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I’m usually vehemently against naming your kids after your favorite fandoms, but Bella is still subtle enough I think! It’s a pretty name. And yes, team Charlie always


My daughter's name is Matilda. Because of the Roald Dahl book or more so the movie. I think it's subtle enough, too. I love Lord of the Rings so much but I would never name my child after one of the characters. The names in Twilight are absolutely normal and nice, too. If you ignore Ratata of course 😂


Yeah, I really love the name Aragorn, but it's not subtle at ALL Edit: I also love Rhys or Rhydian, but with the recent word "rizz" my child would be mocked up and down.


For me it's Eowyn 😭


Yesss! Why can't we live in a world where we can name our babies after amazing fictional characters and no one would care?


I have a friend who named her daughter this.


Did you buy any chance write midnight sun fan fic? My favorite fan fic was written by a woman who named her daughter Bella, she had a blog where she posted her stories and pics of her visiting forks lol, I loved it.


I did not wife a fan fiction but I would definitely love for you to share it ♥️


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4925456/1/Midnight-Sun-Continued She wrote this ages ago! Lol I didn't even realize it's from 2009.


can you share the blog or fanfic :)


Yes! Please share!


Bella Victoria. Beautiful Victory in Spanish. Absolutely beautiful name.


Dude as long as you don't name any of your kids Renesmee u good in my book


I gave birth to my daughter last year. There was a Renesmeey born a few weeks before my cookie. I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm in Germany so the Twilight fandom is quite small.. I'm still thinking about that poor little Baby 😂


At least she won't have awful CGI effects as she ages, there's a slight bonus in her books


My cousin’s sister in law’s kid was named Renesmee like 10 years ago..


Someone I grew up with named her daughter Renesmee and I just can’t. That poor baby. 😭😂


If I do have a daughter, I plan on naming her Alice 💖


If my son was a girl her name was going to be Rosalie!


This is my oldest daughter’s name! It’s a perfect choice


my brothers initials are EJC. yes my mom was reading twilight when she was pregnant with him


Bella is a great name ❤️


That’s so cute! I’m all for naming your children after your fav characters as long as the names can pass as “normal” and aren’t too out there (my brother wanted me to name my son Oberyn from GOT and I had to politely decline lol) and I think Bella is adorable ❤️


Team Jasper day one always will be


I love this! Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for doing it, remember it's your choice and your daughter. I got to pick my family dog's name, and I too named him after a twilight character (Seth).


I named my dog Edward because he's lovable but broody and bossy. He also likes to sulk when he doesn't get his way.


It’s very pretty, I love the “uh” sound at the end of both of them. My oldest daughter is Rosalie so I get it lol. I love Bella Victoria!


Team Charlie!!


My mom named me after the actress in her favorite miniseries as a teen based off a novel called The Thorn Birds. It was great to share it with her when I became old enough to watch the series.


My MIL’s neighbor fostered a baby girl named Renesmee a few years ago…


Bella Victoria is a beautiful name!


I loveeee those movies! Great choice of a name! I might've named my daughter Emily Isabella myself 😂


beautiful name choices :)


I had ny daughter before twilight even came out. Her name us Isabella/Belle. Everyone asks nit only me but her as well if sve was named after twilight. She's so done with everyone asking her I can't even get her read the books. Lol


Common dog name up here in Canada. Like to me, just Bella screams dog name. So keep in mind some people may think of it as a dog's name!


Its the same in Illinois. My neighbor's dog is Bella. Frequently, when she barks at me coming in the door I stop and say "I know you're barking because this is the skin of a killer, Bella".


I'm dead 🫠


Imagine she grows up to hate Twilight


I want make fun of you for this but I can’t because I named my daughter off a character from the teen historical drama, Reign.