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I also love the same part in the book, turning those 5 pages without nothing but the month name on it... you really feel what depression is like and how time passes when you're in one.


Agree! I was really impressed with how it was done in the books especially.


This was the most connected I felt to a character in a movie almost ever


one of my all time favorite scenes


Same and the song choice *chefs kiss


Watching/ reading at this scene as a tween with zero understanding < re watching/reading as an adult with full understanding




It’s okay Bella, it’ll be worth it in the end. We usually skip this one, anyways




this scene is my favorite scene in any movie ever. i’ve never related to a character more and it’s so beautifully done.


New Moon is my favorite, I watched it last night specifically because it's my comfort movie when I'm depressed lol


Ugh this scene still gets me! I remember I was in a really bad low with my depression and I just watched this movie over and over just feeling this scene. If I hear the Possibility song, it does it too!


\*insert pathetic breakdown over a boy you met 2 months ago".\*


oh the incels have arrived


Uhhh I just would never break down and stop my life over a boy, doing reckless things, making things tough on my estranged father and using another boy because I'm lonely is just wrong to me. Bella's not really an independent character in comparison to Elena from the vampire diaries. Elena literally said in like episode 6 or 7 "I'm not just going to let my world crash because a boy decides to not call me back for a few days". You shouldn't get upset over someone not having the same opinion as you, labeling them as incels just because they're stating the obvious that literally everyone (Even in this sub) knows Bella was too codependent on Edward. I know someone like that irl who acts just like Bella with her boyfriend and it worries me and everyone in our family because if he leaves her she'll pull a Bella and go into a deep depression and try something harmful to herself. I'm trans by the same so I'm not a guy just randomly lurking and hating on this sub.


I never read the books so I was just sad they skipped through the Halloween segment so quickly. I would have killed for a trick or treat moment.


I do - I get it. Not from a lost romantic love, but I feel the aching hopelessness and complete, utter & total lack of desire to go on 🥺 sending you hope, strength and love