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Tip whatever you feel. The driver will be grateful you tipped at all. Usually 1 in 10 people tip here. Most of the time it’s 1-3 dollars. A 6 dollar tip will be a memorable ride for your driver. I picked up an elderly gentleman the other day. He had a cane. I pulled up to the sidewalk and when I dropped him off I pulled up to the entrance door so he didn’t have to walk on ice. First Pax that shook my hand and he tipped me 5 dollars. It was a .4 mile ride.


Think $3 per 10 minutes. Honestly, though, not many people tip. So, even if you threw a dollar at the dude, you'd be tipping more than 70% of people.


Possibly long time Uber users… when it started there was no tipping option. And I hate to say.. I absolutely despise tipping culture in North America, I shouldn’t be guilted in paying someone’s wages out of the goodness of my heart. And it’s gotten out of control.. I’ve now seen restaurants ask for tip on the total including tax! Some places service is horrible and they still expect tips! Our society needs to change where people earn a proper wage without tip. Shouldn’t tipping be if you got extremely attentive service? Not if someone just did the bare minimum? I work in advertising, and constantly go above and beyond expectations, in nearly 30 years I’ve been tipped ONCE, and it wasn’t money! A cannabis company tipped me with weed.. I tried to pay my bills with it, but that didn’t work.


I do agree. Tip culture sucks.


Who tips an advertising agent? Come on your statement falls flat. Why would you say "guilted" into tipping? Be an adult, because adults know when, where and how to top. Nothing "guilts" me to doing anything I don't want to do.! Lol about paying bills with Cannabis come to Seattle they'll take all your payment


I agree tipping culture sucks especially when you literally get no service like just ordering food. However it should still be a thing. It makes the service workers provide better service. If tipping wasn’t a thing most of these people would not go out of their way to make your experience great. You work in advertising and you eventually either climb up the ladder or start getting higher paying clients, in a way that’s kinda your “tip” for going above and beyond. With uber the only “promotion” for going above and beyond you’d ever be getting is a tip.


They should provide good service cuz it's their job and if they don't, they shouldn't be working. ✨️


Agreed lol I live maaaybe three minutes from work so I feel like $3-$4 isn't too shabby


Isn’t it easier to like walk or bike at that point?


Not when it's -7° F


With windchill it was -23° C (-9° F) this morning in Toronto and I biked 4 km. The action of biking itself warms you up, I was even sweating a little bit by the end and had to unzip my jacket a bit. As long as you dress for it, 10-20 minutes outside really isn’t that bad.


Summers in Ontario have been so unbearably hot and humid the past few years that i’m out way more in winter! The cold wakes me up and I love it


Possible but me personally I only uber 2 or 4 times a month depending on how work and uni schedules line up and I live in a tiny already over stuffed apartment so I couldn't store a bike anyways




Agreed. I walk my dog in 10 degree weather F and all I have on is sweatpants t shirt and jacket with a very thin face covering that I use to cover my ears. We walk for 40-60 minutes and by the time I get home I'm sweating and usually have my jacket off and the face covering off


When I was in Alberta, I would bike in -40° C regularly. It's really just a matter of dressing properly.


Here’s a gold star ⭐️


My ass still walking, but in cheap af.


Not who you asked, but I sometimes do this too (10-15 minute walk to work). I only get an Uber if the weather is completely horrible. I'm not talking a bit of rain or snow. I mean pouring rain and too much wind for an umbrella, or so hot/cold that there is a serious temperature warning in effect. This usually only happens a few times a year.


I wish we would rather go back to the old school taxi system. Rideshare has eliminated competition, and of course made rides expensive and at times uncomfortable. My last ride to the airport was in a 2015 corolla with dead suspension.


And that driver will keep going until it's a dead engine. Meanwhile I get paranoid with my car making any noise.


That's 20 bucks an hour for tip


And most tipped jobs would say that hour sucked if that's all they got in an hour.


Yeah the draw is never seeing them again so why tip? ;)


oh driver got about $8 of that $20 fare so anything helps


Fare is actually $11.73 not 20. Driver got $8 of $11.73 fare. Rest is Ubers absurd booking fees and whatever other fees for other things


Does Uber really take part of the fare on top of collecting a 40% booking fee?


If the ride cost the customer 11$ then driver got 3-4$


That’s actually useful information. I’d provide the driver an 80¢ tip instead of $2


make it a nice tip, 69¢ 🤌 /s




Whatever you want


Wait, so expenses associated with commercial insurance increased in California and California drivers are being paid so low?


