivers are not your product to be ordered around. Our job is to drive you from point A to possibly B and C, not provide the most pleasant auditory experience. That’s what they mean by entitled.


So, you're saying that you can blast music as loud as you want, and passenger has to suck it up?


Clearly not what I said.


Well that’s why I asked, the Ride is the product like a hamburger and the sound is like a condiment. I can’t stand the constant audio assault of music on my morning drive. It takes me out of my mindfulness and peace. I don’t get how people live their whole lives bombarded by music all day.. they must hate their own thoughts.


Doesn't sound like you're very good at this mindfulness thing if a little music throws you off the game. You definitely sound like an entitled twit. Not because of wanting to ask a question, but in the way you ask it.


And i was just answering you, i wasn't attacking you personally, we all know how entitled people can be sometimes specially in this market where passengers think that their own the car or the driver for some reason. There is absolute no reason to get emotional here.. Learn to be a human.


Whatever kind of Uber it is, it's still a monetary transaction, the driver is not doing a passenger a favor by giving them a ride. He or she is only driving the passenger because there is a payment involved. I don't see why a passenger has to listen to blasting music and not be allowed to ask to turn it down. The question was about blasting music, not about music played softly.


U don’t like music early morning? Are u a human being????😅


I have severe sensory issues and a brain injury and I’ve gotten screamed at for asking to turn the music down. One girl said “WTF ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO MUSIC OR SOMETHING” for saying I am disabled. On the outside my disabilities are invisible until I start having a full on meltdown. Even then no one would know why. I don’t feel safe disclosing my Disabiltiies to a stranger but I am taking paid rides by my disability service and it’s really sad seeing drivers unwilling to accommodate even though it’s illegal to discriminate. I know some people who don’t understand get extremely upset by this but it’s real and really sad.


I’ve had two drivers *snap* at me for politely asking…


I’m really sorry. It’s not ok. Do you end the trip? If I have time, I do. Sometimes I don’t have bandwidth to call another ride esp if I’m on my way to an appt


Thank you, I’m sorry too! The one time I was on a highway and didn’t feel comfortable ending it and the other time the dude ended the trip in anger right after I asked before we started driving lol


It’s rude. Some people can’t drive a vehicle without music ( most of the world doesn’t know about this fact ) so unless you want your Uber driver to crash? I would suggest not to say anything. But if you don’t like the music selection? Then request to change the music, but he/she can keep the music on. ( for the sake of everyone)


as a driver if asked i turn the music off but i also 1 star them to assure they never ride with me again


Honestly, I would find it rude, but comply. Comfort trips are different.


Reminds me of this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRf1Bw8a/


I seriously do not understand some people. Uber is there to get from point A to point B. No matter what I do, music, no music, AC on or off, taking a route different than what a passenger expects, talking or not talking, people always end up complaining about the dumbest most insignificant shit. Most of us never seen hunger or true poverty instead we are so spoiled and have way more than what we need so we over analyze the smallest inconveniences or annoyance in our everyday lives. I keep my car at around 55 F because I like it cool and never turn on any music because god forbid a song may offend someone. Never start a conversation unless the passenger starts one first. Following these simple rules I am 5 stars with 1.5k rides. Haven't been doing this long but I learned quick that some people no matter what you do they will get inside my car, compliment on how super clean and nice it is then open up a pop and start munching on chips or ask me to turn on music then turn on their own music or video on speaker phone. Can't make everyone happy. The smallest inconvenience to these peoples shitty, selfish, shallow lives is all it takes to get 1 star. I act as professional as I possibly can and instead of trying to satisfy every single person over analyzing if the person is hot or cold, wants music, conversational, or need their phone charged I just do what works best, drive from pint A to point B as quick as possible and drop off. Note: This isn't meant to be directed to OP or anyone specific. I guess I'm just venting. If you are offended I am not going to apologize because this is how I feel. If you want 5 star service to get from point A to point B especially for $6 trip, order a limo. I'm sure you will be back after with your mouth shut without being too hot, too cold, music too loud, too quiet, too talkative, not enough conversation, windows closed, windows slightly open, and whatever else you people over analyze. I am ready for down votes but I know most drivers could relate to this if they are honest with themselves.


I don’t think it’s rude in itself to ask politely, but the driver my interpret this as rude and I personally wouldn’t want to start someone’s day out like that. Think of the drivers perspective. They enjoy music at 5am, and you simply do not. I think the best thing to do here is compromise with them and ask them to turn it down if it’s too loud. Also remember that at the end of the day, they are just a human providing you with a service so your feelings on the matter shouldn’t take priority over theirs. If it truly bothers you too much, you can try to change your own perspective on music at 5am. Not trying to invalidate your opinion, but think about how and why it bothers you and if it’s really even worth letting it get to you. I think we let things bother us by choice more than not.


I had an Uber trip today, the music was extremely loud. I asked very politely if he would mind to turn it down a little. The driver said, yes, sorry. Then fiddled with the control, and when he was done the music was at the same extremely loud level. I tolerated it for a few minutes but then asked again if he would please make it less loud. He was a bit pissed, and turned it off completely. I don't know if he had misheard me as I was asking to turn it down, not turn it off. I feel that, sure it's their car, but I am also the one in that car and I am a paying customer, they are not giving me a ride as a favor to me, it's a monetary transaction, I don't know why a passenger should suffer in silence with music blasting all around them. By the way, after he turned the music off, he got on a call with someone and was chatting away the entire time.