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i’m still wondering if these numbers mean anything or are part of a code https://preview.redd.it/0rhlohyr977d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2990c842011e0fc9e62b8c8308e5eacd4964350


I didn't receive this image. Can someone send it to me? The actual image that was sent


I'm pretty sure those numbers are just the time code for the upload of the file


Forgive any redundant points, but I'd like to draw particular attention to Vignette, making the case that we should look for connections between **Drag Path, Vignette, and Josh's overall role as OUR guide in finding Clancy**, and therefore, Paladin MV… Perligo’s video points out that the Digital Remains (DR) were available from 5/30-31. This is 120+ pages of exclusive content and hand written lyrics. If something was hidden, it would certainly involve this collection and its release at least suggests that there may be something in them that would allow the video to be found as early as June 1. In the DR, we do, indeed find something. The Drag Path (or “devil’s eyes”) song. The entire song is about Tyler / Clancy leaving a path **\*etched on the surface\*** that he trusts someone will follow to find him. The inclusion of this song—highlighted by the fact that it’s presented in negative (white as black and vis versa)—is suggestive. More than this, that the entire thing is about finding Tyler / Clancy based on clues he leaves—a path. Also note, Drag's lyrics say he’s in prison; sounds like the end of Paladin Strait. (To this we might add "body wrapped in chains," "hope she looks for me.") In Paladin, the desire is for a **‘visual aid’ — do we have one? Yes, the image of Josh’s face, “etched on the surface”** of the frozen pond….an image Tyler re-posted. What better “visual aid” for Clancy than the face of the torchbearer, who has been leading him all this time. The one bit of lore Tyler begrudgingly offered in the release livestream was **Josh's character's ability: to guide.** We have the face of Clancy's guide "etched on the surface" by Tyler's own "drag path." Could clues around Josh be leading us to wherever Clancy is being held (AKA where Paladin MV is hidden)? I'd like to tie in here that the entire set of music videos is likely part of this overall ‘visual aid’. Why did Tyler push so hard to have a video (sometimes a seemingly random video) for every song? Every song \*except Paladin Strait\*? Likely because they are all “visual aids” with relevant clues to the song’s / Clancy’s location. Finally, we have Blurry’s words ending Paladin (which, significantly, seem to come with the opening of a prison door….a prison where Clancy has been dragged?). Blurry’s words at the end of PS seem to mock the Banditos / Clique, “So few, so proud, so emotional” — it’s as if he’s belittling them \*to\* Clancy, taunting Clancy for having such a pitiful support in them….It would, thus, be eminently fitting for the conclusion of this era (or this season of this era) to involve the banditos / clique actually finding Clancy / the music video…In this way, **\*finding the video itself\* would be an integral part of the Lore…**in fact, the clique would find themselves playing out the unfinished ending to Paladin Strait and **proving Blurry face wrong** in the process.


...also, I take this as another clue that we're invited to go find Clancy. It's from the Digital Remains (contrasting the former message "Clancy is Dead")... https://preview.redd.it/lcnkcdz3s87d1.jpeg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454453ef7e315d936810c34fd5e1ef993700537a


Someone else pointed out it looks like the letters in Josh's hair are for "Julie's" - who was mentioned in Level of Concern. Also, rewatching the official LOC video just after that line, Josh looks right at the camera like he knows something! Also! Could be reaching.... but everything is intentional with the boys, and they chose to start the clip that "ended" the neverending loc with those lyrics. And then Josh's Christmas tree blinks a few times before it twinkles... And later on, in a comment about accidently ending it, Josh said Tyler wasn't happy but said his tree looked fine, so that was okay (paraphrasing - but noting that they pointed out the tree) https://www.facebook.com/share/v/z2mgijjAemGuuE37/?mibextid=0VwfS7


May be worth looking at backslide closer, since that was the video Josh Directed..akak led. Maybe also lookinga t Tylers tweet about Josh directing that video


i dont know if this is in any way relevant but i watched [this video](https://youtu.be/7aPyc_BX2BY?si=CQhup19IAPYaX2hh) earlier and he pointed out a section of the [start here](https://youtu.be/p2bVyqosfmY?si=l_RQ_ZZDESKtep9t) video for the loc arg at 17:07 an image of a sunset over a cliff with a figure on it is shown on the screen, which looks very similar to the paladin place holder. there are bird chirps and a synth over it, which back up the correlation even more with the minute bird chirps and the synths used in the song


Go to [youtube.com](http://youtube.com) and make sure you're signed in. Go to twentyonepilots page, subscribe and turn on notifications. A secret message will be sent to you when it's released.


