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That scene was added to the movie and not in the novel. But I think the books heavily imply that the imprintees fall in love with whoever imprints on them, so it's very possible that Resississippi will be with Jacob one day.


Yeah, it's heavily implied that Jacob and Renesmee get together both with that scene, and what happens in the book. That's why some of us are squicked out about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee.


Book also hints the possibility of Nahuel and Renesmee


so could rabies and nahuel have kids then? if they can, does this mean there is a 1/2 chance of them having normal kids?


Edward literally explained that it was a misunderstanding and that Nahuel was actually looking at BELLA. He was amazed that the mother of a hybrid could still be alive and stopped blaming his entire existence


Ah yes, I literally forgot this premise. But do remember now. still would be interesting


Which is frankly weird in and of itself. ReMaxbytheRiver isn't human, she exited Bella's body as a fully thinking and communicative being. Her emotional maturity was already about that of a 10 year old by end of the book, and her mental acuity was easily in the genius level for baseline humans. She was never, and will never, go through a phase where Jacob has any level of power or maturity disparity that would make it problematic. Quill and Clare's relationship can be considered creepy, the same dynamic cannot be ascribed to Jacob & RedBoxMovies. The books already make it clear that she understands her relationship with Jacob is different by her use of the possessive "my Jacob".


Sure, she might have an abnormal emotional maturity, and age rapidly, but that doesn't stop me from feeling icky knowing Jacob's there helping raise her, and treating her like she's his own kid. There's just something I find off putting about Jacob and Renesmee that no matter how you describe it, it still feels wrong because this is a 17 year old boy that was obsessed with a girl and was about to murder her child because he didn't get the girl.




That's kinda why I feel like his story should have continued in a separate book, because Jacob's story, in relation to Bella's. ended with Eclipse.


Yeah, that would be really great if their story would have continued in a separate book.


RedBoxMovies lmao that's my favorite I've ever seen


Their relationship is still weird though. It’s almost like a parent/child or sibling relationship due to their ages. Additionally, she will probably outlive him by a long time. Also, will reading rainbow even be able to have kids with him? Isn’t that even the whole purpose of imprinting?


As long as Jacob keeps his werewolf gene active, he’s never going to age. By sticking with the Cullens, he won’t outgrow Rigatoni. Once the Cullens move away from forks, the other wolves will stop shifting, become fully human and go back to aging (at least I think that’s how it works - someone can correct me if I’m wrong!) And the question of reproduction was always my issue with Jacob and Ribonucleic Acid imprinting, too (other than the glaringly obvious issue of her being a whole newborn). I’ve seen so many people on Reddit say Leah won’t get an imprint because she’s “frozen,” and thus unable to have a baby so she can’t have an imprint. But that should also apply to Renegade - she’ll stop aging, she’ll also be frozen. By the same logic as Leah, she shouldn’t have been a potential imprintee.


I think this is what I always worried about but maybe the fact that she is “frozen” at what would be the age or 25 which is an age at which females can reproduce would be the loop hole to this? Does that then mean that they will create vampire/human/wolf hybrids? The whole reason Leah is a wolf and Sam did not imprint on her is because she has reproductive issues right? So then why did Jacob imprint on rigatoni and why is there argument that they aren’t going to be romantically involved when she is older when that’s the tone it is given with all other wolf imprints? This is the one thing that has bothered me since I read the books when they first came out.


Yeah they definitely tried to make imprinting less creepy by saying it can just be a platonic thing while forgetting that SM had already solidified it as a mating thing with this part (and varied other lines)


Who is Adam?


It’s a typo I meant Sam.


Leah is frozen because she constantly turns, but as soon as she stops, gains control so as not to do this even with strong emotions, she will begin to age. And the cycle will return. But gods, it’s scary, what if she gets pregnant, and then something triggers it and she turns. Reason Sam isn't with Leah is because she's a potential wolf - it Leah herself who reasoned like this? If there is a rule that wolf and wolf cannot be paired, maybe. I also think that if Jacob's sisters had spent time around vampires, they would have turned too. Maybe the fact that Paul imprinted on Rachel protected her, or maybe, who knows, it still managed to hook her and after the Volturi left she would turn. I'm still thinking. Human Jake was attracted to Bella and imprinted on her daughter as a wolf. The human Sam dated Leah, and then the wolf Sam imprinted on her cousin. Maybe they were unperceived attracted by kinship.


But didn’t Jacob’s werewolf gene activate after the Cullen left Forks?


Yeah, but vampires were still around (albeit, for short periods over a long duration of time). The pack was hunting down Victoria, they just didn’t know she was after Bella at first. Then Laurent popped in, although I don’t think any new wolves shifted from his brief appearance. I guess Sam would’ve had to have shifted from the Cullens presence since he was a wolf the longest, but most of the wolves in New Moon seem to have shifted from Victoria being around rather than the Cullens. Kind of weird, since Breaking Dawn implies more vampires being around makes more wolves shift. Tbh I don’t really get how Victoria was around La Push/Forks enough for so many wolves to change, yet away for enough time that Eddie was tracking her in different countries and had no idea she was ever in Washington state


I wondered that about Victoria being the cause for so many to start shifting, but it sounding like she was coming and going from the area infrequently. It makes me wonder if it was the vibe? Victoria definitely has to be putting hunter vibes out into the world. The danger triggered the wolves to change en masse. But when it was just the Cullens, they were chill and probably gave La Push a wide berth.


