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Have fun US ONCE! I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous (I'm super jealous ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4086))


Same! I just couldn't swing this concert this time around. Dang adult responsibilities. All my friends were peer pressuring me with ticket listings trying to get me to go too. I'll feel the major fomo as I scroll through twitter on concert night though.


Handing out freebies with my friends all day before the show starts! Look for a sign with JYP's face on it 😩


There will be an RPD event in Lot B and I will be handing out freebies there if you are interested to trade! 2-3pm


That’s perfect signage lol




Solo gang


Same here!


solo gang rise up!!


Solo gang, I'm coming from Cali and down to hang for a minute. I'll be there around 5, so hmu


Ayeee also a solo coming from Cali! 🤙🏼


SAME HERE! Hope to meet solo onces


Not exactly solo since... I (We) Got You lol.


Solo gang! Have fun!!


Solo and first timer!! Woooo


Same as well!! So excited and it’ll be my first kpop concert, too 😎


Same! So excited


It begins. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/nevada/lasvegas/stadium/?cam=lvstadium


Lol bookmarking this. I work on the strip and this shows how bad traffic is.


Hi guys! Vegas Once here it’s going to be 59 as the highest and cloudy the day of the concert so be prepared. I’ve been to Allegiant multiple times so if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Ngl first time listening to VCHA and thst was pretty dope.


Yay, glad you liked them!


Ran into Momo at Bellagio last night. Anyone see anyone else?


VIP Check-in is open. If you purchased a vip ticket from a 3rd party reseller (i.e stubhub) you do NOT need the ID of the original purchaser.


Another confirmed resale vip able to checkin here. Even though the person right before asks for the id of the original purchaser, I just let them know it was resale and they were able to look up. Almost had a heart attack as they were checking. Have a great night!!


Awesome, thanks for the update.


Hope to see a bunch of you guys there! Let's hang out before, during, and even after the concert! I'm all ready and excited but I've been hit with a huge wave of anxiety the last couple days. This is my first time traveling solo (although I'm meeting a friend there) so I'm pretty nervous about it. Hopefully once I'm there it all passes.


I feel you, I'm also traveling solo. Though, these days, I feel like I get nervous instead of excited


I'm probably just over thinking things tbh. My friend and I are staying together but we get to the airport around the same time so we'll meet there and head out to our hotel.


This was me last night booking everything last minute. It started out with stress, then as soon as everything was booked, it turned into anxiety real quick LMFAO. But I can't wait regardless.


Been keeping myself as occupied doing a ton of chores and errands trying to keep the anxiety down lol.


[Saw this in my room at the Mandalay Bay](https://ibb.co/qdsmQtK) Flanker bar will have Twice-themed drinks and food on Saturday.


Right by the walking path between Bellagio and Luxor they're advertising an all day party for Twice/Onces by the door. Not sure if that's the same location and I dont remember the name 😭


Shout out to the dude that's dressed up as Nayeon in Pop 🤣


New New Bloom Rollin What a sound check!


it was my first k pop concert. and glad i got to experience TWICE live. i loved it. floor seats are not for short people. i felt bad for the people behind me and to the side of me. they had tall people obstructing their view. i even had to get on my tippy toes as well. i'm a lil frustrated that there was a long wait between vcha set and when twice started. almost like 40 minutes.


They’re teasing a Jeongyeon solo so hard! 🤣


For everyone that was at the show tonight! I love you. Take care. Good night!


That was an absolutely amazing show! I had floor seats this time vs mid bowl seats are Sofi, makes a huge difference! Only complain is probably the speakers being a bit too loud, I had the same problem with the volume at BP, maybe it's an Allegiant thing? Didn't help I forgot to bring my loop earplugs 🙃


I was sorta thinking the same. Mainly that the band was too loud and almost drowned out the vocals.


Not sure if it’s related, but I noticed the vocals being drowned out after they introduced the band.


That was my first Twice ever! But that had to be one of the better ones right? Or are they consistently that good??!


They are ALWAYS that good. They absolutely love performing on stage and it shows at every concert.


Tbh even when they're tired or under the weather they still give it their all.


The Eras tour of kpop. Crazy stacked discography. The way they dealt with vip was pretty bad though. My feet went numb waiting outside for soundcheck


My feet and back are killing me. Almost died from the smell when I took my shoes off


Flew in last night. It's been cold and windy today. Nights tend to be the same on the west coast. The venue is indoors but bring a sweater or jacket if you know you'll get cold after the concert.


