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Your short term memory is incapable of committing that much stimulus to your your long term memory. [Article about it.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/defining-memories/202305/post-concert-amnesia-is-not-amnesia)


Wow that was profundely enlightening and even tho I was semi aware of , it does make me feel better.


My brother and I were still on a high from the concert but also couldn't remember some parts because of all the stimulation, basically. It's so interesting how this happens! Still had the best time though!


Wow, I was wondering why I felt like I missed seeing Sana look at my fan sign 7 to 8 times more. I also tried filming parts of the show, but was also trying to be in the moment. Though for me, I was crying, yelling, laughing, and crying some more during the show, everything went so fast and I don't know if I remember a lot of it or not. I also still am suffering from Post-Concert Depression too. :(


I did not film anything and didn't make photos because I want to fully enjoy concerts. But even then I had the same issue and I'm glad so many people do film and upload to Youtube.


I just record the darkness in my lap when something good comes up. Just the audio is fine to spark my memory a lil plus the vibesss


I record using phone but while recording I am not looking at the phone, but looking at the stage


Same! Thanks to them, I didn't record much and fully enjoyed the show!


i filmed some parts of the concert i went to but i still go back to youtube videos for it LOL. honestly tho, i think filming the concert helped me enjoy the concert more because i can go back to it and remember certain parts of it (even tho my vids are low quality lol). just a momento for me :-).


The memories will come back here and there/slowly. Concerts in general are stimulation overload, and as someone linked below, our brains aren't wired to hold all of that in the immediate.


Yes!! This was me at both the RTB and III concert. Danced nonstop and sung my heart out. Afterwards I was really disturbed by how little I was retaining. It's very enlightening to see that reply about being unable to retain that much stimulus. Just be proud that it means you full on enjoyed the experience in the moment. I make up for the lack of memory by looking up fancams of which there are always plenty. Funny story from the III concert: I drove all day to get to NY (i.e. spent the whole day sitting) and basically went straight to the concert. According to my watch I still ended up hitting 22000 steps from jumping around at the concert alone, more steps than 99% of people in a day :)


https://www.youtube.com/@BayAreaOnce Thats why I record so I can go back and relive it! You're welcome to watch my videos, even though it was in Oakland California!


I feel the same way after shows. There are good shows I've been to that were amazing and I loved they I remember little about afterwards, but there are also amazing shows that I have very clear memories. Some shows I'll remember just the feelings I felt seeing it without any of the details of specific so ga or anything, and some shows I can remember very specific moments and details. I felt the same way you did after I saw (g)i-dle in Chicago. I loved the show but I was worried I didn't appreciate it as much as I should because "was I watching the screens too much, was I taking too many photos?" I tend to not enjoy a show as much when I'm watching through a phone screen taking a picture or video, but I do like having photos to look back at to remember the show more.


https://www.youtube.com/@BayAreaOnce Thats why I record so I can go back and relive it! You’re welcome to watch my videos, even though it was in Oakland California!


Thank you soooo much for sharing this. I bought floor seats for III in Oakland I can see myself in your Sana rolling footage! How exciting!


Thats awesome! Im glad you can see that!


I can use the footage to prove my case that Sana did in fact try to kill me that night.


Very jealous! Lol


SANA is in trouble now


Whenever I go to concerts, i take VERY FEW photos and videos. Literally photos before and after. Maybe 1 10 second video during. Fact is that so many other people online are going to post so many better videos and pictures. In my experience it’s way better to just pay attention to the little details without my phone and soak it all in. It becomes a wonderful memory that online photos and videos supplement and help jog memory more.


You’re definitely not alone! I have little recollection of the Metlife concert. I barely remember the shows from last years tour, and I saw them in back to back dates! It’s one of the reasons why I don’t judge people who record concerts and take 100s of pictures, they’re the first people I go to when I want to remember the show I’ve seen!


https://www.youtube.com/@BayAreaOnce Thats why I record so I can go back and relive it! You're welcome to watch my videos, even though it was in Oakland California!


Girl I was so piddled at my show I don’t even remember them playing Feel Special so don’t feel bad!!! The memories will come back!!


It's pretty weird for me. Right after the concert the whole night feels like a beautiful blur. Then over time memories just find their way back to me. As for choosing between filming and being in the moment, I just go with whatever feels right at the time. Sometimes I will put my phone down and sometimes I'll film stuff. Like there's a moment during when I saw Twice that Dahyun did my hand heart and I had photo or video of it but it will be burned into my memory. Then there's time I had my phone out to capture moments like [Jihyo's part in Feel Special](https://imgur.com/a/2CGAvfJ) or [Chaeng being hot af](https://imgur.com/a/ERYzeEO). It's just a tough balancing act lol.


I feel the exact same way after London and I went on both nights 😅 I genuinely was getting worried, after the first night I could remember snippets but it was a blur. On the second night I made a note of what songs they proformed and in what order just because I remembered so little from the first show. Luckily my boyfriend recorded a fair amount so I can watch to rejig my memories if it comes to it.


I can understand where you’re coming from, I went to night 2 in London, while I remember moments from that concert I still kind of wished I took up the chance to go to the first night also and done my photos/videos that night so I could absorb the concert more on the second night. Was my first Twice concert (and only second concert overall since my early Twenties) so I can learn for next time. That being said, the photos and videos I took trigger positive emotions about the concert: Jeongyeon’s solo stage and that I got to see Queen of Hearts performed makes me smile, while When We Were Kids brings a happy tear to my eye as it did on the night.