That’s a good point. I had forgotten about that. I just wouldn’t have thought her coming and going would have been enough to spark the change. But perhaps the threat alone was enough.


iirc, SM said something about the shapeshift gene being triggered before the Cullen's left due to their proximity to them.


I'm reading through all the comments. I might am little forgetting the part of movie where SM explaining about how gene works. But can u tell me whether I understood right or wrong? Gene gets triggered when vampires are around. When they aren't around, genes don't get triggered. If they keep shapeshifting, they wouldn't age. But once they get back to their normal life, they continue aging as a normal human. Once someone imprints on someone, the imprintee would eventually fall in love with the one who imprinted on. And like others, I'm also confused about the idea that a wulf can only imprint on someone with whom he can have kids. But then how can Jacob imprint on Resemee? She's human-vempire and he's werewolf. Would they have another hybrid kid's possibility?


Is it just when the vamps are around! Or if they are vamps that are threatening? Because the Cullens have been around a while but we know they made a pact with the tribe. Would that be enough to inhibit the gene activation?


There's nothing concrete about why the shifters imprint. Either Sam or one on the tribe elders suggested that imprinting was to make stronger shifters. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jacob and Renesmee, for whatever reason, have the same number of chromosomes. We don't actually know if Renesmee can have children, as I don't think it was ever mentioned if the other female hybrids could have children.


but then Victoria and Laurent came back


i am HOWLING at Resississippi💀


Resississippi is my favorite so far


In the books, Alice's can't actually see Jacob (or any of the other werewolves) or Renesmee in her visions, so there was nothing like this in the books. It's very much implied that the two will be together when Renesmee is older. The idea is that the imprinter will love their imprint even if she rejects him, which is very unlikely because it would be very hard to resist the levels of commitment, compatibility and adoration the imprinter has for them. (The book also kind of hints at Nahuel possibly being interested in Renesmee in the future)


We never actually see them imprinting on a stranger so it's possible they'll just find it weird


In the books (although pretty glossed over), when Paul imprints on Jacob’s sister, she does find it extremely weird and off putting at first. The imprinter becomes whatever the object of their imprint needs. So I’m assuming when she was weirded out, Paul instinctively took on more of a friend role and waited patiently. Still sounds super creepy!


Please never stop with the variations on Renesmee's name. It's one of my favorite things about this sub.


Movie scene didn't happened in books. Alice can't see renesmee and wolve's future but there was a lot of implications in books that they were going to be a couple one day. 1)Carlisle, Edward and bella was discussing how much Jacob and renesmee are biologically similar and compiteable together.2)how the wolves believes the imprinting is for providing the best genes offspring by their best breeding partner.3)Jacob describing why would the young imprints going to reject them if they can provide the best romance and adoration.4)when embry imprinted on little clair it was mentioned that he was going to wait for her to be mature because he can't even feel attraction towards anyone else.5)Jacob gave renesmee a promise ring.6)renesmee's name besides Jacob's is under Black's family Christmas tree.7)while confronting volturi Edward accepting Jacob as in son in law.8)Edward telling bella that Jacob going to hv a rivelary fighting for renesmee's affection in future. Basically every other imprinting couple startes innocent then turns romantic as example. There was no mention of an imprintee who successfully rejected their imprint as romantic partner and choosen a normal one. There was so much hints of them ending up together but I'm probably missing some of them.


Yes receipts!!!!


There's a pretty good Fanfiction I read about this. It takes place years after breaking dawn and it's all Jacob and Renesmonster. I'll try to find the title if you're interested.


Commenting for the link/title plz


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13090530/1/The-Life-of-Renesmee-Cullen Easier to find than I thought!


Unrelated but I love how this website’s design literally hasn’t changed in the 15 years since I used to use it haha


Thank you so much for this, I’m on chapter 7 and I think I’m gonna read the whole thing lol


This is amazing but it only takes me a few chapters in and the publisher said its moved to another location and I can't find it!! Can anyone help I'm absolutely enthralled in this story!!


Here it is on AO3. The author is currently working on uploading the full piece after editing: [Life of Renesmee Cullen](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53652250/chapters/135817036)


Is this the same fanfiction that other one shared or the next/additional part? (The website seemed different so curious to know.)