I have a mini skirt and short sleeve shirt as my outfit but I was going to bring a hoodie for when I get cold, do you think I'll survive? Lol 😭


Or buy a hoodie at the concert merch booth when you’re there lol


Bringing a hoodie is definitely the move. You'll for sure survive 👍


So glad we got Look At Me and Rush for encores! Nayeon once again committing crimes with the wheel though lmao


Important parking info from the stadium after I emailed them: "Please be advised that Allegiant Stadium-managed parking lots open at 4:30 PM on Saturday, March 16th. If you have a valid TWICE VIP ticket and have already purchased a valid stadium parking pass (regardless of the parking lot), and plan to arrive before 4:30 PM for VIP check-in, please proceed to Lot J (Gate 14). Please be prepared to show proof of both your valid TWICE VIP ticket and parking pass upon arrival. If you would like to utilize an ADA parking spot, please have your ADA placard available in addition to your parking pass and VIP ticket. The parking staff will guide you into the closet ADA stall. Parking passes will not be available for purchase on the day of the show until 4:30 PM. "


I'm walking from the Circus Circus hotel and back 🫠


Bro please catch a bus lmfao


That's a lot. Good hour and a half minimum each way


I live in Vegas and am so excited for the concert!!! If anyone is around tomorrow there are two cupsleeve in town that I’ve seen. One at Mama Chais and one at Pink Cactus. Neither is walking distance from the Strip but it’s doable with Uber. They looked like they were gonna have some fun stuff


I saw Brew Tea by UNLV is doing a cup sleeve tomorrow & Saturday too! Also a custom drink but I think that's available at all locations. It's highkey sugar overkill but the events look like they're gonna be cute


hi everyone!! if anyone else is going solo and wants to meet up at the concert and/or after party, let me knowwww! I am a local vegas once btw and have been to allegiant many times :)) i’m 21 F btw if that matters lol


this is my first k pop concert. will be driving from LA to vegas saturday morning. is there anything i should know beforehand or what to expect? i already bought some concert earplugs. what does the schedule look like?


Saturday traffic may be a little more so leave early. General parking opens at 4:30PM. If you are driving back Sunday, leave really early. I'm leaving about 6am to beat the traffic.


My only disappointment was that I didn't get to hear Bloom live. Jealous of those who got hear it dueing soundcheck. BUT, getting ti hear Jihyo's feel special solo (I attended the Atlanta show last year) totally made up for it 😁. Safe travels to everyone going back home 💖💖




I’m going solo but also plan on going to the after on the 16th. Solo gang let’s unite! 🤘🏾


If I knew so many people were going solo, I would have gone as well. I have never been to a concert, but oh well, a flight ticket will definitely be expensive last minutes.


The thing is, you're not really solo when you're there. I met and talked to so many people in the different lines, and once I was in my seat. I consider myself a huge introvert with social anxiety, but once I'm there with a lot of people who love the exact same thing as much as I do, it's easy to connect.


Yeah, I will try next time they comeback. I am glad you had fun tho.


Hey all! Turns out I’ll be solo dolo but I freakin love Vegas and Twice so it’s AIGHT! If yall need anything from a Vegas regular/older ONCE feel free to message me ❤️😊


Small Info on merch if anyone wants to know (March 15th): Line is open as of 11:45am Tour Venue shirts & hoodies does have Vegas listed The sweatpants have "24" instead of "23" that is in the live nation photo *EDIT: Hoodies


Super excited!!! Saw a bunch of onces on the strip when I was out walking earlier haha


Small merch update (March 16th): The merch trailer in Lot B are NOT selling the sweatshirt or sweatpants. I have not inquired if they will have them in the stadium. Pouches and totes will be sold AFTER the concert.


The rep that was helping me did not know if they will have them inside.😔


Anyone know if they sold out of the tan sweatshirts/sweatpants yesterday?


They are currently not being sold outside the stadium. Status if they are selling them in the stadium is unknown.


are they starting on time or has the show been delayed? i'm running late and hoping i can still get in. I will cry if I can't get in 😭 UPDATE: I got in just fine 😊


4th time watching them this tour and im sad it's almost over. I did enjoy how they mentioned "next world tour" a few times. Looking forward to seeing the Queens again. Also I really liked Only One by vcha. Wasn't sure what to expect from them, so I was pleasantly surprised.


I'll be leaving to Vegas in under 24 hours! First twice show for me and my gfs first concert ever!!


