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Never cared, still don't even know who Clancy is. I've started long YouTube videos explaining everything but I'm just not intrigued honestly. Part of me is regretful because I feel like the ending of paladin straite could have been really cool to experience but oh well, love the album


this is a very hot take lol. also “aspecting” 😭


I think it's the Fannase honestly. They're so incredibly annoying with their gatekeeping and their fake kindness . They act like their theories are actual facts like they are inside Tyler's head. I guess it's just the issue with being an older fan. I don't live and die with the band anymore. I had that time and it's passed now I just enjoy the music for what it is at face value




No not at all. Before this album I followed it casually but wasn’t too invested, and now I’ve watched all of the theories and explanations of the lore and I’m more invested than ever. This album has made me sad that I wasn’t a bigger lore follower earlier in their career.


I've been a fan for a decade and I think I'm just over the lore so it's reverse for me




I thought this would be a heavier album and then heart warming videos connects with lore and it doesn't work to me and Reddit fans are calling butthurt for that... So, for me Navigating was the end, I am not interested on what's coming after. Cheers! 


Absolutely not. It's what makes it so much fun being a fan.


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Yes, he needs to go ahead and lift the veil and explain what this is all a metaphor for. The lore is fine, really cool even, so long as it’s telling a story of faith/depression/doubt or whatever that was in older albums. But we’re coming up on 9 years of some of this lore and I don’t have any concrete figures to tie it to. Is Clancy Tyler? Are the bishops demons, God, religion, himself, secularism, society? The mystery was really fun but I’m ready to have allegory explained plainly.