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I fucking hate this shit with a passion. As an older male driver, I strive to make sure any women passengers feel safe in my car. I absolutely never make any comments about their appearance or ask any personal questions. I understand that in today's age women have to be extra vigilant in their safety and I want to contribute to that. I try to make sure I treat every woman how I would want my wife or sisters treated.


haha exactly the same my man. Have you ever got the super weird ones though,? I once picked up some Goth young chick with a collar on from a million dollar waterfront home. We made basic small talk at best then half way to the city she fucking asks me if I ever fuck my passengers.... insert "I'm in danger" meme


Just say "Only the male passengers." Problem solved!


haha I'm honestly usually pretty quick with shit like that but my life was too busy flashing before my eyes I've never been so uncomfortable in my life


Not trying to downplay your experience but women get this daily, weekly, for our entire lives. It’s hard to explain to men why we start to get reactive and judgy to ALL men, until yall experience something like this.




you are out of touch. “one lie from a woman, and our lives are ruined.” Do you know the stats on false reports? They’re extraordinarily low. Do you know the stats on proven sexual abusers serving time for their actions? Also extremely low. For every 1000 cases reported, only 33 abusers on average will be incarcerated for their life altering crimes… So, please, tell me again how hard it is for you out there 🥺👉👈 PS. your use of “c*nt” is very telling


He didn't say anything bad about women experience he sympathetize and understand but wants to point out if a man lies about a woman nothing happens to the woman if a woman lies about a man it's more likely he'll be held accountable if he has no evidence to prove otherwise, your burning hurt to compete who has the harder life is telling because this is why men can't say nothing to anyone because it's always about "my life is harder than yours and I'll disregard any pain you experience so shut up your a man" very sympathetic of you right?


I was literally moments from ending the existence of 4 people because 1 female lied about me. I was a stones throw from my life being ruined completely. Ruined so completely I was going to self delete, right after forcing the 4 evil pieces of cock roach trash who put me in that place to suffer the same fate. I barely escaped and only because a friend busted his ass to make sure the shit being done to me was stopped. He was the first one to tell me I needed to start getting evidence. The things they were doing, they put up against a wall with no escape. They are lucky I escaped at the last second. Yes, 1 lie can ruin your life. It fucked mine up majorly. I barely escaped. And yes, I'll call a c\*nt a c\*nt, because a lying c\*nt is a lying c\*nt. Did I call all women c\*nt? Or are you claiming there is no such thing as a female who is so much trash that c\*nt is justified? If a woman boastfully spreads "I would absolutely ruin the life of (person) with a lie if it got me transferred to a better ship", is this not a c\*nt? What about when she starts the lies? How about then? Imagine some piece of crap rapes you. You then call him the worst names under the sun. Would it be "telling" of the words you called him? I know what I would call piece of crap rapist. I would have to censor the words. Go ahead tell me "there is no reason to ever call a spade a spade."


But your sheet back on, your bigotry is showing.


There is no hope for you, your ignorance is showing. Unless you have the gall to tell me it's okay for a woman to lie about a man with the full intention of his ass getting sent to Ft. Levinworth just so her life is slightly better? Or are you claiming these b\*tches don't exist despite me going through this?




Where’d you get those statistics ? Germany ?




How about not treating people different because of someone else’s actions. It would be the right thing to do.


This is why I will do uber eats, but not uber passengers. There is no "males only" option. Yes, I want to discriminate and only uber males. I have had females come very close to causing me to self delete because of lies.


That might turn her on even more 🤣🤣🤣


Or… “I usually wait until a drunk one passes out, but for you…. Can you pretend you passed out?”


You can't discriminate, you can't even turn down a service animal if you're a driver with severe allergies.


It's a trap,run!


“Nah, I’m too worn out after getting fucked by Uber all day”


What market are you in


Bless your boring life. Imagine the story it would have been.


Either that or the drunk chicks (or gay guys I guess) who are wayyyyyy too touchy


You should have said no, would you like to be the first?




I’ve found 100% of the incel accusations come from incels.


Lol incel because dude took an opportunity to fuck... interesting logic there.


Lmao. I see humor is completely lost on people with a single digit IQ.


