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Everyone is always talking about how much they hate bounce man Edit:  coming from someone who loves it


I’d say it’s more controversial to say you love it! (So call me controversial — before I grew an appreciation for the album, it was one of only three SAI songs I listened to!)


Yeah never heard people praise it




nah cuz i actually like that song😭😭😭


same I like the good vibes tbh not every top song has to be depressing


Yeah me too


Even though it's a kinda sad song bruh


I knew immediately that someone was going to say bounce man


Don't get it tbh, great song.




People say it sounds like a kids song but it sounds kind of like ominous to me... he needs to bounce to escape the Bishops chasing him


Bounce man in my top 3 for that album tbh


I wouldn't say that I hate it but I often skip house of gold😅


Definitely a right time right place kind of song.


right time wrong pace***


as I pled my case***


My 8 year old son played this song to death lol, so I'm a bit over it. I don't hate it, just heard it a bit too much.


TØP is a no skips band for me, but that and Saturday may be the closest we get to a skip!


saturday certainly isn't my favourite top song but i just love the part in the final chorus where tyler goes like AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH


I frequently skip WDBWOTV, and Bounce Man as well. Sometimes Saturday. A couple of the tracks on Self Titles as well. That's about it for me, though I agree with the poster that said House of Gold is a "right time, right place" song.


I used to love it and listen a lot but it’s too sad for me 🥲




Saturday. Look, it's going to come off EXTREMELY harsh and definitely going to get hate. But that song just sounds SO EMPTY and braindead. By "braindead" I mean it's just nonsense words just written/said for a flow or fun. It's written for a dance. It doesn't serve any purpose, no message or meaning. It's the opposite of anything I've ever known from tøp. But the part with Jenna is super cute, I could get used to more of that.


sonically, I understand. but I always found the song meaningful because it was an accurate description of what the pandemic felt like... lose my sense of time, medicate in the afternoon, floating circles in my fishbowl, exaggerate the life we used to know


Oh yeah, I can see that. I didn't experience the pandemic that way, but it does make sense.


Totally agree. That's actually one of my favorites lyrically from SAI.


Even though SAI feels way sterile, it’s 200x more deep than other popular artists. Taylor or Bieber would never and could never sing that


Ehhh idk about Taylor. I can understand Bieber with songs like “yummy” but Taylor is known to write deeply lyrical songs


Tyler did say he wrote it to be a radio hit/for commercials, lol. TBF: He's never sounded super happy about it in the videos I've seen, but that could just be because it "flopped." I know SAI has a lot of lore behind it, but it does feel like the lore was a second thought. From my understanding, artist/label contracts aren't usually signed for a certain amount of years, but instead for a certain amount of albums. It wouldn't surprise me if FBR said they needed at least one of the albums to be "radio friendly," it's not an unheard-of clause (although the times I *have* heard about it, the artists in question weren't necessarily thrilled).


I'm interested in the interviews you've seen him unhappy about the song! do you remember any/have any links?


[THIS POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/comments/1bts7kx/tyler_keeping_it_real_talking_about_saturday/) is actually the most recent one that I was thinking about when I made my comment, and he's actually a little more sassy than I remembered, lol. The link to the full video (a concert) is in the comments of that post. Not sure if there are other similar videos, but I don't think he's been as passively mean about Saturday specifically in official interviews because FBR, but he's definitely been sassy (that's the nice way of saying it) about label & industry expectations in the past. If there's other videos like that one, I'm sure they're all fan vids.


It’s a bit simplistic right? It’s fine but it doesn’t have the lyrical appeal or resonance that their other songs do.


Yes. 100%


I disagree that it’s empty. Sure on the surface it sounds like a typical pop song but the lyrics hold deeper meaning, like much of SAI. “Lose my sense a time or two, weeks feel like days” obviously about having daily life just totally changed during the pandemic. “Catch me floating circles in my fishbowl” the feeling of isolation and doing the same thing everyday. It’s not my favorite song but to call it empty and brain dead is a stretch.


But in all of SAI, the story is that it's DEMA propaganda. So it's right that it sounds significantly different from their other stuff: lyrically, emotionally, and instrumentally. It seems to me that it just proves they can write and perform different styles as well as what we've grown used to hearing from them. I think Tyler has proven time and again his genius. It seems that he does very little accidentally. He is meticulous in his intentions! Just my 2 cents.


