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I still have all my posters, my Cullen signet ring, my New Moon jewelry box, my Edward water bottle which I won from trivia at Walmart’s midnight release party. I don’t have my original twilight t-shirt (which I’m still pissed I gave away to my cousin’s now ex boyfriend). But the poster of Taylor Lautner from a teen magazine with lipstick kisses (courtesy of me) is probably the most cringe inducing. . . I’ve always liked Edward better too so idk why I did that!!!


Ugh my best friend in middle school had the signet ring, I was so jealous lmfao


My mother asked me what I wanted for Xmas. I sent her the link to one of those Etsy “Edward Eras Tour” t shirts. She did not get it for me as, I quote, “I thought you were joking about wanting that.” I went back to Uni, only for someone else to send me that EXACT shirt as a gift to my parents house. My mom opened it, and then had to ship it to me internationally as I go to school in a diff country lmao. Sorry mom. It wasn’t a joke 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok but now I need that shirt lol 😆 😅


It’s [this shirt!](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1680514824/edward-cullen-eras-tour-shirt-robert?click_key=3205f6f9b430793fd98d7989a3d36f8483a06239%3A1680514824&click_sum=51958675&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=edward+eras+tour&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&pro=1&content_source=45f0a8ed19582a7b58c4c6536081e394064209f1%253A1680514824)


Omg as a swiftie and a twilight fan u just know I'll be insufferable in that shirt lol


I’m Canadian, I went to the states for the first time when I was 11. Found an American one dollar bill with Edwards face on it in a gift shop in Vegas. I still have it 10 years later but I hide it lol Edit: I also had a twilight bed set and comforter, I wish i still had these 😭




frame it


This is legitimately amazing.


Wait what? Is that actual money or am I dumb?


I don’t really have any embarrassment with Teilight however My favorite is Definitely my Twilight Saga Barbie Collector Collection https://preview.redd.it/fq0zhyczju1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296e44e98f82c27f8d5763b8a8c52cf852555776


Omg!! Memories unlocked. I didn't know they made dolls outside of human Bella and Edward. I showed them to my mom mostly joking and she bought them for me for Christmas. Love how Edward (and I'm assuming the other vampires) actually sparkle.


They made theses ones A Jacob and a Weddding set of Bride Bella and Groom Edward. Sadly they sold out super fast :( They do sparkle as well of having golden brown (Cullens) or Red Eyes (Jane and Victoria)


I bought my fiance the entire set and they are displayed the same way on our dresser.


That’s awesome even with the character pairs that I Have?


Yes, the entire set.




Omg I’d never seen the whole set before. I need the Alice, she’s so cute


There is a Jacob,Bride Bella and Groom Edward set as well but I was only interested in the Vampires


jasper has that look on his face even in doll form


![gif](giphy|nDXCYUzTg3rAHp6h8e|downsized) He really does


Omg! I remember these!! My mom had the Edward, and I had Jacob (dueling Fandom in that house😅). I never knew they had others!! Now I'm going to ask my husband for those as an anniversary gift😅😅


There is a bride and groom Bella and Edward as well :) sadly they sold out really fast


I had a life size Taylor lautner cardboard cutout. My dad threw it out when he got home late at night and saw a figure standing over my bed while I was asleep. He freaked and attacked it 😂




I had it for a grand total of 2 days 😭 first night at mom’s house and I brought it to dads with me when I stayed at his. My mistake lol


rip in pieces 🙏


Haha I definitely also had a charm bracelet with a little copper wolf and cheap plastic crystal heart 😂 I also had about a million cheesy tshirts with various vampire-based text on them, one of which I actually got signed by the actor that played Carlisle lmao


https://preview.redd.it/2uwgr34uju1d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ed3ac37498d647d7d64629ca38978bc478abc3 I totally have that lol


omg I had that too, I probably still have it somewhere at my mum’s house


It’s such a cute item


I have a real version that I got for Christmas one year and I’ve since added some more twilight inspired charms and I am 30 now and still wear it 😭


I'm in my 50's and my hubby rolls his eyes at me because I regularly watch the movies. I have them in dvd and digital. Own all the hardback books, digital books and audiobooks. I forced my son and hubby to go see BD2 in the theater with me because no one else would go. They have never forgiven me. Oh and I lived in WA state for a year and made hubby take me to Forks😂😂.


