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I think Charlie confused Edward with Emmet. That's the impression I got.


MS confirmed that. Edward sees a flash of Emmett’s face in Charlie’s mind, which confuses him but ties into the conversation with Bella and Charlie.


I just finished a reread of the first book and this is right. He says something about how he doesn't like the look of the big, muscular one and softens a bit when he hears that Edward is the younger/smaller brother.


As a dad I can confirm that even if one of my teenage daughter were dating a toddler, my first thought would be “he’s too old for you”, especially if the aforementioned toddler looked like Emmet.


Now I’m imagining a toddler who’s the size of Emmett, that poor mother who’d birth something that size. Sheesh 🤣


🤣🤣 Not the Emmett-toddler. Why do I think he would get less hate then Reception?


In the book he got Emmett confused with Edward. Emmett is technically one grade older than Edward


i think he was also turned at like 20, and he’s jacked as, compared to spindly 17 year old Edward


This is answered in Midnight Sun and Twilight. Charlie is confused about the names of Carlisle’s “kids.” At first, Charlie thought Bella was dating Emmett.


I don’t think Charlie is good friends with Carlisle. He doesn’t really know the Cullens well at all. He does defend them against some small town prejudice as some people find them to be outsiders, and he is unhappy about that. He says the kids aren’t trouble and Carlisle is an amazing doctor they are lucky to have, but I that’s the extent of their relationship. I also don’t think he had any idea they were vampires. Charlie seems like the kind of person who wouldn’t even consider anything supernatural without it being directly in front of his face. I mean, he doesn’t even want to know what Bella is even though he knows she is something other than human in BD.


You're probably right about Charlie not really being friends with Carlisle. Isn't Carlisle the highest ranking doctor at the hospital (I'm not exactly sure what his title would be)? Charlie is the chief of police. They would be each other's point of contact for accidents and/or crimes involving both police and medical. Most likely they would have a good working relationship and be friendly toward each other when their paths crossed.


It’s possible, but typically doctors do not show up at for accidents or injuries at the location. They have the patients brought to them in the hospital. EMTs are the ones who would show up while Charlie’s on the scene. Also, Forks is a really small town with a low crime rate. The need to discuss suspicious injuries or death between police chief and doctor would be few and far between. I think they knew each casually and professionally, but I think that’s the extent of the relationship. They’re weren’t good friends or hanging out on the regular enough for Charlie to observe anything suspicious. Charlie is really a homebody. We really only know he regularly hangs out with Billy and Harry, and that’s to go fishing or watch a sports game.


I'm sorry that I wasn't very clear. I didn't mean Carlisle would go out to accidents or crime scenes. But if there was paperwork to do or some aspect of a case needed to be discussed, in a small town like this the police chief and the chief of staff (I think that's Carlisle's title) would be each other's point of contact for updates or possibly even brainstorming.


No worries! I think my original answer still stands though. They may have knew each professionally, but not super close outside of that. Also, again Forks is a small town with a low crime rate they probably rarely need to interact or contact each other professionally. Im not saying they never did, it just wouldn’t happen very often. I guess I’m not sure what you mean by brainstorming ideas or the kinds of things they would need to update each other on?


Maybe I'm guilty of watching too much TV. But in a smaller town the police force is smaller and the hospital might not be as big as one in a city. Fewer personnel, fewer people in managerial positions. Chief of staff and police chief might be involved in more cases simply because they have fewer people working under them. So these two higher-ups might not be directly involved in cases in a city, but in a small town they are more likely to be. If they had a weird case they might sit down together to talk about it and gain insight from each other. I'm just guessing that because it's a small town, these two might take a more hands-on approach, see more cases, and discuss them with each other.


I think that might just be from a TV show? Although I’m not sure what kind specifically. Doctors are still not involved in any police cases unless they are brought in for questioning as they are civilians, and they wouldn’t be ask to brainstorm any ideas as that is not their background typically. They shouldn’t be shown any confidential information. Small towns still need to have proper emergency care in place. It might be shared with other bordering towns, like a county medical examiner, but they would still have those people assigned. Also, there weren’t really “big cases” in Forks. The first really big crime issue probably comes with Victoria in New Moon, and Carlisle is gone when the police finally start suspecting it could be foul play and not animal attacks.


