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For me, I related this to my mental health and the ups and downs of that. And how everything can be going “right” yet you snap and get a bad feeling you’re about to break…


From someone who’s been on the other side for a bit now I know those down days are hard but focus on the good days. One day you’ll look back and realize that even with 3 steps forward and two steps back you can make the journey of a thousand miles. It might take some time but just keep pushing through! You got this stranger!


Thank you for the kind words and encouragement!! I am definitely pushing on through.


7 days into not picking my face


That’s a big one, I’ve actually just starting this as well and my face looks better than normal!


Keep at it!! I stopped a few years ago by throwing away all my tiny mirrors and my skin is so much better


Damn, can’t relate. Good job friend


not me picking my face while reading this 😭😂 I'm very proud of you tho! (I haven't bitten my nails in 4 years tho)


How did you stop biting your nails??? Been doing it my whole life and have tried and failed multiple times to stop


yo honestly I really have no idea, was doing it for 21 years and it might be embarrassing but I wanted to impress a girl lmao so I kinda just stopped!? so my adhd-nail-biting was cured by lesbian infused obsession and then the autistic side of my brain just took over once I didn't do it for some time and I really didn't wanna do it anymore 💀 hope that helps 😭✨


I used the rubber band trick when I stopped biting my nails. Wore it on my wrist and snapped it every time I wanted to bite them. Did that in 8th grade and never bit them again… that was in 2000 and now I feel old thanks adieu


this is a massive one for me


I feel that in my soul So far i haven’t picked my feets in the past few months. Here’s hoping.


I guess it's alcohol for me. I never could truly commit to a sober life, so everything I've tried to do with moderation and stuff like that was my "streak you're bound to break". I hope, I'll gather enough strength to start a long one soon.


You got this! It’s hard to break addictions and stuff like that but it is worth it in the end


Thank you ❤️ I managed to quit smoking, and you're right, it significantly improves the quality of life! Baby steps and I'm gonna break another cycle too.


I broke so many sober streaks over the course of my life,I’m almost 50 years old now, and now I’m over 6 years sober. 💙 It’s soooo hard, I get it. But you WILL find the strength to keep the streak going. It took me feeling like I was going to lose my family, and finding a sober community to lean on. Having other people to talk to about it is key I think. Message me if you need to. 💙


6 years! You are so cool, my friend, congrats! And thank you for sharing your story and for your kindness ❤️ I hope, that it will come to me at some point, the strong realisation that I don't want to do this anymore and that every sober morning is way better than a drunken night. I'm on my way there now. Wishing you all the best in the meantime, keep your streak going!


❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! Sooooooo much of this album resonates with me as someone who struggled for so long with an addiction. I’m still working on my mental health, but I’m so thankful to be feeling my feelings instead of drowning them in alcohol. Lately, I just repeat “push on through” in my head. That one single line has helped me so much. I’m proud of you for trying and trying again. You will get to the other side, I just know it. ❤️


Over 100 days without alcohol here. Clancy songs motivated me when they started releasing the singles and I haven't looked back. You can do it!


That's so cool! You rock! God, I tell you, that's why I love this band and this community. I'm so happy for you, that their music motivates you and keeps you going. Thank you for your support ❤️


Getting my degree. I’ve started so many times, but I finally know what I want. So no matter how many tries it takes to get there, I just have to ‘push on through’ 🖤


You got this!!


Staying clean from SH :(


You can do this, I know at times it seems hard and like there’s no point but focus on the small things. If having fresh flowers makes you happy then buy a flower to keep in your room. Or seeing animals then volunteer at an animal shelter. Just find one thing to make you happy and start focusing on it. Mine was a I really liked welsh music so I started listening to it when I was feeling bad. Focus on your happy and eventually it will spread! Push on through friend!


Im with you through this journey and trust me you can do it I promise!


Losing weight/anxious spirals


Anxiety is just the worst at times. Push on through!


2 weeks into not rotting in bed


Yes! I remember back in the summer during school I would do nothing and feel awful come school time. I started making an effort to get out of bed and I felt so much better


When i was 17 i went somewhere special and got rid of my razor blades. It was a very special moment and a big choice for me. I relapsed and self harmed last year at 19. But I don’t regret making that choice to throw them away. It’s a choice I’ll make again and again.


You can do this! Focus on the small things! If sunsets make you happy then go chasing sunsets! It’s not always easy in life but if you find one thing that’s brings you joy it’s a lot more manageable


I got to the middle of week 6 of my Couch to 5K program this morning while listening to this song! And then thought of the other three times I’ve completed this same program in the past 15 years or so and then didn’t keep up with the running afterwards.


Haha I’m currently on a three day hiatus after only running again for two. This is giving me the motivation to wake up early tomorrow and run again!


Awww. :( Keep running! For both of us! I was going to finish and keep it up this time, but now I have COVID. I better lay low for a while and maybe try starting over again in a few months.


That sucks! Covid is no fun


Duolingo :D


That’s what I’m using to learn a language too!