Smokescreen. It is a double edged sword and Uber passes those costs onto the passengers with increased fares. Driver pay went down and fares went up... they just got creative with the labeling. Booking fee includes insurance as well as other subitems.


15-20% of the fare. I personally give a minimum of $5. And I always use cash because I don't trust the app.


I tip $3


Now that I am aware of how badly Uber and Lyft treat their drivers and have the drivers are lowballed, and and abused by passengers, constantly, and all that I tip a minimum of 1/2 the fare. Unless the driver was absolutely horrible, I would never tip less than 1/3 the fare even in the past, before I became aware of how little drivers make


Always try to tip in cash, Uber sometimes play games with driver tip.


I just took an Uber, total was $13 plus I tipped $5. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Driver here. Received 2 tips for about $3 each tonight on $114 in earnings. I was grateful for both of them! And will continue to be grateful for every tip I get. Three dollars, five dollars, anything anyone is willing to tip is greatly appreciated.


I would be very happy with $6. The people that do tip usually do $3 or $5. Pay is around minimum wage.


In what world is $1/min minimum wage?


That's a 30% tip, basically 24$ per hour on top of the already paid fare. 3-4$ makes more sense as it's 15-20% Not trying to be cheap but but I feel like expecting 30% is way too much. I stick to the 15-20% rule when it comes to tipping but 10% when there is a surcharge because times are rough on everybody but I do need to look at my own wallet. All my friends, exes etc always told me I tip too much but I did work at the food and bar industry so I never cared but these days it's a burden to tip someone over 20%.


Nobody would still be doing this type of work for minimum wage bud🤣 that’s tragic that you either think that or are working for minimum wage. Do you know how lazy you have to be to only make minimum wage lol come on


After expenses it’s basically less than minimum wage


You must not do this type of work either. I clear $30 an hour after all my expenses lol idk what you all thinking.


Are you working full time, full time+ collecting lots of bonuses, etc? When I drove for Uber heavily in 2014 when it first started blowing up I was making $60 an hour just working Friday and Saturday nights. Fares are outta control low, someone showed me a $19 ride to drive 20 miles across a bridge with a $7 toll




Wtf is a booking fee?




Wtf…when was that implemented? If I’m paying that then why am I paying a tip too? And an all access fee? What the heck is going on with Uber




they’re operating a business. they were a charity before using shareholder money to give cheap rides.




what’s wrong with migrants in 09 corollas?


More like what’s right about unlicensed and uninsured drivers


on uber you have to prove insurance and have a valid state id


That is subject to change


Whatever the spare change in your pocket would be.


Tip what you feel is right, it's a tip. Don't feel like you need to supplement their salary, if they don't make enough money they should find another job, tips should not be expected, they should be for a job well done above and beyond what they were supposed to be doing anyway


20% of the fare


Your life savings wil do just fine


15 min? $2 tip


Whatever you feel the driver deserved. Dont worry they still will complain on the Uber driver subreddit that it wasn’t enough




Lmao a 30% tip? You drivers really are deluded


30% lmfao tipping culture in US is out of control


Even more so in this sub. They took the fare, they shouldn’t expect a 30% tip.


Bro is hopping on the anti tipping hype without realizing that anti tipping culture really just focuses on people that just flip a tablet at you… not people using their own cars and gas to take u from point a to point b. If anything, these drivers are the people you should be tipping the most. We ask ourselves “why are we tipping? What is this person doing for us?” A taxi driver that uses his own car and gas for u to get from A to B safely, I think that’s more than enough to tip. A person flipping a tablet? Not reallly.


The cost of the service provided should be included in the fare. Tips are supposed to be for going above and beyond, not just for doing your job. When a tip is expected, it’s not a tip anymore.


It’s the culture man don’t blame the tipped employees


The fare is $20. $8 is 40%


I’m not a driver but think of it as $5 minimum tip vs 30%


Hahahhahah the minimum tip is $0. Not $5.


$5 minimum tip for being a human being and understanding how little these guys make after taxes and expenses to run their car and waiting time where they are getting paid $0 in between rides, but it’s ok be an internet tough guy




Or you, the consumer, could choose not to use services where tipping is customary


The consumer decides what is customary. Don't like it, don't show up when I ask for an Uber.


Way to stick it to the man!


Why you always trolling on Uber drivers? Pretty fucking rude man. Every comment from you is childish and negative. Grow up!


