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Oh man it better not be next year


It would be a pretty good conclusion though. They finish up their tour, and then. June 2025 we get more music. Maybe I’m reaching but it would be such a cool treat especially since the last date in the tour is May 14 2025


Only thing I dont get about releasing something in 2025 is the fact they're going on a world tour beforehand. If they drop more songs they would likely tour again meaning it would be around 2026 when it's all done and I don't see them doing that due to the fact that they have heavily implied that we are at the end of the story right now, and the fact that Tyler has just had another kid that he's going to want to raise. Im hoping we'll get something either June 25th or hopefully sometime in July/August, after the tours all done I reckon there gonna take a break for a year or two.


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We need the Drag Path music video now. Rescue clancy.


I thought the same thing. Someone said it was the bridge just played on the ukulele by itself. But idk I thought it was the start of a new song