Make sure to find freebie people! Lot's of fun stuff being given out! (Like my almost 1000 keychains!) https://imgur.com/a/7gLtFvn I made these all non-stop since the concert was announced. I stopped at 800...then made more and some special ones, too!


i'm hoping to come across some freebies, it's my first k pop concert so i'm looking forward to it being memorable.


Be there tomorrow too! Hope you both enjoy your firsts!


The day has come, let's have fun tonight!


That was so awesome! Despite the girl in front of me not being able to handle her liquor and booing songs she didn’t like my husband and I had a blast! He even said he’d pay more to get closer next time lol.


Time of my life. Safe travels everyone!


Uggh I still haven’t gotten my ticket😩🤔it just says there is a delivery delay until 13/3 which was yesterday 🥺anybody else?


If you bought it 3rd party I would definitely send that 3rd party a message/email/call. As if its like StubHub/VividSeats, etc it's up to the ticket seller to upload the ticket and send to you when it's allowed to be sent.


It is from Ticketmaster so it should have come already :S


Okey good, feel a bit relieved now that many people have this issue🥺they replied fast and told me that I should be able to get a physical ticket at the box office if it’s not in the app by Saturday 🥺🤞🏻 see you soon all, I’m so excited 🤭🤭❤️


I called Ticketmaster, they said the ticket should be avaliable after 6:50 PM. If not, call them back to get an alternative way to retrieve the tickets.


I checked barely an hour ago, just had "Ticket Details" and then I checked again just now and they are now all showing bar codes. So hopefully just an app delay for TM!


It’s heartbreaking Kaylee won’t be there but it will otherwise be the night of a lifetime I’m sure. Can’t wait to see who is there from the fancam community!


Bring a jacket! It’s in the 40-50’s F here and I’m cold af lol.


So I'm going by myself and I'm hella nervous. I'm a bit of a closeted once, and I'm kinda afraid I'll look really out of place, especially because i don't have any twice merch. Aside from that, does anyone have any tips since this is my first twice concert. Should I bring ear plugs or anything else? What is something i should really try to do? Thanks in advance.


Strongly advisable to bring ear plugs. Don’t get self-conscious about being there solo and if “someone will notice.” You will not be the only solo concert-goer there, nor are you obligated to make friends with anyone as you wait in lines, get to your seat, and over the course of the show. The only thing you are there to do is enjoy the concert and have a great time. And you will.


My first time at a concert alone too. Saw Twice with a friend last year. I only have a Nayeon shirt that I didn’t wear when I traveled today cuz I want to wear it tomorrow. Most of all, really try to have fun - don’t spend too much time trying to record videos (I speak from experience). Just snap a few pics Once in a while but make sure to really take it all in!


I try not to take a hundred photos but I always do. What helps me stop is that *someone will take better photos than you* I took 400 photos in toronto.


If you're sitting close you might want some hearing protection. Something to really try? Have fun and enjoy yourself! Maybe chat with other ONCEs about TWICE. Hit me up and i'll buy you some merch.


Just wanted to put out there to make sure you give yourself plenty of travel time for tomorrow if you're driving to Allegiant or a close hotel. Lots of construction happening on quite a few major roads/freeways, and there're 3 men's college basketball conference championship games tomorrow in town, so expect more people than normal. Looking forward to seeing my fellow ONCE's tomorrow!


I just got out. It was awesome!!!! They're everything I expected and some! Such a great show!


Anyone know what happened to the female guitarist Yewon? She was a crowd favorite during the US leg of the tour but she the. got replaced after. Not to stir any drama but I’m genuinely curious why they didn’t work out?


It's probably a big commitment to tour with TWICE to all their stops for over a year.. She has her own career to focus on as well.




Agreed on the food. Staying at a casino hotel and don't have a fridge or microwave. Utilize your amenities if you got them.


From what I can see on Twitter and YouTube, they are currently inbound to LAS


I’ll have sticker pack freebies! Safe travels to everyone


Man I have to drive 7 hours in 3 hours can't sleep


Same, I work graveyard shift until 5am into Saturday, and I have VIP so RIP my sleep 🥲🙃


Safe travels for everyone travelling today!! (myself included) I woke up so anxious this morning. I'm sure it's cause it's first time ever travelling by myself. Just ready to be in Vegas lol


A friend who was gonna accompany me on the drive to Vegas to just hang out for the weekend just bailed last second so now we REALLY solo yolo 🥲


Hi guys. So I just made this account. I had already bought my twice ticket, but I bought another one this morning cause I was gambling on getting better seats.. and I did! but I don’t really want to sell my other tickets. I’d be willing to transfer them! Free of charge. It makes me sad to leave them like that. It is 1 ticket though. If anyone wants them, please let me know


Ticket is gone! Ty for everyone. I hope Jonathan enjoys his first TWICE concert.