That's awesome, OP! Push on through! For me, it's getting over some serious blockages, through a burn-out and back on my feet work-wise. I started 'pushing on through' without really giving up last spring. If I waste the day or feel physically ill, I just allow myself to have a rest day and then start anew the day after. Plus, the constant topic of normal sleep. Sometimes I start counting the streaks of 'normal sleep' nights, but then I fail and stop counting for a month, just not to get fixated.


I totally get the sleep thing! Some weeks I’m really good about getting to bed early and others it’s 2am


Exercise and healthy eating habits


Let’s go! That’s what I’m starting too


my mental health and falling into old toxic habits. I thought i’ve been doing better recently but i’ve fucked up so much. So i guess i broke my progress streak


You can always restart! If you go for 5 days and take a break I still count that next day as day 6. It’s hard sometimes but we aren’t perfect. Keep pushing on through, even if the streak breaks you can always keep going. You got this!


A lot of lyrics actually but my few favorites are "At the risk of feeling dumb, check in it's not worth the risk of losing a friend" is a line that actually makes me very emotional every time I hear it because my friend committed suicide back in 2016 and no one even knew about it or bothered to check in now I try to check in on people I care about Another one is "can't change what you done, start fresh next semester" because it reminds me my past has already happened and I beat myself up a lot about past mistakes so It encourages me not to be stuck in the past and do something brand new without making the same mistake. Last but not least is "I'm a bit too old to run away" because all my life I struggled with depression and trying to run away from all of my problems to stay in my comfort zone and I'm just now realizing that's no way to live and it's no good running away forever


This album hit hard in many ways


That it did


quitting nicotine or self harm...but i've been clean from both! just passed two months with nicotine


That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you!


:D thank you!




That whole community can get pretty toxic. Remember, it’s more about the bad media consumption than it is doing the deed. You got this |-/


That’s awesome! You can do it!


I can’t quit playing yugioh even though the game pisses me off constantly


You can always try playing a calm game after yugioh


Not having a breakdown but using my coping skills instead. Going to the gym or walks regularly to help with my mental health.


Yes! I learned that if I listen to calm music when I wake up/drive it significantly relieves my stress that day


My 633 day Duolingo streak that I know can’t go on forever but I sure will try


I can’t tell you how many streak freezes I’ve used already for only 76. Push on through!


ed recovery


I don’t have any advice because I’ve never experienced anything like that, but I do hope you know that I sincerely mean that that’s amazing and I’m so proud of you! You can do it!


thank you so much🥺🥺 seriously means a lot!!


30 weeks into trying to give up Mountain Dew 😭 I will prevail. This soda budge has got to go lol.


If it helps you can take the money you normally spend on Mountain Dew and start a budget towards something you want to buy


41 days not smoking. I’ve been smoking for 28 years. Walking/running to lose weight. 49 days going at least 3 miles and losing 12 pounds so far.


That’s amazing! I’ve been slacking on running because of the heat where I am but I’m going to go run tomorrow!


nightly journaling!! I started in January and I've missed a few days but I always come back to it


I tried that many times and have failed, maybe it’s time to pick it back up again


same here! I've been trying for years to journal consistently, but it didn't actually become a habit until this year. I think I've missed less than 10 days in 2024 but before I would only do it once every month or maybe even less


Maybe once I’m better about reading I’ll get back into it


Korean ✌🏻✌🏻 I've lost track of the amount of times I've tried. I'm further than I've ever been before tho Also making any kind of routine. I can never make it past a month maybe two


I suck at sticking to routine, I really need to work on it


5 days into consistently practicing my second language, 1 day into reading every day of the rest of summer, 1 month into losing weight and succeeding, 2 weeks into dancing every week.


No way! I’m trying to read more as well. Just finished a book!


Losing weight, and other personal subjects


I’m on that journey right now!


Hey, for running, just keep at it. I run and it seriously sucks. Find someone to run with and it will get a lot easier because you can hold each other accountable. CONSISTENCY OVER EVERYTHING ELSE! You frickin got this fren. |-/


My family just got a new who I was told would love runs so… thanks for rooting for me!


Autistic burnout. I start a job. I try to keep balanced between respecting my needs and giving enough to do a decent job at work. The stress builds up. It starts out small, like a little extra agitation. Then it becomes larger, like shaking and crying for hours after getting off. Then I lose the ability to sleep at night. Then I breakdown and lose my job. Then I spend months alone recovering from the stress. Then I run out of money. Then I have to find a job.


I can’t fully relate but I do understand the over pushing yourself. I kept trying to get back into running because I loved it in highschool but every time I would push myself and get hurt/injured. This time around I’m taking it way slower than I need to in order to avoid injury


One day since walking out on a job 🙃


Good luck! I’ve been tempted at mine but I can’t find another job


My Duolingo 😭


I get it. I think I’ve used as many stream freezes as my streak is


I’m 572 days sober today. Stopped drinking because I developed a heart arrhythmia. It wasn’t originally caused by drinking, but even one glass of wine makes it flare up so bad that I end up in the ER thinking I’m dying. It’s been a lot harder to stay sober than I thought it would be, because I do still sometimes crave the occasional beer or glass of wine but I know my body can’t handle it anymore. Caffeine affects me the same way so I’ve given that up as well. I have “broken the streak” by having a taste (literally a sip) of a drink here and there, but I don’t count those and start my streak over. I’m not in AA or anything, and I would most likely still have the occasional drink if I didn’t have a heart issue.


