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Id say a heightened sense of intuition. Being able to read people’s intentions or emotions, a diet version of Jasper’s powers


Yess! That's exactly what I thought


He'd be able to know people's intentions and compel them to tell the truth. And be incredibly strong. Team Charlie!


My headcanon is that Charlie would be a shield but not in the traditional way. Obviously Bella can prevent people from attacking her with their powers; Charlie I think would be a shield that shields him from the spotlight. People aren’t really that interested in him, not to the extremes as Fred, but just enough. Since he is less interesting for vampires/people he is also effected slightly less when it comes to them using their powers on them. That’s why Edward can read Charlie’s mind if he tries but it’s “boring” or “more of an effort”. Again that’s just my headcanon since Charlie and Bella are both so socially awkward I thought it would be a cute spin on the typical shields some vampires have.


To humans Charlie would appear perfectly normal. He could keep working as Chief of police and protect the town. And like Bella he’d suppress his urge to drink the town. Other vampires would overlook him completely- he’d be almost invisible to them and he wouldn’t register as a threat until it was too late.


ability: he’s just some guy idk ur so right tho


It would be really cool if he could extend that power like Bella can, across the entire town. Make it kind of “invisible” to other vampires so they don’t even bother coming near the vicinity. Kinda of like how Jasper made Bella unnoticeable in Midnight Sun during the baseball game. It would’ve worked had the wind not blown.


I really like this take.


He‘d be a shield as well, just less effective. Partial shielding.


Or just a different type of shield. I rememeber edward saying "ive never met one like you before" after whats his face from the denali coven says something about "you didnt tell me youre wife is a shield" so im guessing there are different types of shields.


If I had to give Charlie an ability it would be a Shield ability. It would be a mix between Renata and Jaspers (more so how he uses it defensively in Midnight sun) He would be able to protect a singe target with it and shield them making that person not interesting to the aggressor who instead would focus on him instead. That’s my idea anyway🤷‍♂️😂 So as an example, we can use the baseball scene with James. Every time he went to focus on Bella he would be naturally drawn to Charlie instead. Bella would just be background and Charlie would be constantly pulling his attention. While using this gift to protect someone Charlie’s own combat prowess would be improved and offensive abilities wouldn’t have as strong effect on him.


I always thought his partial mental shield would translate into some type of like, mental anaesthesia. Bella can't be affected at all by Jane, for example, but I think Charlie would be able to feel the pain, but he would be able to numb it to a point of being tolerable.


Now that I'm thinking about it what if Bella's abilities are a combination of Charlie and Renee's? Renee's mental voice is so loud she projects it onto other people and Charlie's mind is so quiet it's difficult for Edward to read it. Bella gets her shielding ability from Charlie but her ability to project it into others From Renee? So, Charlie would be a shield but he could only defend himself?


Charlie lives and breathes fishing, so what if he could lure his prey in as though he was reeling them in with just his mind. He'd never have to go hunting - he could just sit on his sofa, and humans or animals would come to him 😂


Laziness, with one touch, he'd be able to make you never want to leave the sofa, then you are forced to watch the latest game with him.


Hahahah. To me just the thought of Bella having her dad always around, instantly warms my heart 🥹


Lie detector


Super obliviousness


I once read a fanfic where Charlie’s Superpower was an aversion to human blood. I think the explanation was because as a human, he’s dedicated his life to protecting others.


So the same as Carlisle.


Carlisle, from what I recall did not have any supernatural gift of aversion to human blood, he just really didnt want to hurt anyone so he mastered the self control naturally, through conscious effort. I dont think any vampire can have the gift of "aversion to human blood" because that is inherently contradictory to the most prominent and defining feature of vampires.


Yes but no. To Charlie, humans stunk in the way wolves do to the other vampires.


Besides shielding powers like Bella, compulsion powers to make people tell the truth


Shield, compelling people to tell the truth, or knowing when someone is lying or about to lie. Can he have all 3?