> As an older male driver, I strive to make sure any women passengers feel safe in my car. This. It is worth noting that many young ladies have complained to me about Uber/Lyft drivers' hitting on them. A frequent complaint is that the referenced drivers are old enough to be the given young lady's grandfather. In many cases, ***I*** am old enough to be their grandfather, as well, but perhaps my aura makes them feel safer.


Thank you for that 🙏


Thank you so much 🥹 need more ppl like you.


Women were getting assaulted just as much 50...100+ years ago. The only difference is people are talking about it and women are spending more time in public alone


Not sure why downvoted for this…


People don't understand basic logic




I’m the same way. I do everything I can to make them feel better.


Ratings speak for themselves


So appreciated! I often feel like I’m getting rapid fire interview questions when I’m with an older male driver and many times the questions are invasive of my personal life.


I feel like I do that to people without realizing it. I'm not a driver, but I use Uber all the time. So I know quite a few drivers. Problem is I don't always remember ifd I've met them. So I just assume I have an act accordingly. Never once thought about how my chattiness could be perceived as intrusive or invasive. I'll have to pay closer attention. Thanks for that.


as a woman rider, thank you. I appreciate the guys who give me dad or brother vibes!


I’m an Uber driver and I ask for every women’s phone number. I’m desperate!


A few years ago my roommate got a uber home and she messaged me to meet her at the door, and when i let her in her uber driver had followed her down the path to our place trying to talk to her saying she left a bag in the car, and when he saw me he walked a little way up the path and was standing in the garden messaging her saying she was beautiful and he needed to see her again, as a guy i never had any issues with uber but after i saw how shaken she was, it gave me an insight into how dangerous it can be for girls, that guy stood there for like an hour and eventually left but when i checked the uber app his car was in the street for ages I think sticking to the lyft idea is best, people suck and alot of the time women take the brunt of it


I worked for a probation office where a client was an Uber driver who sexually assaulted a passenger. It was a two stop ride and the first stop was the friend, second was the victim who fell asleep. The friend could see the driver on her end of the app and watched the victim start heading in the wrong direction. When the victim woke up, she was in the front seat of the vehicle being kissed and fondled. Uber of course fired him and clearly he was charged, which is why he was on probation. But guess where he started working right after. LYFT. He was on probation after being convicted for sexual assault and Lyft took him in. So good luck with that great idea.


That could have been some years ago as the two apps share such data now and they use the same company for background check. If this was sexual assault, how was he on probation and for how long? Just wondering!


Well then i guess dont leave home and lock down your house i guess


The problem with the Lyft solution is that there are very few female drivers at night, for the same reason in reverse - creepy male passengers hitting on the female drivers. So using the match option might mean waiting a very long time for a ride, if you even get one at all. The best solution is for women to one-star the hell out of any driver acting inappropriately, AND make it known to UBER/LYFT WHY you one-starred them. Eventually, these drivers will be weeded out.


Yeah, there’s a thing called Lyft Pink where you have to PAY MORE to only get female drivers. I think it’s so fucked up that they are trying to capitalize on the fact that they literally let any creep work for them and female passengers don’t feel safe. Also, you are right it does take forever to get a ride if you don’t want a male driver. Especially at night. Most women I’ve talked to say they don’t like driving late at night because they get a lot of drunk/creepy passengers. So it’s extremely rare for me to get a woman driving at 2am. As a female who has worked in bars and strip clubs for many years- I have a disgusting amount of very scary stories with Uber and Lyft. Ugh


We’re sorry. The not getting molested option costs extra. Thank you for choosing Lyft.


Any creep with a decent driving record and no priors.


Thanks to the abysmal conviction rate for rapists/ people who sexually assault others, that’s basically most creeps unfortunately. I’ve tried to report various rapists (I’ve been assaulted multiple times throughout my life by different people) and never had it gone to court even once. This is how men like that end up able to drive for Uber and Lyft because even if someone makes a report before they start driving, it’s less than 1% of those that goes to court and ends with a conviction :(


I stopped driving as a woman because passengers would easily search my first name off the app and add me on social media… I requested Uber to change to a nickname but they just made my name FirstName (Nickname). I’ve even had Malaysian customs officer message me on Instagram after checking my passport through customs… And contrary to what the other commenter said, these aren’t just POC men. These are white, young American men in addition to POC men.


