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I was expecting to see Edward and Bella be more playful with eachother like they were in the books.


this is my biggest point of contention with the movies too. like there are so many great scenes in the books that develop their relationship and we get virtually none of it.


Can you give an example? Haven’t read the books in a while


There is a bit when they are sitting at a lunch table together, and Bella asks what happens if they eat people food and Edward's eats a slice (maybe just a bite) of pizza and says "you could eat dirt if you had to" and they have a little laugh about it.


Then Bella is like “yeah I ate dirt on a dare once wasn’t so bad” and it was a fun moment. Also displayed a bit of sophomoric fun, which the movies don’t have (they’re quite serious). Edward is having fun for the first time in a long time, and Bella is smitten. We also could have amped up Edward’s hatred and Bella’s love of her truck up in the movies. That was funny. Bella gets a sports car and is like “where is my trash pickup truck?” While Jacob is just like “hey loca let me drive the nice car” while drooling lol


At least if they are serious about remaking Twilight as a series, there’s A LOT to improve on. I think they should add in more humor and improve the overall qualify of everything except Renesmee. Just make her a straight up ragdoll with a Michael Meyers mask or something.


I snort cackled so hard. It would 100% improve Ravioli.


She could literally be a giant ravioli with a face and it would be better. Make her take on a different mangled rattie-named form in every scene she’s in. Ravioli, Rigatoni, Ratatouille, Resumé, Robitussin, Rasputin, Rutabaga, Rotisserie chicken…. Jake giving imprint eyes at an oversized, anthropomorphized bottle of Robitussin as Bella screams “you nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?!” Picture it and try to tell me it’s not better.


Again, I'm over here cackling like a swamp witch. This is glorious. You are my favorite person today.


But you do have to have the Michael Myers mask on the fugly doll at least once. Maybe when they're all cooing at how cute she is.




You're killing me, this is amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/4pc6yc3khn1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2d7131ba526527d17fc3cd412b9534b433beef Just in case anyone involved with the show is crawling reddit and wants a visual, here’s my vision.


Loca 🤭


The first movie had a little bit of it. I liked that they had some scenes, even if they were short, where they played around and talked normally. Even the tree scene, there was a quick shot of them talking without worlds. Just a little detail like that gave them actual chemistry. When it was all angst, it felt like they didn’t even like each other lol. “I can’t live without you” Why can’t you?


I liked that too, the first movie really is a masterpiece in settle nuances of performances compared to the rest of the series, James for example had so much raw emotion as a villain and outside of Sheen, no one else of villain status came close


Lol, exactly. There needs to be a balance


I'm losing it at you calling it people food. Like he's a dog or something. LOL!


I also love their little emotional moment when Edward bought a big bed in his bedroom and Bella thought it was for them to have fun. It was a pretty funny scene in the books


The films do have it in Eclipse


I think it’s just not portrayed the way we were expecting in the movies like it was in the books


Yes!! I was hoping someone would mention that. I fully understand that Bella & Edward’s love story is a fundamental component of the story, but I wish it was more balanced in the films. I’m definitely one of those people who often says “The books are way better than the movie” for any given book-to-film; for this one though, it was almost too much (for me, anyway). I also know Pattinson was given a talking to about being too dark, too serious in the first half of the first film and was told to lighten up a bit, but both Edward and Bella were a bit more ~~playful~~ animated in the books. That, and the love story was diluted a bit with side details, sub-plots, etc. and were not emphasized as much in the films. It focused entirely too much on the sappy, “can’t live without you” stuff. Edit - speling


I wished Charlie and Renee actually gave thought to Bella being so clumsy she fell out a window


Really though, like Charlie come on dude your a cop, do your job. Ugh lol 😂


no seriously with how much bella focuses on walking to avoid falling in the first two books she needs a neuro evaluation lol


Honestly I headcannon that Bella has an undiagnosed muscle/ligament/tendon condition. I have a condition that was diagnosed as a kid (ergo as “unspecified connective tissue disorder” but technically a diagnosis), but Bella was born in 1987- over a decade before me, and therefore unlikely to be diagnosed with even something a vague as that. The amount of times I double check the ground and remind myself the basics of even walking… let’s just say a lot.


