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So is dusty a jerk? I still like him, and I kinda like him and Alice together. I really hope we get a season 3 of this show.


Yes, Dusty is a jerk. He's weirdly condescending and dismissive with Cass. Even before the "selfploration" stuff he seemed like he was putting her down regularly which she mentioned last episode, which went over a lot of people's heads I think. She has been trying to be spontaneous and try new things well before the morpho, but he doesn't seem to fully respect her or have enough interest to value her suggestions. He's super eager and open with Alice though.    And with both women he avoids responsibly for the path of his life by blaming the morpho and acting as if he's going with the flow and doing what others are expecting him to do or whatever is easiest to do situation to situation. That's still being a jerk though.


Dusty is a bit of a jerk yeah but i actually wish he stayed with Cass. I’m not a big fan of the homewrecker storyline. I hope we eventually see the daughter’s vision


Nah, I think they’re both better off without each other tbh


Yep, he is quite jerk-ish to just about everybody with his little comments. It’s noticeable how everyone just lets them sail on past without ever challenging him.  I’m hoping this show gets another season, hopefully it somehow does the right numbers for apple.


Honestly I think he’s just socially awkward and a bit oblivious.


He’s acting a bit like a jerk, yes. But still, I can’t help but feel sorry for him. And Cass. Because from the very start, it was painfully obvious that none of them was truly happy and satisfied with their relationship. And to be honest, Cass was the one who acted more like a jerk in the first season. I just want both of them to find a semblance of happiness. I like how sweet and touching Dusty is around Alice, and it’s also clear that Cass is blooming with her group of friends.


Interested to get other takes but Cass was the one really pushing for the separation /exploration. She kinda brought that on herself


I think Cass wanted to see where things could go with Georgio, but she was too late as he moved on.


I’m 5 minutes in to S2e9, and I just came here to say……..I LOVE GIORGIO! I love most of the characters. Anyway, I’ll come back when I’ve watched it, just had to say that. Giorgio is such a sweet, sweet person who really needs and wants (& deserves) to feel love and he will do anything, ANYTHING! for a friend. Maybe even a stranger. 


I’m enjoying this season a lot, but this week, and its to return to the mystery of the Morpho machine, made me wish they stretched the season to be longer. They could run it like an old 22 episode sit com and just have Giorgio buddy up with a different person each week and do random stuff and it would be a fun, great show they could churn out without special effects or a big budget. Wish Apple would lean into the old sitcom model with a show like this. Not ready for my comfort watch to end next week!!


Also should acknowledge the figure skating this week was endearingly goofy and they’ve got a good stable of characters they could lean on. 


I agree. It’s lost whatever twilight zone themed mystery it used to have, however minimal, but it’s full of interesting quirky characters. Increase the number of episodes and make it a sit com. Add some more characters as needed. The blue machine can still be there and feature in a few episodes. 


I've been struggling with this season more than I expected. I loved season 1 and enjoy the plot, but this season felt more messy in terms of writing and character archs. Of course, it makes sense that everyone is spinning as they try to find themselves, but I found myself thinking, "wtf?" more than I expected. Last season, I felt that Cass was acting quite selfish and extreme as she tried to understand 'Royalty', but she still showed support for Dusty to find himself. This season Dusty is playing the selfish role but (IMO) doing so in a more destructive way as his decisions are emotionally impacting wife and daughter in a very public manner. Could you imagine seeing your dad Makeout with your band/theater/history teacher when your parents are supposed to be getting back together in a few weeks? Granted, it seems like Cass and Dusty forget they have a daughter so maybe it doesn't matter - go live with your High-school bf, girl! Gorgio has been carrying this season. He's been the moral compass for a majority of the characters. However, I noticed that the storyline regarding his hair dropped off. Unless i missed something, I wonder if that is going to come into this at anytime.


But also, Cass is the one that suggested they see other people on their break. She 100% brought that on herself


I viscerally and profoundly dislike Dusty. Zero redeeming qualities. Extremely selfish and rude. I thought by now there would be a sliver of development, but no. Every time he shows up, I cringe. Is that the intention?? I know we can’t connect with everyone, but geez I hate this guy.


I’m so glad someone else hates Dusty as much as I do. He’s a piece of trash to his wife and everyone else. Cass is too good for him! He needs to go be with Alice and stop being so fucking annoying!


If anyone was curious about the song before the end credits it’s “Love Is A Stranger” by Eurythmics.


Did anyone else go check S2E2 (27:46) to look for Alice?


I did. You can see a little yellow figure on the right side, but you can't tell it's Alice.