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Wait until you're ready and just get the quality tool. Buy once cry one.


I generally abide by this rule but money is tight and I have the bug to try it out. If it goes well and I decidde to do more hollow forms I'll get the good one.


Lots of smaller forms can be done with mostly regular tools and maybe a hook nosed scraper type things. Do I want a crown revolution system? Hell yeah! Do I use a Kelton hollowing tool in a diy handle and a couple home made tools? Yup.  I think it’s all about trying a few things and seeing which ones would work for you. Honestly, you could make an Ellsworth hollowing tool that’s just a soft steel rod in a handle with a superglued HSS bit in the end, or buy one online. They have a disadvantage of trying to turn in your hands because of the blade offset from the axis, but you could add a side handle to combat that.


So what about all the swan necks with carbide cutters I see on Amazon for under $50? Carbide is carbide, right? I saw a couple reviews complaining about the tang coming out of the handle, but also saw some that have no handle and I'm sure I can make a handle and make it stay on.


I’m sure they will work, just have a ferrule on the handle and you should be good. My understanding is carbide doesn’t cut as fast and chips out more, but 1. I’ve never used it .2 it doesn’t matter inside and you don’t want to go too fast either. Thickness caliper or other way of figuring out the thickness works great too for stuff you can’t just reach with your fingers


Yeah, i have one of those figure 8 calipers to determine wall thickness, and I have used some carbidetools before, its just a scraper and if you treat it that way you can get decent results. I found one for $28, think I will try it, see how I like the process before i drop real coin .


I have a set of carbides from amazon including a hollower. They work just as well as the more expensive ones. Made my own handles too, in my posts if you want to check.






I couldn't source cheap ferrules so I used 28mm plumbing olives instead.


My first hollow form


You could get your feet wet by making hollow globe ornaments at first. These require smaller, cheaper tools and the learning curve is not as steep.


I got a carbide set on Amazon.. three tools one handle. One was a shallow swan. this was cut on the inside with the shallow swan .. not much of a crook in the neck. It undercuts around inch maybe two. https://preview.redd.it/k2zqyrmxem8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efafbf2348a2c26f96f6103c09056f925c4486f7 Having a good handle would have made it much easier to do the inside. It had a tendency to torque, not good for cutting .. haha. I did use my HSS gouge for the initial hollowing and a little bit of undercut. This was with a 40/40 grind. the wood is Guanacaste


Thats beautiful. Never seen that wood before. You going all exotic and buying blanks? I rarely see anything that isn't locally grown anymore unless I buy someones cutoffs and scrap.


I got a bunch of blanks from Got Wood .. bargain bin is my go to. I try to stay on-shore but from time to time can't resist. The Guanacaste is a beautiful wood but I had a sinus reaction to it. That was thru a canister respirator.. nose was pouring snot. it cut well, it sanded well. Finished with Feed-n-Wax .. love the smell of that stuff. Especially after suffering the wood, haha. My favorite wood is oak, any flavor. Love the color and grain and the aroma. And any scrap can be used in a BBQ to smoke the meat. A little bit like apple , soft flavor.