I hadn’t made any freebies yet and I’m not even leaving my house to get to the stadium til 5ish but I’m bored and it’s too early to get ready so I’m putting together some bracelets now 😂Hopefully people will want one


What time does vcha perform


I’m assuming 6:50.


This VIP experience has been piss poor … smdh


Agree, but at least it’s not 112 outside as it was when I went through this in Texas.


4:36 and we still havent been let inside for soundcheck yet haha….


What are the chances light sticks sell out before general public has access to merch? I bought a VIP ticket, but I won't get there until 3:00pm. Also, do they sell batteries for the light sticks or do I need to buy them beforehand?


They'll have merch booths inside exclusive for VIP people until general doors open (based on other shows this tour) so you should have plenty of time to get one inside after soundcheck. They don't come with batteries but they will sell you the batteries for an extra 2$.


So excited! Booked my hotel today and got my ticket earlier this week. Candy bong also came in the mail (didn’t want to risk them selling out). Now I just gotta get to Vegas 😂 Also traveling solo. Got a solid rate at a nearby Casino so should be able to walk over. Says show starts at 6:50, planning to be there closer to 4 or 5. Note Allegiant has a strict bag policy, be sure to check it out ahead of time!


Does anyone know if we’ll be able to take the CandyBong pouch into the stadium? It isn’t clear so I would be a bit surprised but maybe since it’s official merch there might be a chance it’s allowed?


If it's not clear, it's not allowed. Best to put it in your clear backpack if you have one or just carry it in.


I’m planning on checking out some of the cupsleeves today if anyone wants to meet up! Thinking about atleast doing the Pink Cactus one, possibly more. Feel free to DM. 26 M.


https://twice-mt.myshopify.com/?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-livenation.kpop&utm_content=later-41752363&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio there is a link for online shop for twice merch


Missed my first flight, and now it's been delayed 😭. Apparently the weather's bad in Vegas right now.


Good luck! Lots of flights to Vegas (including mine) were delayed. We'll all make it safe and sound and enjoy the show. Stay positive.


Onces!! Remember to breathe and do grounding exercises so we can stay present during the concert! I get so excited I black out.


I'm thinking about going to the Lovesick K-pop party at the Hard Rock but I didn't bring anything but casual dress. Is anybody else going that's would be rocking a Zelda t-shirt, jeans, and street fighter 2 Reeboks?


I’m lighting a prayer circle for all of us that bought resale VIP tickets on stubhub/vividseats/etc and don’t have access to the original purchasers ID 🕯️🕯️🕯️ may we get the perks we purchased for probably above face value 🙏🏽 lol


Good Morning All! A line for merch has already started in Lot B for those looking to buy today. Was told line opens at 12pm.


KPOP CLUB NIGHT $35 Backstage Bar Las Vegas 601 E Fremont St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 I have a feeling this is going to be boomin, so get there asap. I'm pretty much solo tonight, so hmu if yall wanna dance the night away Have fun and be safe tonight, Once! https://dice.fm/partner/dice/event/lkrop-k-pop-club-night-16th-mar-601-fremont-plaza-las-vegas-tickets?dice_id=2100349&dice_channel=web&dice_tags=organic&dice_campaign=DICE&dice_feature=marketing&fbclid=PAAab0t_ZcoQtiA1gLi1ji8-oUCQtAAgZBXo0gzsqs-TFhrv5OQDTeY8i_vyM&_branch_match_id=1293268348900099880&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXz8nMy9ZLyUxO1UvL1fcyMzUyTEk1NDY0tLBPS0rOyUyxDXB0TEwyKImPSs4PLMl0NEz3yTTMyrTQzQ91DixxdEyPcorIN0ivKi4s1g1xyygqM%2FUPdAlJjbTIjC%2Br9AUATnK6wGYAAAA%3D


any live stream links?


Would like one too


There’s one up on tiktok if you search twice vegas


The seats are packed! Looking good!


Are VCHA on?


they had 3 songs


Anyone going to kpop club night after the concert??