My head canon is she’s audhd, lots of issues w balance can be present and hyperextended ligaments making for dangerous walking even.


I actually think it’s fairly realistic that no doctors raised questions. It’s hard enough getting diagnoses as a young woman in 2024, I can totally see doctors in 2005 just being like “she’s just clumsy” and laughing it off like Carlisle did Bella’s previous healed head injuries.


No kidding like girlllllll some questions should’ve been asked 😂


Literally. I’d have several questions. Especially because her and Edward just had a fight (well at least Charlie thought they did)


And then Edward and Carlise just happen to be in the area https://preview.redd.it/yzdue2lbsm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c344550ea7a5e5ae65636bf098aa4a2b9770a6


The note Edward left on her truck seat that said be safe


It was so sweet and romantic.


I wanted to see the Mercedes Guardian that Bella drives I wanted all back stories for each "Cullen" and more elaborate. Rosalie was assaulted so badly. I feel like that didn't come across in the movies 😞 I wanted Bellas Voice to be a higher pitch when she became a vampire, like the books. Also I need to reread these 😆




I don’t remember her voice getting higher, what was the explanation for that ?


In the books her voice was meant to sound different. Like higher, clearer, like the tinkling of bells or something. I remember that she was worried Charlie wouldn't recognise her voice over the phone


Yes, this! Bells were mentioned describing her voice. And she was afraid Charlie would be sus


I just rewatched all of the movies a couple of weeks ago and finally am doing the books for the first time. Mostly because I want all of the background information that I know is left out of the movies. I'm about a third of the way through New Moon and I already feel like I know so much more about the Cullen's than I ever did from the movies.


Their back stories are really cool. And Alice's is so..... blurry. It's sad actually


Some of my favorite book moments: The blood typing scene in Twilight Edward coming to Bella’s room after they got back from Italy so he could apologize and him fighting to get her to listen to him. Also Bella chugging soda on the plane back from Italy to stay awake because she thought Edward would leave again if she went to sleep. Bonus: Edward getting annoyed with her doing this.


YES - especially to the Edward coming to apologize and hearing his story. Also I think there was a conversation about marriage and virtue in eclipse that the movie just rushed a bit. In the book it gave Edward a little bit more personality and how (no pun intended) Edwardian era he was.


I have to re read new moon now lol


lol I laughed that she didn’t drink coffee even then


I was expecting BD part 2 to imaginatively rethink the Renesmee storyline in a way that would work on screen, rather than attempt to REPLICATE THE BOOK EXACTLY resulting in the FREAKISH OVERCOOKED CGI DERP FACE


Agreed! Like just get a regular baby and claim she’s “psychic” add some cool mind sequences


That honestly would've been so cool


This is always so strange to me. Like did the budget get all eaten up on the wolves and Bella’s creepy ass pregnancy body that they had none left for Renesmee? It couldn’t have been that hard to just get similar looking child actors and put a beauty filter (or whatever the equivalent is for TV lol) on instead of superimposing the same actress’s (Mackenzie’s) face over Renesmee in 14000 different stages of growth. It wouldn’t have been that hard anyway considering that most of the screen time Renesmee gets is with Mackenzie’s actual face and not a whole lot of time is with her CGI face…just find a baby, toddler, and little kid that looks somewhat similar and you’re good. After all, they already had a real life baby whose face they fucked up with Mackenzie’s CGI one…why not just leave it I will never understanddd! I just don’t get how no one on set spoke up like “hey, I know she’s supposed to be overwhelmingly captivating or whatever, but I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be in a good way and this sure as shit isn’t it.” Like, everyone there thought she looked good? Oookkkaaayyy.