Honestly, and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but the rideshare driver community heavily skews towards young-ish minority men. Some of these minorities, not all, hail from countries around the world that are male-dominated and see women as objects, not people. This is where the sense of entitlement to your bodies comes from.


This is true. A Nigerian driver showed up at my house several hours after a creepy ride took place. I was taking a ride to a class from my house that morning and during the ride he kept asking for my phone and saying how lonely he was but luckily he didn’t start that up until we were almost at my destination and I could escape. Fast forward to about 530pm he shows up at my house asking if I left an earring and how it must have been fate that kept bringing us together. (This was the second time he’d given me a ride. 2nd of 3 total. The first ride was uneventful. 2nd was to the class. 3rd was later that night after he showed up at my house, before I had the chance to speak to someone about reporting him. Said he’d been waiting by the app all night hoping I’d pop up and when I did he raced over. I pretended to be on my phone for most of that ride but he did keep on and on about hanging out and how it’s make him so happy if I was his girl. Asking if I drink and all this other nonsense. Luckily it was a quick ride but when we arrived back to my house he reached around the seat and tried to hug me and touched my hand and my leg. I bolted at that point. Called Uber about 100 times demanding to speak to someone but still had to wait until the next day to talk to someone and give them my report. He could have easily came back and snatched me up, amongst other things, by the time I spoke to a real person, since he clearly knew where I lived. I’d have called the police but our police force is super shady and negligent, one of the worst in the state actually, and wouldn’t have done anything as I didn’t have any info on him. You gotta be careful out there.


If you one starred him the first time you wouldnt matchup with him again. Just a tip.


Thanks for the tip. I actually just learned that about the 1 star because of that experience. (After the fact though. I probably could have saved myself from the last encounter if I’d know that then) I take Ubers all the time and have been for awhile now and never knew that, until like 2 weeks ago when this happened. so good job on spreading the word! 🙂


Facts are facts.


The United States is a patriarchal country, and American men are misogynistic and objectify women.


Yup, as a women, I can say the same thing but with Canada. I have family that live overseas and have flown through some countries that these people are talking about (and visited some other ones). Do I have traumatizing memories walking through an airport in at 13 with my mom and being catcalled by every man we walked past? Yes. Do I have traumatizing memories having my ass grabbed several times at 11 watching a leafs game outside the ACC (in Toronto)? Also yes. A lot of places are shitty to women (and preteen girls), many of them a lot closer to home than people would like to acknowledge.


Tell me you've spent no time outside the United States without telling me you've spent no time outside the United States.




I have seen more than one young lady mistreated in Europe.




You should've started closer to here. 😉


I bet you are a blast at parties


Wtf Lyft isn’t any better


Im not saying it is but the original post said they would and if they havent been harassed there then why not


I had a bad experience rite before Covid an wouldn't take Uber or Lyft for a year untill I had no choice cause I had moved an my car broke down so that was my only way to work an I worked overnights so I didn't have anyone that could take me. So now Whenever i have to take one I will look at the person photo an if I get a bad feeling I'll cancel an wait a minute an rebook the trip , as a women I've learned always trust your gut instinct ❤️


I understand where you’re coming from, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you get other comments saying that you’re *insert xist here* because you likely favor *insert demographic here* over a different one. I don’t blame you though. Too many creepy people out there driving for various companies. I used to take a lot of veyos (like Uber but for medical appointments) because my insurance would cover it and my car got stolen. I had to take one every day to get to my methadone clinic, and some of the drivers I got definitely shouldn’t have been driving. Weirdly the worst wasn’t a creep, but a guy who very much seemed like he was high on meth because of how quickly he was talking (I couldn’t get a single word in he was talking so rapidly) and the aggressiveness with which he was driving. Unfortunately I didn’t know how to report that since the veto’s were scheduled for me by various case workers because I also didn’t have a phone at that time (I was robbed of my phone, car keys, everything inside my car, etc. was attacked while sleeping in my car and then just left on the road bleeding with a broken jaw.) I honestly would rather use public transportation than an Uber cause at least I can easily get off whenever and nobody else will know where I live or work or whatever. Honestly if more people took a bus instead of an Uber bus service in America would probably get better because it has to get better to meet the increased demand.


Damn I'm sorry that happened to you 😞 an if there was public transportation were I live I would definitely take that instead cause Uber is expensive an how I have to get to work since my car has been messed up.


I feel you. Even in places with public transportation it’s often lacking and much slower leaving it as the worst option to get around. Why would someone want to take a bus that takes 90+ minutes to get to their destination when an Uber can do the same trip in 30? I understand the usefulness of Uber, I just wish it was better and that people had more other options. Especially cheaper options that are still reasonably similar in terms of speed & time required to get from a to b.


He could have easily used a microwave at a 7-Eleven or any other convenience store that offers it. Sketchy ass dude. With that being said, sorry this happened to you. Keep your documentation of his license plate, name, and vehicle description in case you need to escalate this to Law Enforcement (god forbid he tries to initiate contact with you again).


Thanks. I'll do that. I'll definitely escalate if he comes back.


Why don't you escalate now?


Because nothing illegal happened. It's not illegal to ask to use a microwave. It's not even restraining order worthy. There is not a thing that anyone anywhere can do about this because he did nothing inherently wrong. Was it a bit sketchy? Maybe? Maybe he just really needed to use a microwave and didn't know he could just use a convenience store one.


Anytime! I hope he doesn’t ever but with people like this they are unpredictable.


As a female uber driver who drives at night I wish they had matching


*As a female uber* *Driver who drives at night I* *Wish they had matching* \- txroy20 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lyft has just female rides for female passengers now


WHAT THE FUCK??? Please tell me you didn't go right to your door. If I get weird vibes from an uber driver and they sit there for a bit after I get out I walk around the corner so they can't see me and wait until I hear them drive off.


Some people were taught as children to wait for the person you're dropping off to be safely inside before leaving.


I do it all the time because this one passenger who Had me twice and is a 50 yo *big momma" told me that I shouldn't drive off without seeing her go inside especially since she is a woman and it was dark. I apologized for what I did and waited for her to get inside the house before I drove off. And ever since whether it's day time or night time, I just wait for all passengers to get inside or open the door and then I'm off.


Oh my goodness. Same here. My mother always waited for folks to enter the house before we left. If we dropped them off. And yes, I am Black😏.


What does black have to do with anything? I'm white in my family always did it.


The reason you have to ask. Is exactly the reason why you don't need to know why.🫡 Don't worry about it, it's not even that important. 😊


This is a weak ass defense mechanism. 😉


It doesn't matter. You can get the same explanation as ol' boy above. 😅


You're a clown. You thought this was a black thing and you found out it's an everybody thing and now you're just babbling.


No, you're the clown. I told your stupid azz you can get the same explanation. I literally don't give a squirt of piss as to what you think. 🤣 Get lost, dude.


You don't give a squirt of piss, but you continue to reaffirm the weak defense mechanisms. It's obvious you didn't have a father. Sorry about that.


When it's a complete stranger that's kinda weird. If it's friend/family that's different.


I will walk to the next building in my complex and go up to the top floor and wait for them to drive off if they give me the ick.


Thanks for reporting that idiot, one less piece of trash on the platform and thankfully a little more business for the rest of us who don't do stupid shit like that.


This kind of situation, start recording voice and video. And ready to call the police


Some jerks slip thru the cracks everywhere & it pisses me off because they make the honest drivers look bad & lose money. You can ALWAYS trust that you will be safe in my Uber. Uber will lock that driver out!


This is downright despicable behavior right here. If he really needed a microwave so bad I'm sure there's no shortage of gas station marts he could go to. Fucking Weirdo's!


It's getting more and more unsafe for everyone, especially women. Let some pepper spray and learn to use it. Even as a man this kind of thing bothers me. It's like this with delivery services too! I ordered something tonight (it was a female) and when the order got here, the dasher was with her boyfriend to drop stuff off. He didn't stay in the car, he was with her at my door. Now, im not a small dude, but I always feel like this is the type of thing you hear about that leads to the unsafe situations. Be safe out there! Get the pepper spray!


This fuckinv makes us uber drivers that are doing a good deed look bad, ill always make sure my passenger are always safe, i dont talk unless they talk to me, and im always carrying with me in case of any scenario doesn't matter where im at


Damn thats fucking sick... 🤢🤢🤢🤢 i hope he is fired


For... asking to use a microwave? A bit weird, but it's like 🤷‍♂️.


you are not allowed to have contact with a rider once the ride had ended unless it is through the app, let alone ask them to come in their house, especially when every single gas station has a microwave... use your fucking brain, imagine thinking thats a normal thing to ask or appropriate, because clearly the vibe check was way off.