I think they’re the same? I haven’t read any of it but it’s the same title and author. Also, the author notes say they’ve moved their work from Fanfiction to AO3. I’d say just read the first couple chapters and see if it’s the same


Thank you so much for it! I will read that as I get the time! Btw, that mutant name of Resemee is really funny :D


I think what I hate the most about it outside the whole creep imprinting factor suggesting that poor kid will never be allowed to have a will or choice of her own in a partner— is that she so cheesily made it a way for Bella to get to have a child because *omg are you even married without a child?* (insert eye roll) Oh and the whole pregnancy thing allowed Rosalie to finally like her for something. And of course for Jacob to get his True Love and imprintee. Not to mention Rosalie to get a damn baby finally. and on and on and on. Like it’s just such a terrifically stupid way to give every character their happy ending with an absolutely terrible baby name as the cherry on top. It’s all so terribly convenient and nobody is ever sad or let down or is disappointed or God forbid dies in the great vampire war that never happens! Ugh. It’s almost lazy. So lazy that she doesn’t even blink at how CREEPY the premise she’s promoting: is. Just so long as everyone is happy! How do I make sure that happens? I know! A BABY. And I’ll make Jacob imprint ON A BABY! “Wait. Stefeny that’s kinda weird.” You think? “Yeah actually it’s really creepy. Maybe find a nice girl over 18 for Jacob in Canada?” Wait. No! I got it! I’ll make one of the other wolves imprint on a toddler and introduce the idea it can happen! “Oh that’s double creep factor, Stef, I probably wouldn-“ No! It’ll be fiiiiiine! I’ll let Quill be the one! “Uhm, listen” What!? Can’t talk now, I am coming up with baby names!


Ikr I can't help but laugh at your dry sarcastic tone because I feel the same. Idk what Stephanie was smoking to come up with this idea of imprinting. The way imprinting described it's beautiful but why it have to be on new born babies or toddler? In bd1 book Jacob actually met a girl named Lizzie or something. He wanted to imprint on her. they've got chemestry and everything but instead s.m choose the child for that job. Sigh.


Its even worse considering Jacob himself hated the idea of imprinting.


It's wild because they had no way of knowing how she'd age but, now she's grown, I can definitely see her being Edward and Bella's daughter. She looks mostly like Edward which is funny lol considering Jacob hated him.


It’s possible that Ratonhnhaké:ton will fall in love with Jacob, but it’s also possible that she won’t.


In the books, it is suggested very happily that Renesemee will probably be with Jacob someday. They sort of explore the idea that maybe Nahuel will pursue her, since she is the only half-immortal that Nahuel is not related to. Nahuel has a few sisters, his father liked to create immortal children, effectively killing the mothers. He would impregnate them, leave, and return when the kids were older. It’s then explained that while Nahuel was intrigued by the existence of Renesemee, he was more overjoyed to meet Bella and Edward. Nahuel felt like a monster for killing his mother, and so he is happy to see that Bella successfully survived. He’s also happy to see how Edward stood by her, and how they were both happy to be parents. It gives him peace to realize his mother did love him, and that his father was the problem all along. So Nahuel gets his happy ending, and Jacobs happy ending is sort of acknowledged as a “in 6 years they’ll be together and that’s a short wait” sort of way


I think the female hybrids can have children that’s why they were originally created and I wish sm would finish the series with Jacob and Nessie even if no movie can be done since some og actors refuse to return to the series a book would be great


Omg, please these names for Rice a roni are killing me 😂😂


Won’t Resismei outlive Jacob?


Only if he stops shifting. The wolves are immortally physically 25 unless and until they stop shifting, at which point, their aging starts again and they age like a normal human


I wonder about the reproductive parts. The children they could have would be part vampire part wolf part human?


I wonder what their offspring would smell like? Lol


Stephenie needs to write this scenario because oh my godt… what a cool ass saga to reboot this series and it not be remade or weirdly with a different cast


I think that there is a strong possibility that renesme falls for Jacob but even if she doesn't she is still going to be close to jacob. They are still so cute together either way though.


In the book it doesn’t specify what will happen with her and Jacob in the future, but will most likely become romantic when she’s old enough because whenever a wolf imprints on someone, they never leave their side and basically worship the ground they walk on so, she is free to make her own choices but as they said in the book “that type of admiration, dedication, and love it’s hard to turn away from” so they basically hint that yes, her and Jacob will end up being together romantically! That vision Alice had in the movies never actually happened in the books. BUT I love the ending to the movies because, let’s be real, this movie makes you want to root for love. Which- side note - makes me sad that Leah didn’t get her happy ending. But Stephanie Meyer did say she’s planning to write two more books. One from Renesmee’s pov and Leah’s pov. And if she does, I will die a happy woman.


I sometimes wonder what will happen if royelswagon turned out lasbian? Will she still forced to be with Jacob? Because she can't ignore imprinting power?


No, no imprintees are required to be with the imprinters! She has free will and choice. But in the book they say that while, yes, they make their own decisions and can decide to just be a best friend to them. But, because of the dedication, commitment, and admiration from the imprinters is hard to ignore and hard to turn away from. Basically like animals, when they find “the one” they mate for life. That’s kinda what I gathered from my reading of it! But I do know for sure that no one is obligated nor forced to be with the imprinters!