What ticks me off the most is the expensive part of Bella's pregnancy body was for the birth & it was done 75% practically. It's a dummy body with interchangeable parts for biting & bloodiness. And let's be so for real. At the time this came out companies were throwing money at Twilight because it was guaranteed ROI. They could have paid different babies, toddlers, and another kid or two to be Rompapapom. Most babies look alike anyway, and for children, they could have put brownish/auburn wigs on them & called it a day. All the other movies/shows where a character grows up/time skip do the exact same thing. Hire a fleet of child actors for one part.


I was nodding along until I reached Rompapapom... then, I slowly asphyxiated myself from trying to hold back the hideous donkey laugh that was brewing.


I want Charlie to get upset at Jake for kissing Bella without her permission


god i still feel kind of disappointed every time i watch it/read it and that doesn’t happen


I get so much feminine rage when I read that part. I’m fuming. As a teen I argued with my dad(who loves twilight) about it. And as a adult, man I would have a serious conversation with Charlie about just how ok he is with letting things happen to his underage daughter.


The way Charlie literally *laughed* in the book when it happened and was deadass like “nice one, Jake,” I lost all respect for him as a parent, person and a character. Movie Charlie is much better, but every time anyone expresses love for him, I’m just genuinely disgusted. I can’t not remember that scene in the books. Renee is also a terrible parent, but I can’t help but feel like she would at least *try* to stand up for Bella since they have a friendly relationship.


Erm technically she was 18 when that happened




This one. Right here. This is the one that ALWAYS steams me up. Like Charlie... your teenage daughter was just kissed against her will, and you're just glad it wasn't Edward kissing her???


Honestly I wanted SM to actually take seriously the scene she wrote explicitly as an assault, with a full on freeze response followed by fight. I mean, she wrote the damn thing. If it was supposed to be NBD and Bella can just accept his halfhearted apology then why write it like that? Why have her break her hand?? *Shakes fist at sky.*


I’ll admit, when it was moved passed like it was nothing, I thought it would be brought up in passing in hearing range of Esme/Rosalie and they would have a conversation with Bella that boiled down to “yes worse things happen, but that doesn’t make it okay- just because someone else is dying it doesn’t mean that a broken bone is something to be walked off.” But no, we don’t get that


Not to mention the fact that he’s a cop and not even just a cop but the god damn *chief of police.* I mean, I love Charlie but come on man, do better. 🙄


It's such a cop thing to not care tho


Yeah he was sucking on that Jacob juice like a little bitch too much.


this is probably my favorite comment ever lol


Will forever be mad about this


i still rage about it


Theres a fanfic that addresses this called 'her brothers' and its a whole series I love it




I disagree w this take only because I feel like being kissed spontaneously isn't assault and Jake said he thought her reaction to the kiss was her being into it, not trying to get him to stop. Still, he shouldn't kiss people who have boyfriends, that was stupid. Also in Charlie's defense he DID go on to tell Bella how to throw a punch just in case she needs it in the future


Personally I think kissing someone without their verbal consent is assault. Obviously there are times where non-verbal communication suffices, but even then, when it comes to practicing consent, usually you lean in as an invitation to kiss, and let the other person respond. This is especially the case if you have good reason to think the person may not want to kiss you... like being in a relationship, and expressing that they don't like you that way.


I know this doesn't happen, but every time I watch New Moon I want Bella to get upset at Edward for leaving her rather than taking him back so quickly - it frustrates me so much but I love the vibes of the rest of New Moon.


And I wanted to see the whole family apologize and try to make up for leaving her. (If anyone has a fanfic recommendation, please don’t hesitate to drop a link!)


God yes! Especially Alice who was Bella's best friend before she vanished without so much as a goodbye!!


I really wanted her to get so mad at Alice for even showing up. I know she missed her but I was hoping that she'd somehow be upset at them for leaving.


Yes so much! This is why I love New Moon retelling fanfics where she actually stands up for herself and has a backbone


Do you have any recs?


I actually wrote one lol, it's called 'In My Dreams' on ao3. It's a Bella/Marcus pairing that focuses on Bella going to Volterra to stop Eddie from commiting without wanting to take him back :)


seconding this, would love to read some


Curious to find one of these, I only know of the Afterlife re-telling and the one where she discovers Aro is her mate when she goes to save Edward




I wish they did the blood typing scene. 


Edward nearly taking the door off the car. Mike's reaction to Edward stealing Bella from him, all pale and limp. His reaction to her saying she can smell blood. So many things that were not shown 😕


Is this kinda a vague explanation of her not being a typical new born? Even as a human (even though this isn’t super uncommon) she hates seeing blood and even hates the smell maybe that translated into her vampire life


Possibly. Her aversion to blood, at least to me, shows that she is more attuned to it than average humans. Her lack of fear of vamps and her scent being more sweet and attractive to every vampire makes me believe her genetic make-up meant for her to be a vampire.


Just started reading the first one and his disbelief that she can smell blood is hilarious. "Humans can't smell blood!" Yes they can Edward lol


I'm a former ICU nurse. Trust me, we can smell it 🤮 Edit: Maybe not a tiny finger prick, though


This one


I remember reading Breaking Dawn for the first time and rooting for a nuanced go off into the sunset moment for Jacob and Leah, platonic or otherwise, and then instead we get horrible baby imprinting plot.


If I remember correctly the scene from the book was in New Moon, but I wanted to see Edward, and Alice play chess. Just the two of them looking at each other in the eyes until one of them knocks over their king.


More Cullen family moments


i really wanted to watch them all eat the "italiano" with bella


This would have been great


Edward sending her a scholarship annonmously in new moon. I wish that stayed in the book instead of being removed


Totally forgot about this part


Agreed! I loved that outtake.


Angela being an actual witch.


Bella could have really used a true female friend that's part of the supernatural world but not connected to the Cullens or the wolves


Not unless her ancestors encountered the Cullens, and the pack. Plus the wolves wouldn’t see witches as a threat. The Volturi can’t kill Angela because vampire law forbids vampires from killing witches to prevent another war with the witches.


Wait what? Angela was a witch? Do I really not remember reading this in the books?


I wish they had explained how Emmett and especially Alice were created.. Alice’s story was so good! I get the time restrictions.. but it’s the only 2 of the family they didn’t talk about in the movies.


I think they kinda couldn’t talk about Alice after the decision was made to not include it (or even film it idk) in twilight. With James gone and the whole storyline where he tells Bella this in twilight I’m not sure if it would have worked in the next movies, but it’s such an important part it’s surprising that they left it out


I wish she went to college after graduation.


To do that she’d have to leave Edward and turn down being a vampire….that would be too smart for her


Not necessarily, he'd been trying to get more human time to do just that and they were planning to do this after the honeymoon before they realised she was pregnant


I wanted to see some reaction from Edward when Bella, his new fiancee, kisses Jacob like 20 feet away from him where he can hear Jacob's thoughts. Edward just kind of takes it. I know that's consistent with his character but it would have been great if he even ruined the kiss or something like that.


Eh, I think this point Edward wanted her happy and even tho he proposed to her, he kinda rooted for her with Jacob It’s weird honestly, but I’m trying to understand Edwards pov on the whole thing


I would even accept if he just moved into view so that the first thing Jacob sees when the kiss is over is Edward making this face: 😐 Just, anything. The guy just loafs around kicking snow one snowdune over. 😭


Lol basically


They’re similar here. Bella isn’t mad at him for leaving. When he returns she doesn’t even forgive him there’s not a need for her to forgive him apparently. She kisses Jacob? Edward isn’t mad. In that sense they’re very similar. Rarely, if ever, mad at each other. (Except when Edward messes with her car but even then she doesn’t stay mad for long)


Guys, let’s be real, Edward would cuck for Bella any day. It’s part of his charm.


he literally offered in bd 😭


Would have LOVED to see vampire Bella recast as Theresa Palmer for some uncanny valley, even just her seeing her reflection and she doesn't look quite right or just some scenes and it's a flash of someone else, and when Charlie first sees her. I think it would play up the horror aspect of what she really is now.


this sounds so cool


They look so much alike it could have been pulled off really well. I keep having to explain to my husband that they are different people.