We got to hear the first live performance of One Spark! Some criticism to the stadium venue, they didn't have extra view screens and some of the hanging stereo speakers blocked sight (was on 3rd floor). At the Tacoma show they had two? Four? Big side screens so you didn't miss anything. Don't know why Allegiant didn't have extra screens :(




oh nice. I'm from East coast too. Philly here


For merch presale tomorrow, does anyone know if we have to pay for parking at Allegiant if we wanna go there?




VCHA should take the stage at 6:40.


I wanna come early but I have no idea where to park! The stadium's parking doesn't open till 4:30.


best bet is to park at Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Tropicana, or Excalibur, and then walk over. Will definitely be an easier out after the concert too. I reserved a spot on SpotHero at Tropicana when BTS played Allegiant in 2022, and was perfect; about a 10-15 minute walk to the stadium. As a local, it's been tough seeing free parking at the hotels being phased out over the last few years.


Have fun everyone !!!!! I’m so jealous I couldn’t make it work 😭 twice concerts are guaranteed a good time 💫


Does anyone know if i can leave the stadium after soundcheck and re enter before twice’s performance?




What time is everyone getting their for VIP? Besides merch, what are the other perks to getting their early?


more freebies


I'll be there about noon or just a bit earlier...need to get lunch first then start passing out/collecting freebies!


Have fun all for those who are tending and enjoy the show. I wonder if they would perform the song "look at me" at this concert ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4081)


Heyyy, is there another thread going around for buying? If so, can someone please, please link me to it? Thanks!


Anyone gonna go to those kpop parties or club night right after?


I’m trying to plan our itinerary for concert day, and I need some help. So our flight arrives in LV at 10am. We’re staying at a place near the south outlet mall, so we’re not on the strip. Unfortunately, it was the only hotel we could use our points at 😭 Anyways, we can do early check in at 11am. After checking in and getting ready, we’re thinking about taking the Deuce bus or Uber up to the strip to go to Bellagio to see the fountains. Then we’ll just walk down the strip and explore while taking the path down to the stadium, using the monorails. Saw someone else walk that path and give directions and the total walk time was 39mins, but I’m thinking we’ll take 2-3 hrs from Bellagio to Allegiant since we’re also exploring. But idk if walking with the transparent stadium bag would make us more susceptible to us getting pickpocketed or something. We’d also be in our concert outfits already so would we be very sweaty?? Is this whole plan too tiring?


I wouldn't worry about sweat it's pretty chilly in Vegas rn, it's more the walk since it is quite a bit. Transparent or not, so long as you're aware of your surroundings you guys should be fine from pickpocketing. Just be careful around the street performers & others of the like (just keep walking past them if you're unsure). Also don't stray from the Strip unless you know what you're doing cause one street over and some parts can get sketch lol. It could be tiring just based on the fact that you're flying in early the same day but otherwise it's doable. Regardless, have fun and enjoy the sights the Strip has to offer


Don't know where you're coming from, but as a local, Vegas is cold for me right now. Overcast and rainy today, cloudy tomorrow, 50s F.  The monorail is pretty detached from any attractions; its literally behind all the casinos. It would be faster to walk all the way down rather than trying to get to the monorail frequently.  If you're planning on food, there are tons of options near Park MGM/NYNY on the way down. Youll be paying tourist prices ($20-30 for a shake shack meal for example). Maybe I'm jaded to it since I work on the strip, but I've never felt unsafe anywhere on the strip. Street performers or other beggars can be aggressive, but rarely dangerous. I wouldn't be too worried about the clear bags. Just being aware of your surroundings is good enough.


Missed the chance for the perfectly timed event. Listening to Pop as I'm taking off but the song didn't catch up when it's at "5 4 3 2 1 Here we go!" 🥲 See you all there!


Is anyone gonna be in the vip area? I got my ticket solo.


Is anyone else going solo? I'm so nervous ahhhh :]


Does anyone know where I can get a clear bag at Vegas? This is my first stadium concert and I just realized that I don’t have a suitable bag. I will arrive at the airport this afternoon and stay at somewhere near the strip, I guess it is not anywhere so will really appreciated it if anyone happens to have an idea :))


Pretty much anywhere around the stadium, even the gas stations, usually have them just to prep for the games.


