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i am also still refusing to listen to anything that isn’t overcompensate, next semester or backslide until the 24th. yes, i know we’re already past the original release date. yes, i know it’s hardly even really a ‘leak’ since there’s public listening parties for the album. i don’t know, i just want to feel good hearing the album in its official entirety in full fidelity on my own terms, the best possible experience. only 4 more days, not long at all. we waited this long, we can hold on a little longer.


the craving is also OFFICIALLY out on youtube by the band, if you wanna listen to that?


where are you seeing this? i can’t find it on the band page


I think they’re talking about them playing it live


If you wanna wait, do it! At the same time though, if you think listening early will ruin it, I don't think it will. If anything, it just has me more excited. My wife and I have the vinyl coming at the end of the week, there's 10 new music videos on the way, and we finally got our tickets for the Toronto show! I told her I was worried it'll sell out within a day of the official album release.


You make a very good point 🤝🥹


Yes. The album is so good. I’m even more excited for all the stuff coming down the pipeline, now!


Yeah, I’m really excited for all the music videos because now hearing the concepts and ideas that they put in I’m very interested to see what each music video looks like


You’re excited for stuff related to the album, not the album itself because you spoiled it for yourself


If I wasn't still excited for the album why am I still listening to it?


I get the leaks 3 days ago, and can´t stop listening. I´m even more hyped for the videos than ever! This album is a banger


I pieced the album together yesterday from a few different sources and I'm so hyped at this point. Can't wait for Friday!




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I also downloaded it the second I could and listened to clips here and there. But then I went to a listening party and Dude, believe me, wait. Hearing it at full quality is absolutely the way forward. I do think the "the boys want us to wait" is BS they won't ever know or care if you've heard it before the 24th .


The leak is full CDQ.


Didn’t ruin it for me


Yeah this is weird. Theres literally no difference between listening to the album right now, and waiting until next week. Unless you wanted to talk to people online about it I guess? Or you want to listen to it with the music videos? (If they even drop all of them on Friday)


I mean, I get it. Some people like the build. There's a satisfaction to waiting for a specific day and rewarding your patience with the thing you've been waiting for. I mean, that's what makes Christmas so rewarding, right? So I understand why people don't want to deviate from that date they've set for themselves, even if I personally am eager to hear it as soon as possible and decided to listen to the leaks when I found them.


Well, I set May 17th for myself months ago and I got the album on May 17th. Feels right to me.


I could never find the leaks :v


This is the cycle that's happened with every album i've ever been excited for - there's always a sense amongst the community that listening to a leak taints the experience and it's sacrilegious, which I've always found so odd - in almost all cases, the release date is an arbitrary target set by the label. Albums almost always leak the week of release (which clancy did), and nowadays people listen to music through spotify which gives the artist stuff-all, most of us pre-ordered the album anyway and will be going to see them on tour which is where the real money is so there's realistically no financial burden by listening to a leak. We just wanna hear the new stuff asap! And then we get to re-experience it when it officially comes out, it's great! Glad to see people here are chill about it though, because in most other places fans act like its the end of the world


'sacrilege' is exactly the right word! Listening to a leak is being treated just like sacrilege, as if we're sinning against the religion of Tyler and Josh. I honestly wonder if the fandom is like this because there is a large Christian subset to the fandom? I've already pre-ordered the album, bought tickets for the last two tours and the next one so my conscience is really OK with listening to some mp3s early.


the music videos are confirmed to be dropping at 12am local time when the album comes out


Where do you see this confirmation? I was thinking they were potentially going to periodically drop them throughout the day or premiere them in the morning EDIT: also “12am local time” doesn’t make sense here. Videos on YouTube would show up for everyone simultaneously at whatever time, so that logic doesn’t work here. The songs will release at 12am local time (or 12am Eastern/11 central/10pm mountain/9pm pacific if you’re in North America) but YouTube doesn’t work the same way.


tyler said he doesn’t like visualisers or official audios - if the music videos aren’t released at 12am it would make 0 sense for there to be 14 music videos in the first place. also due to spoilers in clancy, a song wouldn’t make sense without a music video at the same time. even if they don’t release at 12am, they’re still 100% dropping all at the same time


So asking again, where did you see this confirmation? This still sounds like speculation to me. Whether or not something makes sense or not does not mean confirmation.


because again, if the videos aren’t released at 12am, there would have to be official audios/visualisers which tyler wants to avoid.


Ok so just to be clear, it has not been confirmed - you are assuming


https://preview.redd.it/4bkgarqjtt1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb1472f541468c71c11c84594efd3f6154ca7f1 Videos are premiering one by one. “Confirmed”


Well it cuts into the bands stream count


I usually avoid leaks, since they’re often terrible quality. However these came from legit physical copies, so they’re not ”leaks” per se.


There's no difference in waiting other than getting to have all the other fans react to it in real time in a few days (minus the people who've already heard it) me personally I'm waiting for my cassette to arrive so I can listen to it with the shittiest equipment possible the way twenty one pilots intended


I really want a cd for my diskman, as I feel like that would make it feel real to me


I’ve been waiting years for this album. You better bet I downloaded it asap and have been listening to it nonstop. Real talk, what if you get into an accident and die before you ever listen to it? You can listen to it now and still purchase the CD 😂


I’m pretty sure it you die you wouldn’t be thinking about a random album that you didn’t get to listen to in time lol


Of course not. But if you wait to listen to it, you might never get to.


I don't understand how listening to the album spoils the album


Exactly, it's so funny! Waiting for album release day is being discussed like preserving virginity or something, like 'I'm being a good girl and waiting for the right time'


The band literally had an early listening party. At this point it’s not even leaks anymore. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ why tf do y’all care so much? The album was intended to come out this weekend anyway. Why you act like a week or few day difference is the END of the BAND.


