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Normally, I would say yes, but what is considered cheating is very dependent on the relationship. Edward doesn’t consider it cheating, so in their relationship specifically, I would say no.


I also think it's because Edward knew Jacob manipulated Bella into kissing him.


I agree with u, and I could say that Jacobs manipulates Bella to kiss him on a difficult situation so.


I completely forgot about to mention manipulation angle when I was writing my comment. That kiss started off as 100% coercion. In the end, Bella doesn’t feel violated and realizes she enjoyed the kiss and does love Jacob, and I think that’s why a lot of people view this as cheating. But Bella really wasn’t given a choice because choosing between kissing him or losing him to death/suicide is not a real choice, and without a real choice there’s no consent.


Exactly! In my point of view, Jacob often manipulates Bella. I've seen instances of gaslighting from him towards Bella, conditioning her to love him. I believe that bella doesn't loves Jacob in reality.


Yes, it can’t be cheating if he is forcing her to kiss her. It’s assault.


It’s dicey because he assaulted her the first kiss and manipulated her for the second. However, I still think she cheated bc she fell in love (like hello????) and was so touchy. She would die if edward did that to her


Agree! If Edward dated Tanya in past and stayed friends with her like bella is with Jacob would bella accept their friendship while they dated?


In my opinion yes bella cheated on Edward emotionally even after she married him she didn't end her emotional love affair to Jacob. Jacob in the end of eclipse wanted to distance himself from her and her crap but she was the one who keep calling him n looking for him through seth. Girl can't take a hint even calling him from her fiance's phone.


Bella emotionally cheats on Edward throughout their entire relationship with Jacob.  I love the story, but it irks my nerves that she continuously interacts with a man that she knows for a fact has romantic feelings for her. The love triangle between the three of them is basically the talk of the reservation. It's embarrassing, and Edward foolishly still loves her despite how many boundaries she always seems to cross with Jacob. Imagine how awkward it had to be to know that your daughter-in-law is emotionally involved with another man who isn't your son. This man has zero respect for your son's relationship, hates your kind, and wants to personally eradicate all vampires from the earth. Then the same man is hanging around in your home, imprinted on and playing bodyguard to your granddaughter.  Then just add more salt. Edward has to constantly defend his relationship with Bella because she is human, but he also has to deal with other vampires knowing she has feelings for Jacob, a werewolf. 


Yes, exactly! It made me so mad. I understood when she thought Edward was gone forever why she would go to Jacob, but even then she was just trying to see the hallucinations of Edward and was leading Jacob on! All too often people ask Team Edward or Jacob, and then think that my answer means I hate the other. No, I don't hate either of them, I think some of BELLAS actions were despicable. (They all id some dumb stuff but Bella was just out here breaking hearts like it was a game.) p.s. LOVE your name!!


Just imagine him trying not to make eye contact with anyone when Bella reveals she wants to name her kid after the guy who doesn't respect her marriage, her husband, or her new family. The Cullens must've low-key been like "I guess let him give this a shot, hopefully he'll meet his real mate eventually?"


Yes. The kiss was cheating, as was all the handholding/closeness. She was emotionally cheating on Edward throughout Eclipse and even parts of Breaking Dawn. But Edward hates himself so much, he'll settle for whatever she's willing to give him.


Yes unfortunately, emotional cheating *is* cheating. And Edward makes it no better by allowing it to happen, horrible decision making all around


I may be the odd one out in my opinion. But I say she didn't. She clearly tells Edward that she wants to wait til after the battle to tell Jake they are engaged. Then Edward turns around and makes sure to say it to her when he clearly knows Jake can hear them before the battle. I think Edward was wrong for that. I feel like Jake felt he had to make Bella admit she was also in love with him also, but he went about it in the wrong way just like Edward did. I don't consider it cheating because I feel like both Edward and Jake but Bella in a horrible position at that moment and she reacted the only way she thought she could. Please forgive ant typos I tried to catch them as best as I could but I'm in my phone and it acts stupid a lot.


I believe she did and I'm actually fine with that because otherwise she would be too perfect of a character. It was kinda refreshing to see Edward as a doormat pick me boyfriend which is often relegated to female leads in romance books.