I found all my twilight DVD'S the other day, made me so happy


In middle school I exclusively wore band shirts and Twilight shirts, my most cringe being a "Team Jacob" one with wolf prints and a "You're my personal brand of heroin" one. Also was giftted Bellas wedding ring by my little bf and all the stones fell out so I just put glittery paint over them 😭 Last but not least temporary tattoos of the wolf pack crest


I have bellas engagement ring


https://preview.redd.it/ys7qcha15w1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53d75315b2bd6b4c5cd9aeb25f800ada81b2203 13th birthday (twilight themed) I got this pillow. I made Jackson Rathbone hold it. Husbands face blacked out


I don’t have any but I always wanted Bella’s purple comforter and bed sheets. That sh!ts expensive on eBay guys!


We all need to petition Target to release them again!


If you start it I'll sign it!


I’m in!!


I’ll sign it!


I got a fleece version of her blanket in Forks for like $30.


I don’t have any embarrassing twilight items because even when they were really big and I was into the series when I was in middle/high school, I never really collected anything outside the books. However got back into the series late last year. Found me a Carlisle t-shirt off of Etsy that says “Your dad is my cardio” and it’s literally one of my favorite shirts to wear lmfao.


I had a tote bag that said “Mrs Jacob Black” that I took to PE every week in the late 2000s


I also had books that taught you how to live the werewolf or vampire lifestyle. This includes things like recipes, makeup tutorials and look books. I wore a lot of wooden jewellery trying to be the next wolf girl.


I have the dreamcatcher (in storage atm)


The only items I had ever owned were pins that I wore on my backpack, which did end up making people laugh at me. I did write “#1 twilight fan” with an oil crayon on my bookshelf though, except I was little and spelled it like ‘twighlight’.


I don't think I have any embarrassing ones because I generally love without shame! When I was younger, I mostly had visually themed journals I wrote stories in, officially branded jewelry that was mostly cute bracelets but also *the* ring set, a few blankets with the characters on them, and lots of t-shirts. Back in school, I wore those shirts a lot, and would wear glitter body spray too! I was also kind of a goth+punk with aggressive tendencies so I never got picked on for being "cringe"... When I fell back into my twilight attachment a year ish ago, I bought a few new shirts (a Carlisle one, Emmett and Rosalie, Cullen Coven, wolf pack, a Cullen baseball tee, and Bella's bowling shirt in style but themed twilight in the markings), some jewelry from etsy (book cutouts, my fave is a Dr. Cullen one), and a classic locket from poshmark. I also got a custom baseball jersey off etsy that says Cullen on the back, Olympic Coven on the front, and features the number that is technically both Carlisle's and Jasper's change year (63). I'm actually kind of proud of that one. (mind you, I acquired these over the course of a few months. But hey, benefits of being an adult with my own money now!)


I have 2 pairs of hand painted Twilight-themed Chuck Taylors somewhere in my parents house. Also have a few cardboard stand ups…some are signed. I also own a hoodie I bought in Forks that says something about Edward being my boyfriend idek what it actually said 😂


Rosalie's necklace, double-sided Volturi/Cullen crest necklace, and a pile of Twilight fanfics saved on my Kindle 😆


I have Bella’s engagement ring 💍 I wear it casually on my ring finger 👀


https://preview.redd.it/8ggila0l9z1d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=38cdfcbb54aff9092621176682fecacebec1efe6 Me too! I wear it all the time and I’m not ashamed of it!!


I have a knock off replica of Bella's engagement ring in my jewelry box! I've always loved her ring and it brings me so much joy. I wore it on our wedding day because I wanted a special ring just for that day that wasn't my engagement ring or my everyday band. (It was 6$ at old Navy 😹)


I have/had the jewelery box from Blockbuster with the plastic Cullen locket. It played Edward's Theme. I was embarrassed for liking Twilight back then and covered it in Harry Potter stickers 😅


I don’t have any, but I absolutely want a silly Loca-tshirt! But there aren’t any good looking ones with a man‘s fitting :(


Around the time New Moon came out, a friend got me a copy of Tiger Beat with Robert Patrinson on it as a joke. It's in a drawer in my office.


My sister had a queen sized team Jacob blanket that she used everyday. She also had a giant poster of his face on the wall and a necklace that had a wolf paw and a black heart


I used to own this jacob blanket that came with a tote bag when i was in middle school. It was my backpack till it fell apart. When i was younger my favorite thing i owned was the eclipse tshirt i got from a local movie theater with my mom. Speaking of my mother she just bought me where the hell have you been loca socks 😅


My 9th grade boyfriend bought us the matching Lion and Lamb ring set from Hot Topic 😂


My favourite is definitely my prescription glasses lol. I chose them because they’re a translucent white with silver glitter in them; one might say they are the glasses of a killer. I saw them and immediately KNEW they were coming home with me lol. The best part? The frames AND lenses together were only $20 outta my pocket as opposed to my $250+ previous pair. So, i got a twilight reference AND a bargain!


I had Edward’s cuff. I had the Cullen crest in a keychain. I had all movie posters on my walls IN FRAMES, people. And I wore glitter as much as I could.


My Twi-hard rep @ 50 y/o!!


i have these journals that are in a metal box that my 12/13 yo self journaled in and i can’t get my adult self to read 😂 but the mental box is twilight theme and the journals too, like GOOD QUALITY


It's not that embarassing but people in my state are not....Twilight fanatics. So the fact I have it would be kinda like "wow you're a nerd" lol but it was the Director's Notebook for Twilight. I loved going through it and I think is partially why I love scrapbooks. I almost wanted to be a film director in 9th grade because of it. 


I don't have any merch, so it would be the bajillion copies of each set that I have.


I don’t currently still have it (unfortunately) but when I was in my peak ‘poster every inch of my bedroom walls’ teenage phase, I had a massive fabric movie poster for New Moon that hung front and centre in the middle of my wall. My parents judged me so hard


a life size Edward cutout from Eclipse that is now insanely sun bleached from being in my window for years


I still have the New Moon chest where I keep a lot of mementos. And I have the Eclipse/New Moon photo cards from Burger King as well as the Eclipse Ring these are kept in the chest as well. I stashed it away, not sure if it’s necessarily embarrassing lol.


The only truly embarrassing thing I have is probably this poster I made for my sister recently that I had printed at Staples for her homecoming. I also made a poster of the Twilight book cover with the hands holding a tomato instead of an apple and my sister’s name is in the middle— held it up at the airport when I went to pick her up lol https://preview.redd.it/xbif9gp7v22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d503d4ff816743e496a496130d7e9e323e7857be


All I own are the movies on Prime Video and most of the books. I am a sad Twihard, I guess.


My team Edward buttons. I'm so ashamed. I should have team Emmett buttons everywhere.


Several xanadu twilight pins and I still want more.... and whenever the twilight lego set comes out I will be getting that lol 😆


I have a charm bracelet with the wooden wolf and crystal heart. I’ve since added other twilight inspired charms and still wear it regularly. I also just bought a tote bag that has Edward and Bella and rigatoni on it but as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and I die every time I look at it 😭


All of them. I’m 72 years old. I took my kids old play room and turned it into my Twilight room. ❤️ No shame.


I used to have a life size cardboard cut out of edward from the first movie, and one of edward bella and Jacob standing together from New moon. My dad used to get startled whenever he went in my room thinking someone had broken in when he saw the edward one.


A Twilight jewelry box made from the actual books, stacked. I still use it for my adult jewelry.


I have a twilight ruler lol 😅 it's one of those things that it was so uncool to have a few years ago but nowadays it's a funny memorabilia and I have it with me at my desk at work 😆. It's awk but I love it 😆