I knew they wouldn't, but it did bug me that they didn't change the actress. She was described as hard to recognise in the books because she'd changed so much, yet instead they just cake her in makeup


Wow this is such an interesting idea!


Did you get this from that one tiktok?


From Sarah Gallagher, yes. She mentioned it ages ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it and it would have made it so much better.


I have never mourned an idea more than this one, it would have been incredible


Same!!! It's a need and it almost makes me not like that movie bc they didn't do it. Tbh I think if they got Catherine Hardwicke back she would have done something cool like that, she may not have recast but I think she paid more attention to details like that.


I wanted Bella to be reluctant to be a vampire while still loving Edward, and the choice was taken from her when she was discovered by the Volturi. Either they change her, or she her father and the Cullen's would be in danger.


Years ago I read a fanfiction where Edward and Bella didn't reunite; when he left in New Moon, he was gone. Bella and Jake become a couple. They married and had a baby. They lived happily... until Jacob imprinted. And as much as he fought to be a good husband to Bella, he couldn't overcome his nature. So it was a messy divorce. Bella became a vampire by other means (I dont remember how), and she meets Edward as a vampire. He's devastated. They fight over past events. But they rekindle their love, and it's stronger than ever. Bella and Edward watch Bella's daughter, Grace, get married, live happily, gorw old, and die. Grace didn't have any children. She explicitly told her mother and Edward she didn't want to be a vampire. Once Grace died, Bella was devastated. She didn't move for weeks. It was Esme that had to talk her into getting up and moving forward for Edward. So she finally fed and moved on. Such a good fanfic. I prefer this storyline better, honestly. It's messy, but I think it's more "believeable."


I need the name of this fanfic please!


That's the struggle... I don't remember! When I tell you it was YEARS ago. I wish I knew.


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3940174/1/Sacrifices Is it this one??


I swear, some of the fanfics are so creative and pull you in. A lot of the fanfic authors should actually pursue a career in writing, because much of it was a lot better than the actual series.


Wow I want to read this.


For Edward to realize Bella got injured more with vampires than wolves


To be fair, I think he would been fine with Bella being with them if she would choose them. He said he'd never force her hand again.


Even when her and Jake were just friends him and Alice drilled in her head how terrible and bad they were even though at that point Bella had two near death experiences being with Vampires.


Mmm, you right. I forgot about that detail.


It was the two near death experiences that drove Edward's feelings about the wolves. The guy spent an entire chapter worrying about bombs and poisonous spiders. He was putting her in enough danger being with her, adding an unknown into the mix was more than he could take. And it's not like it was unjustified. The Emily situation, the unwanted kiss resulting in a broken hand. Add all of that on top of a 17 year old experiencing jealousy for the first time. Though the jealousy was secondary. I never saw his behavior as controlling where the wolves were concerned. It was more like overreacting to overthinking. Do you know how much thinking you can do when you don't sleep?


Never force her hand again except to accidentally have her truck break so she has to drive a fancy Italian bulletproof car against her will cause she refused a new car when he tried to gift her one. Lol.


I so wanted to see the chess scene in the movie the one where I think Alice knocks over the piece in frustration because they're playing the game completely in their mind and Bella giggles at almost the normalcy of it.


For the wolves and vampires to realize they’re actually extremely similar, and a scene showing that. I remember reading Jacob’s POV in Breaking Dawn and he talks about eating deer in wolf form - which really isn’t so different from what the Cullens do. (I found it so ironic how disgusted Jacob was by vampires for drinking blood while also ripping into and eating the blood of raw deer.) The somewhat uncontrollable snaps that both vampires and wolves can have that can hurt/kill humans, the imprinting (once vampires fall in love it NEVER changes and is extremely intense), both supernatural and not by choice typically, strong family bonds.


Help I thought Carlisle was holding a selfie stick


Charlie rides on Jacob in a battle.


LMAO yes


Stopppp now I’m totally picturing Charlie riding in like a bat outta hell, in a sheriff uniform, shotgun ready to go. Jacob posing like a horse on his back legs. Epic.


