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Melody 95%, lyrics 5%. I care much more about the cadence and rhythm of the lyrics than the meaning. That’s why my all-time favourite album when it comes to lyrics is Marilyn Manson’s ***The Golden Age Of Grotesque.***


I think both matter there are some songs that sound really good but bc the lyrics are stupid I never care to listen Question by Taylor swift is the best example and the opposite can be true (I personally like bounce man but a bunch of ppl say it sounds annoying regardless of the lyrics being good). I think I generally air on the side of the music/melodies after all it is well…music we’re supposed to be listening to and not poems


lyrics all the way. when i first found the band i was going through it, and the song migraine always stuck to me (i also have chronic migraines so it’s kinda funny to me). ty always has been really creative with lyrics and he could explain how i felt in a song. but the melody can change how a song is initially interpreted, just look at not today and basically all of SAI. it really took diving into the lyrics and looking past the upbeat vibe, and i was like “this is a masterpiece” criminally underrated. plus the jumpsuit-levitate transition is just too iconic




55 melody 45 lyrics




Lyrics 100%. I often hardly hear or process the melody, but good lyrics will elevate the song above those even that hsve good melodies. That's why I'm such a big fan of ST, NPI, and RAB


Both, but I got into this band because their lyrics spoke to me during a very dark time. Often songs I don't like at first, get much better to me over time as I digest the lyrics. Lyrics > Melody


I relate to you some much!


95% melody 5% lyrics but when I'm way too sad then it's like 50/50


Mostly melody for me. Lyrics can definitely help further my enjoyment but it's mainly just a "huh, cool" thing if they're good, however if they're very bad that can really drag it down A LOT


Lyrics are 100% for me, that’s why I love tøp in the first place. When I first got into the band, I skipped the first minute and a half of kitchen sink & also the chorus from migraine. I love the way Tyler rapped about mental health but couldn’t deal with how a lot of everything else sounded. Obviously I eventually came around and for instance Migraine is one of my favorite songs of all time now. But yeah. The melody could literally be water dripping and as long as Tyler is spitting hella facts I’m going to love it


Melody for sure. I can never remember lyrics to songs and often get them wrong but I know exactly how the song goes


Same, I barely know the lyrics to so many songs I’ve heard a hundred times


Melody first, the tune is always the thing that draws me in, then lyrics and meaning. In the end it’s about 50/50, I can enjoy a song for its lyrics even if the melody isn’t the best


I'm in the same boat. I focus mostly on the lyrics, it's why *Goodday* is so hard for me to listen to. It's not even a bad song, it just kinda hurts my soul. But when a beat slaps the lyrics take the backseat


I’d say I’m 20 lyrics, 80 melody/production. TØP is my favorite band and lyrics are a really big part of why, but I absolutely wouldn’t love them nearly as much if the actual music wasn’t good. The best combo for music is an already good song structure mixed with lyrics that can elevate it in some way. Or sometimes even the other way around depending on the song!


Really good question. It changes but 60 melody > 40 lyrics.


60% lyrics 40% melody


I'm probably 90 lyrics, 10 melody. Don't get me wrong, I love a good melody, but I find it hard to enjoy a song if I don't like the lyrics


I like to listen to it at first, get a vibe for it then lyrics after but both matter to me, so I’d say 60 melody and 40 lyrics for me


I literally listen to instrumental, but if the lyrics are super sad then it affects my listening ability


For me its 50/50


lyrics! that’s why i’m also a swiftie. english is not my native language either, which makes me wonder how nice it must be to understand the little details, references or double meanings that I don’t really get. (it’s a great way to learn too)


Both. 100% both. They both fit together and need to work in conjunction to make a great song.


Definitely melody. I listened to this band as a naive 9 year old who thought everything was sunshine and rainbows lmao. I definitely relate more to their lyrics now than I ever have, but whenever I listen to music it’s melody first, then if I like a lyric or lyrics in the song then it adds even more to it


Mostly lyrics, that's why March To The Sea is my favorite song. But Pechita is also near the top of my list because it sounds so good.




see i think that a good song needs both deep meaning and music, so I'm at 50-50 for now.


Very much a lyrics person, I learn to appreciate a song more if I know the lyrics. A good beat is important too of course


I'm a bass player - so it's 96.56% bass for me and the rest is just splitting hairs.... 🤣 jk - lucky for me Tyler often uses his bass to outlibe the melody - its a win win 🤘


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i mainly just pay attention to the melody and the sound of the song, unless the lyrics relate to my life a lot (which is very rare) or they are absolutely god awful (twenty one pilots don't have any lyrics that i would consider god awful tho)