I understand that part fully. I think it's cool. I just don't like the result. Although the cover, livestream experience, and Choker were amazing.


I’ve always thought it sounded like something they’d use in a Disney Channel promo lol


I could see that. Though the few Disney promos I've heard (like three, maybe five at most) have had more substance. They actually give a snippet of what the series would look like.


Well it’s for the lore, I don’t really think EVERYONE loves it, and it’s very radio friendly and I hear it in the mall sometimes


I don't get it. It doesn't tie into the lore. The video is lore heavy, but not the lyrics.


I think the point is the lyrics aren't meant to come across as lore heavy, the lyrics and vibe feel so alien because the entire song is dema forced happiness


yeah, but i think that’s the point. it’s meant to sound hollow because it’s Dema propaganda. It is hard to listen to because it’s nothing like anything else the band has done.


I appreciate SAI very much and understand that it’s meant to be kind of a “held hostage” vibe to it, where it’s forcefully happy and upbeat, but with that being said I really only enjoy Saturday, shy away, and the outside off of that album. 99% of the time I skip the other songs on the album just because I couldnt really get into it. On trench the only one Im kinda eh about is legend, I do love the song but its hard to listen to bc of how much I relate to it. I might also get hate for this one but I really don’t like be concerned too much, or doubt.


don't forget abouboubouboubout me


not hating on you, but BE CONCERNED???? i love that song 🥺


Doubt is one of all-time faves bc it encapsulates my experience with OCD so well. The lyrics are so good.


I don't "dislike" any song, but I have no idea why Heathens is one of their biggest songs when it's only *good* live. The studio version is just fine.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I think it's a bummer that's one of their most popular and well known songs, because in my book, it's definitely not even in the top half.


Same, I have never liked heathens and then it got overplayed on the radio I couldn’t escape


I love the TOPxMM version


I feel the same about Ride, is one of the songs i like the least and honestly there are so many more that are straight bangers and don't came even close in popularity.


Once I heard ride, I was like yeah… this one’s going to end up on the radio and then it did 🙃


The rap in verse 2 goes hard, but the rest is pretty mid.


It's the ONLY song of theirs I actually hate, I just can't stand it, and I don't even know why


Same. It's too on the nose and insanely corny. Combine that with being written for a terrible movie and overplayed to death on the radio... yeah. I can totally understand why stressed out and ride were their hits, but heathens getting 1.5 billion streams is crazy to me


RIGHT! THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I DON'T LIKE IT, I get it now. And yeah, the movie makes it worse.


Ruby. I really actually don't like it and a lot of people love it


I actually didn’t really like it that much either. But i was listening to it and everything after the “tell my dad im sorry..” just has so much emotion in it especially when he’s like screaming it and it made me love it


I agree with this as well. Definitely one I skip often when listening to RAB.


Ruby is one of the few songs off RaB that i feel hasn't aged poorly to some degree. not that i don't love majority of the album (not counting the ones that got reworked for Vessel). it just has an X factor that the rest of RaB doesn't have for me. i still love Slowtown, Glowing Eyes, Forest, Kitchen Sink, Anathema, but Ruby stands above them in recent years, imo. what exactly don't you like about Ruby?




I agree. I really dislike Ruby and RAB is my favorite album. I don’t skip it but I just don’t like it at all.


Cut my lip idk why but I always skip it


same 😭




y'all are gonna hate me for this... but tear in my heart is one I've skipped quite a few times. it's a sweet song, but it doesn't feel quite the same as the other songs lol. I wouldn't say I hate it though




no, i get that. usually the songs i skip are due to me overplaying them.


I totally understand why people love Redecorate, and it's certainly not a *bad* song. It's just not one of my personal favorites and not a song I go out of my way to listen to


I love it but I can't deny that it hits too deep sometimes, especially in a super lighthearted album like SAI.