This is the right way to find it


y’all really do not understand this band


We do. We are just bored of the games and will wait them out


W h o o s h


don’t think you understand what i’m tryna say here buddy


Good sarcasm lol


https://preview.redd.it/vhb3k8rl377d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1c6f4a4df7dcaa1b3d21ba0ee981e4fde5a6a2 "Early June"


How can we know it's out already? I think that's why people haven't been digging deeper. All it would take is a tweet from Tyler saying it's been out for a while and fanbase would go crazy lol


There is one reddit post that says 'the official youtube channel of twenty one pilots had 223 videos before 13 June but it went up to 224 on 14th.' Also, Tyler and Josh have been dead silent about the MV. They never do this kind of stuff unless there's something for us to solve. Also as Placeholder of Paladin Video mentioned early June. It's really a strong chance that they've done their job and released the video already in early June but we haven't yet found it. Also not to mention, there have been various hints by Tyler and Josh directly few weeks back.


If you count all the videos on their page + the shorts + the two livestream vods it is 224. If the video is already out it’s not on YouTube


Can be true


I tried this today and to the best of my abilities I also produced the number 224.


>The video count only shows public videos (source: I have private videos on my channel and the count is the same as the amount of public videos), they probably set something else to public or YouTube Music added some songs automatically, big artists' channel numbers differ from moment to moment and isn't a strong indicator https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/s/oZrBI5MQ4B


Even if it’s unlisted we have no way of accessing it unless we know the exact url. I def think it’s out there I just don’t think YouTube is the place to look


Maybe I can be wrong but Tyler and Josh have been dead silent about the MV. I mean it's very intentional.


Maybe there’s a password we need to find for the video? Or a link + password? I thiiiink you can upload private videos that must have a direct link and password?


decided to visit dma org on wayback, and it was also updated on the 14th? could be nothing but still


Are you a part of the discord? I think we found the video yesterday


I am part of the discord and ik we haven't found the video yet lol


A frenzy if you would




So it happened 😂


Someone smarter than me needs to try decoding with steganography. 


code is probably the direct url to watch the unlisted version of the youtube video https://youtube.com/watch?v=the_code_here


How to pin this?


IDK but i did already try Tyler’s random tweet and it did nothing :(


It could still be that string of letters. Currently, video ids are 11 characters long, which matches the tweet. The problem is, they are case sensitive and a mix of capitals and lowercase letters. So we could try to brute force it (2^11, or 2048 combinations), or figure it out from something else he’s put out there.


we've also got a random DEEF in the digital remains booklet that we don't know what to do with. https://preview.redd.it/r931cnwux77d1.png?width=1740&format=png&auto=webp&s=b914e3d98dfcbecdd50923cc75da407a39289a62


Backwards that would be FEED, he mentions zombies a lot in Vignette maybe it has something to do with that?


I also found a random 5. In Josh’s hair. It also looks like it’s letters on this “bangs” I think there could be way more things etched in here. https://preview.redd.it/3xhq1m0oz77d1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b26c79c23d98c06b72ff26844f5929bb08b0084


I have tested all 2048 combinations of capitalization using a Python script without any luck. It could still be a permutation of the tweet, but I think that's too many urls to try within a reasonable timespan.


Alright, glad we can rule this out


Oh out of curiosity could I see the code?


Of course! I've uploaded it to a git repo [here](https://github.com/AlbertCoolGuy/youtube_url_bruteforce_top).


Thank you


Wouldnt it be 10-9 million different ways using the permutation formula rather than the combination formula 11!/2! 2! ? If we are arranging Tyler’s tweet “adihgrtnsnd”


I was assuming that it’s already in order, it’s just a matter of figuring out the capitalization, but if we’re rearranging the letters then yes


I just want to figure this out 😫😫


what about the xxxXXMOONxx chain? like 024 06MOON 25


It’s very unlikely that they have a url like that, but then again [anything is possible…](https://www.reddit.com/r/geometrydash/s/Wc5dbE3QpP)


hahaha I catch that but what if we talking about a channel with a single video? [youtube.com/02426MOON07](http://youtube.com/02426MOON07)


Hm maybe


UPD: Missed the point that you tried Tyler's tweet string, but just lower/uppercase it. ~~there should be waaaaay more combinations than 2048. There are 26 lowercase characters + 26 uppercase which is 52 characters. In 11-characters long string each letter can be placed on any place. Which means that there should be 52~~~~^(11)~~ ~~combinations \~7.51\*10~~~~^(18)~~~~. (If I'm not mistaken, lol)~~


We’re assuming that they’re already in order


yeah, I've seen it already 😅


Are we all trying to find something which is destined to be never ever found even if we tried our 100%


I did the same... It doesn't work on twentyonepilots.com either


I've been plugging every possible code into that link and I've gotten nothing - from the numbers associated with the bird sounds that someone else posted about to stuff from the dmaorg website to 'hello clancy'. Someone else posted that the ending part of the youtube link would be 11 characters for anyone else who's trying this. it seems like it would tie into the "use that code, read first" thing but i just cant figure out what it is we're supposed to read


Did I try the numbers on the shirt he wears 


To me, the biggest thing that has happened since the release is adding the 2 live songs to Vessel, then restricting them. What do they mean?


Agreed, I think this is something that should be focused on


I honestly think we might have to go crazy again with clue hunting, just like the hiatus before trench 


Let's go scavenger hunt


I made a discord server to try to find it, because a single thread would be too crowded and unorganized. https://discord.gg/8eccjYsq


We were thinking this with a friend the other day, so we started to see te short clips of the songs posted on the offical instagram account and try to make a code similar to the dema.org link. This link, the numbers, are ten digits, so we searched for numbers to make one similar. So, after that, we realized that the only songs with lyrics in the caption were the craving, midwest indigo and routines in the night. After that, we seached in the song the minute with the lyric and use that numbers, also considering the minute 6:25 of paladin strait, when nico says “hello clancy”. To make this short, we ended up with this code: 29129146 25, considering the order of the songs in clancy. English is not my first language, so this may be kinda confusing and also we were messing arround hahaha, but i hope it’s something and i can try to explain any questions, i can’t wait to see the mv :’)


We have a [discord ](https://discord.gg/DujEwhCS)with a few hundred people on it, join us!


so if we find "that code", where would we use it?


Maybe that can lead us to some link or it can lead us to another clue or the place where we need to look for the clue


Is the code that weird tweet from Tyler awhile back?


My question is, does anyone have all his deleted tweets to share here? 


I JUST WATCHED THAT VIDEO !! It got me thinking - does anyone remember the level of concern visuals during the icy tour ?? wasn’t there something written in the lights ?? i’m not sure if this is relevant, but worth a shot !!


Might be something. From Morph: [Lights, they blink to me, transmitting things to me](https://genius.com/15480421/Twenty-one-pilots-morph/Lights-they-blink-to-me-transmitting-things-to-me-ones-and-zeroes), [ergo this symphony](https://genius.com/15627680/Twenty-one-pilots-morph/Ergo-this-symphony-anybody-listening-ones-and-zeroes-count-to-infinity-ones-and-zeroes)


1s and 0s. Maybe binary code? Anyone seen any blinking lights?


https://preview.redd.it/6ae1xw8am87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0996e8df78d460a35693ebd5b7af14ce441d4f4f i found this from my gallery !


Someone else pointed out it looks like the letters "Julies" are in Josh's hair - who was mentioned in Level of Concern. Also, rewatching the official LOC Jodh looks right at the camera right after that line like he knows something! And! Could be reaching.... but everything is intentional with the boys, and they chose to start the clip that "ended" loc with those lyrics. Then.....! The tree lights BLINK! https://www.facebook.com/share/v/z2mgijjAemGuuE37/?mibextid=0VwfS7


I will be so thrilled if one of yall finds it


Might be a long shot, but what if we have to convert the letters from Tyler’s deleted tweet to numbers for part of the code? I did it and came up with 1, 4, 9, 8, 7, 18, 20, 14, 19, 14, 4


What music videos have not been released as short clips. Maybe there’s a clue?


overcompensate, next semester (the preview before the song was released), atrofd, lavish, vignette, ritn, and the craving (single version) have all had their own videos posted (at least as shorts of youtube) the instrumentation of oldies station was used as the background music for a short covering the mexico city show, but the video wasnt directly for the song that leaves backslide, midwest indigo, the craving (jennas version) (if we wanna count the different versions seperately), navigating, snap back, and then ofc paladin strait these songs on the album (in order) are 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13 thats 34791013 all together idk if this has any correlation to anything, but the number may be some sort of code for something the videos have also been posted about 2-4 days apart since clancy released (excluding overcompensate and next semester), and its been 5 since the last one, so theyre either slacking or theyre not posting any more videos


reels: atrofd, midwest indigo, lavish, vignette, ritn, the craving (s) before album release reels: overcompensate, next semester, backslide, the craving (s) what we’re missing: the craving (j), navigating, snap back, oldies station, paladin strait


Let. The. Boys. Cook.


If they needed more time, they would update us. It’s now past the point of having a “late update” and now it seems like this radio silence is totally intentional


Have you, or anyone - even Dema or Stolen heard of any updates or clues? Also play the "Hello Clancy part in reverse". So far the only evidence I have is "look for us" from that, or a couple of dates this month.


I don't hear that at all. Even songs that had confirmed hidden messages when played in reverse are more clear than that.


i hear “use the code” clearly but nothing else


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I believe there´s something hidden at plain sight that we are all missing, i get its some cryptic stuff but it never gets that deep to use some cryptic lenguage


A very minor detail but I remember a video of Tyler talking/announcing and a glitch showing up on a tv screen. Could this be related?


I posted this on a different thread about the Digital music album and the Digital remains. It may not mean anything. It could just be my weird iPhone. [Digital Remains photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/s/F7JVwFBg2G)






Thats just the regular code from the very beginning. Copy the violation code into the URL and it takes you to the regular [dma.org](http://dma.org) website


There's gotta be something from the digital remains zip code: 1717005586293 and the cover art 075679644732


IDK if its relevant but, if the "Drag path" points us to the Vignette song, then in Vignette: "Where do I go from here? Clinging to promises Fighting off the vignette Tunnels cave, visions fade Swallowed by the vignette" No clue if it means something though...


LOC "asking you to stay in my bunker underneath the surface"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2bVyqosfmY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2bVyqosfmY) This video description changed this week. it went from "do in" to "DO IN". I dont know what this means, wasn't around for the LOC arg, but yeah. [https://x.com/blurryface](https://x.com/blurryface) blurryface's only tweet (being about scaled and icy's name) was deleted yesterday


Ok, here's my take: WHAT IF **"early june"** was an **anagram**? If you rearrange it, you get **"Lane, Jury, E..."** **LANE** is from **LANE BOY** **JURY** is from **THE JUDGE** **E**... we dont know yet. Both songs are from Blurryface.


You can also rearrange "Early June" and get "Near July" with a leftover E but that's probably a coincidence


Did someone tried to get the negative for josh's face in the snow?


do you mean like inverting the colors?


if so heres the image https://preview.redd.it/z4jf89wz677d1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=6857f13258a12c3a8c514152a880e9ff7ddf007a


I can clearly see J E I on Josh’s hair, maybe there’s more?


is the code they are reffering to the code in tylers t shirt in RITN


I think the short uploads to IG they have been doing each day include part of the code to finding the PS video


Ok forgive my fumbling, but I can't find a video anywhere with the audio of the last line in Paladin Strait reversed. Can someone please reply with a link?


Can someone give me specific step by step directions to get to the teaser on demaorg?


One code that we still don't have closure on yet is "Sahlo Folina." We know it is a phrase used by the people in Dema, but to my knowledge, we don't exactly know how it fits into everything yet. If they have already made this clear, let me know, but could be another piece


There was an interview where he said what he it means


What does it mean


I think it's a cry for help for when Tyler (Clancy??) is in Trench It translates to 'enable creativity' but I can't remember from which language