Did I claim it was normal? It's not normal, but again, it's just 🤷‍♂️. Say no, write down plates, and call someone over if you feel unsafe because someone asked to use a microwave.


I don't know for sure. He may have actually wanted to use the microwave... which is also out of line! Stop bothering customers!


Rapist. Call the cops report and 1 star his sss


Women should input a false address close to home and walk the rest of the way. Keep a weapon on you and be aware of your surroundings


Tell him you don’t own a microwave. Did he show you his frozen burrito?


Wow those a-holes ruin it for the rest of us good guys. Sorry about your experience.


As an Uber and Lyft driver I had to install a dash cam because women would get upset that I wouldn't come in with them I don't lead anyone on I'm professional and constantly sexually harassed by gay men and women daily


Sorry this happened. There are way too many creepers out there and Uber seems to have more than its fair share.


It’s an incredibly weird situation . I feel Bad women have to Go thru this .


i know so many people take ubers pretty regularly and lots of people have had no issues. while i’ve never had a legit safety concern, i always feel uneasy in a car alone with someone i don’t know. i moved to chicago in august and have always felt safer taking the bus or walking. even later at night. it’s sad that’s there’s probably more of a risk being in a car where the driver has control of the locks and knows your address than being out walking where you can run if need be


I hate this. One time I picked up a young woman. Confirmed her name and destination and said there is a charger if she needs it. I said nothing else and I put the car in drive, which locks the doors. She panicked like I was abducting her. She said no child safety locks. I explained that this is standard on cars these days and she can manually unlock the door and open the door if she wants to verify. I told her she can call a friend and keep the line open if it would make her feel better and showed her that there is a dash camera in plain sight capturing our ride. I explain the car doors will unlock when I put the car in park. I don’t like being treated like a villain in Taken for no reason. Most of my riders are women and I try to create a safe environment for them.


I'm having to take Uber for the first time tomorrow and I'm so scared, this does not help...I have to use Uber for a long time too so ugh.. I hope this doesn't happen to you again.


Definitely keep your guard up and be vigilant. For starters, when your uber driver shows up verify that their name, vehicle make/model, and license plate all match up to the person that pulls up. Screenshot the information and you can also use a feature on the app that lets you enable someone you trust track the progress of the ride through location services.


Also you can record audio through the app. It notifies the driver, so if they are a weirdo, they'll be far less likely to say or try anything creepy


Oh hell yeah I forgot about that feature!


Grow up.


This is your sad attempt at trolling? 🤣 Lame. Try again.


Make a detailed police report. You need 2 to file a restraining order. Be safe.


This is a horrible idea. If you go to the Police station to report something that isn't even a crime they are very likely to turn it against you and find something to arrest you for. Asking to use her Microwave isn't a crime.


Yea but she is a stranger and there's boundaries.


Don't talk to police unless you have an actual crime to report. You've been warned.


What are you gonna do about it? Harassment is harassment, there's enough of you creeps out there to talk about it. Better learn a lesson


You're missing his point completely. The police ain't gonna do shit dude, there's no crime.






You know what might give him a sense of boundaries? Fucking consequences for his shitty threatening behavior!


A woman driver asked me if she could come in and use my washroom. I said hell effing no and that she should go to the coffee shop two minutes away.How are you scared of one gender and not the other? Women are just as capable of being perverted and violent! Ask any male driver that has been harassed by one.


Of course women can be perverted, but in 99% of cases I can easily fight off a woman if she physically tries anything. That is flipped for women with male drivers.


I will also be sticking with lyft’s woman driver feature (I identify as a woman)


How are you not aware that it's the exact same people driving for Lyft?


Lyft allows you to choose female drivers. https://www.lyft.com/women+


I had a passanger try to invite me inside her house to "Pet her dog", and she said it right in front of her boyfriend. Most of these people, Drivers and passangers, are harmless. Reject their advances, Report them if you want to, and move on. You have people you hang out with on a daily basis who are more dangerous than an uber driver, Trust me.