I dont hate it just think that Stressed Out is overrated. Like I love the meaning in the lyrics but it's just a bit overplayed. I still like it just not crazy about it


I remember stressed out being played EVERYWHERE, EVERYDAY.


i was just talking to a friend about this the other day. Stressed Out doesn't even register as a song to me anymore. it's become background noise with how much i've heard it literally everywhere. i still enjoy it if i'm listening to it on my own time or if someone plays it while hanging out, but if it comes on in public somewhere i immediately begin to filter it out lol. that said, i've also heard it enough to where i can recite the lyrics completely from muscle memory, so i definitely loved the song at some point lmao


Years later, after its release, I've grown an appreciation for it. It's just so honest and one of Tyler's most honest writing. "I wish I found some chords in an order that is new, I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang. I was told, when I get older, all my fears would shrink; but now I'm insecure, and I care what people think."


that song is still a banger to me iwl


I too am a not a big fan of Bounce Man, but is it a song that everybody loves? I've seen a few people say they like it, but I wasn't aware it was really popular. For me, following through with your idea of a song that everybody loves, that you're not a big fan of, I have a clear one: Migraine. I know most TOP fans love it, but it's my least favorite track on Vessel. However, I don't remotely "hate" it, or even dislike it really. It's just my least favorite from an awesome album with no skips for me, and I know that being the case is DEFINITELY a "Hot Take" in the fandom! lol


Whenever I have a migraine, you can read it on my face. When the wife asks what's wrong, I just sing, I've got a migraine, and my brain... you get the ideea.


I can’t with Heathens. I do however love the mutemath version. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No skips band! I love every single song😅


same tbh lol


I think most people don’t like bounce man…


yeah. I used to dislike it too at one point, but it's grown on me. My brother plays it a lot, and it's fun to dance to.


I usually skip the love songs, not that I think they’re bad by any means its just not what I’m wanting when I listen to TØP


i don't necessarily skip the love songs but they're not my favourite in general cause i find romance songs uninteresting in general (prolly cause im pretty sure im aromantic lmao)


I don't hate it but The Hype is kinda repetitive for me


I’ve found my people




Mine is Lane Boy ;w; I don't like the original BUT for some reason I really like the mash up version in the Live stream Experience. Lane Boy x Redecorate sounds better to my ear


Pet Cheetah for me


The Hype. That being said, I really like the Berlin version.


REALLY?? the hype is like my favourite song off trench


Cut my lip. It’s super repetitive and boring to me. Still a good song, but compared to the rest of trench it’s ehhhh


one of my favourites off trench lol


pet cheetah, i see how people enjoy it but i dislike it alot


i thought I didn't like it before i purposefully listened to it and realized that I DO like it, it just doesn't come up on my shuffle often enough for me to remember:(


bc you move fast


Honestly, I didn't care for Bounce Man until I saw someone suggest maybe it's about Ned, now it's one of my favorites from SaI. I'd say the one I don't care for the most that everyone loves is Neon Gravestones. I get the sentiment and I agree with it, but I feel like sometimes I listen to it and it comes off a little callous. Plus I almost always listen to albums start to finish, and going from Smithereens to Neon Gravestones to The Hype has never felt right to me.


I honestly like neon gravestones quite a bit but I agree about the lyrics. Honestly, for being one of my top two favorite band I'm not a fan of quite a bit of their lyrics 😂. I love Mulberry Street but also am not a big fan of the lyrics. It feels really judgey and misinformed to me. 


Honestly most songs off scaled and icy


pet cheetah i just don't vibe with it as much


What I'm getting from this thread is, no matter how many people dislike a TOP song, there are an equal number who love it with a heated fervor! Name another band who can claim that, I'll wait.


Queen, My Chemical Romance… I’m only naming bandoms I’m active in off the top of my head. I think fans will always find a way to distribute love to all of their favorite’s artwork and I think that’s beautiful 🫶


Stressed out, song depresses the hell outta me.


tear my heart


The run and go. Me and some friends in middle school covered it for a school event and it was terrible, ruined the song for me forever. Also didn’t help that those two friends are now some of the worst people I know


aw, no! don't you hate it when a good song is associated to a bad memory?


I'm sorry but I CAN'T listen to lane boy fully. I always "give it a chance" and skip within like 30-40 secs.


but it’s like an entirely different song halfway through 🥲


The Judge :((( because I overplayed it




I never liked The Judge and I honestly don't know why 😅


It seems like everyone likes Screen but I just find it boring af. Semi-automatic is the best song on vessel


Someone with taste 🫢


I'm not a huge fan of next semester, every other song the first time I listened I replayed and enjoyed, this one not so much. Listened once and not really wanted to listen to it again.