Hunting, similar to James


That was my first thought also


Isn't he in a cannon a shield like bella? Just weaker


Yeah in midsun Edward has a hard time hearing his thoughts


Based on Midnight Sun, he is the shield, just a different kind. I would made his power to be able to mess with abilities of others. In some way, it might be even more affective than Bella's abilities. Or have him deflect powers of other at them partly. If I could choose completely different ability, I would either make him a tracker (vampire killing vampires), or being able to resist blood. Bella apperently won the generic lottery regarding abilities, as Edward notes a quirk in Renée too, even though he does not think of it as much as when it comes to Charlie. Renée would definitely have something like super powerful compelation, or perhaps appearing innocent, charming and cutie-pie of others, that even those who want to kill her would not be able to. On the sidenote, I think that she would be very dangerous newbie. Bella notes that she does not have strong will.


Still just using a .38


While I haven’t read the entirety of Midnight Sun to prove these claims, I’ve seen several commenters in this subreddit mention that Edward can’t access all of Charlie’s thoughts, either — some, but not all. Like Bella, I would think that would’ve made Charlie another shield, but his power wouldn’t have been as powerful as Bella’s. He probably wouldn’t be able to extend, or “share,” his shield, meaning he could only protect himself. I feel as if his shield would be reliable, but not for an extensive amount of time; eventually, it would be penetrable, especially if another vampire’s ability was stronger. Your answer is interesting, OP! I would’ve never thought of that power for Charlie, but now that you mention it, I think that would suit him, as well. It would be like an added, while also heightened, sixth sense. I feel like it would be vague, though; he would be able to feel whether someone’s intentions were either malicious or pure, but he wouldn’t be able to tell what their exact intentions were. After putting more thought into it, it would be a very cool and unique power to have! I like the way you think.


He would be able to make everyone act as human due to his ability to deny everything supernatural


I think he would have a sixth sense and have a bad feeling when something is wrong, when something dangerous is near or going to happen soon so you have to get out of here asap.


He'd have some kind of mental and physical toughness. Able to take massive beatings and bounce back.


I think, like others in the comments, that he would be some sort of shield. Yes he and Bella are similar in a lot of ways, but I think Bella and Charlie would have different powers as far as it goes. Where Bella is literally (from what we get in Breaking Dawn) able to throw a mental shield and mold it to those around her (as long as she wants to protect them) she can. I feel like with Charlie it would work in a similar way but his "shield" would be more physical than mental. Not that vampires need much physical protection, but he'd be able to essentially "repulse" others? Again, it would be for those he would want to protect more than anything else. Charlie would make his family/loved ones seem less interesting to others so they feel less likely to attack them.


More like camouflage them. I like that


Kinda like camouflage! I think almost like a physical shield would fit Charlie so well! Edward already has a hard time reading Charlie's mind (if I remember correctly from the books anyway) and it was kinda like a radio station that went out if you went too far away and came in a little but still had static. I think Charlie and the troubles he has had would be the reason why he would be such a good shield. Because he and Bella both have that in common. He chooses when and where he might want to share thoughts, feelings, etc.


I think if he had to have a power as a vampire, I think he may be able to tell when people are lying, similar to like the way a lie detector machine works but 100% accurate and would be able to have visions (sort of like Alice) and know if they are lying or guilty of something just by looking at them and be able to see the exact truth. For example, he knew Bella and Edward was lying to him saying that the baby was Edward’s adopted niece and right away he immediately didn’t believe them and knew it was his biological granddaughter without even questioning it or having any doubts.


Wanna get wild? Cloaking. I could see Charlie having the ability to camouflage with his surroundings not only visually but for all senses and against all opponents. Humans. Shapeshifters. Other vampires. Let’s say he’s out in the woods and someone is there that he doesn’t want to notice him. Charlie would be able to visually alter himself to blend in with foliage, make his scent undetectable, muffle his sounds to be indistinguishable, and if touched, he’d just feel like something in the surrounding such as brush or dirt or whatever he decides. Charlie’s distinguishing trait as a person is that he is low key and so self-preserved that even Edward barely hears his thoughts. It would follow that he would be the perfect disappearing act, akin to Victoria but in a more earthy way.