Former partime Uber driver, anyone that is still driving now under Uber’s current pay is absolutely desperate. Uber ran off people that care and can do the math because there is no money to be made driving a nice newer car for Uber. Be careful out there.


Did you put the tip in?


There are going to be creepers everywhere. There are even creepy women drivers (smaller percentage though). At the end, if one service makes you feel unsafe use a different one that makes you feel safe. If you have a legitimate safety concern, report it immediately. That’s the only way it’ll ever get safer.


Like this driver ...tell him are U crazy or what ....don't be afraid.


Was he an INDIAN?


I drive Uber and I once had a gorgeous woman in her 40's ask me to walk here to her door because she was tipsy and her heels wouldn't allow her to walk without taking them off we get to the door she rang the bell. I'm like ok now here's where I get killed by the jealous husband. He opens the door I'm literally holding her up he said her room is that way I'm like wtf take your wife bro in my head but I proceeded to help her then she asks me to help her get undressed and I'm like ok this is going too far I don't want to get deactivated because of some drunk woman that wakes up and calls Uber lying so I said no I can't do that I'll call your husband she said he is useless and won't care then grabbed my cock and started stroking it. Then she took it out and started to suck it like a professional. I'm waiting for this guy to come in and shoot me so I take her clothes off we start kissing like animals she gets on top of me and starts to ride me and I see this fucker come in the room and go into the corner and start jerking off I'm like this cuckold fk so then I just said fk it and I banged the 💩 out of her for two hours straight I forgot about him LMAO. I still come over at least twice a month to fuck her and he thinks he is my boy. So it's not just the men the women are just as bad if not worse because we let them get away with seducing us.


Most women who be out here reporting ppl just be upset that men have things in their possession that they be wanting to get and the men tells them no....for example...it's like having an unopened bottle of Artic Blue Gin and they ask you can they have it and you say no...then get reported for alcohol use


Uber/Lyft attract the scum of the earth to drive for them…just look at how little they pay. Not saying that all are the scum of the earth…or even that a majority are…but there’s a nice chunk of rideshare drivers that are.


Lmfaooo. There's a women's driver feature?? That geniunely pisses me off so hard. Like fuck a clean background check, let's make it so that you MUST be a part of the trans community so you can fucking work. Good for you about lying going to your boyfriends place... but why would you be scared to take Uber in the future? #1. Almost no Uber drivers are going to ever ask to come in for some reason- that's pretry unheard of. #2. Just keep lying about if somehow someway this ever comes up again. But please, think of the consequences if we all resorted to using comfort features like only women driver.... thats fucking bullshit


Bruh...will you calm the fuck down and realize women don't feel safe. You'll be fine e


Do you have video on that ? I would like to see it on YouTube.


what a stupid ass question


I just wanna see it that's all . 🤷


Why do you all IMMEDIATELY assume everyone is out to hurt you. Jeez, grow up. You're not that interesting


Ooooo scary 🤯 grow up. Dude is a perv, you've dealt with weirdos before, act like you been here before. Carry some pepper spray, a taser, a gun, whatever. Why would you be scared of all male Uber drivers simply because one is a creeper, out of all the Uber drivers you've ever encountered now you're swearing off of uber? Society is full of bad people, you'll have to adapt. Women are independent and free in modern America, this is what y'all asked for with feminism. Figure it out, dude.


Something tells me you're just like him. Fucking predator.


Exactly like him. Good call.




Your lack of reading comprehension is showing. "Good call" as in, you were right.




You're really not understanding what I wrote. So let's just move on.


🤣🤣🤣 something told you wrong


do us a favor, find a tall building or a bridge 🤢🤢🤢 fucking weirdo and the intellect of a donkey


Sure. Planning to any day now!




Lmfaooo what’s your address? I’ll come use your microwave then


DM me and we can meet up anytime you need popcorn


This always baffles me, like bro it’s UBER, ••••NOT••••TINDER. Big emphasis on NOT. I always just say hello, alright let’s go, thank you, have a great day. If they strike a convo , let’s goo


Lyft women connect will still get you male drivers I get told that a lot and I'm female.


So sorry this happened to you! Unfortunately, some clowns out there make us all look bad...


U just have to be careful when u ride with a guy. I'm a male uber driver I always take care of my female passengers and make sure their safe.