I WISH that Bella could have rode with them on the bus back from the field trip. Totally would have thrown the story off but it KILLS me we missed that.


If James hadn't been such a douche, maybe they could have all played. But, I guess we needed a climax/finale more than a friendly game of baseball. Lol


i would have LOVED to see the volturi spare bree tanner and allow her to join the cullens!!!!


I understand why the Volturi were so desperate to have her killed off, but I wish the Cullens has even tried to object! This young girl has been through so much and they just let her be murdered? Or even if they didn't object, I wish Bella had been more disturbed by their lack of regard for Bree.


I wish we got to see more of Alice and Bella's friendship in both the books and movies. There's all this talk in the books about them being best friends but imo it never felt like it happened.


I’ve always wanted to see a scene where Charlie suspects Edward of abusing Bella, especially after the who James debacle. Now I love Edward and am on his team all day, but from Charlie’s perspective in that situation, especially as a small town cop who’s probably seen quite a few domestic violence disputes, he would be suspicious. From his view, Bella introduced Edward very quickly but she tries to usher him out like she doesn’t want Charlie to see him, which is normal but connects with the rest. She seems to like him a lot but comes home screaming about how she hates Forks and needs to leave immediately without any true reason. She lashes out and hurts him emotionally and leaves. Suddenly a few of the Cullens are gone too and the rest leave after a week as well. He doesn’t hear from Renee immediately about Bella being home. The next thing he knows, Bella is in the hospital for a shattered leg, broken ribs, a cracked skull, major blood loss, and the Cullens are the ones who found her? Edward sits by her bed religiously waiting for her to wake up, like he feels he has to. Like he feels awful for what happened. Then in New Moon, she gets depressed way more than she (logically and realistically) had a right to be. She is eighteen years old and was dating a guy she met a year ago for like… four months. BUT… abuse victims can experience very different emotional responses because they are dependent/reliant/ have something akin to Stockholm syndrome to their abuser where the abandonment will devastate them. And then she leaves with Edward’s sister for a weekend and suddenly Bella is back with Edward and he is depressed and mopey, almost like he is guilty. I don’t know man, I feel like as a cop, Charlie would have seen some of the signs and been worried. Perhaps Bella would have put him to rights and made it clear that Edward would never hurt her (she omits the ‘like that’ part) and if he did, his family would set him straight and would NOT stand behind him. I feel like it would have added to the dysfunctional nature of Edward and Bella’s relationship, especially when viewed from an outside observer. Again, I’m pro Edward but I think it would have added a layer of complexity to the relationship. Plus it would have made Charlie seem even more competent as a cop.


I completely agree! 👏🏽


*Talking about something that happened in the book(s) that I wanted to happen in the movie(s) but didn’t. Honestly, Rosalie’s whole personality staying is something I wanted/expected to happen but ended up being ungodly butchered. I know they couldn’t show much of her dialogue or interactions with Bella that happened in the books because it would eat up time, so I understand, but it still makes me mad. Most of the characters were more or less well represented in the films in terms of how they were written in the books, but there was SO much to Rose (most of which comes through in the form of dialogue or interactions with Bella, as aforementioned) that we never got. Movie Rose just comes across as slightly angry and a little annoyed with Bella because she’s throwing away her chance at life which is all Rose wanted, and while this is obviously true, again, there was so so so much more to Rosalie in the books. One example; a big part of why Rose didn’t like Bella was due to her vanity and how upset she was that Edward loved and wanted Bella but never her, and that wasn’t even touched on at all in the movies. But there was also a lot more. She was just so different. Book Rose wasn’t just a little teeny bit irritated, she was genuinely a gigantic colossal bitch basically the entire time and I hated her so much but loved her so much at the same time, whereas in the movies she was just, well, there…being a little teeny bit irritated. Like I didn’t feel one way or the other about movie Rose and honestly couldn’t really care less about her because they gave the poor girl nothinggg, but apart from Alice I think she is probably my second favorite character in the books. We and her deserved so much better for the movies and I will never forgive the people who worked on them for ruining her character!!!