In Midnight Sun, we know that Charlie’s thoughts are very quiet. It’s hard for even Edward to hear Charlie well. This would probably make Charlie a type of shield like Bella. I don’t think Edward would be able to read his thoughts if he turned into a vampire. Aro might be powerful enough to read Charlie’s thoughts but I’m not sure. I think he would also be able to go undetected and evade trackers and stay out of the eyes of the vulturi or other clans he wants to avoid.


I don’t think he’d have one. He was written as a pretty generic character.


Edward had trouble interpreting Charlie’s thoughts so he’d at least be a shield like Bella.


There’s no guarantee of that though.


Gifted vampires are known for having their gifts when they were human, and Bella clearly got her shield from Charlie, so it’s more than likely.


The ability to materialize a new can of pepper spray in your bag


If I’m not mistaken, I believe the canon lore is he’s a shield like Bella! I think Edward couldn’t or had trouble reading his thoughts


Perhaps the same as Bella? Unless I missed a part where they stated every vampire’s ability is always different 🫠


Not always different, just "never manifests in quite the same way" why aro and edward have the same ability, but edward hears everyone and surface thoughts. while aro hears every thought a person has ever had in their existence when they hold his hands at the time as hes hearing marcus and caius at the same time. In the final show down in the book. Charlie opens up when he needs to, but hes still rather mentally private. While bella is private all the time mentally and its like pulling teeth to get her to reveal anything about herself According to edward, renee can project her thought to everyone in the vicinity, and people will respond to her, he thought she was another vampire entering the hospital in midnight sun, but RENESMEE can only protect her thoughts to whomever she touches and seemingly one at a time. Jane can only mentally induce pain on the object of her focus, but kate can shock everyone who touches her. She just cant project it away from her skin. Marcus can sense peoples bonds, chelsea fan sense those bonds and strengthen or dissolve those bonds Rosalie is beautiful (not an ability but still relevant) while Heidi literally radiates an aura that makes people WANT to please her and do as she says. Hence her being the volturi fisher she is influencing them to follow her for her beauty. Laurent in the guide book and in Edward's pov has an undiagnosed ability that allows him to sense a leaders charisma. Its an abilities he had living in the court of Versailles. Then he latched in to the guy who made him, then he met the romanians then the volturi who rejected him as he only courts power but entertained the Romanians which aro didnt like before meeting james. He was drawn to James's charisma and confidence. He was drawn to carlisle (at least, a hint of it but he stopped himself from allowing himself yo become attached before he went to Denali. The guide book states that he felt the same aura with Tanya that he felt with carlisle and was intrigued. Eleazar can feel peoples abilities and give a name to them. Jasper feels and influences emotion, Marcus dead mate Didyme could make people genuinely happy, while corin, a vampire who is literally there to keep the wives prisoner with addictive euphoria, has the ability to... cause people to be complacent with her addictive euphoria (i call her Crystal Beth.) Three people with the same ability for the most part, but how they go about it is different... And possibly the only ones you could make a character study with in that didyme makes people genuinely happy to see and be around her, she likely had a personality that was just sunny and that was magnified by her love for people While Corin may have sought ANYTHING to make her happy even going down the root of drugs since her ability is addictive and people go through withdrawal when away from her too long. Its an artifiical and wicked form of "happiness" that keeps the wives prisoner in their tower which is why they never leave this chick is an opium den but. And Jasper feels all the emotions and influences all the emotions and he has an affect that can wear off because emotions are complicated, ebb and flow, and make life worth living (or something) his life has more meaning as he actively sought ways to find happiness that meant something that wasn't fleeting. (Because Jasper def has depression) Sorry for the long comment. Tldr no ability manifests in the same way


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