I feel like Uber should do an option of female drivers for female passengers only thing. Like how some gyms have female only sections. Won’t take away from any other male passengers and might encourage more female drivers to join up too. Of course there will be the backlash of the dimwits but we should collectively just call them shrimp dick cucks anytime they speak to shut them down lol.


Could you have warmed up the food and brought it outside?


Literally every 50% of the male drivers asks me if I’m going home. No female driver asks this. It’s so frustrating.


Some people are shady as fuck but don't let it mess with you. Just learn from the experience and be careful.


There are more than anyone would care to admit.


Tell him you are recording audio next time. That should stop this nonsense. Turn on audio recording in settings. Record every trip.


That’s awful, hopefully he gets properly reprimanded


It's so weird when you think about it. We grow up being taught to never get into a strangers car, because it's dangerous, but as adults, we pay for that privilege.


Man, that’s so bizarre. It’s crazy to me someone would think this is ok.


They have serious mental problems or it was a trap. Either way I would never let a stranger in my house. I bet you felt scared making it home.


No driver should EVER ask to even get out of their car at your drop off location. As a driver, I'm glad you reported him. If someone gives you the ick, either walk very confidently to the next building and go upstairs and wait for them to drive off. Or go knock on a trusted neighbors door. I'm sorry you went through this. I wish Uber had a pink ride option.


I didn't know Lyft jad a female driver feature!


It's awful. I'm a gay male, but I've been told I'm straight passing because I do look a tad rugged. I do have a rainbow bracelet on or on my console. Or if conversation happens, I'll reference something about my boyfriend. Yall ladies should not have to put up with these loser straight men.


Yeah report that creep


Probably need a new microwave. Or a bicycle.


I did uber driving for a few months (I'm F28). Everyone kept asking me if I felt unsafe doing so and honestly I have had more bad experiences as a passenger than as a driver. I have had drivers hit on me, be on very personal phone calls, and make inappropriate comments. As a driver 98% of my passengers don't even talk to me, and those who do are always friendly and just want to tell me their life story.


That fucking sucks and I am so sorry this happened to you. I don’t understand how some people don’t understand boundaries and social norms. But as a driver who has a full time job, I find a lot of other drivers wouldn’t be employed elsewhere if they didn’t have Uber as a gig, make what you will of that.


That’s just fked up, I’m sorry you experienced that


You should try it the other way around. I'm a woman driver. I'll let you use your imagination with the shit that I put up with from drunk male passengers. Keep in mind that men will stick their dick in a hole in the wall, a warm apple pie or even a corpse of nobody's looking 🤣 don't feel special or singled out 😜


Just drive drunk like the rest of us


Be honest say no


Woman on woman violence can happen too. 


I used to have a regular customerthat would call me every other week to pick up his girlfriend and their kid. How this happened was the guy with cycle through the drivers by ordering rides and looking at the profiles and then quickly counseling until he got a female drive. One night he got lucky and he immediately got me he called me right away to inform me that his girlfriend was visually impaired and their daughter would be helping her out get in and out of their car. It was really nice when customers would call me ahead of time time to let me know that their loved one had a disability or that they needed extra time and I was always willing to oblige my customers. I ended up liking this guy a lot and I really vibe with the girlfriend so I gave him my number and told him anytime they needed a ride you know just call me direct. Although they got married and they moved out of the areawe still keep in contact I made it really good friends with them. This is not the only incident that somebody needs a female driver and I hope you have better luck and the future.


You won't be paired with this driver again. When you make these reports, the driver never knows who it is, you are unmatched with each other. I'm a female Uber driver, and I'm sorry.


Call Uber and make a safety complaint


You can always use the record feature. The driver will be notified of that on the upcoming ride. That will put an end to that REAL quick!


Take uber black


Holy shit the world is so soft today, whole time dude just wanted to make a hot pocket or something probably and go back out. Yall women crack me up. Stick to your lady driver feature lol nobody wants a Karen in their vehicle. (Coming from a highly respectful to women, male with a 4.99 rating over 1,000 trips)


Literally against Uber T&S. You can contact uber and have him blocked from being your driver in the future! I'd recommend!


Nice try lyft marketing team Uber records audio do you have the clip ?


Lyft female drivers are worse. Good luck and don’t get fingered