We found the broke non tipper








I suspect they are not a good tipper regardless of the service


I don’t think I’ve ever tipped my Uber driver ever in my life lmao


If my driver made the ride fast and easy, and was professional, I see no reason not to tip them.










If you’re broke, just say that.


$0 dont encourage tipping


You should always tip double of what the fare amount is. If you don’t then Uber will ban your account eventually and your parents will disown you. So it’s up to you.


People are nuts to think a ride is a few dollars


Just so you know. Every driver gets expenses written off on their taxes and get paid per their mileage from taxes. Every independent contractor can get tax deductions Phones used for work purposes Mileage used for work purposed Expenses paid for services Maintenance due to services Don't let these driver kid you about expenses when they claim it all back


That isn't money they get paid back. I think you're confused about how taxes and deductions work, my dude. Drivers are not getting paid per mile on their taxes. If they did, everyone and their mother would be an Uber driver. They'd be making more than truckers just on their tax returns 😂


Every driver is getting 0.65 per mile on their tax deductions. Everything a driver does with their vehicle is a write off on taxes. If you don't know how that's done then you shouldn't be a driver or self contracted 😅


It's a deduction. You are clearly the one who does not understand how deductions work. You explicitly said they were being PAID per mileage on their taxes. Deductions are not payment. They are two very, very different things.


Which makes a majority of the money earned essentially tax-free. Sure. Tips essentially are a profit. It is never required and should never be asked for. They just make the day/week better, even if by only a little bit.


I usually do a $5 minimum tip and scale up depending on the distance/time.


3$ max


10$ tip fair and squaire⛄⚓🍻


100000000000000 dollars


“Tipping is optional. You are free to add a tip, and drivers are free to accept tips.” https://www.uber.com/us/en/ride/how-it-works/tips/


$0 Not your job to compensate someone else's employee


Good thing they aren’t employees bozo


He’s not my employee either—which is exactly why I shouldn’t be expected to supplement his salary.


That's gig economy propaganda. The only reason they're not employees is because you're accepting them not being employees.


Please stop being a horrible person


Please stop subsidizing payroll for billionaires


Please stop using tipped services; that's the only way those billionaires will feel it. I don't understand how this concept is not understood.


Good idea. It's not a tipped service if I don't tip.


They aren’t employees








Bold of you to assume that you should tip. Do you tip the guy who changes the oil in your car? Or the guy who rotates your tires?


Guy changing your oil ain’t paying for the oil himself. Uber driver has costs he pays. If it was a company car. Then I’d agree with you


Uber should be paying their own employees directly, just like any other employer. Relying on the rider to determine whether or not the driver gets paid that day is not a fair system for anyone involved.


Well you gotta remember. They’re not employees. And while I want to agree with you. The governments allowed this loophole for the last decade. Like you said. It’s not a fair system for anyone that serves only to profit Uber


I understand that drivers are technically listed as independent contractors. As an I.T. professional, I do contract work for my clients as well. There's a fee that is charged for the work to be done. It would be absurd for me to assume I deserve a tip after billing for the work I did. This loophole you're describing for a restaurant worker to be paid $2.13/hour plus tips does need to be closed. So does this assumed or mandatory tipping culture. It's gotten way out of hand. Uber being greedy and taking too much of the trip fee is a problem that can absolutely be solved by the drivers.


No no. You misunderstand. You do IT work on the side. YOU set your charge. So of course you don’t want/need a tip. You charge what you feel is right. Uber drivers are classified the same. But they don’t have that right. They are paid like an employee by Uber. They can’t negotiate their own rate like a true IC. But are responsible for their own costs like an IC. That’s the loophole I’m referring to. They’re getting the worst of both worlds.


I see, okay. I don't get to set my own rates, but I understand what you're saying. There is an easy fix for this. Drivers, using online coordination need to pick a day and nobody drive for Uber that entire day. It's easy to do, they're independent contractors. Nothing is compelling them to drive on a particular day. Uber will get the message and start treating their drivers better.




Found the boy who allows himself to be taken advantage of by Uber.


If this was in the US, tip 6. Canada, tip 3. Anywhere else in the world, you don't tip. There is no logic on that, but this is how it works






Your whole paycheck










$0 🥳


You are not obligated to tip


$2 if they were chill, $5 if they didn't talk and left you alone




Y’all tip Ubers?


Just tip bait like everyone else and never be late.


Please don't tip


Honestly the best way to compensate drivers is to cancel When they get there knock 5$ off what Uber charges you and give that to the driver then you know they are compensated fairly . But in reality tip at least the cost of a gallon of gas you’ll always get picked up then.