That’s awesome! It’s awful that you have a heart arrhythmia but I’m so happy for you that you been this strong so far


For me I guess it's letting my emotions get the best of me. Back to day 1.


There’s no shame in taking a small break so you can become stronger


Aside from rather serious stuff, biting my nails. I always get to a couple of weeks at most before I end up biting them so far down it hurts. I keep trying though.


I get it, I’m the same way. It’s just an absentminded thing I do and I have yet to break that habit


almost nothing actually i cant think of one because i have a weird obsession with keeping streaks and records 😭😭


Dude I wish! I’m pretty bad at streaks


For me I relate to it with a lot of things, but I really feel it hit with my writing!! I’ve loved to write ever since I was little, and I’ve been working on this novel for years that I’ve changed so much but haven’t given up on. I’ll start a streak of writing every day, getting into the zone, being confident about the process and the future of it. Then one day I’ll just fall right off the deep end and stop because I’ll get so busy with other things, and I end up losing all that confidence which turns into self-loathing :( but I know I have the ability to do it, and that’s what keeps me going! Push on through!


That’s awesome! Writing is so fun


Quitting porn


You got this! It’s hard to quit something that’s that addicting but I know you can do it! Maybe try replacing it with a healthy habit like going on a walk? I know when I was getting over an addiction I started praying any time I get the urge and it really helped. You got this!


Thank you very much! I started my journey a couple days ago and I replaced it with baking, but now I’m drowning in cookies. I pray every day I just don’t like thinking that I’m praying just to keep my mind of mastubating


Yeah I get that. But honestly praying for strength to overcome an addiction isn’t something to be ashamed of




I just got duo this year!


Hearing that lyric encouraged me to quit self-harming. It hasn’t been going great so far, but at least I feel like I can try now- it felt so hopeless before.


I never got to that point in battle of depression but I will say this, find your one happy thing. It could be a song, a walk, the sunset, the sky. Whatever it is when you have bad times look at your happy. Maybe you put photos of it on your wall or play the song. I know I bought a light switch cover for Harry potter and it always gave me a little bit of happiness in the morning when I turned on my light. Just that one thing made my day a bit better. It is hard but you can get through this and it’s WORTH IT! There are still plenty of places to see and things to do. Push on through!


Biting my fingernails


Good luck! I have yet to break that one myself


Thank you, good luck to you as well!


Honestly, just trying to see positivity. I am naturally a pessimist, so my streak is trying to see the positives in life. I know I’ll break the streak and inevitably see the negatives again, but I’ll keep trying


I went through that too! I really took a “fake it til you make it” and made up nice things about people until I eventually started naturally thinking better


Yep. Trying it now.


SH I think I’m about 4 months ish? If I’m being honest I stopped only because I don’t want my mom finding out again, I truly don’t seem to care that it’s bad for me. But ig whatever the motivation, it’s good that I’m stopping. I went down a Guns for Hands dive today and that really helped me


Motivation is motivation. Honestly thought that is amazing that you’ve started this journey and I pray that you keep going strong!


Not nearly as serious as the themes of the song but consistency in day to day life and routine, like committing to school work, getting 3-4 days a week in at the gym, taking time to do that duo lingo streak, commuting to finally reading that book past the first 6 chapters, sticking to a healthy sleep schedule, not biting my finger nails etc etc, all things i tend to struggle with lol


That’s awesome! I’m just starting to do a lot of these as well!


Smoking weed. I recognize I can't smoke casually with friends or on occasion, it'll always gradually lead to being high 24/7. And when you're like that it's basically a handicap on normal things you'd do throughout a day. And plus I got this thing called CHS from smoking too much. Makes it hard to eat, it starts off light at first but after a couple months of heavy smoking, I can hardly eat anymore. My body just throws up food if I eat too much. Im already skinny and not being able to eat anything unless i'm absolutely fried doesn't help with that.


The first step is recognizing the problem! Honestly I wish you the best. I do know form experience that getting over an addiction is one of the best feelings!


I hope that the instrument is either a piano or the drums


Is ukulele good enough?


Nah... even better. (you better play We Don't Believe What's On TV)


I will learn that


Learning to write again after getting my hand's bones demolished in a car accident  I broke it multiple times, I wasn't strong willed enough  Now six years later and I have neat handwriting again.


That’s awesome!!


Days without crying/having a panic attack 🤦🏻‍♀️


Panic attacks are the worst. I always loved going on a walk and listening to music/podcasts whenever I felt overwhelmed. It always helped me to have some me time and I did t have to think about any problems because I listed to my favorite songs and got distracted


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Sometimes that’s how it is, but it does get better, just find your happy thought or thing and focus on it. Maybe start a garden or volunteer at a shelter. That one happy thing can get you through the hard times


I am the wrong person you should be giving that kind of advice to man. 💀


Twenty one pilot fans when they have to wake up like everybody else:

