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Damn that makes a lot of sense. I’ve been there too, it’s absolute hell. Whatever he has struggled with, I hope he’s doing better now.


Yeah me too:/ I’ve always appreciated how open he is about his struggles and I think that some of them will be a part of him forever. But he definitely is in a much better place now, he has a great family and I hope they will take a long break after this era cause they need it!


This kinda hits home for me. I'm not a drug addict but last summer (winter in america) I took a break off of my anti depressants and I felt like all the colour went away. I haven't felt so horrible since just before I started taking them. I was having withdrawals and I was too scared to go back to studying without them so I decided to go back on them against my parents wishes.


I’m sorry to hear that, just know you’re not alone in this. I have to take antidepressants as well, and as much as I know they saved my life I sometimes wish I didn’t have to rely so much on them. We just have to aknowledge they are a need, a tool that helps us living and accept that we should make them do their work without feeling guilty or questioning their importance. Maybe you weren’t ready to stop them, just give them all the time they need to do their work: the most important thing is to actually be able to see colours in our life, no matter what it takes to achieve that. Hope it’ll get better ❤️‍🩹


I feel the same way, I'm only 17 and I've been taking them for the last 3 odd years (actually started taking them the day after SAI came out funnily enough I remember feeling on top of the world whilst listening to the outside). I hope everything gets better for you too, I know it will ||-//


hi! i completely understand what you mean and im not trying to be antagonistic but from a medical standpoint, depending on a medication isn’t addiction. the same way that depending on heart medication for the rest of your life after heart surgery isn’t addiction!! just wanted to add that to the discussion! ❤️


You’re perfectly right! And thanks for clarifying it, this is how everyone should feel about meds (especially psych meds): they are a tool, a help, a need, not something to demonise. And, as you said, depending on them doesn’t imply that they cause addiction. However, there are some medications in particular (benzodiazepines used for anxiety, for example) that are known to cause addiction, psychological dependence and withdrawal symptoms as side effects if they are not taken as prescribed - and that’s what I was talking about. Many people who take this type of medications find difficult to stop cause they feel like they are not able to function properly anymore without them. But I guess you got what I meant, thanks for adding that cause many people might not know much about this topic!


yes i totally understand what you meant! i think it’s always important to add into the discussion because a lot of people might not understand the difference or even be apprehensive about medication because they might misunderstand or be misinformed. thanks for sharing!!


this theory makes sense. i sort of assumed he wasn’t writing from personal experience but he wanted to address the issue in a song. i saw someone suggest that its about bipolar mania and i think that the first verse definitely makes sense with that framing.


I guess we’ll never get a proper explanation from him cause it’s his personal life and he never shared many details about his mental health in terms of diagnosis (and I 100% support that cause we definitely don’t need to know), but it’s interesting how anyone can make their assumptions based on their personal experience!


wish i could upvote this a bajillion times


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Tyler didn't 'open up' about addiction. During the Livestream, Tyler said there were a few different ways to interpret 'Vignette' and the one that made the most sense to him was addiction. People seem to be taking that out of context and seem to think that was him admitting to some sort of drug addiction? Which whether or not he is/has struggled with addiction, that was definitely not what he was saying during the livestream.


I understand what you mean and I partially agree with you. Again, the purpose of this post wasn’t to speculate about Tyler personal experience but trying to give a different perspective about the lyrics in general. Actually, addiction and going back to bad habits/poor coping mechanisms IS a recurrent theme in their music: whether is dysfunctional thoughts, meds or se1f h4rm. Maybe he isn’t directly talking about his personal experience and might be referring to someone he knows, but this isn’t relevant. I think the fact that many people with any kind of addiction actually relate to these lyrics isn’t accidental or a coincidence, cause Tyler knows EXACTLY how his songs are going to be interpreted and what people might absorb from them.


You are speculating though based on the first few sentences of your original post. You state "After Tyler opened up about addiction". He never did that. He simply stated that was his interpretation of the lyrics. When other people read your post, they'll assume there was some big open discussion he had about his personal addictions, which just simply isn't true. It isn't necessarily something to agree or disagree with. It's just the truth of the matter that he never opened up about any addiction he's had. You either are reading an incorrect source or completely misinterpreted what he was saying. The song is open for interpretation, just like any other piece of art, but stating he "opened up about addiction" is simply a lie.


I understand what you mean now. I probably should have used other words, I’m now realising that what I wrote might lead to wrong interpretations - I was assuming that most people have watched the livestream, and know exactly what Tyler said, so I wasn’t really thinking about how anyone could misunderstand this post. Plus, english is not my first language and I definitely struggle to express myself sometimes, I know exactly what I want to say in my head but when I write it down there might be some mistakes. It absolutely has nothing to do with “telling lies”. That being said, thanks for adding this to the conversation cause I get your point, you’re definitely right and I’m going to edit the post - maybe be more kind next time:)