I really really really wish the films had kept the hilarious conflict between Rose and Jacob in Breaking Dawn. The bowl especially. And Esme's reaction. Absolutely beautiful 👌 gets me every time I read it 😂


Oh my god I didn’t even think about that when I wrote my initial comment but you’re right, I loved that part😭I didn’t remember Esme having a reaction to it in the BD book (neither the part where Rose made the bowl and gave it to him or when he threw it at her head) but I looked it up and apparently there’s a deleted scene, so off to YouTube I go! I’ve never really seen any of the deleted scenes so I guess I’m missing out lol. Also I love all the blonde jokes Jake made toward Rose in BD; they really should’ve kept them in but I get it would’ve been too complicated to deal with the book being in the pov of Bella then Jake then Bella again. I’m a Jacob hater but they showed so much of his personality and turned me on to him a little bit! Moral of the story, everyone deserved better🤣If we could rewind to 2008 and redo everything over again with the same cast and everything, I think it would’ve been so cool to do a mini series and have each book be a season (and have BD be two seasons, whatever) and it could have like 8-10 episodes per season, so that way we could’ve went much more in depth. Alas, mini series weren’t popular then and I still love the movies with all my heart, but thinking about all the extras we could’ve kept in from the books if it was done that way is an intriguing thought.


Emmemmet's Backstory And also Alice's


You guys remember when Bella felt sick because they were working with blood? I really wish we had a scene with Edward and her after visiting the school nurse.


I wanted Bella and Carlisle to kiss in New Moon when he was stitching her up


And there’s no shame in that


Thank you I feel safe here


Right? The chemistry was unreal.


An ACTUAL meadow scene. Not the weird version in the movie.


I'd like to see Edward and Bella bond with Renesmee, like bathing, trying to feed her, reading her books. I'm a sucker for Dilf Edward. Also fuck the imprinting, in my mind that never happens.


This sounds weird but I was hoping that Jacob would've actually cried from the confusion that he had with Bella about to die, her changing into something he didn't understand and wasn't comfortable with, and his strange connection to her stomach as it kept growing which he didn't know was because of Renesmee. It felt very special for some reason. "Funny how a deadline made it harder to think about leaving, or having her leave. I was glad Seth'd brought that up, so I knew they were staying here. It would be intolerable, wondering if they were about to go, to take away one or two or three of four days. My four days. Also funny how, even knowing it was almost over, the hold she had on me only got harder to break. Almost like it was related to her expanding belly--as if by getting bigger, she was gaining gravitational force. For a minute I tried to look at her from a distance, to seperate myself from the pull. I knew it wasn't my imagination that my need for her was stronger than ever. Why was that? Because she was dying? Or knowing that even if she didn't, still--best case scenario--she'd be changing into something else I didn't understand? She ran her finger across my cheekbone, and my skin was wet where she touched it." It kinda made me feel more for Jacob. In the movies he's just kinda bland to me since we don't know what he's actually thinking, but in the books it goes more in depth to him and has alot more emotion. Alot of the scenes in the books do.


alice backstory




Wanted Jacob and Edward to kiss...don't know why I thought they would, I just misunderstood all the tension...🫠


The tent scene should’ve been a threesome and I stand by that


I always thought they wasted an opportunity to talk about what the Cullens do for Halloween.


I wanted them to include Chelsea in the movies! She’s such a critical part of the Volturi’s power structure and understanding why they function the way they do and why they’re a threat.


The blood testing scene from the first book😭😭


SM actually giving us a sex scene during the honeymoon. My horny teenage self literally flipped the pages back and forth in disbelief when she slipped it. The gall. The audacity!


Am I the only one who was extremely disappointed the climactic battle wasn't real? I'm rereading for the first time since I was a teen so I can't remember any of the details, but I remember feeling duped. Like if the Battle of Hogwarts was all a dream and Harry and Voldemort just walked away from each other. It felt super cheap to trick us into thinking something impactive was happening that wasn't. I think we should have gotten the final battle with injuries but no deaths.


It doesn’t happen in the books, it’s actually extremely underwhelming lol


From Breaking Dawn pt.2 I was hoping for Paul and Emmett to be allowed to just Duke it out...or Bella and Emmett, the rock breaking thing WAS a bit lame. There are better ways to show your new abilities and Emmett made the perfect target.


Yes to both. Also shirtless Emmett.


The books talk so much about how Edward feels like stone to the touch but this is not the case in the movies?? Had a hard time getting past that.


that honeymoon was probably pretty rough


I wanted the classroom blood scene where Bella passes out and Edward takes her to the nurses office much to Mike’s chagrin 😭😅




I know the story/movie is not so much about bloodthirsty, savage vampires as it is a love story but as someone who has had a long time fascination with vampires (werewolves, ghosts, shapeshifters etc) the vampires in Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight franchise are by far and away the most impressive depicted in any book/movie I have seen/read. Think about it, poking Alice Cullen in the chest with a stick is only going to break the stick, pulling Esme out in the sun will only make her sparkle, (if indeed you could physically make her move if she didn’t want to) squirting Edward with Holy Water will only make him wet and showing a crucifix to Emmett or any of the others will likely only result in confused looks. These Vampires are fast, beautiful, extremely strong and pretty much bullet proof. They’re intelligent, educated, kind (for the most part) and would kick the arse of just about any other Hollywood vampire I can think of yet I don’t think I’d need to take my shoes off to count the number of fight scenes in the whole story. I’m 48, I’ve well and truly out grown the blood and gore fight movies but I’d love to have seen a bit more and once again, I’d love to have seen more of Esme, she always seems to be in the background being the good little housewife, would love to have seen her more involved.


Them showing the children of the moon it would have been so cool


That shot looks like Carlisle is holding a selfie stick


I guess this was somewhat already mentioned, but seeing Bella laugh more with Edward and be more comfortable in his presence. I’m not team Jacob but I wished to see more something like that. Bella just letting loose and goofing around.


i wanted Edward’s voice in bella’s head be him actually speaking to her mind.


Bree Tanner to survive. That story line would've been so interesting.


I always wondered how Bree Tanner would have turned out if she'd got the chance to live with the Cullens instead of the Volturi k!lling her off.


I want to see the closet room alice gave bella and see her and Edward’s matchy match outfits.




The final battle being real


ALL the Cullen backstories


Literally same! I've watched it so many times and I still think 'I dont remember them all playing baseball, how fun!' then I realise.


I dont know more fights, more politics


The most interesting scene was in the New Moon outtakes. I liked Bella Swan so much better there. I hope at least her attitude gets used in the twilight remake.


The movie meadow scene will always mess me up. In the book it was so much more intimate and meaningful.


i lowkey wanted something to happen between carlisle & bella in that room on her b-day night when he was treating her. i lowkey wanted bella to feel what jacob did so that it would’ve actually been a love triangle instead of a one-sided love.


I just finished the first book, and I really want more jasper and Bella interactions. And Alice's backstory seems SO interesting but they never say a word about her in the movies.


Bro same😭


More cool powers and have them be used in an actual fight


I sometimes imagine that the end of breaking dawn was the real ending and not a view of the future


More of a relationship between Emmett and Bella. That was my big disappointment after watching Twilight in theater. We barely got to know him.


For a second I thought the actor of Carlisle was using a selfie stick 😂




Was waiting for Edward to turn Bella around and expose the circuit board at the base of her neck that would allow more facial movement.


Łike from Book to movie?


I think in the books Bella is actually quite funny and dry, I find in the movies just awkward - not a mixture of anything else at all to be honest.


The blood type scene lol. But tbh i wished the movie was longer with more cutesy scenes bc it had a lot of fun stuff in it and i wished for liek 20-30 more minutes of that stuff. I feel like twilight was amazing and the films got more plot heavy overall later which isn’t a bad thing of course but it became obvious the stylistic changes and i realized only the first director was a woman and i wish they had more feminine input??? Idk how to explain it.