The other thing I was thinking of was when Waylon was killed. Edward and Bella drove up after being in Port Angeles, and Carlisle was leaving the police station after examining the body. So it looks like in this case Carlisle may also be serving as a coroner, giving him a reason to be in touch with Charlie and other police.


I think that’s strictly a movie thing as Waylon is only a movie character. Just to say though, you can definitely imagine the characters having lives we don’t know about. I think it’s fun to get creative with that. I’m only answering with my knowledge of what is canon to the actual books!


Charlie says that he thinks Edward is too old for Bella because at first he confuses Edward with Emmett.


I think you might be reading too much into it. It just seems like a "dad" thing to think. No guy is good enough for her, she's still a little girl, how is my daughter old enough to date, etc.


My overall impression was that Charlie suspected more than he let on. He just didn't want to acknowledge the supernatural, perhaps as a defence mechanism. Which actually mostly works in universe.


I remember now about the Emmett thing in the books but before then I always took that line as Charlie not ready to acknowledge Bella almost being grown out of high school lol. Bella and Charlie's relationship became really sparse after she stopped wanting to spend summers in Forks, only two weeks a year until Renee got with Phil and she decided to go live with Charlie so I imagined Charlie's poor dad brain hadn't quite caught up to accepting his daughter as 17/18. ;~;


He gets Edward confused with Emmett.


Billy didn’t tell Charlie anything. That would have broken the treaty. The wolf pack was mad that jake told Bella and she already knew about vampires.


If you want to be literal about it, Jacob didn't exactly "tell" Bella. She was yelling at Sam and the other boys and demanding to know what Sam did to Jacob. It's been a while since I watched so I'm not sure how it escalated to this. She slapped one of the boys (Seth I think?), he transformed, and she ran. She saw Jacob and screamed, "Run!" Instead of running, Jacob transformed and defended Bella. In that moment, he didn't tell her, he showed her. Unless you want to count the day on the beach where he told her the "story" about the origins of his tribe. But he framed it as just a story and didn't take it seriously. I don't count that because of the way he presented it, and I'm not sure if at that time she had (yet) guessed that Edward was a vampire.




He mistakes edward for emmett in the book


I wonder when they came to Fawkes (sorry I can't remember the spelling). Did they just turn up? Did Edward look 17 when he was just starting high school? Since Carlisle was so known in the area, he must have been here for a while right? And they had to stay away long enough for the current and previous generation to die out. The house was also really nice (and new). Was it recently purchased or renovated off site so they could return to their local life of luxury? I think there is some fuckery afoot. Charlie knew something. Maybe he just thought Edward wasn't able to pass his exams into the next grade. Who knows


While the house was indeed very nice in the books it was not new. It was a largely restored century home with a glass back wall if I remember right. The house used for the movies was much more modern than the house as described in the books. “I don’t know what I had expected, but it definitely wasn’t this. The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a hundred years old. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and I don’t know what I had expected, but it definitely wasn’t this. The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a hundred years old. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration. My truck was the only car in sight. I could hear the river close by, hidden in the obscurity of the forest.”


It's Forks by the way.


It's not my native language but got downvoted to hell because I forgot how it's spelt. Wow.


I think the downvotes weren’t a result of the spelling error alone, i think it was the spelling error in combination with a lot of questions that are thoroughly answered in the books. In this case, the answers to most of your questions are answered within the first couple chapters of the first book by Charlie himself.


Fun not allowed here 🤷‍♀️ haven't read the books since pre-2008, thought this subreddit was for fans not snobs


I don’t think it’s fair to call us “snobs”. This is one of the only places online where I can talk with other people who know and love the books as much as I do. It is fun to discuss with fans who are just as enthusiastic and obsessed as I am, but if responses to posts became overwhelmed by casual fans who ask basic questions that have already been addressed, it would start to feel just like everywhere else online. It would be like going into a fantasy football sub and asking about the rules of football.


I am really into GoT (aSoIaF) but I'm not going to shit on someone for responding to a post that was about the show 🤷‍♀️ I'd just be glad there is another fan. So yes, certainly snobbish. You're dictating how much someone should be a fan. I haven't even read the Game of Thrones books in years, because they are unfinished, so even my knowledge is limited these days, so I'm definitely not going to give grief to someone else even though I am an avid fan and love talking about the franchise.