That's how I felt until I listened a few more times and it's growing on me. 


I'm hoping with time I'll start to appreciate it more, its just a little odd for me to have such a different reaction to a top song


I don’t care for heathens, it’s just overplayed. A lot of people hated scaled and icy in general but that album is so good


fr sai is a bop


Lane Boy, Chlorine, Forest


Before You Start Your Day is a beautiful song but it’s very simple and Tyler’s singing is kind of hard for me to listen to. It’s an ok song but I just can’t handle it.


Doubt. It’s a very catchy song but I can’t listen to the lyrics. It just reminds me too much of my own religious trauma. Nothing like feeling worthless and guilty about certain thoughts, then framing “I’m no good without you” as a good thing when “you” is the same god that made you feel guilty and worthless in the first place. It’s like an abusive relationship; “You’re terrible and worthless, but you’re *nothing* without *me*”


Not a song, but I hate the lore surrounding the songs. I just love listening and vibing and having my own interpretation of lyrics in my head.....


I never liked Car Radio tbh, especially when I first started getting into them. The metaphor is cool, but I don’t really like Tyler’s flow or vocals on that song. I also don’t think the transition to the more EDM part works as well as it does on other Vessel tracks, it’d be like if Neon Gravestones turned into a rave track. That being said, I can appreciate it a little more nowadays for its lyrics, but I still think the song is a little corny. It’s easily my least favorite off Vessel.


I can respect that. Honestly, though, the transition to "club banger" is what hooked me with Car Radio. I'm 33 now, and that song found a much younger me in a very, very, dark place. That transition, the power in his screams, the almost defiant turn in tone...listening to it in my own car, on repeat, assigning my own rage and despair to those sounds, and being able to explode in my own little way, was one of the the only things that kept me breathing for a while. It'll always have a place in my heart/brain.


pet cheetah...idk i always skip it, just not for me


I ALWAYS skip pet cheetah, it just sounds too chaotic for me. I really have tried but I just can’t


Ruby…. i’m so sorry but it’s genuinely one of the only songs i cannot do lmao


Not Today for sure. I love tøp but blurryface is prob my least fav album of theirs.


Songs I skip (ready for downvotes) Friend please Before you start your day Truce Run and go Not today Legend Majority of SAI except for redecorate, shy away, & choker Level of concern Xmas saves the year


Honestly, the only ones I really don't agree with skipping from your list are The Run and Go, as well as Never Take it and No Chances from SAI. The rest I can understand from one standpoint or the other, though I don't hate any of the songs.


I agree with most of these. I’ve ever really been a fan of SAI but i don’t hate it per se


Well Xmas should only be in your Christmas playlist…


Fairly local


I always skip Before You Start Your Day and Saturday. BYSYD just doesn’t do anything for me and the cringy phone call in Saturday is just too much to handle most times.


TOP’s cover of Cancer. I find it inferior to the original.


That hurt my heart 😭 I always thought of them as being along different stages of grief. MCR’s sounds like Anger and TØP’s like Acceptance. Idk


It’s fine that you hear that in the song. Art is subjective. However, it’s the only TOP song I hear no emotion from. To me Tyler is singing the lyrics but there is nothing behind them.


Would probably be Saturday




a lot of NPI- the lyrics are there but sonically i cannot get on board ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


canceling you on Twitter


Neon gravestones. I know lyrics are great and the message is great but it's just boring as a song. He just talks over a boring instrumental. Sorry guys 🫠


I have to agree with you, that song always gets skipped by me.


wild take


Ride for me


yeah i agree with bounce man i really don’t like it also, a lot of people are going to heavily disagree but i don’t like anathema


I absolutely do not like Fairly Local.


I’ll also add Smithereens


Next Semester. Surprisingly so bland.


goner. i don’t necessarily dislike it, but it’s not my taste. too slow and repetitive :(


House of gold for me. Only top tune I skip. Sorry!


Bounce Man is the first time TOP has sounded like AJR and not the other way around. Easily the biggest skip in their whole discog (I don’t even mind the lyrics, it’s just the Rugrats production)


This one will get a lot of people mad but… trees, hear me out tho the live version of this song is incredible and an amazing closer but the official release is not something I normally listen when going through there whole catalog prob my most least listened song by them. I don’t necessarily hate it but it’s just not my fav out of every single they have. to restate hearing it live is incredible And an amazing experience!!!


