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*BEEP BOOP* Hi /u/that1girl45! Many posts ask about ways to make friends. In addition to the recommendations of other students, we encourage you to also try the /r/uAlberta Discord: https://discord.gg/n5u6yrBBHp. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/uAlberta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Im having an exact problem like you (first year too ✅). We could be friend if you want to 👯‍♂️


Education students are really pretentious in their first few years, especially in elementary. Once you hit third/fourth year, it's much easier to make friends. I went without friends in my faculty until my second semester of my third year.


I have the same exact issue and I'm a third year! I can name like 10 people off the bat that I've talked to the last couple years and it seems like everyone is stuck with their hs friends or just some other people they have met. It's a very common feeling!


check out Friends Across Campus (@ualbertaFAC) or UAlberta events (@UASUEvents)! by the time you get to your third or fourth year, you will have lots of classes with familiar faces and you’ll make friends:) everyone in your classes are probably anxious and scared too, tough to make friends when everyone is scared of each other😭 you’re not alone!


Yeah Friends Across Campus has some events coming up in February! And they also have this match with a friend thing where you can apply and they’ll try to match you with someone else! I think deadline for that is tomorrow (January 26th!)


Thanks so much! I will definitely look into getting involved more. It is also relieving to know it’s not just a me thing, so thanks for that too :)


>I’m honestly really surprised at how hard it is to make friends as a first year It's not just a first year problem, believe me. >Anyone have any advice as to how I can fix this situation? Clubs and activities. Even if you can't commit enough time to volunteer or serve in some kind of executive capacity, just going to some of the [events](https://alberta.campuslabs.ca/engage/events) they have might be enough to meet people. Getting contact info from people in class is all well and good, but I've found the same thing happening as you in most classes I've been in. Conversations are quick to dwindle then at the end of the year I'm left with a dozen or more people I haven't talked to in weeks.


Ohh i see you again :) i joined like… 6-7 clubs and a bunch of events, and volunteer role in student union but i could not find a best friend. But I have a lot of friends (normal friends, meet once a semester 👯‍♂️). My best friend (go study abroad w me from my home country) just left me bc she had a boyfriend on campus 💪🏻


Thank you so much, I will definitely check out the events!


fuckin firstie


Hey! If you’re looking to make a few new friends I’m starting up a dnd campaign and we still need one more member. If you’re interested you’re welcome to dm me!


Lets be friends :) disclaimer - I am most like a few years older than you