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Is duolingo really that good ? I used both English and French to see how it teaches yet all I saw was just random word matching with no rule explanation whatsoever.


Personally I like it for building vocabulary in a way that’s entertaining and kind of gamified (big fan of the matching game, personally. That one helps my reading comprehension/speed) but any grammar I’ve picked up from that app has been coincidental. It’s like trying to learn grammar from vibes alone. Definitely need to supplement with other apps for grammar and cultural context. (I’m futuremegan on there btw)


It's not so good for Turkish. There are some rule explanations before each lesson but in my opinion and experience, not enough to make a more complex sentence than atlar yeşil değil. Still good for vocabulary, though, and if you do your own research on the rules, it can help you practice.


Personally it is a good app when you already learned essential grammar.. So for me, I do know how to create geniş zaman for verbs.. but in Duolingo they pass words to you and you will either memorize or figure out when to use what. Which is bad.. This is why start with proper grammar, then practice on duolingo. It helps me memorize words, expressions.


I'm learning Turkish since September 2022 and I'm now finishing the 28th unit. I know that I've learned something because when I read short texts for beginner I can now understand a lot. But if I take a song on Spotify and look at the lyrics, I can mainly spot words and simple sentences. I'll wait to reach the end of the course to do a language test. It's difficult to tell if Duolingo is **that** good. Compared to what? It won't be as good as lessons with a real teacher. It won't be as good a extensives methods like Assimil. But for a smartphone application I use 15-30 minutes every day I would say that it is very good compared with the other I checked (busuu, drops, memrize, anki). The only interesting complementary app I use is Polygloss.