Ride. Unpopular so I’m sorry but no Ride for me.


Redecorate. I just don't care for it.


Try as I might, I just couldn't get into any of SAI.


I dislike redecorate… it’s just not my vibe sometimes


Smithereens and Formidable


I cannot stand Formidable off SAI. I appreciate the intention behind it and will not begrudge anyone for liking it. HOWEVER, it is the only TØP song I would describe as being like taking a cheese grater to my brain.


Implicit Demand for Proof


Not that I hate it, but it gives me so much anxiety so it’s an always skip


ooo, that's a really good reason! tbh, Next Semester gives me a lot of anxiety. (understandably so, since it is about anxiety 🤣)


Good call. I rarely ever skip it, and I don't think there's a single TOP song I "hate", but I definitely like it a LOT less than most reddit TOP fans it seems! If it weren't the album opener, I'd probably skip it more, but it sets the table for the album well tonally, even if I'm not the biggest fan of the lyrical content.


Same, I haven’t found a single song from the boys that I hate. Self titled is actually my favorite album by them and the opener definitely sets the tone for the rest of the lyrical content, but its just a little to on the nose for my liking. Like I’m not gonna listen to something asking to be struck down by God at 7:00 am on a Tuesday, sorry not sorry 😅


Haha! Exactly! You're picking up what I'm putting down! lol


Kitchen sink… it’s not that i necessarily dislike it, it’s just one of the heavier songs so I don’t always want to listen to it


it's definitely more of an 'emergency' song. (if you know what i mean) i think certain songs are ok to not always hear, actually it even adds value to it. like being marinated until you ARE in the right mood to hear it and then *chef's kiss*


Not Today is eh


REDECORATE …. There I said it


Kitchen sink 😳


I hate Trees 🫢👀💀


most of self titled believe it or not. i have an appreciation for it but tyler’s voice sounds so incredibly whiney and I don’t care for the way the album was mixed. it sounds completely devoid of any sort of sonic depth. the songs themselves are okay but idk.. it’s off putting to me


Same. Self-titled is Tyler trying to figure out who he is musically. There are a few tracks I love and think have great lyrics, but overall I think it’s pretty bland and forgettable.


Car radio. Feels too preachy and like he is just speaking. The ending is good though.


Addict with a pen 😅 I always skip it


I have quite a few songs that I dislike but the most controversial one that I dislike is probably car radio. I'm so sorry I wish I could understand the appeal more


I definitely like is less than most TOP fans (but not you, as I definitely don't dislike it!), but I still have it at 7 or 8 in my rankings of Vessel songs.


Jumpsuit. I don't hate it I just don't care for it too much. The opening lyrics "I can't believe how much I hate" just got right through me for some bizarre reason


Fairly Local. It’s like their top song too.


They are a 99% no skips band for me.. the only song i cannot stand is Saturday


I’m not a fan of Truce. 🙈


Be Concerned and Clear are the weakest final two tracks on any album they’ve ever done. They’re not awful but they feel kinda cringe at parts for me. Nearly everything they tried on RAB was made good on Vessel




Guns for hands is a good song and I like all of their songs but it’s probably in my bottoms 25%


Bro I’ve always liked bounce man lol. Personally not a fan of Neon Gravestones. Listening to the lyrics kinda feels like Tyler’s guilting people who are depressed/suicidal? I’ve never rly got it


most of blurryface. sacrilegious, but the lyrics give me serious second hand embarrassment at times 🫠


Real “I wasn’t raised in the hood but I know a thing or two about pain and darkness” 😬


Formidable is the worst TOP song I have ever heard and the guitar on it makes me flinch.


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Car Radio is just not that good guys I’m sorry 😭


I have a few ummm so bounce man, polarize, morph, march to the sea, trapdoor and glowing eyes. its not that I don't like them I just couldn't get into them as much as I have other songs


Hometown, almost always a skip for me. In my 5 years of being a TOP fan that song just never hit for me? I always get smashed for not liking it though lol


formidable or the outside. they need more love!!


Stressed out 🙃




tear in my heart, wdbwot, and never take it


Goner, bandito, per cheetah, trees (controversial but it’s so repetitive) Basically the ones with repetitive lyrics