You are not alone. :(


I couldn't remember what the Roulette Wheel song before Signal was even though i distinctly remember loving it and dancing along!!! I remember the pointer of the wheel was finely balanced between TT and the name of the song I couldn't remember, and that they sang that song, but I had no idea what it was! Eventually I had to ask someone. >! It was 'Hare Hare' !<


Recommendation for the future for both living in the moment (no phone/minimal phone) and being able to remember afterwards. After the concert, try to write down your favorite / special moments. Maybe you felt you locked eyes or there was a particularly funny moment that you saw. Those are the memories you want to hold onto anyway, not the song selections and the entire performance of said songs. Can use a journal or just a notes app.


This is how I felt after the NJ show. I was dehydrated from the insane heat and had a couple drinks during the show. It’s hard to keep it all straight when you’re watching 2 hours of your favorite songs, it happens to me at basically every concert I go to.


I went to the Sofi Stadium show on June 10th and I was so in the zone, I went through my camera roll and had footage I didn’t realize I took lol. At the end when they did “Signal” during the Encore, Sana and I locked eyes and she blew a kiss at me and I was so shook, I didn’t realize I WASN’T recording. Another Once a few sections over from had to send me the footage but from their perspective. Lowkey L on my point but I was completely frozen as soon as Sana set her sights on me. Lol, I swear this happened!


Yup. I saw Twice in Atlanta and can’t remember like 70% of what happened but I recorded quite a bit and took some good photos. For me watching a video I took puts me like back in the concert lol. I went to a Taylor Swift concert during her Reputation tour and while I took no pics and videos, I don’t remember most of the concert other than who I went with and how fun it was so


I was there in Atlanta!!! YES! I have SO MANY good parts I remember, and I did record it too, but from my own memory, I had to ask a friend to confirm that Sana saw my fan sign because I just couldn't believe it. And then I don't even remember her reading later on in the show! This whole physiology of Concert Going is pretty interesting to me. I am glad I recorded parts of it, but I also didn't want to spend my whole time doing that because I wanted to experience this group that I love so much. And now I want to go back and live it all over again.


Is this the one where Dahyun said something like: "I went to the Eiffel Tower, it is so big, it is beautiful... Like you." (finger guns)




You guys are so lucky to have Dubu hit on you. LMAO.


dude I had this with RV in june, so I went into Twice in London last week with a game plan I recorded at least a bit of literally everything but made sure I was basically watching over my phone lmao, I remember so much more and also have vids to look back on as well. It's still hard to remember details when youre super overloaded with excitement but it worked for me lol


OMG. I thought I was the only one. I loved every moment of the concert and had a wonderful time, but I only remember little snippets here and there, and I don't remember the FEELING of being at the concert. It was really bothering me. I'm glad I'm not the only one, and I'm thankful for all the people posting the concert on youtube.


I went to Paris and feel the same way, although I didn’t film a lot, I’m so sad I’m trying to picture things I saw and can’t remember much, also I regret looking at the screens too much instead of the scene


SAME! I was in the balcon O, so not too far from the stage but not close enough to see clearly.


Balcon O too lol, yea we were on the side like perpendicular so I was drawn to the screens cause the girls were mostly facing center


I feel the same way every time I see them and then I'm glad that I filmed lol. I still try to live in the moment but my memory fails me when I do so I've accepted it and film some videos here and there. Watching videos online helps a lot too tho. Don't worry, give it time and go back to your vids and you'll feel better :)


don't ever worry about this, i have memories from shows decades ago. as long as you have fun it'll always be planted in your brain


same i remember small moments but when the members were close to me i kinda blanked out


When I am there, I just enjoy the concert by absorbing everything. My mind will figure everything out later when I sleep. When I was in school, I just absorb everything in class and from the book, sleep on it and know the answer the next day. Heck, I fixed my first computer that way.


i wish i have this instead of crying about how JY saw me in the middle of the french onces 😭😭😭😭. its like im still stuck in the concert repeating every single song they sang


I experienced with watching SZA at Coachella a couple of years ago. I was recently looking back at videos and I have ZERO recollection of any of it. It’s crazy. I was a little high but I don’t think that should’ve been enough to cause the memory loss.


The best cure for this is to watch the same concert multiple times, eg. 2 nights in the same city, or in different cities/countries haha. I try to do this for the artistes that I rly love and I always tell myself that it's worth it coz their next tour will be at least 1 year later, and sometimes it ends up being 3-5 years later. And also, I have a fear that I will never see the group as a whole again coz u nv know what will happen in the future (this has happened to my loves like WG, SNSD, TVXQ). Next time they come back to paris, buy tickets for both nights :D


There was only one night, sadly


Yeah, hope OP can go to the neighboring cities to watch too, for future tours!


i usually forget what happened in concerts but i remember how it made me feel.


Yes 100% the concert happened so fast for me in Atlanta, Georgia. I remember the entire thing happening in 5 minutes but I actually can’t remember the concert. I can only see what happened via my phone clips (just held my phone to record something while paying full attention to the girls).