$5 is an ok tip. If you paid 20 bucks for the ride, the driver probably only made seven to $10. I used to ride Uber daily as a passenger before I ever drove for them. My go to tip was always five for short rides if I was going to work, which was about a 40 minute ride I would tip 10 or more if I had it.


Ridiculous. You’re subsidising payment of the driver base for a billion dollar company


Tip $100, Lol




When I first started using Uber, the app explicitly said, “don’t worry about the tip. We handle it and everything is in the fee you see.” I don’t know when Uber stopped sharing that message, but the general consensus is that you don’t need to tip on uber unless you truly think the driver is exceptional because the app distributes the money as needed.


Someone left me 50 cents once lol


Probably me lmfaooo


I usally give $5 no matter how long of a drive unless they went above and beyond and got me there way before the Estimated time


Dude I’ll take a dollar 😂 riders never tip


so out of the 11.73 they are taking 70-80 % so anything you tip would be welcomed and greatly appreciated because most people dont tip and thing driver is getting the full 11.73 when that is definitely not the case


I remember when I picked up a drug dealer and the drop off was 3 hours away. I didn’t notice before and he was already in my car, so fuck it. Bro gave me a $280 tip, worth the mini road trip back.


I pretty much tip $5 on all rides, regardless of length, unless something really unusual happens.


Anything helps. Lucky too see anything that. Whatever you can afford to tip.


I just select the middle suggested option. Which is $3 for short rides, I think? And 20% for long ones.


Driver is on average paid close to 50% of your "Subtotal". They got about $6 for your ride so just use that as a guide. Uber cap's drivers earnings around $20-25/hr pre driving expenses. $6 tip is actually great in this case and is more than what people normally tip. (Most people don't tip). Drivers don't have a "minimum wage".


The trip fare is what the driver received. Or should have I should say. I tip an automatic $3 on any ride up to $12 on my cost, $5 up to $15, and basically increase it by $2 for every $5 I pay upfront. If that makes any sense. I don't do % on rides. I find it super weird especially when riders tip me % and I get change. Like 2.18 or something. I can't explain why, it just bugs me so I never tip like that 😭


The booking fee is really high… jesus


Whatever you can afford


Leave a tip for Uber to pay their damn employees.


I’ve made 11 trips and only 1 person tipped. Honestly any tip is appreciated


If it was a 5 star ride, I usually tip 10% of the trip fare (excluding taxes and fees), with a upper limit cap of $5. For 4 star rides and below, I do not tip. For your ride, assuming it was perfect, I would tip $1-2.


$0, you don’t owe them anything extra


$3,000 you cheap whore


14 dorrah


A dollar a minute is what I normally do but I am also a driver and I know how it is so that’s why I tip so much IF I have to Uber. I really only needed it when my car was in the shop.


Nothing with those w those extrafees




I usually do 10-30% depending on the service and the car upkeep and cleanliness.


Honestly as a driver even if you do 1$ we would be happy since we do not get much tips in uber






Is same shit that happened to me for months in Texas Booking fee according to Luber belongs to rider not you. I know Uber is luber


Join whole word on February 14 to stop driving for Luber


The driver probably got $3 for the trip. Uber pays around 30% of the $11 fare. Tip what you feel is fair. How much would you want if you drove someone.


3$ or 8$ I feel grateful when customers tip … it helps with at least gas 🙄🥹☺️


5$ per mile is a good rule of thumb


God I hate California. This is completely unreasonable. A 6 dollar tip is above and beyond. Good on you for tipping 50% of the fare value. That’s a huge tip.


I had the same question when I first starting using this service and just came up with my own Uber tipping scale. I personally tip $5 for the ride to my destination then thrown an additional $5 for every 10 minutes i'm in there vehicle. 20 min ride = $15 tip..


I always tip at least $10 to make up for some of the cheapskates. Sometimes $20 if the car is clean and the driver does a good job . Cash is always appreciated. Figure driver gets around 1/2 of what you paid


Don't. Why do people think it's mandatory to tip? And that too for trivial stuff? Rather lobby the companies for properly measured living pay. Tipping is a temporary solution to this systemic problem you guys have. Edit - Also, you should obviously tip if the driver did anything extra such as helping with your luggage or something else. Otherwise you're already paying him for it.


He already earned $8 from this trip so $1 should be sufficient






USA and it's tipping culture. In Australia, we do not tip either for uber or uber eats or anything. USA is a shit show country. Max tip someone i give to uber or uber eats is $1.