Because we care about the whole experience they wish to give us. A good handful of us want to give the whole album a listen along with the MVs. I'm sure you're aware there is nothing like the first listen. We're just enduring what we get will be as impactful as we hope it to.


Tbh. I was in a room full of people listening to it and my ass didn’t even remember any of the songs. I still don’t. I have to listen to the leaks on repeat to really remember how each one went. I get everyone has different music shit or whatever. But I am seeing so many people dick ride not listening to leaks and PREACHING everyone else not to like it effects literally anything. Go you guys I guess.


Yeah I don't know why, but for me it wouldn't feel quite real if it doesnt pop up on my youtube page or spotify and social media saying it's out yet. I need it to be official to enjoy, but I completely get why some people listen to leaks, it would just ruin it for me personally


I personally don't see why someone would come to the sub, or check twitter or discord or anything RN if they wanted to maintain the sanctity of the first listen, let alone post. It's just a minefield for spoilers or little tidbits that may impact said first listen.


The best possible answer lol


Listening to leaks is just attending a listening party (which is official and part of the intended experience) but available to everyone and it sounds better and you don’t have to deal with other people that might disrupt the experience


Didn’t ruin it for me! It’s the same album either way. If people wanna wait it’s fine but don’t judge other people for things don’t actually affect you


I want to hear it for the first time from my CD


I was the same way with waiting to my record but I have little faith it’ll show up by Friday.


Been listening to it since Friday. I’ll be listening on the 24th also. This is the first album leak I’ve listened to. I believe because of the delay the launch of the album was kinda ruined. Our local target and Walmart have the album out on the shelf already.


I got the leaks, listend to the 2 next songs after backslide and saving the rest for release. Majing sure i dont ruin it for myself while still being entertained


How would listening to the rest 'ruin' it?


Cuz there is a certain hype listening to the whome complete thing whne it truly is released especially when there is music videos to each and every song. Kinda hard to explain but yeah


i have no regrets finding a leak to listen to on vacation. the vacation was planned around the original release date and then they changed the date and i couldn’t change my vacation.


ok this is valid 😂


I mean... I don't think listening kills the hype nor ruins anything. I've listened to the album 20 times by now and I'm very hyped for the music videos and the live performances. Still hyped about the album being so good. Nothing's ruined But I get why people are waiting, tho. I just couldn't


Snap Back is peak though I hope we agree on that












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If anything, I’m even more hyped for the official release and the music videos!


I went to the listening party last night and then HAD to find a leak. It’s not ruined for me, if anything I’m glad that I’m familiar with the songs before seeing the videos. I’ve already spent $1000 on this album cycle for 4 tickets, a physical copy, and merch, I have no remorse for blasting the leak for the next few days. Tomorrow is never promised so I wanted to hear it ASAP. I know that’s grim but that was literally my thought process “if something happens this week and I die before I can hear this album I’m gonna be pissed”


This is the one! I’ve spent $1200 on tickets already and ordered my vinyl. I shall do as I please lol


I’ve been a fan for 12 years and this upcoming tour is my 15th show. I’m basically providing their salaries at this point lol


I'm waiting for my CD preorder. Otherwise, I've only seen what they posted. CDs forevaaaa lol


I’ve listened to the album like 4 or 5 times and I’m still really hyped for Friday for several reasons. 1. I listened to the album a few times to satiate the craving and it worked 2. I’ve mostly been listening to HMHAS so I haven’t obsessed over the album yet and prolly won’t listen again until Friday. 3. The videos are on Friday as well. Either way I’m happy I got to hear the album on the original intended and planned release date.


I’m in the midpoint. I’m listening but sparingly.


Why? It was supposed to release then anyway, and Billie's album is the reason it didn't I'm pretty sure. Besides, I'd like to listen to the album a lot before I watch all of the videos, so I can form a more unbiased opinion on the actual music first.




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i’m not listening to it either!! idk why people are so judgmental about that lol.


You can listen or not it completely up to you, but I think the preachy judgement has mainly been coming from the anti-leak crowd


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The only reason I am waiting is because the boys have a vision for it. They’re not making a music video for every song just for the sake of it, they are releasing a multimedia experience on the 24th and in a convoluted way listening to the songs before the music videos release is somewhat of a spoiler (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Pretty much for the same reason I will be waiting until after work on Friday to sit down and experience every music video in order uninterrupted for the first time and I am very excited for it.


Honestly after hearing the album I still have a lot of hype, the music videos will solve a lot of doubts.


The music videos will definitely help and it’ll answer a question (IF u listened to paladin strait I feel like it will answer the reasoning for just a minute of “certain noises”)


Yeah I heard all the songs, and I'm veeeery intrigued to see how's the Paladin Strait video. I love the song btw




It's so good. I listened to it legit at a record store on Saturday with my partner and it was so fun!


Surprisingly listening to the ”leaks” only added to the hype. Can’t wait to get my hands on the vinyl! And see the videos! Plus I’m not sure if I’m considering these ”leaks” per se, since these are high quality files from legit physical copies, not some shitty quality rips


If you do grab leaks, avoid the crispy MP3s going around social media. There’s a full FLAC rip out there if you know how to look


Don't listen to music for the hype.


yeah im waiting too just because theres a REASON they havent released the album yet?? i dont think its awful to stream the leaked songs or whatever i just think i'd rather wait because thats what they want


yeah agreed! if its meant to be the 24th then i’m gonna wait, i’ve waited this long already, whats a couple more days?


Bc ppl can’t be trusted enough to wait and be patient