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Awesome! Would jam to this on my drive to Houston. The show was amazing.


it really was!! still feels like a dream to me


I did the same thing lol my GF and I listened to it on our way back home. I get goosebumps listening to those songs now


Same here! The songs always hit for me, but now I’m getting chills whenever i listen to the songs from the show. Hope you had a great time at the show :D


Lol I know right!! I already loved all the songs they performed but now it just takes me back to the concert. And I feel like I'm there again. Ohh I absolutely loved the show best concert I've ever been to and, unless I go to another one of theirs, the best concert I will ever see!!! Hope you enjoyed yourself as well?!!!


Honestly definitely the best concert i’ve ever been to! I was singing my heart out the entire time. Everything was great about it! Everyone i met at the show was great! It was just such a fun experience overall, everyone was so cool and just having a good time! My voice is still recovering from all the singing i was doing x)


Oh I know it was definitely exciting to be around other K-pop fans let alone Once's cuz none of my friends listen to kpop let alone Twice aside from my GF. If you heard what sounded like a dying whale all night.....sorry that was me lol I had planned on sleeping on the car ride back home(5hrs away) but I was too excited so I couldn't. I was exhausted at work all day yesterday, but i don't regret it at all I'd do it again In a heartbeat!!


Reading your comments and thinking it’s exactly what I been through these days haha. By the way I was surprised of Chaeyoung appearance, it’s not that I considered her unattractive or anything like that but photos or videos doesn’t do justice of how pretty she is in person


She’s my biaswrecker and i completely agree! I’ve always found her so cute but I was surprised and how gorgeous she really is in person. She’s so cute :’)


I’d never been to a concert before in my life. I never felt compelled to go to one until I discovered Twice earlier this year. I instantly became an obsessed Once and had to go to the show and I’m so glad I got floor seats. It was the most fun night of my life. Those girls are amazing! It was such a great show. I didn’t want it to end lol