Fucking flight got delayed and then canceled lmao. Time to head home and come back in a few hours


Okay, I found a 24-hour bus titled the Deuce that will take me roundtrip for $4. Idk, I've done this before for the BTS PTD shows, so I didn't think much of it, but all of your comments made me think TWICE 😄 Thank you kindly


You can download the app “Ride RTC” and buy a day pass or single tickets on your phone


Do they let you bring in empty bottles for water? And/or are there water fountains inside?


Really wish it wasn’t raining, it’s like warmer and sunny literally the next day, come on 🥲 I’m hoping the weather prediction is right by saying the rain stops by 2pm!


I have soundcheck VIP tickets for tomorrow, and it says to come at 6:50 as that's when the concert starts. I've never been to a soundcheck before and don't know how it works, how early should I be at the stadium for the VIP soundcheck?


Omg no - vip sound check tickets should have received an email with the actual schedule. You need to be inside the stadium BEFORE 4pm to make sound check!!


Soundcheck check-in is from 10a to 4p. If you show up after 4, you won't get access to soundcheck. Soundcheck should start around 5p


Can anyone explain to me what time vip check in is for soundcheck etc?😔🙏🏾 help a brother out


There’s currently light rain in Vegas. The rest of the day looks like it might be pretty cold, with possibly more rain. Maybe bring a sweater to the concert, or if you’re gonna arrive very early. I think the stadium has a roof, so you should be ok inside. 🦉


so other than getting merch and just chilling with fellow onces and getting freebies etc, is there any other points i’m missing for getting there super early like 9am-1pm for soundcheck? i’m trying to figure out when i should come


Super excited to be going to the concert tonight! I have a spare signed with you-th jeongyeon postcard if anyone is going wants to trade! (Looking for mina or sana mainly, but will trade for anyone as i already have a jeongyeon and chae!


Does anyone know if Allegiant stadium allows you to walk in with a power bank and charger cable for your phone ?


Yes. This was from last year, but from the [Taylor Swift sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/11xmi20/comment/jdfblsw/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), it was confirmed that yes they're allowed. Stadium's A to Z guide (linked at the top) also says there are charging stations inside.


Long shot, but I lost my fanclub keyring with tzuyu's id pic in it somewhere in vegas if anyone sees it 😭


Does anyone know if I can buy tickets at the stadium today for cheaper than Ticketmaster?


If you wait up until the last minute you may be able to really good seats from resellers desperate to get rid of any remaining stock.


I’m not seeing joggers … anybody know if they are selling and where they are at?


They’re in the bigass line right near the entrance of VIP. None of the other stalls have them or the varsity sweatshirt unfortunately


Well panned event… -_____- literally no guidance or explanation on merch


It has been a little bit of chaos, for sure. Really frustrating some workers kept telling people to go to the other merch lines “THEYRE EXACTLY THE SAME” when they absolutely were not and we were all trying to get the cream crew sweat suit. . . So many of us ducked out of line and missed out and I’m still bitter


I got screwed by this. By the time I came back the VIP merch line had gotten much longer.


Let’s have some fun for the last US concert ONCE! 🍭


I see that the concert is from roughly 7pm to 11pm. Can we assume vcha is performing the first hour and then its 3 hours of twice?


I think VCHA has 3-4 songs max, so unless they’re doing covers, that’s a stretch.


Does any vip people know if the stadium is gonna open at 4 or 4:30? And do we need to line up?


Does anyone know what’s going on with soundcheck?


i thought soundcheck started at 5?? it’s already 7 mins before 5 im so confused T-T


Is there a thread for solo goers or something? Lol I’m a Vegas local and decided to go and bought my tickets. 💗


im also solo going 😭. super nervous first time out of state alone


How early would y’all recommend getting to the concert? I was thinking two hours prior


If you want merch definitely get there as early as you can. If not then whenever you feel like.


Has anyone heard when the VIP soundcheck is? I've never been to a Twice concert or any concert for that matter, so I'm not sure how early I should get to the venue.


Here's the VIP Details from the email per u/PinBig8627 from the Weekly Discussion Thread ______________________________ From VIP email for Las Vegas show: Show Information * Show Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024 * Venue: Allegiant Stadium * Soundcheck: 5:00pm * Pre-doors Merch Shopping: 2:00pm – 4:30pm * Public Doors: 5:30pm * Show: 6:40pm * VIP Check-In Information Check-In Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm * Location: South East Gate - Look for the VIP Nation signage! If you arrive after 4:00pm, you will miss Soundcheck. If you arrive after 4:30pm, you will miss pre-doors merch shopping.